CHAPTER ONE, camp shallow lake
Oliver was so relieved it was finally summer. With everything that happened during the school year he was ready to relax and have a fun summer with his girlfriend and friends at Camp Shallow Lake.
"You have everything you need for camp?" Noah asked his brother, leaning against the doorway as he watched his brother zip up his navy colored suitcase.
"Yeah," Oliver nods, picking up his suitcase to set it on the floor. He looks at it hesitantly, wondering if he already forgot to pack something. "Hopefully."
Noah chuckles. "Stop overthinking. I'm sure you have everything you need for camp." He shakes his head, crossing his arms as he pouts. "I just can't believe you're going to camp while I'm here."
"It's only for two weeks." Oliver reminds him. He chuckles at seeing Noah's expression and he points at his brother. "You're the one who don't visit that much so really it's your fault."
"Yeah, I know." Noah sighs heavily. "But I'll try to visit more. It's just been busy-"
"With college and your music." Oliver groans, rolling his eyes. "I know. You may have said that, like, I don't know, a thousand times."
"Sorry." Noah sheepishly smiles. "I just feel bad I haven't visited you guys that often."
"It's okay, really." Oliver reassures him. "The fact that you actually want to visit us means a lot to us." After exchanging a smile with his brother, he glances at his watch to check the time and his eyes widen. "Oh, I need to leave now to meet with the others." He pulled up the handle of his suitcase to be able to roll it.
"Alright." Noah smiles at him, fist bumping Oliver when his brother walks past him. "Have fun at camp."
"Thanks. I'll try." Oliver responded and as he picked up his suitcase to carry it as he walked down stairs his brother went back to his own room. Oliver noticed his parents walking over to the door while he reached the bottom step.
"Mom, don't cry." Oliver laughs lightly when he noticed his mom was tearing up. "I'll just be gone for camp. It's not college."
"I know." Harley smiles sadly. "It's just that this is your first time going to camp."
"I'll be fine, mom." Oliver reassured her, letting go of his suitcase handle to pull his mom in for a hug.
"Have fun at camp and be safe, okay, kiddo?" Flynn said to Oliver, patting him on the shoulder after Oliver and Harley pulled away from the hug.
"Of course, dad." Oliver smiles. He glances around the house, searching for his younger sister. "Where's Dahlia?"
"She's at her friend's house." Harley tells him. "But she told me to do this." She pulled him in for another hug, earning a small laugh from him.
"Yeah, I have a feeling that you just wanted another hug." Oliver commented.
"Maybe, maybe not." Harley shrugged with a grin on her face.
"Okay, I'll see you guys in two weeks." Oliver waved at his parents before he left.
Since the friend group all couldn't fit in EJ's car the plan was for Gina to go with Oliver and for Ashlyn, Carlos, and Kourtney to go with EJ. Ricky couldn't go to camp since he was spending time with Lily. Oliver still couldn't believe that he was hanging out with someone like her.
"Hey, babe." Oliver greeted Gina as she opened the passenger door and he looked at her with a bright smile.
Gina returns the smile, but before she got in the car, she set her duffle bag down, closes her eyes and folds her hands. After a few seconds she then opens her eyes and gets in the car, putting her duffle bag in the back seat. Oliver tilts his head to the side, looking at her with curiosity. "So, what'd you wish for?"
Gina narrows her eyes at him and smiles playfully at him. "Well, if I told you that, then who knows what could happen?"
"True." Oliver nodded. His face heat up when she cupped the side of his face and leaned forward to kiss his cheek. She giggled slightly at seeing his response to the kiss and he smiled shyly.
"Can you believe there's going to be a celebrity guest?" Gina asked, her voice laced with excitement.
Oliver grins. "I know, I'm so excited."
GIna nods in agreement, grinning as well. She glances at her phone when she got a notification. "Ash texted me they're getting ready to leave."
"Alright, let's get this show on the road." Oliver smirked and started the car.
"But while we're at it, let's play some tunes." Gina suggested, pulling up her playlist on her phone.
"Great idea." Oliver agreed, pulling up his playlist on his phone.
While Gina had 'Start The Party' from Camp Rock on her phone, Oliver had 'What Time Is it' from HSM 2 on his phone. Meanwhile, in EJ's car he and Ashlyn had done the same thing.
