CHAPTER NINE, a frozen opening night
Oliver stood in the boys cabin with the others as thy all got ready to wake Ricky up. It was his birthday today so they planned to celebrate it before the play. "I'm gonna count to three." Carlos said.
"On three or after three?" Kourtney questioned, looking confused.
"This shouldn't be this complicated." Oliver groaned, rolling his eyes.
"Not this again." Carlos spoke with annoyance.
"Happy birthday!" Maddox shouted, not waiting for them to decide when to start counting. Everyone followed in with her saying 'happy brithday', waking up Ricky in the process. Ricky sat up in bed with a yell and Oliver chuckled, amused by his reaction.
"And happy opening night, to those keeping score." EJ chimes in with a smile. "Our show might be in danger, but right now our focus is on Ricky."
"Guys," Ricky chuckles. "You shouldn't have. For real, you almost gave me a heart attack." He confessed, pulling the covers back to jump down from the top bunk he slept on.
"You're an old man now?" Jet teased.
"But wait. There's more." Carlos added.
"There is?" Ashlyn inquired, glancing at him with confusion.
"Come on in. Your other best friend is old enough to vote!" Carlos called out and Big Red then walked into the cabin with a cake.
"Please tell me these bunks are air conditioned."
"Biggie?" Ashlyn's eyes lit up at seeing her boyfriend and she smiled widely.
"Of course you showed up." Ricky smiled and hugged him.
"We've spent every birthday together since pre-school along with Oli." Big Red commented.
"Yeah, so it wouldn't have been the same without him here for your eighteenth birthday." Oliver chimed in, walking over to hug Big Red.
"Yeah. And of course you brought a lotto ticket." Ricky spoke.
"Brought a what now?" Big Red asked with confusion.
"A lotto ticket? It's the last thing on my bucket list. That's why you're here, right?" Ricky questioned, furrowing his eyebrows.
Big Red looks at him with surprise. "You walked on the moon?"
"He actually did it all this summer." Jet replies. "I'm Jet. Who are you?" He inquired as Big Red set the cake on the coffee table.
"I am Ashlyn's boyfriend." Big Red smiled brightly, gesturing to the red-haired girl. He then pulled her in for a tight hug.
"Our friend first." Ricky cut in, gesturing to himself and Oliver, who nodded in agreement.
"I feel like I missed so much." Big Red chuckled while he pulled away from Ashlyn.
"You did." Oliver nodded as he chuckled.
Ricky sat at the coffee table as the cake was turned to him. "Make a wish." Jet smiled.
Soon it was time for the group to get ready for the play. They were all in their costumes and getting their makeup on when Maddox walked by, calling out that it was 'half hour call'. Oliver could feel his anxiety rising each second it got closer to the show starting. He was pacing back and forth and running his fingers through his hair anxiously. His hands were shaking and so he tried fidgeting with his sleeve to distract himself. But it wasn't working. He could hear the others talking, but he was too lost in his own thoughts to listen.
"Greetings, theater children."
Oliver stops pacing, glancing over to his left where he saw Channing stood with a camera. "Listen up, you see this camera? There are another ten of them planted throughout the theater. It all comes down to tonight. Okay? Big new announcement." He chuckles, a smile tugging on his lips. "We will be live-streaming tonight's 'Frozen' performance on Disney Plus in order to drum up interest in our documentary." Carlos lets out a scream, covering his mouth. Oliver felt the same way. He was now even more terrified than before. "Oh, save the scream for on stage, snowman." Channing points at Carlos. "When you find out your carrot's been replaced by a stick of dynamite."
"Dude, what are you talking about?" Ricky asked.
"I may throw a few things at you guys, last minute. It's fun stuff to shake up the show." Channing replied.
"You mean, different than how we rehearsed it?" Gina questioned worriedly.
"You guys were so great at that last rehearsal, remember? We need that, but more. Okay? So just change some dialogue, slap each other, you know. Pull some wigs off. It's fun stuff to amp up the lifestream, right?" Channing asked.
Blythe glares at him, taking a step forward. "I will personally make sure you have a lot of fun when I shove my foot up your-"
"We can do that." EJ quickly chimed in, interrupting Blythe's sentence and grabbing her arm to pull her back before she could continue.
"What?!" Everyone exclaimed, staring at EJ with wide eyes.
"No, we will do that." EJ continued.
"Excellent." Channing smiles. "Okay. Have fun, alright? At each other's expenses." He chuckles. "And if you aren't trending in Brazil at midnight, you haven't done your jobs. Okay? Yay!" He chuckled once more before he left the room, acting as if he didn't just stress the whole cast out.
