CHAPTER FOUR, the night in the woods
Oliver walked outside when she heard excited screaming. He then saw his girlfriend and Kourtney where the cast list was posted and he figured they were both excited about the roles they got. "Didn't except to be woken up by this." He mumbled as he stood by Ricky and Carlos.
"Did you know they could even hit that register?" Ricky asked him with a grimace.
"Nope." Oliver shook his head, grimacing as well.
"Plug your ears, I'm about to join them. I can't believe I'm playing..." Carlos pushes his way through, his face falling at seeing who he was playing. "Olaf?"
"Hey, that's the snowman!" Oliver grins. "I love Olaf."
"Then you can play him." Carlos grumbles. "I can't believe this."
"Wait, I didn't even see who I play." Oliver realized and moved to stand by Carlos to look at the cast list. "I play Kristoff! Awesome." He grinned. He was honestly relieved to see that he got the lead role.
-ˏˋ Oliver stood near where the cast list was posted, excitement clear on his face. "Don't mind me while I'm freaking out of excitement." Oliver smiles brightly, his eyes lighting up. "I can't believe I actually got the lead role! I was so nervous and scared about it, but I'm so glad that I got the lead. I'm even more glad Ricky isn't upset or jealous with me getting the role. I was nervous about that. I would never want him to feel that way about me since he's one of my best friends." He admitted. His smile came back to his face. "Sorry, I can't stop smiling because of the fact I got the lead role again." He grinned as he did a little happy dance.ˊ-
-ˏˋ The camera then pans over to where Ricky is standing by himself. "Okay, I gotta admit, I'm a little upset I didn't get the lead 'cause I honestly kinda thought I would get it. I'm not so upset that I'm mad at him though. I could never be mad at Ollie." He admits. "I'm honestly so much more happy for Oliver that he got it. I know this is a big step for him with getting out of his comfort zone." He smiles. "Plus I play a King so my role isn't that bad." He grins. "Well, besides the fact of him being only alive for the first half of the play..." He pauses, his voice trailing off. "That's besides the point though."ˎˊ-
"Babe, we're leading roles!" Gina excitedly said.
"You got Anna?" Oliver smiles widely when he realized what that meant. As Gina nodded with a wide smile on her face, Oliver smiles brightly at her, pulling her close by wrapping an arm around her shoulders and kisses her cheek. "G, I'm so proud of you!" Gina smiled widely at him, her face turning red and her heart fluttering because of his action and sweet words. She wrapped her arm around his waist as well as they stood close by each other.
"And I play King Agnarr." Ricky noticed, joining Carlos and Oliver by the cast list.
"Oh, cool!" Blythe chimes in, walking over to them with a smile. "I was wondering who would be playing my husband in the play." She joked.
"Ah, so you're playing Queen Iduna." Ricky realized with a chuckle.
"Sure am." Blythe grinned.
"Congratulation on being an actual species, you guys." Carlos glares at Blythe, Oliver, and Ricky, who all shares an amused look before looking back at Carlos. "What? First Lumiere and now Olaf. Am I destined to play an inanimate object for eternity?"
"Ollie," Ricky turns his attention to the boy by him with a smile and nudges him. "You got Kristoff, congrats, bro."
Oliver smiles at him, relived that he wasn't upset about it. "Thanks, Ricky."
"Oliver, that's great!" Blythe said excitedly. She smiles softly. "I'm proud of you." She knew how much he wanted to get the male lead role and she was proud of him for getting it and for continuing to push himself out of his comfort zone.
-ˏˋ"I remember when Oliver would barely talk to anyone he didn't know." Blythe said to the camera, standing in front of the barn by herself. "When I first met him, I basically did all the talking until he got comfortable enough around me to talk to me." She admits. "He was still quiet and reserved, but after a couple weeks he started to trust me more and showing his true self. But If I had asked him a few years ago to join a play with me, he would've laughed and said no." She chuckles. "But he has improved so much since then and I'm super proud of him." ˎˊ-
"Make way for Belle." Ashlyn's voice is heard as she walks over to the group of teens surrounding the cast list. She gets to the front to check the cast list, a bright smile on her face. "Make way for..." Her smile falls when she read the role she was playing. "The ensemble?"
"The ensemble isn't that bad, Ash." Oliver tried reassuring her.
