Chapter 3
I pushed open the worn front door. It's hinged sung a short burst of soprano then clunked to a stop.
It was dark, it smelled like cobwebs and wet sand. As I stepped small clouds of dust rose into the air.
I walked over and placed my bags in the middle of the room and surveyed everything. It was hard to see but I had a small kitchen with a tiny counter. A armchair and a table that both looked older than the Parthenon. A double bed in the corner with a starfish hung above it. I walked over and started pulling back curtains and opening windows.
I could see out onto a beach. A wooden wind chime made a sound similar to a a music box. The room was much wider with open windows and easier to see. What I hadn't notice before was a large boom shelf that was stocked with as you my guess BOOKS!! A spark of joy kindled in me. I would have so much material to read.
Now I checked out the other rooms. There was a tilted bathroom. That has a bathtub and sink. And some seashells in it, weird, the toilet was small but easy enough to find. And a small back room with a sink, I looked and as my step mom said, a generator.
I began to sweep out the place.
I swear it's like someone has a sand castle building competition in here. After I located the floor. I found and old rug. I took the rug, pillows, bedding and mattress outside onto the small deck, and bet the devil out of them. I imagined them as spiders and then killed all the imaginary pillow spiders. I left them outside the air.
I cleaned the bathroom and removed the shells from the bathtub and placed them on the windowsill. There was a considerable amount of sand in the bathtub too.
I scrubbed the walls, toilet and then wiped down most of the furniture till it was midday and the sun was hot, and I was hungry.
I located the kitchen and then counted my stores.
I had some tea and milk. Sugar, old pasta packet, some fruit, canned foods, a sofa bottle that was said to have gone out of date in 1997, and one single sock or unknown origins.
I made some tea and sat outside in the sand.
After my leisure time had ended. I got down to business to defeat the huns and began the reassemble my bed and chair. I lifted the mattress back on, struggled with the fitted sheet, put on other sheet, a nice warm blanket, and other warm blanket because I'm a chicken when it comes to cold.
I stood back and looked at my work. The place looked very nice now. It felt homely and lived in. I grabbed some fire wood from outside and loaded up the small fireplace in the corner. I used some old newspapers and then broke some matches but within no time a small cheerful fire was rumbling on. I could make s'mores if I had food. I could use some old pasta and some canned mushrooms to make a disgusting s'more that vegans would label trending but I would say was gross.
I walked around so more and found and old cupboard that when opened let out a cloud of dust. Inside. Where some fishing equipment. A faded yellow surfboard, some extra blankets and pillows, another mystery sock that wasn't matching the other mystery sock I found earlier, I have two socks that don't match, and extra newspaper. Nice.
I was as settled in as I could be. So I unpacked my bags and sat down with my book on architecture.
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