CHAPTER EIGHT, surprise party for carlos
Oliver had no idea as to why the main cast of the play (besides Carlos, he assumed this had to do with Carlos' birthday that's on Saturday) were in the barn that belonged to Seb's family at eleven o'clock. They all carried lanterns, navigating their way through the barn to the place Seb was leading them to. They had stopped in front of some bales of hay. Oliver stood beside Gina, glancing around at everyone. Gina and Seb seemed to be the only ones that weren't confused as to why they were there.
The animals around them continued to make noises, Ashlyn held onto Big Red's arm, Kourtney kept looking at her boots to see if they were dirty (which they obviously were) while Nini was by her side, reassuring her they could clean them.
"Why do I hear sheep but don't see sheep?" Ashlyn questioned.
"Oh, that's Jimmy." Seb responds. "He has social anxiety."
"Well, I'm team Jimmy." Kourtney speaks up. "I don't camp. I don't glamp. I don't even sleep without a silk pillow case." Everyone chuckled lightly at her comment. A sheep bleated startling EJ. He jumped and let out a surprised yelp.
"Listen," Ricky speaks up. "I'm sure Seb and Gina have a good reason for bringing us to his barn so late, on a school night." He glances at Nini beside him and Kourtney with a smile. "Not that I mind a romantic setting."
"Romantic is debatable." Nini chuckles softly and smiles back at him. "But I like where you're headed."
"Okay, so, we gathered you guys here tonight 'cause I've got this idea." Gina explains. "And because we only have 48 hours to pull it off, it's going to take all of us."
Seb grins at everyone. "The whole family."
"Aw," Nini comments. "You guys."
"So," Seb continues. "I talked to Gina, and we thought we could throw a big surprise party to celebrate the guy Carlos is."
"And a quinceañero he always wanted and never got." Gina adds. "It's a birthday party but seriously zhuzhed up. 'Cause Carlos is one of the good guys."
When silence takes over the group for a few moments Seb speaks up nervously. "Okay, somebody say something because maybe this is a terrible idea?"
"It's an amazing idea." Nini immediately said. "I'm in!"
"Same here." Oliver grinned.
"I'm down!" Kourtney chimed in.
Seb sighed in relief as everyone cheered. Ricky puts his hand in the middle. "For Carlos."
"For Carlos!" Everyone exclaims, putting their hands in the middle as well and they each raised their hands up at the same time. "Whoo!"
"And on the third count of eight, the wolves attack the Beast." Carlos spoke to everyone at practice the next day at rehearsals.
"Exciting." Oliver sarcastically commented, earning a chuckle from Ashlyn.
Carlos points at the brunette-haired boy, sitting on the risers near Ashlyn. "Oliver, stand center stage and look afraid." Oliver stands up, saluting to him, and walked to the center of the room as Carlos continues to speak. "Dancers, please stand in for the wolves who are currently being potty-trained at the animal shelter."
The dancers laid on the floor, pretending to be the wolves. They started howling and rolling around on the floor while Oliver would roar quietly at them. Miss Jenn had gone over to stand beside where Nini sat on the risers, working on her homework. She had a short conversation with Nini about how it took a real leading lady to swing by and support her friends.
"Attack!" Carlos shouted.
The dancers jump at Oliver, acting as if they were going to attack him, and in response he roars at them. Miss Jenn claps once. "Yes! Get 'em." Oliver didn't start out roaring louder, but the more he roared the louder he got. "Deep roar, Oliver." When he roared this time, it was deeper. The dancers scrambled away from them, pretending to be afraid. "Thank you." Miss Jenn claps. "Yes!"
It was finally time for the surprise party for Carlos. Everyone had dressed up for the party and Seb's barn was completely decorated. It all looked amazing thanks to the help of Kourtney and Howie (it was obvious she had a crush on the boy she worked with). Oliver helped hanging decorations up on the bales of hay along with Big Red, Kourtney, and Nini.
"Wow. You guys decorated this place crazy fast." Nini commented.
"You should see him at the pizza shop." Kourtney speaks, handing the rest of the row of lights she held for Big Red to pin up on the hay. "Nobody folds a box faster." She chuckles. "We call him Oregano Origami."
"Wow, really?" Big Red asks. He smiles. "I always wanted a nickname."
Oliver shares a confused look with Kourtney when he said that. Oliver couldn't believe Big Red didn't know he already had a nickname. "Oh, this makes me so happy." Nini smiled.
"Big Red doing manual labor?" Kourtney questioned, glancing at the brunette-haired girl with raised eyebrows.
"No, you guys! Uh, for a minute I was feeling sad about not being in the show, but now looking at you three, spreading your wings, you two working at the pizza shop," Nini points at Big Red and Kourtney. She points at Oliver. "You focusing more on your music," She smiles at each of them as she continues. "Doing a thousand different things at once. I don't know, it's like a very small reminder that the world is my oyster."
