CHAPTER EIGHT, in my blood
Oliver stood in front of his older brother at Noah's apartment in New York, a duffle bag in hand as he stared at the ground, refusing to look up at his brother. He felt ashamed and embarrassed, like a child having a tantrum. He had literally flew to New York in need of advice from Noah when he could've just called or text him. But he felt like he needed to see his brother too. He hadn't seen him in person for awhile and he felt like this was a in person matter.
Noah watches his younger brother, frowning in concern. He could tell Oliver was upset and distressed about something, so he opened his arms up to offer a hug. "Come here, buddy."
Oliver didn't hesitate, dropping his duffel bag and stepping into his older brother's embrace. He held onto him tightly, trying not to cry as the events from the party played in his head. "I messed up, Noah."
"What happened?" Noah asked, keeping his voice soft as he picked up his duffle bag to carry inside, wrapping an arm around his brother while leading him in. He kicked the front door closed, setting the bag by the door and leading his brother to the couch.
Oliver sat down next to his brother, his head down and his eyes averted. "Everything's been...Chaotic with the movie, East High, and Gina."
"Is everything okay between you and Gina? Did something happen? I thought you guys were good. Honestly almost annoyingly cute, like a Hallmark romance movie." Noah teases, playfully nudging his younger brother. "C'mon, Ollie, tell me what's wrong."
Oliver bites his lower lip, his gaze falling on an acoustic guitar set up near the couch and an opened notebook on the coffee table. "We're you working on a new song?"
"Yeah, been working on some finishing touches on it." Noah admits, watching as his brother leaned over to grab his notebook. "Sure, you can check it out." He teased, knowing that Oliver was only using it as a distraction from the conversation.
Oliver rolls his eyes playfully and flips open the notebook. He scans over the lyrics and notes, impressed by his brother's songwriting. He was always impressed by his brother's skill. "Wow, Noah, this is really good. Can I hear it?" He asked hopefully, glancing at him.
"Maybe. Only if you talk to me about what's wrong." Noah replies, gently taking the notebook and closing it. He sets it back on the coffee table and turns to his brother. "I'm serious, Oliver. You flew all the way to New York in the middle of the night to get here super early in the morning. I know it must be serious. You're not a morning person."
Oliver couldn't help but laugh softly at that. His older brother was right. He was a night owl and was usually not a morning person. If he had a choice, he would stay up late and sleep in. He sighs, knowing that Noah was right and he needed to talk about what was going on. "Fine, I'll talk. But you gotta play me your new song first."
(here's the video i based off this scene if you wanna watch it!, noah would ofc be singing shawn's parts & oliver's singing zac's parts)
"Deal." Noah grins and gets up to grab his guitar. He sits back down next to his brother and starts playing the melody for his new song. He begins to sing, his voice soft and soothing as he played his guitar. "Help me, it's like the walls are caving in. Sometimes I feel like giving up. But I just can't. It isn't in my blood. Laying on the bathroom floor, feeling nothing. I'm overwhelmed and insecure, give me something. I could take to ease my mind slowly."
Oliver was surprised he could so easily relate to this song. Right when he looked at it, he could feel the lyrics resonating with him and his emotions. Though this also made him realize there was more going on with Noah he wasn't telling him. He was curious and concerned about what was going on with his older brother, but he was grateful Noah was letting him stay with him and even talking to him about his issues. Oliver leaned over to grab the notebook to look at the lyrics to join singing.
Noticing this, Noah nods at him with a small smile. "Sure, join in." He encouraged.
"Just have a drink and you'll feel better. Just take her home and you'll feel better. Keep telling me that it gets better. Does it ever?" Oliver sang, his voice soft and his eyes on the notebook. He felt emotional, relating to the lyrics of the song and the situation. It was as if this song was meant for him. He had felt this way more than once in the past few weeks, and he hated it. It was exhausting and made him feel hopeless. But it was true, the lyrics to the song. He had felt that way multiple times.
"Help me, it's like the walls are caving in. Sometimes I feel like giving up. No medicine is strong enough. Someone help me. I'm crawling in my skin. Sometimes I feel like giving up, but I just can't. It isn't in my blood."
As they kept singing, they both fell into a comfortable rhythm, their voices blending together in a shared moment of vulnerability. It wasn't often that Oliver felt like he could truly express how overwhelmed he had been lately, but the lyrics spoke directly to his soul. Every word mirrored the anxiety, fear, and frustration he had been bottling up. But this song gave him the release he so desperately needed. He continued singing, his eyes brimming with tears. He felt a lump form in his throat, and he swallowed hard, trying to push down the emotions that threatened to bubble over. But it was no use.