"Are you serious, Caswell?" Blythe glared at EJ, pulling her arm out of his grasp. Everyone started talking over each other, not believing that EJ just agreed that they will do what Channing said.
"Elton, even I think we shouldn't pull each other's wigs off." Carlos admitted.
"Settle down!" EJ's raises his voice, stopping everyone from talking over each other. "You guys, I was acting, okay? To get that jerk off our backs."
"You sure?" Ricky asked, raising his eyebrows.
"Channing may know what makes a good TV show, but we're theater kids. And we're gonna do tonight our way. Final decision." EJ decided and everyone agreed with him.
"Thanks for holding me back." Blythe told him as everyone dispersed and continued to get ready for the play.
"You're welcome. Although he did deserve it." EJ commented, chuckling along with Blythe.
"Yeah, he does." Blythe nods, agreeing with him. "But we've got a show to put on, so."
"Exactly. I'll see you on the stage. You got this." EJ gave her a thumbs up before he walked away to continue getting ready. Blythe smiled to herself, her face a bit red before she turned to walk away and get ready.
Meanwhile, Oliver was still freaking out. He had resumed pacing back and forth while messing with his hair. His breathing was a bit uneven and he was still shaking. "Oli," He was pulled out of his thoughts when he felt a gentle hand on his shoulder. He turned his head, finding that it was Ricky. "Hey, dude, what's wrong?"
"Everything. I-I'm not ready for this." Oliver admits. "What if I mess up? What if I forget a line or I say a different line at the wrong part? I-I mean, it's now going to be live streamed where millions of people will see and I-"
"Ollie, hey, look at me." Ricky places his hands on Oliver's shoulders, looking at him seriously. Oliver meets his gaze and stops rambling, his breathing a bit faster than normal. "Take deep breaths." Oliver does so, inhaling and exhaling. He closes his eyes, focusing on his breathing. "I know you're scared. You have every right to be. But everything will be okay. I believe in you, and so does everyone else. You've got this. Just focus on the show and not the live stream. Alright?" Oliver slowly nods, opening his eyes. He had calmed down a bit, though he was still nervous. "You're gonna do amazing and I'm so proud of you." Ricky pulled him in for a hug.
Oliver hugs him back tightly, a small smile tugging on his lips. A part of him was still nervous, but hearing his best friend say that helped calm him down a bit more. "Thank you, Rick."
"Anytime, man." Ricky assures, patting his back before he pulled away. "You got this."
Soon, it was Oliver's first scene. He could see his parents and siblings in the first row which made him feel less nervous and he was also happy to see Miss Jenn showed up. He even noticed what looked like Nini by the door and when they locked eyes, she smiled proudly at him and gave him two thumbs up which made him smile widely. He was surprised to see Nini there, but he was happy to know she came for this show. He took a deep breath before he had to go on stage for his first scene.
The play started off pretty well. Oliver didn't mess up any of his lines and was doing a great job acting. Now it was Kourtney's big scene with 'Let It Go'. It started out amazing and Oliver was so proud of her. He stood in the wings next to Gina, Ricky, Blythe, and EJ as they watched her proudly. At one point in the song, the lights were turned off and the music stopped. The audience all gasped at this, murmuring amongst themselves.
Oliver noticed that Miss Jenn and Big Red were quick to pull out their phones and turn the lights on, shining them at Kourtney. Oliver's parents and siblings were quick to do the same which made him smile. Soon everyone in the audience did the same, making the stage light up again. Kourtney was nervous and stood there, not knowing what to do. Maddox tried to figure out what's going on with the sound while Gina left the wings. She had seen that Channing turned off the lights and she was going to get the lights back on.
"It's funny how some distance makes everything seem small." Kourtney sings softly and quietly, still looking nervous. "And the fears that once controlled me can't get to me at all." She sings a bit louder, slowly getting more confident. Maddox finally got the music working again, but the lights were still off. Oliver watched Kourtney with a proud smile, happy that Kourtney pushed through and kept singing. He knew she was so anxious about this, so he was glad to see her singing through her nerves. "It's time to see what I can do. To test the limits and break through. No right, no wrong, no rules for me, I'm free. Let it go. Let it go. I am one with the wind and sky. Let it go. Let it go. You'll never see me cry. Here I stand. And here I stay. Let the storm rage on."
