CHAPTER SEVEN, stuck at school
The next day of school after Valentine's Day Oliver gave Gina the mix CD he made for her. She was very surprised he made something like that for her and actually knew what songs she likes but she loved the gift and thought it was so sweet of him. She felt kind of awkward for assuming he got her the chocolates that her mom actually got her and hoped things won't be awkward between them because of that mistake she made.
"Okay, everyone. Gather around." Miss Jenn gets everyone's attention. "We have got a two-hour window before the storm is expected to hit, and I intend to use every minute of it. Big, splashy group members always succeed at the Menkie Awards. So we need to workshop a punchy, breathtaking number that will put us in the number one spot."
"As our head choreographer," Carlos steps forward while speaking. "I am so happy to announce that today, we will, at last, begin rehearsing one of the most showstopping, iconic, and bar-raising numbers of the entire show."
Gina stands beside Carlos, smiling. "'Be Our Guest'. Yeah, it's 'Be Our Guest', you guys."
She looks at Carlos when he looks at her. "What?" Oliver knew things were kind of rocky with Carlos and Gina since they're co-choreographers and it seems like they both just wanted to be the leader and that's not how co stuff works.
"Before we begin," Miss Jenn turns to everyone with a smile. "I'm going to tell you a little story about hospitality."
"Maybe we should..." Carlos whispered to her, but Miss Jenn ignored his comment and continued.
"Once when I was a little girl,"
Carlos presses his lips together in a tight line and nods. "Okay."
"My mom and I heard a clatter come from the kitchen. We thought it was a burglar. So my mom ran over, hog-tied the man, and promptly called the police." Miss Jenn explained. Oliver raised his eyebrows at Ashlyn when she was the only one who gasped.
"As we waited for the cops to come," Miss Jenn continues. "I watched my mother place a bowl of iced tea next to his face, 'Because', she said, 'Until the police come and get him, he's still our guest'."
"So, did he, like, get arrested, or..." Kourtney asked, furrowing her eyebrows as she looked at Miss Jenn.
"No." Miss Jenn replies. "Turns out he wasn't a burglar at all, just a repair man who entered the wrong unit. But the point remains the same. Just like our intruder, we need to make Belle and our entire audience feel welcome." She turns to Carlos and Gina. "And with that, Carlos and Gina, take it away."
Ashlyn claps for Miss Jenn as the teacher stepped back to stand near the piano. Miss Jenn sent her a smile while Gina stands in front of everyone with a smile. "Thank you, Miss Jenn. That wasn't terrifying at all."
Oliver chuckled a bit at her comment and Gina glanced at him, her held her gaze on him probably longer than she should have before she faced everyone with a smile. "Okay, so," She picks up two feather dusters that were lying on the bottom row of the risers some of the drama club members sat on. "My vision to make this dance really soar is to stage...Wait for it, a Cancan-style dance that features a feather-dusting spectacle."
"I don't know, it'll probably go something like..." Gina began showing the Cancan-style dance she had in mind. Oliver watched with wide eyes, still amazed by the fact that she can do any kind of dance so easily and just out of the blue.
"Interesting." Carlos fakes a smile, moving to stand beside Gina. ""I had a different path that's a little more elevated and less basic." He looks at everyone with a genuine smile. "Think. A noir-inspired performance that Lumiere guides our audience through the entire time."
Oliver didn't fail to notice the smile on Gina's face fell when Carlos talked about the dance he had in mind. "M'kay." Gina turns to face Carlos. "But actually I spent a month in France once, so I kinda know this dance inside and out."
Carlos faces her with an annoyed expression. "And I choreographed all three of my sister's quinceañera dances, despite not getting one for myself, so I think I know how to twirl with a salad fork, okay?"
"Okay!" Miss Jenn drags out the word, stepping between the two choreographers before a fight happened. "You know what?" Carlos and Gina turned away from each other, both with upset expressions on their faces. "Let's stick a pin in 'Be Our Guest' and brush up on Gaston."
Gina sits down on the bottom row of the risers, the row in front of the one where Oliver sat beside Ricky. "EJ and Big Red, to the front of the room, please. Wait," Miss Jenn looks around with confusion upon not seeing EJ in the room. "Where's EJ?"
Oliver glances around the room, furrowing his eyebrows when he didn't spot the senior boy. Come to think of it, he hadn't seen EJ all day which made him confused and worried about his friend. Oliver looks at Gina, tapping her on the shoulder. "Hey." He sends her a small smile when she looks at him. "I thought the whole feather duster dance was a good idea."