Noah put his guitar aside and took the notebook, placing it on the coffee table before turning back to his brother. "Okay, that was great, Ollie. That's definitely going on my new album." He smiled, trying to lighten the mood. Oliver didn't react. He was staring at his hands in his lap, his head down. His emotions were everywhere. He felt so drained and exhausted, and he was trying not to cry. He was overwhelmed by his feelings. He felt his chest tightening, the weight of everything crashing down at once. Noah, noticing Oliver's silence, gently placed a hand on his shoulder.
Oliver shook his head, trying to force the words out, but his throat felt tight. He had been holding onto so much—his insecurities, his anxiety, the uncertainty about his future. Everything seemed too heavy, and it felt like no matter what he did, it would never get better. Just like the song lyrics, he felt like the walls were caving in and that nothing was going to help. But Noah was there, offering him the space to let it all out. The weight of his brother's hand on his shoulder felt grounding, and for the first time in a while, Oliver didn't feel completely alone.
"Hey," Noah said softly, his voice filled with concern and support. "It's okay. You don't have to hold it all in."
That was all it took for Oliver to break down and cry. He buried his face in his hands and cried, his shoulders shaking. He couldn't hold back anymore. All the stress, frustration, and anxiety came rushing out like a flood, overwhelming him. Noah immediately pulled his younger brother into a tight embrace, rubbing his back soothingly. Everything was going wrong and he was drowning. He had so much going on, but he wasn't able to tell anyone because he didn't want to bother anyone or get their sympathy. But Noah was here for him.
"Hey, it's okay." Noah murmurs, moving closer and wrapping his arms around his little brother, hugging him tightly. "You're gonna be alright, buddy. It's gonna be okay." He soothed, his voice soft and gentle.
"Everything's falling apart, Noah." Oliver whimpers, his voice cracking as he clung onto his brother, burying his face in his chest. "I don't know what to do."
"Hey, let's take it one step at a time, alright?" Noah says softly, rubbing his brother's back as he held him. "First, let's take a deep breath, try to calm down. Then we can talk about what's going on. Okay?"
Oliver nodded, doing his best to follow his brother's instructions. He tried to breathe deeply, but it was hard. It was difficult to focus when his thoughts and emotions were spiraling out of control. Noah was quick to help by guiding him through breathing exercises. He took slow, deliberate breaths, encouraging Oliver to follow his rhythm.
"There you go, you got it." Noah encourages, continuing to rub his brother's back. "You're doing great, buddy. Keep going. In and out." With each breath, Oliver felt a little more grounded, the weight on his chest slowly lifting. It was comforting to be in his brother's arms, reminding him that he wasn't alone.
After a few minutes, Oliver was finally able to calm down, his breathing returning to normal. He pulls away from his brother's embrace, wiping his eyes and sniffling. He takes a shaky breath, still feeling emotional and overwhelmed, but better. He looks at his brother and lets out a watery chuckle. "Thanks, Noah."
"No problem, Ollie." Noah smiles and pats his brother's shoulder. "Do you wanna talk about it? Or do you wanna get some sleep in? 'Cause honestly I'm like half awake. We can talk in the morning." He chuckled, trying to ease the lingering heaviness in the air.
Oliver chuckles and shrugs, wiping some more tears away. "Honestly I could use some sleep. Plus, I don't want you to fall asleep in the middle of my venting." He teased, though his voice was soft and a bit strained. He was still exhausted and drained. He wanted to rest, especially now that the dam had broken. He felt like a weight had been lifted off his chest, and he could finally breathe again. Noah helped him through a rough time, and he was grateful. Oliver was also grateful Noah hadn't asked about him and Gina yet. It would be a long and complicated story and he was too exhausted to even begin explaining. Besides, he could feel a headache forming and needed rest.
Noah laughs and pats his brother's back. "Yeah, yeah. Alright, let's get some sleep." He says, standing up and stretching. "You can take the guest room. I'm sure you're exhausted."
"Thanks, Noah." Oliver smiles and gets up, grabbing his duffle bag. "I really appreciate you letting me crash here and opening up your home to me. Even though I came here unannounced and early."
"Of course, Ollie. You're my brother and I love you." Noah grins, ruffling his brother's hair. "Now get some sleep, kid. You have a lot to tell me later." He went to lock the front door before heading down the hall and turning the light off. Oliver followed him and turned into the guest room, setting his duffle bag on the bed. He was glad his brother was letting him crash at his apartment. It would be a great place to relax and not have to deal with the drama back home.
He changed into some comfy clothes, brushing his teeth and washing his face. He crawled into the bed and laid down, staring at the ceiling. He let out a sigh, his thoughts and emotions racing. He was exhausted, but he was also filled with anxiety. His mind wouldn't shut up, but thankfully it didn't take him long to drift off to sleep.
When Oliver woke up, the sunlight was pouring into the room and he could hear movement in the kitchen. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, yawning as he stretched. He almost forgot where he was, but the events from the previous night came flooding back to him. He sighed, flopping back on the bed.
"Ollie? Are you awake, bud?" Noah's voice called from the kitchen, along with the sizzling of food being cooked.
