CHAPTER SEVEN, campers vs campers
Oliver was sleeping peacefully on his bunk in the cabin with the boys. Sleeping on his right side, his back facing the rest of the room, he was completely out cold and having a dreamless sleep. However, a loud, high pitched air horn blowing woke him and the other boys up. He shot up immediately, his breathing fast and his eyes wide, looking around the cabin in a panic.
"Rise and shine, Shallow Lake!" A voice announced and the lights then turned on.
"Intruder! Get him!" Ricky yelled, jumping off his top bunk and running at Corbin Bleu, thinking he was an intruder. EJ was quick to jump up and hold him back while the rest of the boys just looked at him confused and a bit annoyed.
"Ricky, stop. It's Mr. Bleu!" EJ exclaimed, holding the curly haired boy back.
Oliver covers his ears, grimacing as Corbin blew the air horn again. "I think I'm going deaf." He grumbles. "It's too early for this." He added, his voice still sounding a bit groggy. He was not a morning person. He just wanted to go back to sleep.
"What if I didn't have a shirt on?" Carlos questioned, looking nervous.
Channing glances at him, furrowing his eyebrows. "Looks like you have three shirts on."
Oliver felt anger bubble up inside him as he looks at Channing. "You're a real creep, you know that?" He glares. "I can't believe you filmed me and Gina!" He jumped off his bed, completely ready to go and punch him, but Ricky grabbed his arm and pulled him back. Oliver glared at him, pulling his arm away.
"Calm down, bro." Ricky told him, putting his hands up in defense.
"Why do you look so upset?" Carlos asks, looking confused. "You and Gina are adorable!"
"Yeah, but not to him!" Oliver snaps, pointing at Channing. "He's a creep and needs to learn how to respect other people's boundaries. and not film people behind bushes!"
"Hey, you! Up!" Corbin suddenly shouted, blowing the air horn again. Oliver covered his ears again along with Ricky and EJ as Jet quickly sat up in bed, looking alarmed. Everyone glanced down when a stuffed duck fell from Jet's bunk.
"Cute duck." Corbin commented, looking a bit amused. Jet jumped down, grabbing the stuffed animal.
Then the door opens and Kourtney walks in, glancing at Corbin with disbelief. "I'm calling it. Corbin Bleu has officially lost his mind." When she noticed the stuffed duck Jet had, she smiles and points at it. "Cute duck." Jet hid the stuffed animal behind him with a sheepish smile.
"Folks, we're two hours away form Camp Shallow Lake's most exciting tradition." Corbin explains and Channing aims the camera at him again. "Tune in to see a bunch of theater kids get their heads out of the clouds and into the game."
"I'm praying the game is chess." Carlos mumbled.
"Report to the amphitheater at 8am sharp for a day of sports. It's Color War!" Corbin explained.
Oliver was even more anxious for this. He had never really been good with sports, preferring to stay indoors and read a book or watch a movie. But now he had to go out there and compete in these stupid games. The only sport he was somewhat good at was basketball. And even then, he still wasn't very good at it. So, he had no idea how he was going to survive this day. He just hoped he didn't make a fool of himself.
Oliver was now at the amphitheater with the other campers and he noticed Corbin wasn't busy so he went over to him. He had been hoping that he could talk about cutting out that scene Channing got of him and Gina last night. "Hey, Mr. Bleu, can I talk to you for a sec?" He asked, looking at the man nervously.
"Sure, kid, what's up?" Corbin asked, glancing at him.
Oliver rubs the back of his neck. "So, um, last night, Channing...He filmed me and Gina." He begins, his anxiety increasing. "I was just hoping, maybe, you could delete the footage. It's just...It was a private moment and I really don't want the world seeing that."
"Look, I get it, you're nervous. And you're allowed to feel that way. We won't delete it though." Corbin responds. "Unless you praise Nickelodeon, it's going on the doc."
Oliver felt his heart drop, his anxiety rising even more. "Oh, great." He sarcastically muttered, running a hand through his hair.
