10: The Kanima Master
Powerless ~ Linkin Park
If I Didn't Have You ~ Thompson Square
I was getting concerned. I had called Derek to check on him, but the calls kept going to voicemail. I had a feeling that something had happened. I grabbed my keys and was about to head out the door when a knock sounded. I opened it and was surprised to see Alan.
"You have the same feeling don't you?" he asked.
"That Derek's in trouble?"
He nodded. "We'll take my car."
"Fine with me."
I got into his Forrester and I directed him to Derek's hideout. His car was still here.
"Stay here," I said when I got out of the car. "If his Betas are running amuck, I don't want you hurt."
I flashed my eyes, I found it was getting easier for me to change them at will, and Alan sighed.
"I keep forgetting about that."
"I'll be right back."
I slowly descended the stairs, fully grasping my magic. It was quiet. Much too quiet. I started to walk towards the car when I noticed a purple residue on the ground, along with marks on the dusty floor that looked like something had been dragged. I crouched, examining the residue.
"Trish?" I heard Isaac call.
"Yeah." I stood and pushed open the door slightly and saw him sitting on one of the forward-facing seats, chained to it and in a full shift, but he seemed to be in full control.
"I smelled Lydia," he said. "I don't know why she was here or how she found it, but I think she took Derek."
"Derek let a ninety-pound girl...," I trailed off and looked back down at the purple powder. "Wolfsbane." Then I remembered what March's full moon was called. "Oh, my God."
"Find him, Trish."
I nodded and darted over to his jacket. He never went anywhere without it. I fished his car keys out of the pocket, picked up the jacket, and then darted up the stairs.
Alan opened his door when I burst out of the door. "What is it?"
"Worm moon," I said. "We have to get to the house, stat!"
"Peter's using Lydia to resurrect himself," he said, coming to the same conclusion I did.
"Using Derek's Alpha strength."
I ran to the Camaro as Alan pulled out of the alleyway.
I was the first into the house. I slid to a stop when I ran into what used to be the living room. There was now a huge hole where we had buried Peter. Next to the hole was an unconscious Derek. I could see his chest barely rising.
"Oh, my God." I ran to Derek. "Derek." I slapped his cheek. "Come on, Derek. Wake up. I'm not punching you, now wake up, Derek."
Alan joined me. "Derek, can you hear me?"
"Come on, Derek."
"I need you to answer us, Derek." Alan pulled something from around his neck.
"We don't have much time." He put what looked like a dog whistle to his lips.
Derek came to, panting a few seconds later.
"That worked," I put my hand on his shoulder, risking his claws. "Derek, it's us."
Derek looked at me, then Alan, before looking around and starting to rise.
"That sound," he started as I helped him into a sitting position. "What was it?"
Alan held up the dog whistle and smiled. Derek scoffed and stood. I hopped up as Derek staggered backward, the two of us catching him. He looked like he'd been through one hell of a fight. His sleeveless shirt was dirty, blood-stained, and full of holes. Obviously, his Betas had managed to escape their binds. But I wasn't going to tell him "I told you so". I was more concerned with the fact that Peter was alive again and Derek was extremely weak.
"You're gonna be weak for several hours," Alan informed him.
Derek looked down at himself, then at the hole in the floor. He looked at his arm, five small lines of dried blood trailed down his right forearm. He looked around before looking at us, seeming to just realize where he was.
"It actually happened," he said in disbelief.
"Don't worry," Alan said. "You're still an Alpha. But, as usual," He put the whistle around his neck. "Not a particularly competent one."
I gave Alan a look.
"Where is he?" Derek's tone turned dark.
"I wish I could tell you."
"Then how about you tell me what both of you are doing here." His attention went to Alan. "And why you're helping me?"
"Well, last I checked I was your Emissary," I smarted off.
I could see pain in Alan's eyes. "Helping your family actually used to be a pretty important part of my life."
I looked at Alan, realization dawning on me.
"Helping you was a promise I made to your mother."
Alan had been close to Talia, but I had never known why. Until now.
Derek actually backed off. "You're the one my sister talked about. She said you're a kind of adviser."