"Summer." Gina beamed.
"Summer." EJ grinned.
Ashlyn leans out the window with a smile on her face. "Summer."
Carlos trades the sunglasses he had on with one that was an orange color. "Summer."
"Summer!" Kourtney exclaimed.
When EJ took off down the road, Oliver followed his lead. "What time is it? Summertime. It's our vacation. What time is it? Party time." Everyone in both cars raise their hands up to the roof of the car. Ashlyn and Gina had quickly grabbed the wheel, looking at Oliver and EJ with scolding expressions since they took their hands off the wheel. "That's right. Say it loud." The boys put their hands down as everyone continued singing.
"What time is it? Time of our lives." Everyone shimmies their shoulders as they lean back and forth while singing. "Anticipation. What time is it? Summertime. School's out. Scream and shout."
"Finally summer's here." Ashlyn sings, leaning against the window. "Good to be chilling out."
"I'm off the clock. The pressure's off, now my girl's what it's all about." Oliver smiled over at Gina, who grinned and posed dramatically before she leaned over to kiss his cheek. His face turned red and he smiled fondly at her in response.
Carlos leans forward on Ashlyn's and EJ's seats in the front. "Ready for some sunshine."
Carlos leans back and Kourtney makes a heart with her hands as she sings. "For my heart to take a chance."
"I'm here to stay. Not moving away." Gina looks at Oliver with a loving smile. "Ready for a summer romance."
"Everybody ready. Going crazy. Yeah, we're out." Along the way, EJ and Oliver parked along side the road to switch places. One time it was Gina driving in Oliver's car with EJ joining them while in EJ's car everyone switched places and Kourtney was driving. Then the next time they stopped all went back to their places they were originally at. "Come on and let me hear you sat it now. Right now."
"What time is it? Start the party! What time is it? Start the party!" They all had decided to take a break from being on the road by taking selfies and making some TikTok videos. "That's what this summer's all about. What time is it? It's summertime. It's time to start, start the party. Let's celebrate. Come on and sing. What you waiting for now?"
Soon enough the friend group knew they were getting close to Camp Shallow Lake because they came across the sign that pointed them in the right direction. Everyone screamed excitedly, all happy and excited to finally be getting to camp after a long few hours of driving on the road. After deciding to take a group picture by the sign, EJ and Oliver stopped their cars nearby and everyone got out to take a group picture. Once they were done, they all got back on the road.
Oliver smiled widely, walking into the camp with his girlfriend and friends. Gina stood beside him with her arm linked with his and she had a wide smile on her face as well. The friend group all looked around the camp with excitement.
"Camp Shallow Lake, y'all. My second home." EJ smiled.
"Wait," Oliver looks at him with confusion. "I thought you already have a second home."
EJ chuckles. "No, my second-second home."
Oliver just shakes his head and smiles at him with amusement. EJ smiles at everyone, gesturing for them to follow him as he began walking backwards in front of them. "Come on. Seriously, I came to this camp an athlete and became an athlete-actor. You come to Shallow Lake one way and you just become something else. It happens to everyone, though."
"Wow. And I thought this was a vacation." Ashlyn remarked.
Oliver looks over to his left when he heard the squeaks of a wagon and noticed a red-haired girl with silver streaks in her hair walking over to the group. She smiles. "Are those Wildcats I see?" She looks at EJ with a smile. "What's up, Rocket Man?"
"How you doing, Gadget?" EJ smiled back at her and the two did a bro hug.
"What language are they using?" Gina whispered.
"I don't know." Ashlyn chuckled.
"Not for sure if I wanna know." Oliver added.
"Ready for a good summer?" EJ inquired.
"Yeah, dude." The red-haired girl, Gadget, friendly punched his shoulder.
"Yeah." EJ grinned.
"Alright, it's five minutes in and I already miss Seb." Carlos admitted.
"Oh, and I miss Biggie." Ashlyn sympathizes with Carlos, leaning over to wrap a comforting arm around him. "But remember how we said we weren't gonna do that? This is our Wildcat summer adventure and we're going angst-less."
Carlos furrows his eyebrows. "I just feel naked without my angst."