Oliver rolls his eyes and chuckles. Of course his brother was cooking. The man loved to cook. Plus he was good at it. Oliver took a moment to gather himself, still feeling the remnants of last night's emotional release. "Yeah, I'm up."
"Alright, good. I'm making breakfast. I figured you'd be hungry. I know I am." Noah called out, his voice light and cheerful. The enticing aroma of sizzling eggs and bacon wafted through the air, making Oliver's stomach growl in response. He could always count on Noah to whip up a hearty breakfast, and it was one of the things he missed the most about Noah being home and when he helped with coking.
Oliver rolls his eyes, but couldn't help smiling. His brother was a great cook, and he was definitely hungry. "Thanks, Noah." He got up and grabbed some clothes, heading into the bathroom. After taking a shower and getting dressed, he headed out to the kitchen, the smell of bacon and pancakes filling the air.
"Smells good." Oliver says, walking over to the stove and leaning against the counter. "Need any help?"
"Nah, I got it." Noah smiles, flipping the pancakes before plating them. "Go ahead and sit down. Food's almost ready."
"Cool." Oliver sat down at the small dining table, leaning his elbow on the table and resting his chin on his hand. He yawned, covering his mouth with his hand. He was still tired and had a headache, but he was feeling a bit better after getting some rest.
"Here you go." Noah brought over the plate of pancakes and sets it on the table before going back and grabbing the bacon and maple syrup.
Oliver couldn't help chuckling, amused by how his brother had set the food up. "You're so extra."
"What? I just like my pancakes drenched in maple syrup." Noah laughs and sits down across from him. "You want any?"
"Yeah, why not." Oliver chuckled and grabbed the bottle, pouring a generous amount on his pancakes.
Noah smiles and takes a bite. "So...Wanna talk about why you suddenly showed up at my door in the middle of the night?"
Oliver sighs, setting his fork down. He looks down at his plate, suddenly not hungry. "I hoped you would forget."
Noah sends him a look. "How would I forget that? Dude, you freaked me out. You never fly out here randomly. Especially in the middle of the night."
Oliver groans, covering his face with his hands. "I know, I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking clearly. I just had to get out of there."
"Ollie, what happened?" Noah asks, his expression softening. "Talk to me."
Oliver takes a deep breath, gathering his thoughts and figuring out how to tell his brother everything. He knew his brother would listen, but he was afraid of how he would react. "It's been a rough few weeks." He confessed.
"Okay, keep going." Noah encouraged, sensing there was more.
Oliver started to explain, telling his brother about everything that's been going on. From the stress of the movie, to the stress he felt about his career and the problem he had with Gina and Mack. By the end of it, he felt drained and exhausted.
"Ollie, wow. I didn't realize things were that bad." Noah frowned, his heart aching for his little brother.
"I didn't want to tell anyone. I didn't want to burden anyone." Oliver explained, wiping his eyes as he finished his story.
"Hey, you could never be a burden to me, okay?" Noah assures, reaching across the table to hold his brother's hand. "You're my little brother, Ollie. I'm always here for you, no matter what. You got that?"
Oliver nods, smiling weakly. "Yeah, I got it."
"Good. Now come here." Noah gets up and hugs his brother. "We're gonna figure this out, okay?"
Oliver nods, hugging his brother tightly. "Okay."
"First, I think we need to find a way to help you relax and de-stress." Noah suggests, pulling away and rubbing his brother's shoulders. "You've been under a lot of stress and pressure, and I think it's really taking a toll on you. You need to take some time for yourself and unwind."
Oliver chuckles weakly, running a hand through his hair. "Yeah, that sounds good."
"Okay, so here's what I think we should do. You and I are gonna do a lazy day and we're gonna take it easy and relax. We'll watch movies and play games and order takeout. Sound good?" Noah suggested.
"Sounds good." Oliver smiles. "Thanks, Noah. For listening and being there for me."
"Of course, Ollie. Always." Noah grinned and ruffled his brother's hair. He then sat back down and resumed eating along with Oliver.
Conversation flowed easily between the brothers as they finished their breakfast. They talked about Noah's upcoming album and how he thought of recording that song he and his brother sang but it still needed some tweaking. Once they finished, they washed the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen before settling in the living room to relax.
Oliver felt much better after talking to his brother. He had been carrying all of that for so long and he hadn't realized how much he needed to get it off his chest. His brother was always there for him, and he was grateful. He was also grateful that his brother was taking the time to spend the day with him and help him relax. It was exactly what he needed.
Noah was more than happy to help his little brother out. He was worried about him, but he was glad that he was opening up to him. He could see how much stress he was under and how much pressure he was putting on himself. He just wanted to help his brother and make him feel better. They spent the day relaxing and having fun, just hanging out and playing video games. They also watched some movies, ordering takeout and snacking on popcorn. It was exactly what Oliver needed. By the end of the day, he was feeling much better and less stressed.
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