"Says the guy who's the male lead." Ashlyn sighs and Oliver grimaces. "I mean, hey, the ensemble." She turns to face the group with a smile that seemed force. "You can't do a show without the ensemble. There are no small parts, only small actors, right?"
"Right." Oliver shrugs. "Sure."
"Don't count your lines, make the lines count." Ashlyn added.
EJ then walks over to the group. "Alright, alright, everyone calm down. Let's just be professionals."
"Professionally, mazel tov." Ashlyn points at him. "Especially EJ. Personally, I will be backlogging photos of him in antlers for all future possible blackmail purposes." Chuckles and laughter filled the air after her comment.
"What are you talkin' about?" EJ questioned.
"Your good friend Val cast you as Sven, the reindeer?" Carlos replied.
EJ shakes his head. "No, no. I'm not in the show. I'm directing in the show."
"Might wanna tell Val that then." Oliver suggested.
"Check the list." Carlos adds. "Looks like you'll be joining the ranks of character actor-directors."
"Like Greta Gerwig." Gina smiled.
EJ stares at the cast list in disbelief. "No, this has to be a mistake."
Overlapping chatter overtakes the group as they talk about the cast list. Then they're interrupted by Maddox calling out to them. "Quiet your voices!"
The group grows quiet, glancing over at her to see she's standing on the front porch of the barn with a duffle bag at her side. "Mornin', stage manager." EJ smiles. "You got everything ready?"
"Sure do, Rocket Man." Maddox responds. "It's Newbie Initiation Campout Night, folks. A night in the woods among the wildlife. And spirits." She chuckles. "Pack your tents. Oh, and rest your vocal chords. You'll be screaming tonight. Oh, and by the way, Carlos, we have cameras in teh stage manager's office." She smiles. "But nice try recasting the show."
Soon the group was at the camp site. "Now, everybody, sometimes there are snakes." Maddox called out.
Blythe's eyes widen. "Snakes? I'm out." She moved to walk away, earning a chuckle from EJ, who grabbed her arm and pulled her back.
"Most of them are not poisonous." Maddox included.
"Yeah, that makes me feel better." Blythe sarcastically said.
"Most of them?" Kourtney asked nervously.
Maddox smiles, pointing at her. "Yes."
"I'm with Blythe on that. I can't. I can't, I can't. I'm sorry." Kourtney started walking away, but Gina pulled her back with an amused smile.
Soon everyone dispersed to put up their own tents. Oliver was bunking up with Ricky. "How do you even know how to pitch a tent?" Ricky asked, staring at him in surprise as he worked on it.
"I watch random tutorial videos on YouTube when I'm bored sometime." Oliver admits. "And one about pitching a tent came up." He shrugs. He stands when he finished, grinning as he gestures to their pitched up tent. "Done!"
"Looks great, dude." Ricky smiled and they high fived each other.
Suddenly Ashlyn walks over to the two with an upset look on her face. "Maddox had the audacity to tell me that I'm a Leo rising."
"What?" Ricky asked in confusion.
"How dare she?" Oliver said, trying to be sympathetic even though he didn't know what Ashlyn was talking about.
"Exactly!" Ashlyn seemed to upset to realize the boys were upset. "I know my birth chart like the back of my hand!" She groaned and continued to follow Gina to where they were pitching up their tent.
Oliver and Ricky stare at each other in confusion. "Did you understand what she was talking about?" Ricky questioned.
"Something about Zodiac Signs?" Oliver shrugged. Ricky shrugged as well and they both started to unpack their things.
"Hey, Eej." Blythe greeted the boy who was highlighting scripts later that night. She didn't miss the way he jumped at her sudden voice. "I'm not that scary, am I?" She teased.
"No, sorry." EJ apologzies, his face softening at seeing her. "I'm just so busy with stuff I gotta do for the show and I'm trying not to freak out."
"I can help." Blythe offers, sitting on top of an empty bucket she flipped upside down. EJ glances at her with a bit of surprise at her offer, ignoring how his heart fluttered, but he smiles at her. "What are you working on?" She asked curiously.
"Highlighting scripts." EJ replied.
"Sounds easy peasy. Hand me one." Blythe smiled. EJ smiled back at her and handed her a script and telling her what lines she needed to highlight. As they worked by each other, sitting in silence and enjoying each other's company, he had to admit he was relieved she asked for help because he felt like he was so close to spiraling all day with everything he had to do on his own. It was nice having someone helping him. Plus he enjoyed her company as well.
