CHAPTER SIX, who doesn't love reality shows?
The next day at camp Oliver found out that Jet was back which was good to know he was back and he was okay. But he was surprised to find how the barn was set up. Chairs sat in front of the stage in rows and a poster board with 'take a seat' was put up at the front by Carlos, EJ, and Val.
"Morning, guys. Come on in. We don't have much time." EJ spoke.
"Take a seat." Val smiled.
"Can we have everyone's attention please?" Carlos inquired while everyone started to sit down.
"Thanks for coming in early, guys. We've been up all night." EJ voiced.
"Look," Kourtney speaks up. "This better be good, because in here," She points at her head. "It's still last night."
"Same here." Blythe yawned.
"We've been working on a plan to save the show and give Corbin and that Channing guy the reality show style juice that they really want." EJ spoke.
"Sorry," Gina raises her eyebrows, looking confused. "Save the show?"
"Yeah, what are you talking about?" Oliver questioned, staring at EJ with confusion. He thought Corbin said yesterday that they were perfect so he didn't understand why they needed to save the show.
"He just wants a little more excitement from us. A little more..."
"He thinks we're boring." Carlos intervenes, interrupting EJ, and everyone gasps at Carlos' words. "He's actually missing our rehearsal today to scout out the kids at Deep Lake Camp in Temecula."
"That can't be a real place." Ricky murmured.
"But not to worry because we have a plan." Carlos smiles. "And it starts with five little letters."
"Allow me." And with a smile, Val pulled the 'take a seat' poster board off the easel, setting it to the side and revealing another one. This one read 'the r.c.o.s.l.'
Pointing at the board, Carlos grins at the group. "Watch what happens, fam."
Blythe furrows her eyebrows at the five letters, tilting her head to the side. "What even is that?"
"I'm not even gonna try to pronounce that." Oliver mumbled.
"Ricosil?" Gina questioned, furrowing her eyebrows.
Carlos looks disappointed. "No. It's The Real Campers of Shallow Lake. The franchise I was always destined to join." He smiles, then he quickly corrects himself. "I mean, you were."
"Look, it's easy," EJ reassures the group. "You know how normally we act like regular people, we pick up on social cues, and we care about our feelings? But now that's over."
"Because the key to any great reality show is the three Bs." Carlos adds. "Bombshells, betrayals, and b**h slaps."
The whole room is filled with gasps at the curse word he said. "I can't believe he said that." Oliver spoke in surprise, his eyes wide.
"Can he say that?" Gina inquired, furrowing her eyebrows.
"I didn't know we could say that." Blythe pouted.
"Look, I love the housewives as much as anyone," Kourtney chimes in. "But how are we gonna pull this off when we're real students who don't have millions to burn and kids to blame?"
"She's got a good point." Blythe nodded.
"Can I be Team Kourtney on this?" Jet quipped, raising his hand.
"No." Carlos sassily replies. "Here's what we're doing." Val takes off the board, revealing another one with 'the r.c.o.s.l.' on it and squares with titles surrounding 'the r.c.o.s.l.' "There's the judgy one, the jilted ex, the shy loner kid, the jilted ex 2.0, the one with the dark past, the crier, the one with the catchphrase, the one who's here for the wrong reasons, the shrink, the bad boy, and the instigator."
"Mmm-hmm." Val agrees with a smile. "It's a formula and the formula works."
"Each of you has a role to play today." Carlos went on to say while Val held up a poster board with polaroid's of everyone on it.
"I'm sorry." Maddox cut in, raising her eyebrows at Carlos. "Carlos, did you cast this?"
With a chuckle, Carlos smirks. "I'm back, baby."
"Isn't this a little tawdry?" Kourtney questioned, earning a confused look from Oliver who mouthed the word to himself. He never heard the word before and was confused about it and how Kourtney knew it.
"Was gonna say the same thing." Jet agreed.
Carlos chuckles. "And that's why you, Kourt, get to be the judgy one." While everyone clapped, Val put a picture of Kourtney over the judgy one square on the poster board.
"But do we want to look like villains on TV?" Ricky hesitantly questioned.
"I don't." Oliver admits nervously. "But Corbin did say villains equal viewers."
