2: Jail Break
Fight Inside ~ RED
Destroya ~ My Chemical Romance
I fixed myself dinner. Anna had gone over to Lydia's to see how she was doing. I had slept most of the day until Anna called saying she was going to her best friend's house. She had the Renegade and I knew I needed to start thinking about getting her a vehicle of her own. I'd had a weird dream that Derek had almost given me a heart attack and warned me that Gerard was in town breaking the Code before basically making me his Emissary. I opened the paper and a headline caught my eye.
I scanned the article. An unknown adult male was found severed in half in the Preserve. The police thought he might have been a drifter passing through. Wait a minute... I dialed a number I now had memorized.
Yes, Trish?
"I was pretty out of it but were you really here last night? Giving me a heart attack?"
Derek sighed. Yes.
"Oh. So why exactly did Gerard cut an Omega in half?"
I never said he was cut in half.
"The paper did."
I think he was looking for me. He told Argent he was looking for the Alpha and that he'd heard he was here.
"You also know how fast word travels in the supernatural community. A new Alpha draws interest. Especially if that Alpha is related to Talia Hale."
I know.
Derek! I heard a young male voice calling in the background. Derek!
I have to go, Trish.
"I can hear that."
He hung up. And I looked through the rest of the paper.
I hummed a tune as I headed to the mailbox to send in a bill. As I started heading back to the house, I heard tires screech to a stop. I turned to see a familiar black Camaro. The passenger side window rolled down to reveal Scott.
Derek leaned forward. "Get in."
"Get in, please."
Scott tried not to laugh.
"Trish, not now. We need your help. The cops picked up my Beta for murdering his father."
I gave him a look.
"It wasn't him."
"And tonight's a full moon," I said with a sigh. I opened the door. "Get in the back, Scott."
Scott climbed in the back and Derek sped off. I sent Anna a text letting her know I wasn't going to be home for a while.
"Whose house is this?" I asked when we walked up to a single-story house with police tape around it. Derek had parked down the street to not draw attention to us.
"Isaac Lahey's," Derek said.
"Are we going to break in?"
"Probably," Scott said. We went inside and Derek handed me the flashlight. "If Isaac didn't kill his father, who did?"
"I don't know yet."
"Then how do you know he's telling the truth?"
"I trust my senses."
I glanced back at him as Scott took the flashlight from me. Derek motioned to his eyes and I nodded, understanding.
"And it's a combination on them. Not just your sense of smell."
Scott stopped and looked at Derek. "You saw the lacrosse thing today."
I only raised an eyebrow.
"Did it look that bad?"
Derek put his hand on Scott's shoulder and leaned closer. "Yeah."
I gave a laugh. I was going to have to ask about that later.
Derek, with his hand still on Scott's shoulder, guided him towards the basement. "You wanna learn?" Derek opened the door leading to the basement. Scott shined the light down the stairs. It didn't look like the Laheys kept it clean and just shoved anything and everything down there. "Let's start now."
And Werewolf 101 is now in session.
Scott started to walk down the steps. "What's down there?"
I started to follow him but Derek took my arm to stop me.
"And what am I looking for?"
"Follow your senses."
Scott started to look around and I wondered if he was doing what Derek was saying.
"What happened down here?"
"The kind of thing that leaves an impression."
Scott crouched down and examined the floor. He then moved towards a freezer and I then noticed that Derek wasn't standing next to me. I went down the stairs as Derek turned the flashlight on, startling Scott. That's my brother. Derek Hale. Master creeper. Wait... Did I just call him my brother...? I joined them a moment later.
"Open it."
Scott did so as I moved to the other side of him and Derek shined the light into the freezer.
"Oh, my God," I breathed.
The inside was covered with bloody scratches. Mr. Lahey was locking his son in the freezer and Isaac was trying to claw his way out. Derek must have known this and offered Isaac the Bite. And what abused kid wouldn't say yes?
"This is why he said yes to you." Scott had come to the same conclusion.
"Everyone wants power."