Gina looks at him with a bit of surprise. "Really-Really?"
"Of course." Oliver nods. He chuckles, raising his eyebrows at her. "You want me to send a box of chocolates to prove it?"
Gina sighs, looking at him with a smile. "Sick burn."
Ashlyn looks at the two, asking them, "What's the sick burn?"
Gina looks at her with a small smile, shaking her head. "It's nothing."
Ashlyn glances at Oliver and he just shrugged his shoulders. "Okay, well, if anyone sees EJ, would you please tell him that rehearsals are mandatory, even for soon-to-be college students who are obviously suffering from senioritis."
Kourtney then suddenly gasps, looking in the direction of the door. "Nini!"
Oliver looks over in that direction, smiling upon seeing the brunette-haired girl standing there. By most of everyone's reactions he figured that they were happy to see her as well. Nini shakes her head, smiling at everyone. "I don't wanna interrupt." She opens her arms up for a hug. "I just needed one more group hug."
Everyone immediately got up and went over to pull her in for a group hug. Ricky and Nini went out to the hallway to have a conversation while everyone else stayed in the bomb shelter, conversing with each other.
"Listen up, everyone." Miss Jenn exclaims while walking back into the room. " I am going to step out for a little while to make sure that Nini catches her bus. Please go back to workshopping 'Be Our Guest' concepts until I return, and find a path forward. I've asked Mr. Mazzara to pop in."
Along with everyone else Oliver yelped with surprise, jumping back when Mr. Mazzara suddenly looks into the room from out in the hallway just after Miss Jenn spoke. "And make sure you don't get too rowdy while I'm gone." Miss Jenn continues. She smiles at Mr. Mazzara while she left the room. "Thank you, Benjamin."
Mr. Mazzara sent her a smile as he walks into the room. Oliver stood by the piano that Seb sat at, listening to what he's playing. He was always admired by Seb's talent at playing the piano. He made it look so effortlessly. Sure Oliver knew how to play the piano, but he wasn't as good as Seb is.
"Has anyone seen EJ?" Ashlyn asked, looking at everyone.
"Everybody, listen up." Gina spoke causing Seb to stop playing and the conversations in the room quiet down.
"Great news." Carlos smiles, gesturing to himself and Gina. "Gina and I have decided to share custody of you all."
"Oh, so who gets us on weekends?" Kourtney questioned.
"We're gonna workshop 'Be Our Guest' visions on you guys separately before adding the dancers. The winning version," Gina covers the side of her mouth so Carlos couldn't see her mouth the word 'mine'. "Will then be decided in an anonymous vote. Fun and easy."
"Yay." Ricky said, clearly not enthuastically about this and Oliver didn't blame him. He wasn't all too excited about this either.
"This number was inspired by my second-oldest sister's quince." Carlos explains. "Theme, sultry jazz." He points at Seb. "Sebastian, you may begin."
Seb nods and turns to face the piano since he was facing Carlos. Just as he began to play the lights started flickering until they were completely off. "Oh," Ashlyn stands up from sitting at the table that was going to be used in the 'Be Our Guest' scene, her eyes widening. "What was that?"
Oliver furrows his eyebrows, glancing around when a loud thud was heard. "It might've been the storm."
Gina nods, standing up. "Maybe a power line went down."
"Oh, no, you guys." Seb looks at his phone he now held with wide eyes. "I missed an alert from my Farmer's Alman's-app." He stands up. "Salt Late just got half a foot in an hour."
Ricky was looking at his phone now since he got it out after it buzzed. "My dad says the roads are completely closed."
"Oh my gosh, you guys, get out here!"
After hearing Carlos yell each of them ran out to the hallway, staring out the windows with wide eyes. The wind was causing the snow to blow all over the place outside and the wind was so loud they could hear from inside. It looked like a blizzard outside.
"This is insane!" Ricky comments. "Are we the only ones stuck at school?"
"I think the other clubs went home." Oliver responds. "Which was a smart move."
"Should I check on Nini? I should check on Nini." Kourtney answered her own question, moving off to the side as she texted Nini.
Big Red leans closer to Ashlyn with a smile on his face. "I don't mind the idea of being stuck together all night."
Ashlyn smiles. "Maybe we should hold each other for warmth?"
Ricky points at the couple as a way for them to stop, shaking his head. "Okay, you guys."
"Listen up, folks." Gina walks over to stand in front of everyone. "We need to act fast and gather supplies in case this gets worse."