The lights suddenly turn on, earning gasps and cheers from the crowd. Kourtney smiles widely and continues on with the song. "My power flurries through the air into the ground." She steps on the floor and prop crystals show up making it looked like she formed them. "My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around. And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast." She then made it look like she was freezing the prop balcony. The light had changed on the balcony, making it looked like it had been frozen and the crowd gasps at that. "I'm never going back. The past is in the past." She twirled around, taking off her dress and cape she had on first which revealed the icy blue dress Elsa would have on at the end of the song. Everyone stood up, cheering and applauding loudly for her.
"Let it go. Let it go." Kourtney singg. "And I'll rise like the break of dawn." She walks onto the balcony prop, the prop moving so it had her facing the crowd. Behind her two big props that looked like the door that led to the balcony on Elsa's castle were put together. "Let it go. Let it go. That perfect girl is gone. Here I stand in the light of day. Let the storm rage on. The cold never bothered me anyway."
Everyone was cheering loudly, even Corbin was applauding with a big smile on his face for Kourtney's wonderful performance.
"Ten minute intermission. And if anyone sees Channing, punch him." Maddox said once they were all back stage.
Gina chuckles. "Say less."
"Thank you, ten." Carlos replied.
"Wait, did everybody get a card from Nini?" Ashlyn gasped, smiling softly as she looked up from the card she was reading.
Ricky looks over at her with surprise. "Nini's here?"
Oliver was surprised when he found a card with his name on it. But after hearing what Ashlyn said, it made more sense. Nini always gave everyone a card on opening night which he thought was sweet. He opened his card, a smile tugging on his lips as he read it.
"Oliver, honestly I'm not surprised you got Kristoff, you're literally so talented and sometimes I think you don't' realize how talented you are. I'm so proud of you. And I miss you so much. You're a wonderful person and a great actor. Good luck and break a leg, I know you'll do amazing!
With love,
Oliver smiled to himself, his heart warming at the note Nini gave him. He really missed her, and it seemed like she missed him as well. He wished he would've gotten the chance to talk with her or at least hug her, but it seemed like she just wanted to be there and then slip out quietly.
He put the card away in his backpack before grabbing his acoustic guitar and going back stage. He was really nervous for the next scene he had because it would be his solo song. He set his guitar down on a table and then started pacing back and forth anxiously. Gina had been back stage, taking a drink from her water bottle and watching him. She set the water bottle down and walked over to him. "Hey, what's wrong?" She inquired.
"Just nervous." Oliver admitted, not looking at her as he bit his lip and fidgeted with his bracelet.
"About your song?" Gina asks softly, tilting her head slightly. "Babe, you'll be fine. You've practiced this a lot. You got this. You've got an amazing voice and a great actor." She assured him, pulling him in for a hug. Oliver felt himself relax more at her comforting touch and words. She had her arms around his neck and his arms were around her waist. He buried his face in the crook of her neck and closed his eyes.
"Thank you." Oliver smiled, his voice a bit muffled.
"Anytime." Gina whispered, pulling away slightly so she could look at him. They both lean in, kissing each other gently. But then Channing had to ruin their moment.
"Ah, the shy loner kid maybe isn't so lonely after all." Channing spoke as he walked over, a camera in his hands.
Oliver and Gina pull away when they heard that, glaring at him. "Dude, just leave us alone." He puts his hand over the camera, pulling the camera away so it's not facing him and Gina. "We all faked everything during rehearsal, adding in ridiculous drama because of you so just do us all a favor and leave us alone. Or I will not hesitate to kick you out." He threated. He knows he doesn't really look that threatening, but he's serious. Channing stares at him with wide eyes, not expecting Oliver to threaten him. But Channing wasn't going to take that threat seriously. He chuckled before leaving.
Oliver sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. He turns to face Gina with concern. "Are you okay?"
"I am, but are you?" Gina asked, looking at him with concern in her eyes.
"Oliver, time to get on stage. Get into character." Maddox spoke, walking over to them. She grabbed his guitar off the table, handing it to him and then started guiding him to the stage.
Oliver glanced back at Gina, who gave him a thumbs up and an encouraging smile. He took a deep breath and nodded. He got on stage with his guitar, preparing himself for this song. The stage was decorated for the scene where Kristoff sang a reprise of 'What Do You Know About Love'.
"What is this hollow kind of helplessness I'm feeling? This type of terror is new." At first when he started singing, he sounds a bit shaky and unsure. But soon his voice gets stronger as he continued. "And the fact that I can hardly breathe is now revealing, how much I've changed because of you. You light the world for me. You live life fearlessly. Braver than the bravest of us do." He thought about Gina as he sang this song and how true it was for their relationship. Gina really helped him get out of his shell and be more comfortable around people. It may have been slow progress, but it's the progress and that's what matters. And it was such a new feeling when he fell in love with her and now still in love with her. She lights up the world for him, she's the most beautiful person inside and out, and she's so strong. She's brave and fearless and that's something he admires about her.