"When I heard that the camp that's putting on 'Frozen' for Disney Plus," Oliver went to sit back down as everyone else sat down as well. "Has a day that's emotionally similar to the 2006 to 2008 'Disney Channel Games', I and the folks at the Mouse HQ jumped at the chance to include this in our docu-series." Corbin glances back at Dewey with a smile. "Dewey, you wanna explain the rules?"
"Uh...Yeah," Dewey steps forward. "Every camper is required to participate in a few challenges, there's two teams-"
"And within each team are teammates." Corbin cut in. He takes the clipboard from Dewey and pats him on the back. "Okay, I got this. Okay. You know her. You love her. The captain of the Yellow Team is Maddox." He called out as he read the board. Everyone clapped and cheered while Maddox got up front.
"Not sure, uh, everyone loves me. But thank you." Maddox spoke, walking up to the front. Oliver sent her a sympathetic smile. He and Gina were both surprised to find out by the others that Maddox and Jet were actually siblings and that's why they hadn't got along since camp started. Jet had showed texts on Maddox's phone to their parents when they weren't allowed to date and it was actually from Madison when Jet thought it was from a boy.
"Didn't say they all did." Corbin replies. "And the captain of the blue team, the director of the show within the show, some people call him Spaceship Man. It's EJ!" Corbin adds. Oliver snickered a bit at the fact he got the name wrong. Cheers and applauds filled the air as he got up front. "Now, with a big smile, tell the camera which of your 'Frozen' friends are on each team." He said to EJ, handing him the clipboard.
After clearing his throat, EJ speaks. "On my team, we have Blythe, Ricky, Ashlyn, and Gina. And then Maddox's team has Oliver, Kourtney, Carlos, and Jet."
"Just so y'all know, I'm scrappy." Kourtney said to her fellow teammates as they all stood up front with Maddox. "I fight dirty, and I will cheat."
"Hmm! So it's in the bag." Maddox commented with a smile.
"Also I'm incredibly afraid of heights." Kourtney added.
"Okay, so plus, minus." Maddox murmured, sounding a bit nervous.
"Guys, if you were on a deserted island and could text one person, who would it be?" Corbin steps forward, standing in front of the two groups as he looks at the camera. "Your mom? Your ex? Your life coach? Tomorrow the winning team can text whoever they want when they get back their phones!"
Everyone cheered and applauded immediately after hearing that. "Wait, we could be getting our phones back?" Blythe asks excitedly. "Okay, I officially love Color War!" Dewey tried chiming in, saying this wasn't the camp's rules, but Corbin spoke up, telling everyone to get their team colors from the bins.
The day consisted of different games and activities that tested each team's strengths and weaknesses. It was currently the basketball game and both teams were tied. Oliver was surprised he was doing pretty good. Gina had trouble since she wasn't very good at sports. But Oliver noticed she was getting some tips from Corbin which made him smile. Corbin was the perfect guy to get some tips for basketball. But then suddenly a ball hit Gina's head, causing her to fall. Oliver gasped, his eyes wide and his face filled with concern.
"Gina!" He exclaims, running over to her. He kneels down by her with the others. Gina had passed out and was now laying on the ground, unconscious. "Gina!" He tried shaking her awake, getting more nervous when she didn't wake up.
"Let me try something." Carlos offered, kneeling down and he slapped Gina's face.
"What the heck, dude?!" Oliver exclaimed, glaring at him.
"Oliver?" Oliver couldn't believe the slap actually worked to wake her up. He glances down at her with concern yet relief, relieved to see her awake. "Carlos?" Gina furrows her eyebrows, glancing around at everyone who was crowded around her with concern. "Wait." After realizing she was on the ground, she was even more confused. "What happened?"
"I don't know." Carlos replies. "You fell over and you were sort of mumble-singing? It was super weird." He commented.
"You got hit in the head with a ball and passed out for a bit." Oliver adds, eyes full of concern. "How are you feeling?"
"Like I got hit in the head." Gina remarked, rubbing her head. Oliver chuckled lightly, sending her a sympathetic look and reached over to rub her arm comfortingly. She smiled back at him in response, her heart fluttering.