"Ricky, I thought you'd want to go sympathetic which is why you get to be the jilted ex." Carlos nods and Val puts Ricky's polaroid on the jilted ex square. "And as for you, Oliver, I knew you'd be nervous about this so you'll be the shy loner kid." Val then put a polaroid of Oliver over the shy loner kid square.
Oliver sighs. "Good thing I already have experience with that."
"Wait, why is there two jilted exs?" Blythe asked in confusion.
"You're the other jilted ex." Carlos grinned, pointing at her and Val put Blythe's polaroid on the square on the poster board.
"And now I'm regretting speaking up." Blythe muttered as Oliver sent her a sympathetic look.
"Ashlyn, you're got a dark past." Carlos continued, pointing at the red head.
"I'm dying. Yes." Ashlyn smiles excitedly and her picture went on the one with the dark past square. "Guys, this is gonna be fun."
"Gadget, you're the crier." Maddox raises her eyebrows at this, looking a bit offended and watching as her picture gets placed on the square. "And, Gina..."
"Ooh, I think we've already established that I can't improvise." Gina grimaced.
"She's awful." Ashlyn agreed, pointing at her.
Gina pauses, looking back and forth from Ashlyn to Carlos nervously. "I don't even have a comeback for that because I can't improvise." Oliver chuckled softly, putting a comforting hand over her hand that rested on her knee and squeezed it, earning a smile from her.
"I got you, boo." Carlos reassuringly smiles at her. "You're the one with the catchphrase." Val then put Gina's picture on the one with the catchphrase square. "Just say the same thing all the time in different ways."
"Okay." Gina smiles. "What's my phrase?"
"'Don't get me started'." EJ replied.
"EJ's here for the wrong reasons," Val puts EJ's picture over the square as Carlos continues. "Val's the shrink," Then her picture is up on the shrink square. "Jet's the bad boy, and I will be the instigator." Jet's picture is put up on the bad boy square and Carlos' polaroid is on the instigator square.
Kourtney shakes her head with a scoff. "I thought we were stretching for these parts."
"Good. I want a lo of that today." Carlos nods. "So I know that was a lot, but has everyone got all that?" When everyone nodded and some even started to get up, Carlos smiles. "Good. 'Cause there's more." Annoyed murmurs filled the room as the ones who started to get up sat back down. "We have four goals for the day." EJ shows a to-do list to everyone. "Someone needs to run out of here crying, someone needs to get slapped, someone needs to throw a drink at someone, and someone needs to get caught on a hot mic saying something scandalous. Any questions?"
"Many questions." Gina nodded, raising her hand.
"A million questions, in fact." Oliver admitted. He was so confused about this.
-ˏˋOliver is shown standing out front of the barn on the porch, looking nervous. He's fidgeting with his rings, staring at the camera. "Didn't except for this day to go like this, but maybe everything will be fine. I mean, who doesn't love reality shows?" He asked with a nervous chuckle.ˎˊ-
"This is gonna put our documentary on the map." Ashlyn comments with a smile. "Get into it, guys."
"Um, Channing's coming in fifteen." Val told Carlos.
"Start getting into character." Carlos instructs. "There's no time to lose, and many, many, People's Choice Awards to gain. Come on."
Soon Channing arrived and the stage was set up for 'A Little Bit Of You'. But at one point during the performance, Carlos stops everyone, surprising and confusing Emmy and Alex. Oliver then realized that Emmy and Alex weren't at the meeting that morning. They don't know about the plan with doing the whole reality show drama. Emmy thought that she had brought out the wrong prop when Carlos said the fake snow looked like sea salt and Maddox had started fake crying about how she tried her best.
The next scene the group was practicing was with Gina and Kourtney as Anna and Elsa. Half way through the scene, Kourtney was looking around with annoyance and scoffed. Gina closed her script, looking at her with offense.
"I'm so sorry. Can we cut? Are you really gonna deliver your line like that?" Kourtney asked her.
"Oh, if you wanna talk line readings," Gina glares at her. "Don't get me started."
Kourtney laughs, tossing her script to the side. "Or what?" She then whispers to Gina, "Water."