Meanwhile, Gina was walking over to where Oliver was sitting with Kourtney. "Ollie, did you seriously already hurt yourself?" Gina chuckled, her eyes full of concern though as she noticed Kourtney helping the boy putting a bandaid on his knee.
"I swear, this boy is the most clumsiest person I know." Kourtney commented.
"Okay, in my defense I didn't see there was a stick in front of me when I was walking." Oliver defended himself, his face a bit red out of embarrassment. Truth be told, he was pretty clumsy. He doesn't know this was the first time he managed to hurt himself since he had been at camp. He got lucky he guessed.
"You're lucky you're cute." Gina teased, ruffling his hair and kissing his cheek.
Oliver swats her hand away playfully, smiling at her though. His gaze then went back to Kourtney when she was done. "Thanks for the help, Kourt."
"Sure thing, Ollie." Kourtney smiled before she got up and walked away to find Ashlyn to give the couple some privacy.
"Are you okay, really?" Gina asked in concern, sitting beside him on the log he sat on.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Mostly shaken up." Oliver admits. "The way I landed just gave me a few cuts thankfully." He explains. He intertwines his hand with hers at seeing she still looked concern. He then brought her hand up to his lips, kissing the back of her palm. "I promise, G, I'm fine. It's not like I'm dying."
"I know." She smiles softly, her heart fluttering when he kissed her hand. Their intertwined hands then rested on her leg. "I just don't like seeing you hurt. At all." She then leans forward to peck his lips, earning a soft smile from him as he blushes. "I'm just glad you're okay."
"Welcome, folks, to your very first Newbie Initian Campout Night!" Maddox announces. Later that night the campers are sitting at the campfire with blankets covering them. "Now to kick off the night, let's give it up for our very own Rocket Man!"
Everyone cheers as EJ walks over with his acoustic guitar. He then sat down nearby Blythe. "Alright, pay attention 'cause I don't have much time to waste tonight. I'm gonna need a little help singing parts of this."
"Shake your money maker, Caswell!" Carlos teased.
EJ gave him a look. "Not helpful, Carlos." He said and his friends chuckled. "Alright, here we go. This one is called the Ballad of Shallow Lake and every word is true." He spoke, saying the last part in a spooky voice. He then played his acoustic guitar and sang about a woman named Susan Fine who lived two hundred years ago and how she heard a spooky whistle one night. He went on saying people said she got swallowed by Shallow Lake, never to be seen again, until her ghost says 'come on in'. Everyone cheered when the song was done with.
Kourtney raises her hand, looking nervous and scared. "Um, is that really a true story?"
"Oh, that song is basically a documentary." Maddox answered.
Kourtney chuckles nervously. "Quick follow up..."
"I actually have a lot of homework," EJ interrupts. "But the amazing Maddox will explain it all." He smiled, gesturing to Maddox before standing up and walking to his tent.
"Let's see." Maddox smiles. "Who here likes ghost stories?" Murmurs filled the air as people raised their hands up. Oliver chuckles, smiling in amusement when he noticed Ricky raised both his hands in the air. Maddox chuckles. "Then it's time for you all to hear the story of," Turning on her flshlight, she points it at her face. "the Woman in the Woods."
Kourtney nods. "See? That's a no from me."
"Camp Shallow Lake was founded a long, long time ago by a married couple," Maddox explains. "Mr. John Fine and Mrs. Susan Fine. Everybody loved Mrs. Fine. She was kind. Had a voice of an angel. And she had a sweet tooth, unmatched. She always had a bag of Twizzlers in hand."
Out of the corner of his eye, Oliver noticed Ricky was sneakily eating a Twizzler from the breast pocket of his flannel jacket, pausing when Maddox mentioned the Twizzlers. He had no idea how Ricky got the Twizzlers, but he found it a bit amusing as he kept eating the Twizzler. Maddox stands up. "But tragedy struck on a night a lot like tonight." Ricky then sneakily hands a Twizzler to Oliver, who sat nearby him. Oliver shrugs, taking it from him and takes a bite. He would never say no to a free Twizzler. "It was the very first Newbie Initiation Campout night. Legend says Mrs. Fine heard a faint whistling sound deep within the woods." Just as she said that, there was a loud noise echoing in the woods, catching the attention of the campers. "So she wandered out there." Maddox points the flashlight at Kourtney, who yelps in fear and moves closer to Gina. "All by herself."