"You trust, you hope, you dare. You choose to feel and care. I thought that I was strong 'till I bumped into you. What do I know about love? What do I know about love? Everything I thought I did, you've gone and changed it, kid. You're what I know about love." As he finished the song, he glanced over at Gina, who stood in the wings, looking at him with pride. She's always been there for him, she's always cared and supported him and helped him. She's the most important person in his life and he's glad that he has her. He's lucky to have someone like her and he hopes he can stay with her forever.
"Elton," Blythe said, walking into the office cabin where EJ was anxiously pacing. "What's the emergency you called me here for? Ooh, wait, I never really been in the office cabin. I feel so special." She grinned, glancing around the cabin curiously.
"I'm gonna call my dad and I just really need some moral support right now." EJ admitted, pulling out his phone and sitting down on the couch.
Blythe's face softens and she walks over, sitting down beside him. "Hey, don't worry, you got this." She assured, giving him a reassuring smile.
EJ gives her a small smile before taking a deep breath and pulling up his dad's contact on his phone. He hesitates though, his thumb hovering over the call button. Blythe places her hand on his, making him meet her gaze. "Hey, you can do this." She assured him and he nods.
He presses the call button, bringing his phone up to his ear. "Hey, dad, it's me." He said after his dad answers the call. "We're in the middle of act two right now, and I actually fooled myself into thinking you'd be here, but I know you think this is a waste of my time. And I know I took a chance tonight that put people over profits. But just once in my life, I wanna hear you say you're proud of me. Just 'I'm proud of you, EJ'. How hard is that? Dad? Hello? Did you..." He pulls his phone away, his heart drops as he saw his dad had hung up. "He hung up." He lowered his head, fighting the tears that threatened to fall.
"Hey, look at me." Blythe told him and when he doesn't, she gently lifts his chin up. "He may not be proud of you right now, but there are a lot of people here who are. I'm proud of you and so is everyone else. You did a great job tonight. Don't let this get you down, alright?"
"Yeah." EJ nodded, letting her words sink in. He knew she was right and that the people who really cared about him were proud. It's just his dad not being there and him not being proud stung a bit, but he'll get over it. Hopefully. "Thank you, for being here."
"No problem, I'll always be here." Blythe told him with a sweet smile.
EJ smiled softly before pulling her in for a hug, wrapping his arms around her waist. He buries his face in the crook of her neck and closes his eyes. Blythe's arms were wrapped around his neck and she rubbed his back comfortingly. Blythe was glad she was there to comfort him. She hated seeing EJ upset and hurt. All she wanted was for him to be happy and to be loved. She hopes that he would finally get the appreciation he deserves and his dad realizes that the way he's treating EJ isn't right. She pulled away after a while, looking at him. "You ready to go back out there?" She asked, smiling softly at him.
EJ nods and smiles at her. "Yeah."
Blythe returns his smile, her smile softening a bit as she stared at him. They were leaning in, their faces close together. Her gaze flicks down to his lips for a moment before looking up at his eyes again. She leaned in the rest of the way, closing the distance between them and kissed him. But then she quickly pulled back, eyes wide with a blushing face.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so stupid." Blythe said as she quickly got up from the couch. "I'll see you back at the barn." She said before leaving the office cabin.
EJ stares at her, blinking a few times. His face was heating up, a blush rising on his cheeks. He can't help the smile that tugs on his lips, the butterflies in his stomach as he thinks about her kiss. He was going to make sure that he would be able to kiss her back and tell her he loves her.
The rest of the play went well and was a success. The cast all went out on stage and took their bows. Kourtney had even waved her arm around and Maddox had pressed a button, making fake snow fall from the ceiling. Everyone continued cheering and applauding loudly for them, and it was a great feeling. The cast all hugged each other and congratulated each other before they went back stage to change.
Oliver was so relieved the show was done. He felt like a weight was lifted off his shoulders. "My babies." Miss Jenn greeted with a smile as everyone walked out.
"We're we good?" Kourtney questioned, walking over to her with a nervous smile.
"No. You were incredible." Miss Jenn pulled her in for a hug.
"Wait. Jessica? From the first 'High School Musical' movie?" Corbin asks with surprise when he saw Miss Jenn. "It is you, Jessica."