Gina walks to the wings where Maddox was standing with a glass of water for her. Kourtney and Gina had been the ones who offered to do the throw a drink at someone to check off the to-do list. Kourtney scoffs. "Come on. Let's get..." Kourtney gasps when Gina threw the water at her. "No, you did not."
Gina smirks. "Shouldn't have gotten me started." She walks past Kourtney, purposefully bumping into her. "Oops." Kourtney gasped and then went off after her as they walked to the wings where they dropped the act since the camera wasn't on them anymore.
"This is the best day of my life." Carlos gushed quietly, checking off one on the to-do list.
It was now a Kristoff, Anna, and Hans scene the group were filming. In the wings, Kourtney kept pointing at Jet's picture on the bad boy on the poster board Val held. She was reminding him to act his part and he seemed reluctant to do it. Oliver didn't blame him, he wasn't really looking forward with doing this whole reality show either. Oliver played his role well, only speaking when he had to act as Kristoff.
"Director, I don't get Hans." Jet interrupts Gina saying her line. "He's kinda lame. Can we get him to be rougher or something?"
"Are you questioning me as a director/actor?" EJ raised his eyebrows at Jet.
Jet looks confused. "I think maybe that's something I would do."
"Let's keep going." EJ encouraged.
"Hi. Can I ask you lovebirds something?" Oliver questioned, acting as Kristoff.
Gina laughs. "Lovebirds? No, um, we've actually never met."
"But we're meeting now." Jet responded in a low voice, earning a confused look from Oliver.
Gina looks confused as well, clicking her tongue. "Yeah, we are."
"Great. Do you like cold drinks?" Oliver continued.
Jet nods, speaking in the low voice again. "Very much."
Oliver leans over to whisper to him. "What are you doing with that voice?" He didn't understand why his voice suddenly sounded so low out of nowhere.
"I don't know," Jet replies in his normal tone. "But it hurts."
Suddenly Maddox started crying, gaining everyone's attention. "It's just...It is so hard to see..." She pauses, sounding almost disgusted at saying the next part. "My man with another lady." She then walked off the stage crying.
"Ugh, what a baby." Kourtney rolled her eyes.
"Well, that's a little judgy." Carlos told her and Channing pointed the camera back on them.
"Well, you're a little loud and excitable man." Kourtney remarked. Nearby them in back stage, Val pointed at Oliver's picture, reminding him to act as his role.
"Guys," Oliver speaks up quietly, walking over to them and playing the role as the shy loner kid. "Let's not fight. We should just try to get along."
"Wait, I didn't think you could speak." Carlos spoke, pretending to sound surprise.
"Sorry, what did you say?" Kourtney raises her eyebrows at Oliver, pretending she couldn't hear him. "You're just so quiet."
"Hey, just 'cause I'm a shy loner kid doesn't mean I can't speak or defend myself." Oliver said, raising his voice a bit. "I can even surprise you at times too." He then slaps Kourtney, making sure he wouldn't actually hurt her but made it look real. Kourtney gasps dramatically and glares at him. "Bet that surprised you." Oliver smirked.
"I can't believe you just slapped me!" Kourtney cried out, pretending to cry dramatically as she stormed off. Oliver just rolled his eyes and walked off the other way while Channing recorded the whole thing. Val then came over to Carlos with the to-do list so he could check off another box.
Oliver was now backstage talking with Gina. "Ollie, I'm surprised with you!" Gina admits, smiling at him. "That slap looked so real. Good job, babe."
"Thanks." Oliver grins. "And great job with the drink throwing." He told her, nudging her playfully and earning a giggle from her.
"Okay." Carlos said, walking over to the couple. "Lovebirds, Channing's on a ten-one."
"Why do you think we know what that means?" Oliver asked, staring at him in confusion.
Carlos sighs. "Yeah, good point. It means peeing in Hollywood. How are we both doing?" Carlos questioned.
Oliver stays quiet, acting as his shy loner kid role and just gave Carlos a thumbs up in response. "Don't get me started." Gina replied with a smile.
"Excellent." Carlos smiles. "This is the last song of the day, so let's go out and really sell it. Capisce?"
"Capsice." Oliver confirmed and saluted him.