"Just like Trish is yours, even if you don't listen to her advice." He glanced at me. "And I have some advice that you both need to listen to very closely right now." He motioned to the hole that Peter had previously occupied. "What Peter managed to do doesn't come without a price. He'll be physically weak, so he'll rely on the strength of his intelligence, his cunning."
"His cunning was already his strongest asset," I said.
Alan nodded. "He'll come at you, Derek. He'll try to twist his way inside your head, preying on your insecurities."
I looked at Derek. He'd already had someone do that and I hoped he'd learned from that, considering the price we all paid for that.
"He'll tell you that he's the only way you can stop Gerard. Do not trust him."
"I don't trust anyone."
I gave him a dirty look. "Thanks," I said dryly.
"You're the only one."
Alan scoffed. "If you did trust more than one person, you might be the Alpha you like to think you are. And unfortunately, the one person besides Trish you should trust, doesn't trust you at all."
Derek knew exactly who Alan was talking about. "Scott."
"He's with Stilinski right now. You need to find him, you need to find him as fast as you can. I've known Gerard a long time. He always has a plan." He looked back down at the now empty hole. "And something tells me," He looked back up at Derek. "It's going exactly the way he wants it to."
I held up Derek's keys. "I'm going with you."
I was livid at the boys. Once again they wanted to leave me out of everything. And Stiles had the nerve to say it was because I was human! I called bullshit on that and Scott then said it was because they didn't want me to get hurt. Scott even went as far as to use Trish as leverage, saying she'd kill them both if I got hurt. My counter that it went both ways fell on deaf ears and that is why I am currently in the backseat of Danny's car. I could feel the awkwardness of having a girl in the car with him, along with his date. Everyone knew Danny batted for a different team.
"I'm sorry, Danny," I finally said, not able to stand the awkwardness anymore. "I know how awkward this is for you."
Danny's date turned to face me. "Sweetheart, don't be. We couldn't leave you stranded after your friends took off like bats out of Hell."
I liked him. I didn't know his name, but I liked him.
"You're too pretty to hitchhike."
I couldn't help but laugh. "Thanks."
Danny chuckled as he pulled up in front of my house. "I'll see you at school. Have a good spring break," he said.
"You, too. Thanks for the ride."
I headed to the front door to find it was locked. Since the lights were off, I figured that Trish was probably asleep or still at Derek's hideout. We had a spare key in the garage, so I went through there. And saw Trish's car in there. Huh, she must be asleep. I unlocked the door and went inside, trying to be as quiet as possible. Usually, Trish left the light above the stove on, something Mom used to do in case one of us needed a drink in the middle of the night and wouldn't wake the rest of the house fumbling around in the dark for the light switch. But the main kitchen light was on. I assumed that Trish was waiting for me as it was 2 o'clock in the morning, but as I tried to sneak past, I saw the kitchen was empty and a note was on the table.
Went to check on Derek. Hopefully will be back soon. Love you.
If she went to check on Derek, why didn't she take her car? I wondered. Then I thought maybe she was already back and just forgot to take the note off the table. I crept upstairs, trying not to wake Trish. I went into my room and turned on the light, finding a man sitting on my bed. I screeched and he winced. I then covered my mouth, thinking I might have woke Trish.
"Hello, Anna," he said with a smile. "Don't worry about waking Trish. She's not even here."
Why was there a man in my room? And how did he know my name? He was just sitting on my bed like he had nothing better to do. He was wearing blue jeans, a green shirt, and a jacket. He was giving me a mischievous smile as he brushed his mostly shaggy hair out of his face and I saw his eyes. His beautiful, blue eyes. Beautiful blue eyes that I would know anywhere.
"Peter!" I squealed and ran towards him. He caught me as I jumped on him and I squeezed his neck. "I missed you! Trish said you were dead."
"I was just taking a very long nap. So can you fill me in on what's been going on?"