"Close enough." Miss Jenn shrugged and hugged Corbin.
"You were our favorite extra." Corbin informed her.
"You were my favorite Corbin." Miss Jenn smiled.
"Should we give you space or..." Carlos asked as he stepped forward.
"You know what? Hold on." Channing speaks up. "I actually want to put a microphone on the girl. This is really good."
"Actually, Channing, why don't you take a long five? Okay?" Corbin said, turning to face Channing. He takes his mic off and gave it to Channing. "Get lost. It's done. We're done."
"We're done? Yeah. Okay. Well, I always have final say in the editing room." Channing smiled smugly. Corbin then took an intimidating step forward, causing Channing to look nervous. He then turned around and left.
Corbin faces the group of teens with a small smile. "What team?"
Gina's eyes lit up and she excitedly smiles. "He's doing it." Oliver chuckled lightly, smiling with amusement at seeing her get so excited about this.
"Wildcats!" Ricky replied.
"What team?" Corbin asked again.
"Wildcats!" Everyone chorused this time,
"What team?"
"Wildcats!" This time everyone was louder when they said it.
"Wildcats!" Corbin repeated.
"Get your head in the game!" The group shouted, everyone smiling widely at Corbin.
"Wow." Corbin chuckles lightly. "That felt right."
"Last night at camp, huh, kids?" Miss Jenn smiled softly, sitting down on the edge of the stage.
"So this is it then?" Gina frowned, sitting beside her.
"Define 'it'." EJ chimed in.
"Just kind of feels like something is over." Gina said.
"Sometimes the really good stuff begins only when something else ends." Miss Jenn commented.
EJ glanced over at Blythe, his shoulders dropping in defeat when she avoided his gaze. Ever since they got back to the barn, she had been avoiding him after she kissed him. He was hoping that they could talk about it, but it didn't seem like she wanted to. He sighed and turd to leave the barn, but stopped when Corbin started singing.
"Once in a lifetime means there's no second chance." Corbin sings, glancing at EJ with a smile. "So I believe that you and me should grab it while we can." EJ walked back to the others as Corbin walked down the aisle made by the teens to Miss Jenn.
"Make it last forever and never give it back." Miss Jenn sang, scooting over so there's more room for Corbin to sit by her. Ricky had sat by her right side so he scooted over as well for Corbin to sit between them.
"It's our turn and I'm loving where we're at." Corbin continued.
Ricky picks up his guitar and starts playing the song as Gina and Oliver harmonized. "Because this moment's really all we have." Oliver had sat down by Gina, smiling as he intertwined their hands together. Gina returned his smile, leaning her head on his shoulder.
Ricky sings as he kept playing. "Everyday of our lives."
"Wanna find you there, wanna hold on tight." Ashlyn smiled at Big Red, who had his arm wrapped around her shoulders.
"Gonna run." Big Red smiled back at her.
"While we're young and keep the faith." Maddox and Jet sang together, glancing at each other and smiled.
"Everyday from right now. Gonna use our voices and scream out loud." Carlos and Kourtney sang together.
"Take my hand." Miss Jenn held out her hand for Gina to hold, earning a smile from her as she held her hand.
"Together we will celebrate everyday." EJ sang, glancing over at Blythe who finally looked back at him. He gave her a soft smile and she returned it, a slight blush on her cheeks as she looked away.
As they all continue to sing, they also sign the wall that had all the plays on it that had been done here. When you were in a play here, you signed your initials on the wall. Oliver thought this was a sweet tradition the camp did. Then after that they all went outside, Corbin included, made a campfire and made some smores. They even found some sprinklers to light up and play around with them. Oliver thought it was the best way to end the night. It was such a fun experience and he was glad he had this opportunity.
They were all still outside, talking with each other and hanging out when EJ spoke up, gaining everyone's attention. "Uh, you guys? We're trending in Brazil."
Everyone stares at him with surprise and then with smiles on their faces. "Oh, dude. I forgot. You got an opening night card." Jet speaks up, walking over to Ricky and hands him a card he got out of his pocket. "Found it behind the couch."
"From Nini." Maddox clarified.
Ricky looks surprised, taking the card from Jet. "Open it." Gina encouraged.
Ricky opens the card, chuckling as he saw what was inside. "Yep. She remembered. She remembered the lottery ticket." He pulled out a lottery ticket with a soft smile. He then hugged Big Red back when he pulled him in for a hug.
A/N so close to being done with writing season 3, im looking forward to writing season 4 for this book! i love oliver & gina so much
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