"Remember, Oliver, you have unresolved feelings for Gina, but as the shy loner kid, you're too shy to go up to her." Carlos reminded him.
"You literally just explained the beginning of our relationship." Oliver snickered as Gina chuckled.
"Great." Carlos comments. "Gina, you only know four words. It writes itself."
"I don't think it does." Oliver mumbled.
"Gina, what's your motivation?" Carlos asked, tilting his head to the side.
"Oh! I don't wanna get started." Gina smiled.
"Wait, where's EJ?" Oliver inquired.
Then a door opened behind the trio and EJ walks out dressed as Sven. "Hi." He greeted.
"Hey, Eej." Oliver responded with an amused smile.
Carlos smiles. "Let's do this."
Soon Gina and Oliver sat on either side of the steps to the stage as the backing track started. They continue the performance of 'What Do You Know About Love' and everyone watched with knowing smiles at the passionate performance the couple put on. At the end of the performance the room is silent. Oliver watched with mixed emotions as Gina walked off the stage and left the barn. EJ walked off the stage as well, suggesting for everyone to take a five. With a heavy sigh, Oliver stepped off the platform he and Gina had stood on and walked out of the barn to follow his girlfriend.
"I would keep an eye on them." Kourtney said to Channing with a shake of her head. "They're together."
"Really?" Channing asks in surprise. "She's way out of his league though."
"Right?" Kourtney agrees. "But you know what they say, opposites attract." She shrugs. "Though perhaps, they also say once a lone wolf always a lone wolf and that's what Oliver has been." Channing raised his eyebrows, looking interested and looked as if he had an idea in mind.
Oliver walked outside to find Gina standing out on the porch. "Hey, G, you okay?" He questioned, approaching her and pulling her in a hug. He felt her nod her head and buried her face in the crook of his neck. He rubbed her back in comfort, pressing a kiss on the top of her head. Her arms were around his waist as they stayed there in the embrace.
"Yeah, I'm okay...Sorry if that was really intense. I guess I just got too into the character." Gina admitted nervously, her voice a bit muffled since she was still buried in the crook of Oliver's neck. He pulls away a bit, just enough so he could cup her face with his hands and looked into her eyes. He smiled at her and leaned in to peck her lips, causing her to smile as well. Then his thumb was caressing her cheek gently, his other hand holding her waist.
"There's that smile I love so much." Oliver murmurs, a smile forming on his own face at seeing her smile. Her smile widens more at his words. His heart warmed and fluttered at the sight of her smiling. He loved that smile so much, and would always smile whenever he was the cause of it. He then kisses her forehead before he hugged her again. "It's okay, baby, I don't mind. I thought it was amazing. I'm proud of you." He reassured her, hugging her tighter and rubbing her back gently. He felt her hug him tightly, burying her face back into the crook of his neck and smiling into it.
"Thank you." She whispered, her voice slightly muffled by his shoulder.
"Anything for you." He replies, kissing the top of her head again and rubbing her back in a comforting manner. Gina's heart flutters and she squeezes him tighter, knowing Oliver meant that. "I love you." He added.
"I love you, too." Gina murmurs, smiling at him. "So much." She added, feeling so happy that she had the amazing boy that was Oliver.
After a moment, Oliver pulls away and presses a gentle, tender kiss on her lips, earning a smile from her. "Wanna take a break and go out on a date with me?" Oliver suggested, giving her a playful grin.
Gina laughs, her face heating up as she smiles brightly at him. "Who would've thought Oliver Dalwood would suggest to sneak away and have a date." She teases, giggling. "I would love that." She added, pressing a chaste kiss on his lips.
"You know you're my inspiration, Gina Porter." Oliver said with a smirk, grabbing her hand. Gina's cheeks heat up again, but she smiles at him and squeezed his hand. Before the couple could walk off the porch, Channing came back and stopped them.
"Hey, you two, I forgot to something so let's go!" Channing urged, heading back inside the barn. Oliver groaned quietly, earning an amused look from Gina. The couple followed him back in the barn where everyone else still was. It turns out Channing forgot the group photo. Once the picture was taken, everyone was dismissed and Oliver and Gina snuck out when everyone was getting ready to leave.