"You still have a chance to be the hero though." Kourtney chimed in with a smile, helping her up with the others.
"For the record, the Yellow Team is about to win unless you can make one shot from the three-point line." Carlos smiles at her. "Good luck, bestie."
"Sweetheart, are you sure you're okay?" Oliver asked in concern, not wanting her to play if she didn't feel up to it.
"I'm fine, babe." Gina assures him, managing a smile and reaching over to grab his hand and squeeze it gently. "I'm fine."
"This would be very helpful for the documentary if you succeeded." Corbin told her.
"You got this." Ricky chimes in, handing Gina the ball. "Probably."
Oliver chuckles lightly, rolling his eyes. "You'll be fine, Gina. I believe in you." He said softly, squeezing Gina's hand gently. She smiled and leaned over to kiss him on the cheek, causing him to blush and smile a bit.
Gina takes the ball and gets in position. "Back up." She spoke after closing her eyes. Everyone all backed up as she got ready. She did a pirouette and threw the ball, successfully making a shot.
"Blue Team wins!" Corbin cheered and the blue team cheered excitedly.
"Yes!" Oliver exclaims excitedly, not caring he was on the other team. He was just happy for Gina. He went over to her, wrapping his arms around her and picking her up, spinning her around. Gina giggles, hugging him back. He put her down, giving her a big grin. "That was amazing!"
"Thanks." Gina giggles, blushing a bit. "I'm glad I didn't let the team down."
"No, you definitely didn't." Oliver shakes his head, still smiling. "I'm really proud of you." She grinned at him and kissed his cheek.
The next game was Dewey Says which was just like Simon Says. "Dewey says hop on one foot." Dewey voiced, speaking into a megaphone. The players all started hopping on one foot.
"Hey, Dewy? Is Simon gonna sue you for stealing his game?" Ricky questioned.
"I don't know Simon personally." Dewey shrugged.
"Breaking news. Dewey Wood locks Simon of Simon Says in his basement." Ricky said jokingly, earning some laughter from some of the others.
Dewey blows his whistle, pointing at Ricky. "You're out. Buh-bye." Oliver snickered, figuring Ricky only got out because of that comment.
The game continued and Oliver was surprised to find out the camp had a camp prom. He didn't know the camp had one, but he was looking forward to it. Eventually the game ended with Maddox and Jet winning for the Yellow Team.
"Dewey says get ready for the climbing wall next. We're having fun." Dewey called out.
Nerves appear on Kourtney's face at hearing that. "Did he say climbing wall?"
"Yeah, I'll meet you guys there." EJ replied with a smile and turned to leave.
"Not so fast, mister." Blythe grabs his arm, stopping him from leaving. "You keep going on and off today. What's your deal?"
"Yeah, dude, where are you always going?" Ricky asked.
"Getting everything ready for the show." EJ replied with a shrug.
"You can't do that at night?" Carlos questioned, furrowing his eyebrows.
"Well, Miss Jenn thinks it's better to push-" EJ stopped himself in the middle of his sentence with a grimaced. He wasn't supposed to reveal Miss Jenn was there helping him.
"What?!" Everyone exclaimed, staring at him in shock and he chuckled nervously.
The group now sat in the barn where an overwhelmed Miss Jenn was as they all bombarded her excitedly.
"Wildcats!" Miss Jenn clapped her hands, stopping everyone from talking over each other.
"What are you doing here?" Carlos grinned.
"EJ asked me for a couple directing pointers and I had already been back from my Caribbean cruise for fifteen minutes so I drove here." Miss Jenn explained.
Carlos' eyes widen. "Wow."
"Are you tired?" Ricky asked her, looking concerned. Oliver glanced at their drama teacher with concern as well. If he was Miss Jenn, he would be exhausted.
Miss Jenn is quiet for a moment, looking as if she just realized she was. "It's starting to hit me. Tell me about you. What is happening with the show?"
"Kourt and I got Elsa and Anna." Gina replied with a grin, squealing along with her and Kourtney excitedly.