"Okay." Big Red chuckles. He points at Nini. "But never mix oysters and pizza."
"Wait, do you want a job?" Kourtney asked Nini.
"Oh, we aren't currently hiring." Big Red chimes in. "That is, unless Howie and Kourtney actually get together. And then they break up. And then one of them quits."
Nini looks at Kourtney with wide eyes. "Wait, what?"
Kourtney chuckles nervously. "Wait. What are you even...That's crazy. You can't...It's insane with that...That little man is my employee."
"Technically, not really." Big Red shrugs. "So, you're free to date each other."
Oliver smiles teasingly at Kourtney. "You two are perfect for each other, Kourt."
"You, shush." Kourtney points at him with a stern expression on her face which caused Oliver to chuckle. "You know what? I think I'm gonna go. That's enough." She threw the other row of lights she held at Oliver, who caught them and laughed a bit as she walked off.
Soon it was time for Carlos and Seb to arrive. EJ and Ricky opened the big door to the barn when Seb yelled for someone to open the door. Everyone shouted 'happy birthday' once the door was open. By Carlos' reaction, Oliver knew he was surprised and happy about this.
"Wait. This can't be happening." Carlos commented.
Seb smiles. "It is."
"I'm not wearin' a party outfit." Carlos said.
"We got you covered." Seb assured Carlos.
Everyone gathered on the seats that were made out of the bales of hay while Ricky and Nini went up on stages with microphones. Big Red shined a big spotlight at them causing Ricky to squint for a few seconds because of the bright light shined at him and Nini.
"Hey, guys!" Nini greets. "I think I kinda you know..."
"It's Carlos' quinceñearo!" Ricky finishes her sentence. Applause filled the room and when it died down some Ricky speaks again. "Gina, get on up here."
"Go, Gina!" Oliver cheered along with everyone else as Gina switch places with Ricky and Nini. Gina wore one of those big salsa skirts and a jacket decorated with glitter and sparkle covered designs which was made by Kourtney.
Gina taps the microphone headset she was wearing, testing it out before she said her speech. "Carlos Rodriguez, we, um, haven't always seen eye-to-eye when it comes to running rehearsal...And honestly, I sorta had no idea what to get you tonight. And then Sebbie showed me that clip of you in seventh grade, dancing. I was like, 'Oh...Okay, so, we're actually the exact same'. Because I remember where I was in seventh grade, or, uh, all the places that I was in that year. And I would just dance and dance alone in my bedroom to stay busy and escape."
"But the difference between us is, I never would have put that out into the world and I never would have left that up on Instagram after some of the comments you got..." Gina continues. She scoffs. "Haters gonna hate...Anyways, um, tonight I'm recreating your dance. Because we might not share a choreography brain, but I think you know we share a dancer heart."
Oliver didn't fail to notice how her voice quivered as she speaks the next part which made him furrow his eyebrows and wonder why she was suddenly sounded sad. "No matter what happens tomorrow or the day after that, we just keep on dancing." She walks over to stand beside a rope that was hanging down. "Roll the tape." She pulled on the rope, and a white sheet hung down while everyone cheered.
Oliver pressed play on the sound system that was set up on a bale of hay in front of him. He had decided on joining the AV club since he kind of helped with the technical stuff for the last play. He enjoyed it so he thought he might enjoyed the AV club and so far he is.
EJ had also decided on joining the club and was the one to record Gina's dance, and Seb's song he was going to perform. For the video messages they were planning to record for Carlos EJ and Oliver were going to take turns on recording everyone. EJ had recorded the video messages at of the ones who wanted to record them before the party and Oliver was going to record the ones who wanted to record it sometime during or after the party.
Young Carlos started the beginning of his dance and when he wrapped himself up with a blanket that was hanging on the edge of his bed, Oliver paused the video as Gina stood in front of the white sheet. Oliver pressed play on the music, a smile finding its way to his lips while Gina began dancing and singing. Two dances took away the white sheet when Gina twirled. Gina preformed her song 'A Dancer's Heart' and to say it was amazing was an understatement. Oliver thought that she deserved more solos and to be the lead in the musicals because she was so so talented.
Towards the end of her song, Seb guided Carlos up on stage and Gina brought Carlos to the middle of the stage. She made Carlos face the crowd, putting a crown on top of his head as she finished singing her song. Oliver stopped the music at the end and cheered loudly along with everyone else at the end of the song.
Carlos and Gina then share a hug. "I love you!" Carlos exclaims after they pull away from the hug. Gina chuckles and smiles. Carlos smiles. "Day one."
Everyone cheered again as the two pulled each other in for another hug. Gina faces Carlos to the front after the second hug and Carlos smiled widely at the crowd who continued to cheer for him. Oliver went over to where the video camera messages for Carlos was set up. He was making sure the camera was all good as Gina took a seat on the bale of hay in front of where the camera is facing.