"Derek's the Alpha and Trish is his Emissary and he has three Betas that Trish had to help lock up tonight and people have been being killed by this thing called a Kanima and we figured out that the victims were all on the 2006 swim team and their coach. We thought Trish might be a target because before Stiles figured out they were on the swim team together the only thing they had in common was their ages and the fact they all had Mr. Harris as a teacher." My words just tumbled out of my mouth.
"All that since I've been gone? Only three Betas?"
"They all chose to be wolves for different reasons. Oh, do you know this guy named Gerard? Trish thinks he's here to cause trouble and has a hard-on for Derek and his pack."
"Yes, I know Gerard. He's a psychopath that calls himself a Hunter." Peter had an odd look on his face. "Your sister might be right. And as part of his pack, Trish might be in as much danger from him as Derek and his Betas. Where is the pack now?"
"We figured out who was controlling the Kanima, so Scott and Stiles are trying to convince Stilinski, Trish was checking on Derek, and Isaac, Erica, and Boyd are all restrained so they can ride out the full moon."
"Huh, Well, I have a feeling we should head to the sheriff's station then. You don't happen to have the keys to Trish's car do you?"
After Derek changed shirts from the change of clothes he had in his trunk, the two of us headed towards the sheriff's station.
"How did the two of you know I was at the house?" Derek asked.
"I had a bad feeling that you were in trouble when you weren't answering my calls," I answered. "Alan had the same feeling. I went to the depot first."
"Relax. Erica and Boyd were asleep and Isaac was just sitting there."
"We had to knock Erica and Boyd out."
"Isaac found his anchor, but he requested that I rechain him. He helped me subdue the other two. All three of them got out. Go ahead. I know you're dying to say it."
"What? I told you so?"
"You did try to tell me."
"But I also know why you didn't listen."
"How did you know?"
"When there's a new Alpha, word spreads pretty quickly. What did you think was going to happen when word spread that Talia Hale's son was now an Alpha. Especially since her pack was decimated by a Codebreaker."
Derek sighed.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that."
"You were hurt as much as we were," he simply said as we pulled into the parking lot of the sheriff's station. As soon as Derek opened the door, he paused, sniffing.
"What?" I asked.
"Blood. And lots of it. Stay here."
"Have you met me?"
He snorted and looked at me. "Fine. Stay behind me then."
"That's better."
We both walked in and Derek looked over the counter, breathing a curse. The officer Derek had flirted with to distract her while Stiles and I snuck in the night of Isaac's first full moon was lying dead on the floor. Ten bloody slashes covered her chest and I noticed her gun was missing. I opened my mouth to mention that when I felt something against the back of my neck that felt a lot like claws.
"Derek," I whispered, he turned and flashed his eyes. "Don't do anything."
One simple nick and I would be out of commission for several hours and probably would also be dead before the sun came up. If Jackson didn't outright kill me. Derek actually backed down, seeming to realize that any brash move on his part could kill me. I saw our reflections in the glass behind the counter and saw Jackson, who was partially transformed, point towards the sheriff's office. Jackson stood right behind Derek and nicked the back of his neck. The door opened a second later to reveal Scott.
"Oh, thank God," he said, relieved. Right before Derek fell to the floor. Scott had a look on his face that he knew we were screwed.
"Come on in. Join the party," the teenager I'd seen at the hospital the night Jessica died said, waving a gun.
Jackson removed the claws he had against my neck and then pushed me into the room. I glanced down at Derek, who looked more pissed than usual. Probably because he'd been nicked a second time. The teen bent over Derek and smirked.
"This is the one controlling him?" Derek asked. "This kid?"
"Well, Derek, not everyone's lucky enough to be a big, bad werewolf."
I looked at the kid, surprised.
"Oh, yeah, that's right. I've learned a few things lately. Werewolves, Hunters, Kanimas. It's like a frickin' Halloween party every full moon." He pointed at Stiles and I. "Except for you two. What do you two turn into?"
Yeah, he had no clue.
"I'm not controlled by the phases of the moon, if that's what you're suggesting," I informed him.
"Ah, pity. I would have loved to see what you could do."
You just might see what I can do. I thought as he turned to Stiles. I knew I couldn't do anything now. Not with Derek paralyzed and a Kanima standing much too close for comfort.