"If we help you, then you have to stop."
"Have you met Derek, Scott?" I asked.
"Trish," Derek sighed.
"You can't just go around turning people into werewolves," Scott argued.
"I can if they're willing."
"Every Alpha needs a pack," I put in. "At least he's not doing what Peter did."
"Are you on his side now?"
"Yes, I am."
Derek looked at me. I guess this means I'm officially his Emissary.
"Did you at least tell Isaac about the Argents?" Scott continued. "About being hunted?"
"Yes. And he still asked."
"Then he's an idiot."
"And you're the idiot dating Argent's daughter."
Scott looked at him surprised.
"Seriously, Scott?" I asked.
"Yeah. I know your little secret."
Scott looked at me.
"Hey, I just found out two seconds ago so don't look at me like that."
"And if I know, how long do you think it's gonna take for them to find out? You saw what happens to an Omega."
Scott looked away and Derek put a hand on Scott's shoulder.
"With me, you'll learn how to use all your senses. With me, you'll learn control." Derek took Scott's wrist and held it up. Scott's claws slowly extended. "Even on a full moon."
Scott jerked out of his grasp. "If I'm with you, I lose her."
"You're gonna lose her anyway. You know that." Derek turned away and I looked at him. He knew that from experience.
Derek stopped and turned back to us.
"I'm not part of your pack."
Derek gave him a puzzled look.
"But I want him out. He's my responsibility, too."
Now I was giving him the puzzled look. He was talking like an Alpha.
"Why?" Derek asked. "Because he's one of us?"
"Because he's innocent."
"Scott's right, Derek. If he stays in jail tonight, he will kill someone. And if Isaac kills someone, the Argents come down on all of us."
"I'm sorry, Lydia," I said. "Trish got called into work so she needs the car." I hated lying to Lydia. But all of us had agreed to keep her in the dark about Peter, the bite on her side, and everything that had to do with the supernatural, now that we saw she wasn't turning into a werewolf. Something Trish couldn't understand. Hell, we were all confused by it.
"It's okay," Lydia said with a warm smile. "I'll see you at school."
I smiled back. "Okay."
I left her room, waving at her mom on the way out.
"Bye, Anna."
"Bye, Mrs. Martin."
Okay, the truth was I was meeting Allison down the street from the Lahey house. Isaac, the boy I'd met at the formal a week earlier, had been arrested for killing his father. But Isaac was innocent. So while Stiles, Derek, and Trish were going to go break him out of the sheriff's station somehow before the Argents killed him, Allison and I were going to keep Scott from killing someone. I had thought he had the wolf under control, but it didn't look like it.
"Okay, so your dad and grandpa think that Isaac killed his father so they're sending someone dressed like a deputy to kill Isaac?" I asked when Allison arrived.
"We hunt those that hunt us," she said. "If they believe Isaac took a human life, they're going to kill him to keep him from doing it again."
"Don't they have to have proof?"
"They think the door being ripped off is enough proof. I slowed the Hunter down, so hopefully, that'll give Derek, Trish, and Stiles enough time to get Isaac out of there." Yeah, my friend is a werewolf now, courtesy of Derek Hale. Allison pulled out a large duffle bag from her trunk.
"What's that?"
"Chains for Scott."
"I have now decided I hate full moons."
Allison chuckled as we headed towards the house.
Once inside, we headed towards the basement. I shined my flashlight into the basement.
"Oh, look. A creepy basement."
Allison only gave a half-smile and shook her head, shining her own flashlight down the stairs and slowly began to descend them.
"Scott?" she called. We found him on his knees, panting. Oh, he was definitely struggling tonight. Allison knelt down in front of him and unzipped the bag and pulled out a handful of chain. "Are you sure we have to do this?"
Scott looked up. His fangs were extended and his eyes kept going from brown to bright yellow back to brown. "Yes."
Scott looked towards a freezer and we both shined our lights on it.
"Is it just me or does that not look like it'll be werewolf proof?" They both gave me a look. "Okay, just me."