Ricky raises his hand. "Wait. What did she find?"
"Was it Corbin Bleu's helicopter?" Jett joked. Everyone (but Maddox) laughed at Jett's joke.
Maddox looks a bit upset by his comment but is quick to compose herself. "No. She was out in the woods for so long, she never came home."
"I know the feeling." Jett remarked, earning some snickers from some campers. The campers started to talk amongst themselves, startling Maddox. Oliver noticed this, glancing at her with concern. He could tell from earlier how excited she was for this night and he felt bad for her that it was kind of ruined for her.
"Well, wait, no. So this all happened twenty, I mean, fifty years ago." Maddox said, trying to get everyone's attention again. She raises her voice, finally getting everyone's attention and they grow quiet. "And, uh, ever since that night, uh, Mrs. Fine has been wandering the woods, hungry, lost, and angry."
"You guys," Jett cut in. "Am I Susan Fine?" Campers laughed at his joke once again, but Maddox frowned.
"You are pretty angry." Ricky chuckles at Jett. "I'm not gonna lie."
"Um," Maddox finally speaks up after some chatter filled the air. She laughs nervously as the chatter died down once again. "Sorry, this isn't how I...It's scary. It's supposed to be scary. Never mind. Sorry." She apologized before she turned her flashlight off and walked away.
Jett stands, looking guilty. "Maddie," He calls out. "Wait."
Blythe was now helping EJ out with highlighting the rest of the scripts again in his tent. She didn't mind helping him out, she liked hanging out with him. Suddenly, the door to the tent opened and Ricky poke his head in, shining his flashlight at the two.
"Boo!" He shouts, not fazing either of the two. Although Blythe did throw her highlighter at him. "Ow." He muttered, rubbing his forehead where it hit him.
"Go away. Busy working." Blythe said. She went to continue ,then realized she threw the highlighter she was using at Ricky. "Gimme." She outstretched her hand at Ricky.
Ricky chuckles, handing her the highlighter back. She just smiled and went back to highlighting the script she was working on. "Dudes, this legend?" Ricky continues, walking into the tent. "I found, like, a shrine in the woods. Let's go."
"Hold up, a shrine?" Blythe raised her eyebrows, looking intrigued.
"Yeah," Ricky grins. "Wanna go?"
"Nah, I'm good." Blythe shook her head and kept working.
"Ricky, I can't go. I have to finish this thing before..."
"Did I hear someone say shrine?" Oliver unknowingly interrupted EJ as he walked in the tent with Gina.
"What thing in the woods?" Gina curiously asked.
"It's literally the scariest thing in the woods." Ricky answers. "And I've seen Hereditary."
"Aw, come on. Let's go, guys." Gina smiled at EJ and Blythe.
"Don't mind me." Ashlyn said, walking into the tent. "Just having a teeny, tiny identity crisis."
"Identity crisis aren't usually teeny and tiny." Blythe remarked as she worked.
Ashlyn shrugs. "EJ, do you remember when I was born? I just need to know if it was 11:37am or 11:37pm."
"Everyone, stop!" EJ snaps, his hands hitting the desk surprising everyone. He faces the others, looking at his cousin first. "It was 11:37am. I know that because my mom always tells me how you forever ruined the eggs Benedict." Blythe frowned as she heard his voice crack as he spoke and noticing how stressed he looked. "Remember? Eggs Benedict is a strictly morning dish." EJ continues. He looks at Oliver, Gina, and Ricky. "No, I can't come see the shrine tonight. I have to finish making up the script before Corbin comes tomorrow. I have a lot on my plate, okay?"
"Eej, just take a deep breath." Oliver said softly, looking at him in concern. EJ sighs and did as he was told. "Don't worry, we'll try not to bother you guys again so you can work." He reassured him.
"Thank you, Oliver." EJ said with relief, sending him a small smile.
"Come on, guys." Oliver gestured for the others to follow him out of the tent. He noticed from the small opening of the tent he could see Blythe calming EJ down when the two were alone and comforting him. He smiled, happy to know that EJ had someone to help him with that.
"The shrine was around here somewhere. I swear." Ricky spoke. He, Oliver, and Gina were now walking in the woods, shining their flashlights all around to find the shrine Ricky spoke of.