"What about you, Stiles? What do you turn into?"
"Abominable snowman."
I sighed. He just couldn't keep that mouth of his in check, could he?
"But, uh, it's more of a wintertime thing, you know, seasonal."
The teen was not amused and nodded his head. Jackson slashed the back of Stiles' neck.
"Hey!" Scott protested as Stiles staggered, only to have Jackson's claws in his face as a warning.
"You bitch," Stiles said as he went down. Right on top of Derek. Yeah, if he wasn't pissed before, he definitely was now. Jackson wagged his finger back and forth, the universal sign for "don't even think about it"
"Get him off of me," Derek said, his voice showing how pissed off he was.
"Oh, I don't know, Derek. I think you two make a pretty good pair. And if Trish takes another step towards us, she'll be next."
I froze. Okay, how the hell does he know my name? Hell, how does he know Derek's?
"It must kinda suck, though, to have all that power taken away from you with just a little cut to the back of the neck." Yeah, taunting the werewolf is not a good idea, buddy. "I bet you're not used to feeling this helpless."
"Still got some teeth," Derek retorted. "Why don't you get down here a little closer, huh? We'll see how helpless I am."
"Yeah, bitch," Stiles said, his attempt at being backup.
Another car pulled up and I looked at Scott, who looked like he was about to go into panic mode.
"Is that her?" the Kanima's master asked. I really hoped "her" wasn't who I thought it was. "Do what I tell you to and I won't hurt her. I won't even let Jackson near her."
"Scott, don't trust him!" Stiles warned.
The kid reached down and pulled Stiles off of Derek and onto his back. Jackson's claws were against the back of my neck again as the teen pushed his foot against Stiles' upper chest. Stiles immediately started gagging.
"Don't!" Scott cried.
The Kanima master looked at me and Jackson put the claws of his other hand against my throat. "This work better for you? How about I kill them both?"
"Hey, just stop! Stop!"
"Then do what I tell you to!"
"Okay. Alright."
The teen stepped off of Stiles and the Kanima released me. Stiles coughed and I actually started breathing again.
"You," he said, looking at Jackson. "Take them in there. You two, with me."
I glanced down at Derek, who gave me a quick nod. Stiles and I were probably the only two that would not survive being shot. He forced us out into the lobby as Melissa walked in.
"Mom?" Melissa sighed and walked towards us.
"You scared me, where is every...," she trailed off when she saw Scott and I were being held at gunpoint.
"Mom, just do what he says. He promised he wouldn't hurt you." Scott turned towards the kid.
"He's right." He then pointed the gun at Scott's stomach and fired.
Melissa screamed and Scott went down. I darted towards him and he stuck the muzzle of the gun against the back of my neck.
"Get up. You know he's fine."
I slowly rose, terrified now that he was going to shoot me and I could only think about Anna.
"Scott!" I heard Stilinski yell. "Stiles! What happened?"
"But I didn't say I wouldn't hurt him," the kid said.
"Wait, baby," Melissa started to step towards Scott.
"Back!" He shoved the hot muzzle harder against my skin and I squeezed my eyes shut. "Back! Or I shoot her next!"
I was pretty sure Derek could hear my heart racing now. I had never been this terrified in my entire life.
"Mom! Mom, stop, Mom!"
Melissa looked at Scott.
"I said back!"
"Melissa," I whispered. "Just... just do what he says."
I couldn't see Scott, but I could hear the pain in his voice. "Mom, do it. Please, Mom."
Melissa backed up.
"Get up, McCall."
"Matt!" Stilinski called. "Matt, listen to me!"
"Shut up! Shut up! Everybody shut the hell up! Now get up, now, or I shoot Trish and then your mom!"
I have no idea how I wasn't full-blown panicking now, although my breaths came in short gasps at this moment.
"That's what I thought." He took the muzzle off my neck and I probably would have collapsed from relief if he hadn't pointed the gun at Melissa next. "Move it. Both of you."