"I got Olaf." Carlos chimes in. "But there's no dressing room so I basically spend all day in the costume."
"Noted." Miss Jenn nodded.
"I'm Kristoff." Oliver spoke up.
"I'm King Agnarr." Ricky adds. "But I'm sure my dad already told you that."
Miss Jenn nods with a smile. "Oh, and remind me later, he sent me with an early birthday gift for you." She glances at Ashlyn with a grin. "Oh, and who are you playing, Ashlyn? Are you Anna and Elsa's long-lost sister who they discover on"
"We're not allowed to add parts to this one. I checked. Several times." Ashlyn replies. "I'm actually in the ensemble."
"A musical is a beautiful body. The ensemble is its sturdy backbone." Miss Jenn reassured her.
"Sorry, guys," EJ steps in with an apologetic look. "We have to get back to the climbing wall or we're gonna have to forfeit the whole game."
"Wait, Miss Jenn, why don't you come watch?" Gina asked with a smile.
"Oh, I don't have my theater glasses or athletic footwear." Miss Jenn responded with a nervous smile.
Carlos stands, smiling at her and outstretching his hand. "Come on, Miss Jenn. Let's go to camp."
Oliver could tell Kourtney was anxious for the climbing wall. He didn't blame her. It was a pretty big wall. But he was a little nervous too. He had never been a big fan of heights. He wasn't as terrified of heights as Kourtney was, but it did make him nervous.
"This is our final athletic competition before the big sing-off. We'll do a series of sprints mano-a-mano and one player will prevail each time. Okay, Kourtney, Gina, you're up." Val explained with a smile.
Everyone cheers for them as they got to the climbing wall. "I just remembered that Idina Menzel mentioned on a podcast that Elsa's actually afraid of heights." Kourtney nervously chuckled, trying to get out of this.
"Really? She lives in a tower." Carlos said with confusion.
"Not now. Carlos." Kourtney glared at him, clearly not wanting to be up there.
"Come on." Val encouraged with a smile.
Kourtney walks over to the climbing wall and the gear is put on her. Gina was already waiting with the gear on her. "Three, two, one..." Val blew the whistle she had and Gina started climbing. Everyone continued to cheer as Gina climbed. Kourtney stayed where she was though, looking extremely anxious. Gina eventually got the blue flag, causing the blue team to cheer and Kourtney to look relieved.
"Great. Gina won. We're done. We're done." Kourtney gestured for the person to get the gear off her.
"But you have to at least try." Val smiled.
"Look, you all are amazing at these games without even trying." Kourtney says shakily, walking over to her friends and taking the helmet off. "If I were to try now in front of all of you, I wouldn't be able to control what happens."
"That's why we have to push through. Even when it's hard." Val added. She smiled and began chanting her name, some of the others joining her.
Miss Jenn steps in, seeing Kourtney's anxious behavior. "Campers. Mommy's talking." Everyone grew quiet when she made a zip the lips and throw away the key action while she turns to Kourtney. "Kourtney, if I can just say, I think you will climb the wall when you're ready."
"I'm not. I'm saying I'm not." Kourtney said quickly, her voice shaky. Miss Jenn nodded in understanding and hugged her.
"Well, I have got to get back on the road." Miss Jenn turns around with a smile. "Because I have a hard out at being up more than forty hours in a row."
"Hey, can't you just stay? I never really mastered rule number forty-nine." EJ admitted, looking nervous.
"Honey, you have everything you need to lead. And always have. And look who you're directing. These kids are a dream. If they know their lines, you'll be fine." Miss Jenn reassured him.
EJ smiles gratefully. "Thank you, Miss Jenn. For everything, seriously."
Miss Jenn nods and smiles back at him. "Richard!" She calls out to Ricky, getting his attention. She then pulls out something out of her purse, tossing it to Ricky. Because of how heavy it was, Ricky almost drops it. "From your dad. Break a leg out there. Jennifer out." She then turns to walk away, pausing when she didn't know where the exit was. "Where's the door?"
Oliver chuckles, looking at her with amusement. "Miss Jenn, we're at camp. You can just walk out to your car."