"Where are we going?" Gina laughed, allowing Oliver to lead her as he held her hand and pulled her along with him.
"Surprise." Oliver grinned, turning his head to wink at her. She just laughed, a wide smile on her face. Oliver smiled, loving the sight of her being happy and smiling. He loved seeing her so carefree and happy. He led her over to the playground area at camp, where they used to hang out with the others during free time at camp. They got on the playground, sitting on top of one of the slides. Oliver wrapped his arm around her, holding her close and kissing the top of her head.
"So," Gina began, cuddling up to Oliver and laying her head on his shoulder. "How do you feel about all this reality show drama?"
Oliver hums. "Well, it's been pretty crazy." He replies. He takes a deep breath, fidgeting with his bracelet. "And I honestly don't really know how I feel about the fact this had turned into a reality show...It's so hard not to be anxious twenty-four seven. But I guess...It's not so bad." He admitted. Gina lifted her head to look at him, her brow furrowed with concern, and she could tell he was still anxious about everything. She could tell by the way he kept fidgeting with his bracelet, how his gaze was distant and he didn't meet her eyes. And the way his face was etched with worry, his brows furrowed and his lips in a thin line. She knew Oliver better than anyone. And she knew that he was feeling nervous and anxious.
"I understand, Ollie." Gina speaks softly. "It's scary, yeah. But it's also exciting, too." She adds, offering him a reassuring smile. "And I know you'll be able to get through it." She squeezes his hand gently, giving him an encouraging smile. "And I'll be right by your side the whole time." She adds, pressing a gentle kiss on his cheek. "You've been doing great so far and I'm so proud of you." She told him, cupping his face and smiling warmly at him.
Oliver's heart swelled and his cheeks turned red, a small smile tugging at his lips. "I couldn't have done this without you. I'm so glad you're here." He says softly, squeezing her hand and rubbing his thumb over her knuckles gently which caused her heart to skip a beat. "I love you."
"I love you too." Gina grinned, leaning forward and capturing his lips in a kiss. She felt him wrap his arms around her and pull her close. His lips were soft and gentle, moving against hers slowly and tenderly. His hands rested on her waist, his thumbs rubbing circles into her skin. They pulled away after a moment, resting their foreheads together and smiling at each other. But then Oliver noticed something that caught his eye. Channing was hiding behind the bushes, pointing the camera at the couple and recording.
"Hey, leave us alone!" He shouted angrily, pulling away from Gina and got up to walk over to Channing. Gina looked startled, surprised and confused by his sudden change in demeanor. She looked in the direction he was walking, anger filling her at seeing Channing. After Channing realized he had been spotted, he quickly ran off, trying to avoid a confrontation with the two.
"Oli, hey, it's okay." Gina reassures Oliver, trying to calm him down. She got up and went over to him, putting a hand on his arm and trying to soothe him. "Let's just go back and forget about it, alright?" She suggests, giving him a small smile. "We don't have to let him ruin our time together."
Oliver takes a deep breath, his jaw clenched and he was clearly upset. But he relaxes at the touch of her hand rubbing his arm. He nods, knowing she was right. "Yeah, you're right. Let's go." He says, sighing heavily. They walk back to the playground, this time sitting at the swings. "I can't believe that jerk recorded us." He mumbled, still upset.
"I know, but it's okay." Gina consoles, giving him a comforting smile. "Let's just focus on each other, okay?" She suggests, taking his hand and squeezing it gently. She was upset and angry too, but she wanted to spend more time with Oliver. With working on the play and being at camp, they didn't have much free time just for them. She just wanted to spend time with her boyfriend, not worrying about Channing or the reality show.
"Okay." Oliver relents, managing a smile and squeezing her hand. "Thanks, sweetheart." He smiled softly, leaning over and pressing a kiss on her lips.
"Always, babe." Gina smiled, returning the kiss. They spend the rest of their free time together at the playground, enjoying each other's company.
They stayed at the playground for a few more minutes, enjoying the peace and quiet they had. Oliver knew there would be more crazy things happening at camp, but with Gina by his side, he knew he would be able to get through it.
A/N olina have my heart, they're so cute !!
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