"You sure you weren't seeing things?" Oliver asks nervously. "I mean, if it was out here I feel like we should've found it by now."
"Maybe we should head back now?" Gina suggested, sounding and looking a bit scared.
"Oh, are you two chickens now/" Ricky teased, gaining some chuckles from them. The three of them stopped walking when they heard screeching in the distance. They stayed close by each other, Oliver had his hand in Gina's and her other arm was linked with his arm as well. Then suddenly they heard a female voice singing.
"Do you think..." Oliver swallows nervously, looking in the direction of the singing. "That's Susie Fine?"
"I hope that's not the Woman in the Woods." Gina mutters. "Maddox said she had a voice like an Angel. Angel voice."
"Gulp." Ricky commented nervously.
"Now what?" Gina asked.
"Follow the sound?" Ricky shrugged.
Oliver raises his eyebrows at him. "Do you want us to get killed?"
"Right?" Gina agrees. "Exactly what everyone says not to do. Let's do it."
"After you two. Chickens." Ricky gestured with a nod of his head for her and Oliver to go ahead of him.
"Says the one who wants to stay in the back." Oliver teased, earning a chuckle from Gina. He and Gina pulled apart from each other, their hands still intertwined as they walked ahead of Ricky following the voice.
After walking for a few minutes, the trio makes it to the barn where they hear someone singing and playing piano. "Should we see who's singing?" Gina inquired.
"I mean, we've come this far, right?" Ricky asked.
"Yeah, why not." Oliver shrugged.
The trio bursts into the barn, screaming at the same time. Gina had turned around, burying her face in Oliver's shoulders as Oliver covered his own eyes out of fear. Ashlyn turns out to be the one singing and playing piano. She screams as well, eyes wide at seeing them. Ashlyn scrambles to grab her flashlight, turning it on and pointing it at the trio. "Gina?"
Oliver peeks through his fingers when he heard Ashlyn's voice. "Ashlyn?" He said in confusion, lowering his hand as Gina turn back around to face Ashlyn.
"You're the Woman in the Woods?" Ricky's eyes widened.
The trio stayed in the barn with Ashlyn, talking with her for awhile. "Okay, I think I get it." Ricky said. He stood near the stage where the girls sat and Oliver sat on the edge of the stage near Ashlyn. "Because of an optical illusion, right, it seems like Mercury's going backwards?"
"Right." Ashlyn nodded.
"And when this is happening bad things happen." Ricky continued.
"It's science." Ashlyn spoke.
"Right." Ricky nods. "And Mercury's in retrograde? Right now?"
"Honestly? Honestly, no, I just...I wanted to blame the whole Val ensemble casting thing on something out of my control." Ashlyn confessed.
Gina scoots over to her and hugs her. "It's okay, Ash. You were bummed. You wanted an explanation."
As Gina pulls away, Ashlyn continues. "Last semester, I didn't think I could be a leading lady. And tonight, I found out I was born at brunch time." Everyone chuckles at that. "Guess there's always something new to learn."
"Is that it, Ash?" Ricky asked, raising his eyebrows.
"This, um, Corbin Bleu TV show thing, I thought it was gonna be like my big break." Ashlyn admitted.
"Hey," Gina pats he shoulders. "It still could be."
"Nah." Ashlyn shakes her head. She smiles at her, poking Gina's leg. "But I think it could be yours, Anna." She chuckles. "And you deserve it." She glances at Oliver with a smile. "You too, Kristoff." Oliver chuckled and smiled at her. He smiled softly as Gina hugged Ashlyn again.
Ashlyn then pulls away and gets off the stage. Not before fist bumping Oliver and when she got off the stage, she fist bumps Ricky as well. "Good night, cool kids."
"Don't let the Woman in the Woods get ya." Ricky called out teasingly as Ashlyn left. He turns to the couple with a smile. "She's right, you know. This could be a big break for both of you." He smiled.
"That's a funny joke, Rick." Oliver chuckled while Gina laughed.
"I'm serious." Ricky chuckles. "I mean, a couple playing Anna and Kristoff is a big deal." He then shines his flashlight on them with a grin. "I'm proud of both of you."
Oliver chuckles, sharing an amused smile with Gina before they both glance at him with a smile. "Thanks Rick," He said, shining his flashlight back at Ricky, earning a chuckle from the curly-haired boy. "We appreciate it."
A/N oliver & gina <3
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