Matt marched us down the hall to the holding cells. I saw Stilinski was handcuffed to the wall. Matt forced the two of us into a cell and locked the door. Scott leaned against the wall, clutching his side. I knew he was still holding his side in order to catch the bullet when his body pushed it out.
"Please," Melissa begged. "He needs to see a doctor."
"You think so? What about you, Trish? Do you think he needs a doctor?"
Stilinski stood before my mouth could get me in trouble. "Hey! Hey, you listen to me!"
"Stilinski, don't!" I warned.
"It's alright," Scott interrupted. "I'm okay."
"No, honey, you're not okay," Melissa countered. She was terrified and her mascara was running down her cheeks.
"It doesn't hurt, Mom." I knew Scott was only trying to reassure her.
"'Cause that's the adrenaline, okay? Please, let us... Just let Trish and I take a look at him, okay? I mean, we can help stop the bleeding."
"They have no idea, do they?"
Scott and I shared a look.
"Please. Just let me take a quick look."
"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" He pointed the gun at Melissa and my instinct was to push her behind me. Matt just gave me a look before looking past me. "Lady, if you keep talking, I'm gonna put the next bullet through his head."
Melissa squeezed my arm. "Okay," she whispered. "Okay."
"Back to the front, McCall," Scott looked back at us. "After you."
I nodded at him. He walked out of holding and the adrenaline from having a gun to the back of my neck disappeared and I braced myself against the wall and slid down it.
"Oh, my God," I squeaked.
"Trish?" Melissa crouched down in front of me and took my shaking hands.
"Oh, my God."
After my near mental breakdown, I went to studying the lock.
"Why is he doing this?" Melissa asked. "What does he want?"
"I don't know," I said. I couldn't use my magic in front of Stilinski and Melissa. Suddenly the power went out.
"What the hell?" Stilinski asked out loud as the auxiliary lights came on.
"Oh, shit," I breathed at the same time. I knew what this meant. A minute later, we heard gunfire. "Oh, shit!" I repeated, louder. Stilinski started pulling on the handcuff attached to the wall.
"Come on!" Melissa cried.
"God!" Stilinski grunted.
"Come on! Come on! Come on, you can do it!"
"You've got this, Stilinski," I said. A minute later, the plate came off the wall and the sheriff looked at it, surprised.
"Oh, my God!" I laughed.
Melissa gave a sigh of relief. Before that relief disappeared.
"Behind you!"
Melissa pointed behind him as I warned him. Matt ran up behind Stilinski and smashed him in the head with the gun. Melissa screamed.
"Matt? Matt, please listen to me," Melissa said as Matt looked to see if Stilinski was indeed unconscious. "My son has been shot and we've heard other gunfire and I don't know what's happening, but can you at least let me see my son?"
I saw Derek in a doorway and I was glad that the toxin had worn off quicker. But I was not glad that he was fully transformed.
"How totally clueless are you people?" Matt asked.
Melissa saw Derek and Matt turned as Derek growled.
"Hey, Matt?" I said. He looked back at me. "Remember when you said you'd love to see what I could do?" My eyes changed color as I spoke. "How about I show you before my Alpha tears you apart." I pushed outwards, hitting Matt with the same force that I had Peter at Beacons Crossing and he went flying backward.
Derek stepped farther into the room, snarling. Then the Kanima stalked into the room.
"Ah, shit," I said.
"What the hell is that?" Melissa asked and I actually wasn't sure if she was referring to the werewolf, the Kanima, or both.
The Kanima screeched and Derek roared. I kept Melissa behind me, although I was pretty sure we were protected by the bars of the cell. The Kanima leapt at Derek and he slammed him onto a desk. Matt took off. Derek slammed Jackson down a couple more times before Jackson tried to attack with his claws. Derek blocked and then tried to slash with his own claws. Jackson kicked him across the room. The Alpha was on his feet a moment later. I couldn't do anything to help without hitting Derek in the process. I glanced behind me and saw Melissa was watching the whole fight with a look that was a mix of shock and terror on her face. Derek dodged an attack and picked up a chair, blocking the next attack and shoving the legs into Jackson. Jackson grabbed the chair and shoved, sending Derek tumbling over the desk and onto the floor behind it. Jackson threw the chair to the side. Derek charged and Jackson grabbed the bars to lift himself up and kicked Derek in the chest hard enough to send him into the wall. Derek didn't move.