Carlos scoffs. "Love the commitment, Gina," He shakes his head. "But I don't think it's that serious."
"Rehearsal can wait." Gina tells him. "Follow my lead." She looks at everyone. "Contact your parents every half hour, but converse your phone batteries." She gestures for everyone to start moving. "Waters, flashlights. Let's move, people."
Everyone separated into groups to get the supplies they would need. Oliver ended up in a group with Kourtney and Seb. After Oliver found flashlights for everyone he brought them back to the bomb shelter and went to look for Kourtney and Seb. To say he was surprised and confused when he saw Seb was on Kourtney's shoulders with her phone, looking like he was trying to get service.
Seb sighs. "I'm not getting any bars."
"Try a different angle!" Kourtney exclaimed.
Seb moves Kourtney's phone to his left hand. "There's only so many angles a human arm can bend."
"Oh, please," Kourtney rolls her eyes. "You have no idea how much my human spine is bending right now. Why aren't you on Oliver's shoulders? He's much stronger than I am."
"'Cause you two were already like this when I found you after I went to find some flashlights." Oliver replied, shrugging his shoulders.
"Also, why is this happening when we're supposed to get supplies?" Oliver asked, raising his eyebrows at the two.
"Yeah," Seb comments, glancing down at Kourtney. "I would also like to know why."
"Because I left my flashcards at the pizza shop, and I need someone to take a picture of it and text it to me." Kourtney responds. She shakes her head. "Kourtney doesn't fail tests."
Seb looks down at her with confusion. "But if it's your phone, why do I have to be the one up here?"
"Because you said you got struck by lightning that one time on your farm. So that makes you a better conductor than me." Kourtney replies. When she starts to stumble a bit, Oliver quickly reached forward to steady her. She sent him a thankful smile and he smiled back at her. He stood back where he was standing before, ready to help steady her if she stumbled again.
Seb shakes his head. "I'm not a cell phone tower."
"And I'm not a body builder." Kourtney remarks. "But we're both doing our best here."
"Guys," Oliver sighs. "Don't start fighting."
The three teens look over with wide eyes when a flashlight is shined at them. They see Mr. Mazzara looking at them with furrowed eyebrows. "I need everyone in the rehearsal room, pronto. It's the closest thing we have to a bomb shelter. Because it's a bomb shelter."
"Oh, but we..."
Mr. Mazzara points at Kourtney. "The less I know the better." He sighs, beginning to walk down the hallway. "Where are the others?"
When he's out of earshot, the three of them looked at each other and shared a laugh.
Oliver has lost count on how many hours the main cast of the play has spent at the school. The snow storm was still blowing hard outside so they weren't going to be getting out anytime soon. After everyone had gathered in the bomb shelter, well besides Carlos, Gina, and EJ, they decided on playing a game of Charades.
"How many hours have we been in here?" Seb questioned.
"All of them." Kourtney answered and Ricky chuckled at her answer.
"Anyone wanna play a game of Charades again?"
Everyone groaned when Seb asked that. Seb nods, pursing his lips together. "Sounds like no."
"You guys," Big Red speaks up. "If we eventually run out of food, I just wanna say that you can eat me first. I probably taste like pizza."
"Hey, whose phone charger is this?" Ricky asked, picking up a red portable phone charger that was laying beside him on the row of the risers he sat on.
"I think that's mine." Oliver responded, noticing his name in black sharpie written on the side of it.
"I'm at 6%," Kourtney points at him, looking at him with raised eyebrows. "You wanna fight me for it?"
Oliver raises his hands up in defense. "No fighting needs to be involved, Kourt." Ricky hands him his phone charger and Oliver throws the portable phone charger to Kourtney. "Here."
Kourtney catches it, her lips forming into a smile. "You're the best, Ollie." She then plugged her phone into the portable phone charger.
"You guys, this cabin fever isn't good." Seb comments. "What would Miss Jenn do right now?"
As she plugs in her phone into the red phone charger Oliver let her use, Kourtney replies with, "I wanna say hog-tie a stranger."
"Yep. Probably." Ashlyn nodded.
"Where are our choreographers?" Big Red inquires. "Shouldn't we be rehearsing a song?"
"I wanna believe they're quietly working out their differences somewhere." Ashlyn answered.
Seb raises his eyebrows at her. "Have you met Carlos?"
Oliver nods. "Knowing him and Gina, they are probably not quietly working out their differences."
Ashlyn shrugs. "Maybe they're already laughing about it."