Allison and I helped Scott get into the freezer and I noticed the bloody scratches on the lid. So the rumor was true. Isaac was being abused by his father. Which would also explain why the boy was so shy and kept to himself. Allison looked like she wanted to lock up Scott as much as I did. Which wasn't at all. She sighed and Scott looked up at us.
"Please," he said. "I don't want to hurt you. Either of you."
"I still don't like this idea," I said.
Allison nodded in agreement but hesitantly started to reach for the lid. She looked back down at Scott and then leaned down to kiss him. She hesitated again before she shut the lid. I helped her slid the chains around the freezer.
"It's done," she said as I checked the lock. "It's locked."
"Go," Scott's voice echoed inside the freezer.
"Scott, I can't..."
"Just go!"
"Are we going to leave him in here all night?" I asked.
Allison nodded before grabbing her flashlight and my wrist. Together we ran out of the basement and up the stairs. Allison closed the door. We walked towards the kitchen right when Allison's flashlight went out.
"That's convenient," I muttered as she slapped the flashlight against her palm. "Crap. I left my flashlight downstairs."
Allison set the flashlight on the counter and then leaned over it.
"He'll be okay right?" I heard something hiss. "Um... please tell me you heard that, too."
We both slowly looked towards the hallway. There was something there with glowing yellow eyes. And I'm pretty sure it wasn't Scott. It snarled and we both screamed. While Allison's scream wasn't that loud, mine was loud and shrill. Allison turned and grabbed a knife out of the block and turned and faced it while I plastered myself against the wall. The thing continued to hiss and snarl.
"Come on," Allison whispered. "Come on!"
"Let's not piss it off!"
The door to the basement exploded and I screamed again. Scott rolled in, taking a position between us and Mr. Hissy, growling. The thing snarled and literally climbed the wall and onto the ceiling. The thing turned out to be a humanoid lizard. It snarled at us before taking off and smashing through the front door.
"What in holy hell was that!?" I screamed.
"I don't know," Scott replied.
Stiles pulled up in front of the sheriff's station.
"Anyone else think this is a bad idea?" I asked. Stiles and Derek were looking at the station.
"It's the best one we have," Stiles said. Anna was with Allison helping her restrain Scott. Which I wasn't exactly happy about. "Okay, now the keys to every cell are in a password-protected lockbox in my father's office."
"Which you have the password to. I hope," I responded.
"Of course. The problem is getting past the front desk."
"I'll distract her," Derek immediately said, reaching for the handle. Oh, I've seen him do this trick before. But he was also a teenager at the time as well.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Stiles grabbed Derek's jacket. "You? You're not going in there."
Derek turned and looked at Stiles' hand before looking at Stiles. He did this a couple times before Stiles realized Derek wanted him to let go before he hurt him.
"I'm taking my hand off."
"Why not?" I asked.
"I was exonerated," Derek reminded him, referring to the whole incident where everyone in Beacon Hills thought Derek was behind the killings because of Scott and Stiles.
"You're still a person of interest."
"An innocent person."
"And... You? Yeah, right!"
I slapped Stiles in the back of the head. "He wasn't the one killing random people. The only thing he's guilty of is killing an Alpha."
"Is that you're way of helping?" Derek asked, still glaring at Stiles.
Stiles sighed. "Okay, fine. What's your plan?"
"To distract her." Judging by the way he said it, there was no plan.
"Uh-huh. How? By punching her in the face?"
"Oh, dear God," I mumbled as my head went into my arm.
Derek faked a laugh. "By talking to her."
"Okay, alright. Give me a sample."
I looked between the two.
"What are you going to open with?"
"Are you freaking serious?"
Derek was glaring at Stiles.
"Dead silence. That should work beautifully. Any other ideas?"
Derek pretended to think. "I'm thinking about punching you in the face."
Stiles' jaw dropped.