The Kanima then looked inside the cell, trying to figure out how to get inside to us.
"Oh, no you don't, you scaly bastard." I used the same, but stronger, force spell on Jackson.
He went flying across the room before regaining his feet and doing the same thing again. I charged up the spell, making it stronger this time. I was so focused on the Kanima that I never saw a new person come into the room until Jackson went flying and Scott was in a protective stance in front of us. The Kanima took off and Derek leapt over the desk in pursuit. I released my magic as Melissa ran to the bars.
"Oh, God, Scott?" she asked. I could see his claws and I was sure that he was fully transformed as well. "Scott, you okay? Scott?"
Scott slowly turned towards us. Yep, I was right. Scott the teenager was now Scott the werewolf. And I realized we both were going to have a helluva lot of explaining to do. Melissa gasped and Scott stood. Melissa started to back away and I saw the look of distress on his face at his mom's reaction.
"No!" she cried.
"Melissa," I said.
"Oh, my God! Your eyes!"
I'd forgotten they were still purple. I looked back at Scott and I saw the hurt. Melissa started to cry as she backed farther into the cell. Scott turned and darted off.
"Scott!" I called after him. I placed my forehead against the bars. Yeah, not the best way for her to find out about Scott. Or me. Hell, I was brazenly throwing people and creatures across the room and had no reaction whatsoever to seeing three monsters. I turned back to Melissa. I knew I couldn't get us out without raising questions. She was against the wall and on the floor, crying.
"Melissa?" I changed back to my natural color.
"Don't... don't touch me. Just get away from me."
"I can't, Melissa."
"Are you a monster just like them?"
"Scott's not a monster," I said, crouching down next to her. "He's too pure-hearted to be one. I promise you this. But you can't tell anyone what you saw tonight."
"They'll only lock you up in Eichen House, but you have to trust me on this, okay? Look, you didn't know about this side of Beacon Hills to protect you. But I promise to explain everything that happened tonight, you just have to keep quiet about it."
Melissa nodded and I pulled her into a hug.
"We'll be okay."
I had no idea where we were. We'd heard the gunfire before we reached the sheriff's station. I saw Derek's Camaro, Stiles' Jeep, and Stiles' dad's car in the parking lot, along with several black SUVs.
"Gerard's here," Peter all but growled. "What is he doing here?"
"Hunting?" I suggested.
"Or plotting. Park over there."
I put the Renegade into park and Peter jumped out of the car. By the time, I was out of the car, he'd disappeared. A couple minutes later, he reappeared. He beckoned for me to follow, which I did. He pulled me off the side of the road into some bushes as one of the black SUVs drove by.
"Come on."
We walked quickly to where Gerard had parked his car. Which was in the middle of a narrow bridge. He put his fingers to his lips, a sign that I should be as quiet as possible. Gerard was pulling Matt into the creek that ran under it before shoving him under the water. I gaped as I watched the Argent murder the teenager.
"Peter," I whispered.
"What is he planning?"
Matt struggled against Gerard. It wasn't long before Matt stopped struggling and Gerard straightened. Matt floated to the surface but didn't move and Gerard stepped out of the water and then stopped, looking at something under the bridge.
"No longer afraid of the water?" he asked and I realized that he was talking to the Kanima. "Well, you don't have to be afraid of anything, my friend." Gerard pulled off a glove.
"Oh, you sneaky bastard," Peter said as the Kanima approached Gerard.
"Especially me." Gerard held his hand out, palm outwards, towards the Kanima.
Jackson reached up and placed his hand against Gerard's.
"Oh, my God," I breathed. Peter took my arm and we went back to the Renegade. "He killed Matt so he could be the master, didn't he?"
Peter nodded. "You have to warn your sister and the others. And I have to warn Derek. I don't know what Gerard is planning, but having a Kanima under his control just made him even more dangerous than he already was."
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