"Gina, you were literally amazing up on that stage." Oliver commented.
Gina smiles. "Thank you, Oliver."
"So, how do you feel?" Oliver asked, tilting his head to the side.
Gina sighs, nodding her head. "I feel like I did everything I needed to do here."
Oliver furrows his eyebrows, a little confused by her answer, but still smiles and shakes his head. "Well, G, I might need you to remind me to throw me a birthday party since you did so great with this one."
Gina chuckles, smiling widely at him. "That's sweet, Ollie."
The two lock eyes with each other and smile. They probably smiled at each other longer than they should've and they both wondered if they could notice the blush appearing on their faces. Gina was the one to break the comfortable silence that fell between them. "Um, should I give a final shout-out to Carlos or..."
"Yeah, yes." Oliver quickly nods, checking the camera to make sure it was set up to start recording. "Okay, I'm starting to record right-"
"Wait," Gina stops him from pressing the record button, looking at him with surprise. "That was just you asking? How I was feeling?"
"Yeah." Oliver nods, his lips forming into a smile. He looks at her with concerned as he tilts his head to the side, now worried he might've said something that offended her. "Is-Is that okay?"
Gina looks surprised for a few seconds and she felt blush creeping up on her neck as she smiles and nods at him. "Great." Oliver presses the recording button on the video camera. "We are now recording."
After Gina's video message for Carlos was done, they went back over to where everyone was sitting on the bales of hay. A few seconds later after Carlos had asked where Seb was at, Mike, Ricky's dad, backed up the trailer into the barn that had a white piano sat on the trailer. EJ had set up the video camera in the right area to get a good shot of Seb and pressed record when Seb started to speak. Seb was at the piano and he turned to face everyone with a smile, saying what he wanted to say before he started the song he was playing which was 'The Climb' by Miley Cyrus.
When Seb was done with his small speech he stopped playing the piano when he went to play the piano, adding that he hoped it he wasn't disappointing the king of fashion (Carlos) by wearing the suit he wore to Homecoming. He had to wear it since his parents said he has to wear it until he grows out of it.
Seb's version of the song 'The Climb' was beautiful and it literally brought everyone to tears. Carlos got up and went over to the trailer, looking at Seb with a smile. Seb knelt down beside him and they hugged.
"Where did you come from and why am I so lucky?" Carlos asked.
"Wasatch County and you just are." Seb replied.
After they shared a kiss Gina exclaims, "Speech! Speech! Speech!" Everyone joined in with her, each of them encouraging Carlos to say something.
Seb got the microphone he used for Carlos and sat on the edge of the trailer. Carlos holds the microphone, chuckling as he turns to face everyone with a smile. "Um, I'm not sure how I can thank you all for this. I've never been accused of being speechless." Laughter filled the room when he said that. "I can't thank you all enough for just getting me." He continues. "Everybody should have people who just get them."
"We love you, Carlos!" One of the dancers shouted and some of the members chimed in with 'we love you' which made Carlos' smile grow. He hands Seb the microphone when Seb wanted to talk.
"I've done a little research, and if this is, in fact, your quinceñearo," Seb faces everyone, pointing at Carlos. "Then he must choose his madrina." He leans over to Carlos, whispering, "And that means godmother."
Carlos takes ahold of the microphone Seb hands back to him. "Honey, I'm not that bad at Spanish."
"One, two, three, not it!" Kourtney shouts and some of the drama club members laughed. "I've got enough jobs as it is already."
"I choose, as my madrina..."
So it turns out that Carlos chose Miss Jenn as his madrina. Oliver was recording her video message for Carlos, looking at the blonde-haired woman with a smile. "Miss Jenn, how about you tell us how you felt when Carlos picked you as his godmother?"
"I can't..." Miss Jenn sobs. She had mascara running down her face as she sniffled a lot.
Oliver cringes and glances at the camera. "Um, do you want me to stop recording and we can just record your video message when you're done crying?"
"Yes, please, that would be great." Miss Jenn nods, wiping the mascara off of her face while standing up. Oliver pauses the video, deleting the footage he just got, and Miss Jenn walks away to find Kourtney. "I feel like the clown from 'It'. I need Kourtney."
"Five minutes." Oliver called out to her.
"Thank you, five." Miss Jenn said.
Miss Jenn eventually got cleaned up and got her video for Carlos done. The night continued on and the drama club members (minus Gina) were in a circle, dancing and having fun in front of where the stage was at. Oliver didn't fail to notice that Gina wasn't with him which made him wonder where she was. His eyes trailed around the barn, stopping when he spots her sitting on the steps of the stage, talking to someone on the phone. A frown tug on his lips, wondering why she was all by herself and was curious as to who she was talking to.
A/N yes i changed a portwell scene to make it an olina scene just so there can be more olina scenes in this chapter & i just love olina so much ! honestly gina & seb did so so good with their solos, they're both so amazing & talented.
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