Everyone sat at the amphitheater now, getting ready for the sing off. "Okay. Hi." Val speaks up with a smile. "Um, it's a tie game. So the outcome of this cheer-off determines the fate of Color War. Okay. So, this year, I have picked 'It's On' from 'Camp Rock 2'. And I printed out lyric sheets, but if you don't know the words that means something went deeply wrong in your childhood and you didn't watch this iconic sequel." Everyone laughs at that comment. "Oh, and as a reminder, when I stop singing, somebody has to take over. Here we go."
The song continued on and it was a blast just like Oliver expected it would be. And at the end, Jet helped the yellow team win Color War. Some campers even picked Jet up on their shoulders as everyone cheered. "America! I am so glad that the missing camper got rescued 'cause he just caused the Yellow Team to win Color War!"
An ore that had one side yellow and one side blue was handed to Jet by Val, the yellow side facing. Confetti is shot in the air as the cheering continued. "Great job, Ollie." Gina compliments, walking over to Oliver with a bright smile. "I'm proud of you."
"Thanks." Oliver smiles back. "You too." He leaned in and kissed her cheek, causing her smile to widen more.
"Okay, wait a sec, I gotta ask Corbin something." Gina grins, pulling away from him to walk over to Corbin. "Mr. Bleu, can we do the Wildcat cheer? Please?"
"Listen, Carla, I'm grateful for my time in the HSMCU." After seeing the confused look on her face, Corbin explains what it stood for. "It's the 'High School Musical' Cinematic Universe." Gina nods in realization. "But those days are in the past. You understand?" He asked with a small smile, putting a comforting hand on her shoulder. Gina nodded once more with a smile. She was disappointed about not getting the iconic Wildcat cheer, but Corbin Bleu just touched her shoulder so she was going to be okay.
"No Wildcat cheer, huh?" Oliver questioned, sending her a sympathetic smile as he walked over to her.
"No, but he touched my shoulder so that's a plus in my book." Gina grins. Oliver laughs and shakes his head at her. "So...How would you feel if we snuck out of here and went somewhere private?" She asked with a smirk.
Oliver's cheeks turn a bit pink at her question. "Where would we even go?"
"I saw a gazebo by the lake. That's probably private enough." Gina replied, her face turning a bit pink.
"Gina Porter, what are you up to?" Oliver asked suspiciously, narrowing his eyes at her.
"Who knows? You'll just have to find out." Gina winks and starts walking away. "Come on." She grabbed his hand, dragging him along with her. Oliver chuckled lightly and allowed her to drag him.
"What are you doing?" Oliver raised an eyebrow as Gina began climbing the tree next to the gazebo.
"I'm getting a good view, obviously." Gina rolls her eyes playfully. "Come on." She encouraged with a smile. Oliver hesitated, his fear of heights coming back for a moment. His fear of heights weren't as bad as Kourtney's were, but they were still there.
"I don't know if this is such a good idea, G." Oliver said nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Ollie, you'll be fine." Gina smiles. "Promise." Oliver took a deep breath before he climbed the tree after her. They climbed until they were high enough, sitting down and hanging their legs out from the branch.
"Wow, I'm definitely regretting this." Oliver murmured with a shaky breath, glancing down nervously.
Gina reaches over, grabbing his hand and intertwining their fingers. "Hey, it's okay." She assures him, her thumb brushing against the back of his hand soothingly. "Don't look down, look ahead." Oliver takes a deep breath and does what she says. She was right, the view was breathtaking. "See?"
"Yeah." Oliver chuckles softly, nodding. He leans in and kisses her on the cheek, causing her to blush and smile. He takes his hand from hers to wrap his arm around her shoulders, pulling her close. She rests her head on his shoulder. "Thanks, G."
"For what?" She asked curiously, smiling a little.
"Everything." Oliver responded, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.
Gina grins. "You're welcome."
They sat in a comfortable silence, just watching the sunset. It was a beautiful sight and one Oliver was glad he was sharing with Gina. It was a perfect end to their day.
A/N olina >>>>
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