"Alright. I'm just gonna need to collect your phones, snacks, and all electronic devices." Gadget said to the group, holding out a bucket that read 'no fone zone'.
Oliver raises his eyebrows at seeing the name on the bucket. He was curious as to why it was spelt that way, but he didn't bother with saying anything about it. "Basically anything that brings you joy. I'm only half kidding." Gadget continues as EJ put his phone in the bucket. "But, you know, it's actually pretty great once out get past the, uh, the withdrawal. You'll have so much fun."
Oliver got his phone out of his pocket and after shutting it off, he put it in the bucket when Gadget walked over to him. Sure he was going to miss having his phone, but he didn't mind not having his phone for two weeks. Soon enough everyone got their phone in the bucket besides Kourtney.
"Hey, it's only for two weeks." Carlos comforted Kourtney after seeing how upset she was.
"But Sasha doesn't know that." Kourtney frowned.
"Sasha is your phone." Carlos pointed out.
"Wait," Oliver glances at Kourtney with amusement. "Kourt, you name your phone?"
"Yeah, you don't?" Kourtney asks him, shrugging her shoulders. She shakes her head, glancing at Carlos. "I just got her, Carlos. She's too young to understand what any of this means." She took one last selfie and kissed it before putting her phone in the bucket. She covered her mouth with both hands, trying her best not to cry as she watched Gadget walk away with her phone.
"Don't look back." Carlos told her.
"Mama loves you!" Kourtney sobbed, reaching out for her phone.
"Oh, don't do that." Carlos cringed.
"I have to admit, this place is pretty cool." Oliver commented.
EJ smiles. "It's not bad, right?"
"Yeah, it's everything you promised." Gina chimed in.
"It's the best summer ever." EJ said excitedly. "And just wait 'til you guys meet the celebrity guest."
"Are you really not gonna tell us who it is?" Oliver asks, crossing his arms. "'Cause I don't know much longer I can go without knowing who it is." He frowns. "The suspense is killing me."
"Okay, since you refuse to give any clues at all, I'm just gonna go ahead and assume it's Gloria Steinem." Ashlyn beamed.
"I'm going with Oprah because Oprah." Kourtney grinned.
"Legally, I'm obliged to say Greta Gerwig." Carlos commented.
Oliver nods. "It only makes sense you do say that 'cause Seb isn't here to say it." Carlos nodded in agreement.
"It's all going down at the amphitheater tonight." EJ explains. He grins. "You guys are gonna be all 'Damn-phitheater'."
Everyone looked at him with blank expressions. "Wait," Oliver groans, leaning his head on Gina's shoulder. "Please tell me EJ isn't saying dad jokes."
"Yeah, he is." Ashlyn sighs. "He's saying dad jokes 'cause he took us on a road trip."
"It's just hitting me now that you two are gonna be a thing all summer." Carlos realized, looking at Oliver and Gina.
"We already been a thing for a few months, Carlos." Gina chuckled.
"I know, but it's still gonna be weird seeing you two act all lovey-dovey this summer." Carlos commented.
"Well, I'm just happy for you guys." Ashlyn smiles widely at the couple. "You two were always my OTP. Besides Carlos and Seb, of course."
When everyone besides one person looked at her with confusion, Carlos rolls his eyes. "oh my gosh, do you guys not know anything? OTP stands for one true pairing."
"Oh," Oliver smiles at her. "Thanks, Ash."
"Okay, so," EJ begins walking and everyone follows him, all falling in line with him. "Basketball is over there." From his place between Gina and Ashlyn, Oliver looks in the direction EJ points at along with everyone else. "The pool is, uh, behind me." EJ continues to point at all the places he talks about so his friends know where they are. "And if you all follow my gaze to the south here, you will see the Camp Shallow Lake barn and playhouse, where young EJ has played such roles as Danny Zuko, of course, the dentist from 'Little Shop' and the Music Man."
"Hm." Kourtney hums. "Speaking of rotten eggs," EJ looks at her with surprise and she nods with a grin. "Yes, I know what you did last summer."
EJ sheepishly smiles. "And that concludes the tour. Now, if you'll me this way..."
A/N oliver & kourtney are so cute, i love them !
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