"I wouldn't push it, Stiles. He might surprise you." I gave Derek a wink and I saw the amusement on his face. This was actually an inside joke between us. This was a trick that he, Laura, and I pulled all the time at school. One would distract the teacher or an aide, while the other two would slip out or into class. Laura and Derek were a lot better at it than me, but I usually ended up subtly using my magic.
We walked up to the door and I stopped, grabbing Stiles' arm. Derek continued on.
"Watch and learn," I whispered.
Derek walked in and looked around like he was looking for someone who worked there. A few minutes later, the female deputy I'd talked to when I'd come to bail out Derek when he pulled me back into this world, came out, holding a folder.
"Good evening, how can I help," she looked up and paused a second. "You?" And she has taken the bait.
Derek leaned on the counter and smiled. "Hi."
Stop the presses right now! Alert the media! Derek Hale just smiled.
"I had a question," Stiles rolled his eyes and I grinned as Derek proceeded to flirt with the deputy. "Uh, sorry, I'm a little... a little thrown. I wasn't really expecting someone..."
The deputy giggled and I motioned for Stiles to go.
"Like me?"
"Oh, I was gonna say 'so incredibly beautiful' but yeah, I guess that would be the same thing."
I darted after Stiles, Derek successfully commandeering the deputy's undivided attention. If I stayed watching them, I was going to start laughing.
I followed Stiles into the sheriff's office and he punched in the code for the lockbox.
"I thought the keys were supposed to be in there," I whispered. The box was empty.
"They are." We heard keys clinking. "Oh, no." Stiles replaced the cover and grabbed my arm. "Come on." We wandered around looking for whoever had the keys.
"What are you going to say to bullshit our way out of this?"
"I don't know. Something."
"Give me a sample."
He gave me a dirty look and I grinned. We exited a hallway and came face to face with a deputy.
"Whoa! Uh... Just looking for ..."
I grabbed Stiles' shirt once I noticed the broken arrow shaft in his right leg.
He saw the arrow shaft at that moment and he turned to run. The Hunter shoved me into the wall, where I hit my head and was dazed for a minute, and grabbed Stiles, putting his hand over his mouth and positioning a syringe over his neck. I knew it was a bluff. That syringe was meant for Isaac. I got to my feet and took off after them as Stiles grabbed the fire alarm. I jumped at him as he dropped Stiles inside the holding area. I swung and clocked him in the jaw. The Hunter took the hit like a pro and shoved me back. I hit the door frame and pain went through my back and I felt like all the air had been pushed out of my lungs as I hit the floor. I then noticed that the door to one of the holding cells was open, separated from the top hinge.
"Oh, shit," I breathed.
Isaac tackled the Hunter. Isaac slammed him against a desk before slamming him against the wall. Stiles scrambled past me towards the wall farthest from the werewolf and Hunter. The Hunter brought the syringe down and Isaac grabbed his arm, growling. He squeezed and the Hunter gave a cry of pain before dropping the syringe. Isaac slammed him against the wall and the Hunter went limp. Derek finally decided to show up and smashed the syringe with his foot. Isaac turned and looked at Derek. Then he looked at the two of us. Derek looked at us and I met his gaze. He seemed to know that I wasn't in a position to defend myself or Stiles at that moment. He then looked back at his Beta. I was still gasping for breath. I probably sounded like I was having an asthma attack. Isaac's gaze landed on Stiles and he started to go towards him. Derek stepped between us and Isaac and roared. Isaac jumped back and then cowered against the wall. I could have sworn Isaac whimpered like a puppy. Derek sighed like he hadn't wanted to force Isaac into submission. Isaac looked back up at Derek and I saw that the Alpha not only forced a submission but also forced the young werewolf back into his human form.
"How did you do that?" Stiles asked.
Derek turned back towards him. "I'm the Alpha," Then he looked at me. "You okay, Trish?"
I nodded. "I will be once I can breathe again."
Derek helped me to my feet.
"We need to get out of here before Stilinski gets here."
"Get him outta here. I'll stay behind."
I nodded at Stiles and Derek hauled Isaac to his feet and the three of us made our escape.
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