"I'll highly doubt that." Oliver chuckles. He stands up and steps off the risers. "I'll go find them. Hopefully they're both alive."
Grabbing a flashlight before he leaves, Oliver begins to walk down the hallway in search of the two choreographers. He walked down the hallways of East High and when he heard yelling he knew that he was nearby where Carlos and Gina are.
"No, I'm a change of scene." Oliver heard Gina say which made him frown. Did she really think of herself like that?
Oliver slowed down when he got to the corner that turned around to the hallway he knew Carlos and Gina are at. He didn't peek around the corner to watch since he didn't want to be caught listening to them. "I'm in a house I don't own, I'm playing a supporting role I didn't want, and I'm still trying to figure out..." For a second Oliver thought she might say 'who I like' but instead Gina says, "Who I wanna be at this school. And I'm sorry, but you wouldn't understand that."
"You don't think that I don't know what it's like to try and figure out who I'm supposed to be?" Carlos asks her. "Look around you, Gina. There's not, like, a ton of me at this school. Do you have any idea how excited I was to meet someone who loves dance as much as I do? And I'm already blowing it."
"Carlos, I didn't mean..." Gina's voice trails off and she sighs. "Look, it's just a really confusing time for me, and it's not about you. So we can do the dance however it makes you feel comfortable. I mean it."
"Okay." Carlos responds. "But who?"
"What?" Gina questioned.
"If it's not about me, when who is it about?"
"I didn't say it was a who." Gina replied to Carlos.
"You didn't say it wasn't." Carlos told her.
Oliver tilts his head to the side, biting his lower lip. Hearing that made him wonder who Gina was talking about. Gina chuckles softly. "It doesn't matter."
"Okay. But you do matter." Carlos informs her. "Try to remember that, okay?"
"I'll try." Gina responded.
Oliver thought now would be a good time to walk around the corner and let his presence be known to the two teens so he did, pretending like he just walked in on them and not listened to part of their conversation. "Is everything alright here?" He inquired, shining his flashlight at the two.
Carlos and Gina face him with a smile. "Yeah, we're all good." Gina answered.
Oliver smiles a bit. "Good."
"Excuse me."
The three of them let out a surprise yelp, stepping backwards as they turn to their right where they heard whoever spoke to them. Oliver shined his flashlight at the person standing there, revealing Howie, an employee at Slices. Oliver noticed Howie was also holding some boxes of pizzas which made him realize how hungry he was.
"Any idea where Kourtney Greene might be?" Howie asked.
Carlos, Gina, and Oliver lead Howie to the bomb shelter where the others were at. Oliver saw that EJ was still nowhere to be found which made him worry. "Ladies and gentlemen," Gina said with a smile on her face.
"We present to you...A miracle in the snow." Carlos gestured to Howie, who stood between where Carlos and Gina stood.
Everyone cheered and got up from their seats. Big Red took some pizza boxes from Howie while Gina took the ones that were left. Everyone gathered in front of the risers where they sat the pizza boxes on. Everyone started getting their own slices as they took seats on the risers and conversation easily began to flow. When there were footsteps coming into the room a few moments later, Carlos was the one to shine the flashlight he had at the person, showing that it was EJ.
"EJ," Ashlyn gasps. "You're alive!"
EJ shrugs. "Technically."
Oliver raises his eyebrows, looking at him with mild concern. After EJ locks eyes with him, he mouths to him, "You okay?" EJ nodded and sent him a reassuring smile.
"Everyone!" Oliver looks over at Seb to see he had stood up from the risers, looking at his phone. "That was an alert from my Farmer's Alman-app. It says the roads are clear, and the sheep are in heat!" Oliver tilts his head to the side, furrowing his eyebrows. Seb sheepishly smiles at everyone. "I should've read that last part in my head."
Oliver chuckles and nods. "Probably."
Cheers filled the room when the lights came back on a few seconds later. "Miss Jenn just dropped Nini off at the bus terminal." Ricky states, glancing at his phone as he stands up. He glances at Big Red. "Big Red, can I borrow your car?"
After Ricky left everyone else started to get ready to leave. Oliver had just put on his backpack when he noticed Gina rush out to the hallway after talking with Ashlyn. He did overhear part of their conversation, only because he heard his name being said and he was curious. He had a mental debate with himself, not for sure if he should go after Gina to check on her. He decided not to, seeing that it looked like Gina was upset and needed some time alone.
A/N okay, but like, kourtney's face in that scene that's shown in the gif always makes me laugh, she's so funny ! also i am loving the trio of kourtney, oliver & seb !
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