Drop Dead Dullahan Chapter 7 (Hopeless)
The ambulance sirens were blaring, Toshinori took out his handkerchief to wipe off the sweat on his brow.
The night was one of his more stressful nights.
He took a peek at the woman sobbing while she stroked her unconscious child's hair. He had never seen someone cry for this long. Then again, he hasn't seen a child kill a man after being held captive for an oh-so long amount of time.
It was pretty much justified.
"Oh Izuku..." Inko sobbed, her breath hitched with her silent weeps for her son.
Such a tragic case...
Toshinori insisted to Naomasa that he accompany the mother and son duo rather than riding shotgun again in his car.
The gaunt man hummed in thought. He needed a way to monitor this child without making it seem as though he was a prisoner in his own flesh. Especially so since All For One was after his hide. He could only imagine the horrors of an Immortal All For One.
The man was already quite old, his ways of dodging death defied any kind of conclusion Toshinori could come up with.
There was a slow stir of movement that the man presumed was Izuku regaining his consciousness.
The stirring bags of blood was probably another sign of his waking.
The blond man shuddered at the thought of what kind of demise the person torturing this young mind succumbed to. Tentacles and Tendrils of blood that could slice, strangle, and pierce opponents is already quite a fearsome power in of itself. Add the little fact that it makes the use virtually immortal, and you have a very dangerous, and very envied quirk.
Though, looking at him now, the holder of said quirk didn't look to be in too good of a shape. Scrawny, pale, and disheveled were words one would use to describe this boy. Then again, anyone would look like that after experiencing hell.
There was a soft groan, the bags of blood within the ambulance dropped dead, only moving when the ambulance bumped up. There was a second that passed, silence.
Izuku's eyes were empty, dead. His features were noticeably more disheveled, but something was amiss. Toshinori couldn't help but notice, he had an inkling of a feeling that something wasn't right.
The boy rose from the ambulance stretcher,the straps getting ripped effortlessly. His eyes blinking open and showing flashes of yellow occasionally before it settled for its homely verdant coloration.
The boy gasped, the bags of blood suddenly bursting and surrounding the green-haired teen. The hospital staff within the vehicle prepared themselves for possible sedation of the teen, they readied the needles for sedation while the the driver of the ambulance took a glance back and considered stopping the vehicle.
"Izuku! Izuku, it's fine... you're safe..." Inko stood up, holding onto the railing to make sure she didn't fall. She shook Izuku's body, the blood within the bags now pooling up and forming tendrils around the boy. The scarlet tentacles attached themselves around his back and arms, emitting an ominous growl from god knows where. It acted like a dog protecting its master.
Izuku took an empty glance around him, his now lazy eyes sweeping around within the hospital van. It took a few moments before his figure became more relaxed, the tendrils attached to his back and around his arms slowly slouching and settling down to resting along the boys figure.
"I-I'm sorry..." He spoke out looking down slightly, regret clear evident on his face.
"We're here..." the driver spoke out, the staff within the ambulance trying to help izuku unstrap from the remaining strips of leather. They were about to help the boy with his angioplasty, but the boy was already one step ahead. The blood tentacles precariously picked the metal rack with their red appendages.
The two staff members shared a confused glance with each other before shrugging. They helped push the stretcher out and into the hospital. Inko followed, All Might actually stopped for a moment before reasoning out that he needed to a moment to himself for a bit.
"So, Verdict?" Naomasa spoke out while Toshinori entered the room.
"I'm not quite sure on what to make of it, All for One Clearly has his sights set on that child, first with the kidnappings. And now I can safely say he is definitely behind this, that smoke guy back there was one of his grunts. He was always his ticket out of a mess." The now deflated hero replied, now seated and resting his chin unto his palm.
Naomasa rubbed his chin in thought, that kid was in danger. More so now that he killed one of All for One's men. And not just any grunt, he took down the best tracker the villain had.
The detective let out a huff of breath while thinking, surely there had to be some way of keeping the child under watch without making him feel like a caged bird. And by the looks of his mother, Naomasa didn't want to add to the kid's problems.
"Hey Toshi..." Naomasa called out to the slim hero, "What happened to that offer U.A gave you? Y'know, the whole teaching staff job?"
Yagi rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly before replying. "Ah, that. I haven't replied yet, I'm honestly at a loss for the moment. A lot of stuff is going on and I'm not sure if I have the time to stay there."
"Hmm..." the detective nodded, reaching for the cup of coffee by the table, he grabbed Izuku's files and studied for a bit. He looked at the information, specifically, his education.
An A grade student, perfect.
"You know Toshi, you could protect the boy. I'm sure that All for One is dying to get a quirk like that in his little collection and I'm not sure when or where he might strike next to get a hold of that kid." Naomasa spoke out, pointing to the hero with a ball-pen he got from the files.
"Me? No, I couldn't. I don't nearly have the time to keep watch on him, and besides. There are pro heroes far more qualified than me for body guard duty. I'm not as young as I used to be..." All Might got a grim expression on his face while he patted down on his chest. "And you know I don't have that much time to prance around, I need to find a successor."
"Exactly, this is your chance Toshi. Look here." The detective gestured the pro hero to look unto the files of one, a young Midoriya, to show his alarmingly high grades throughout the years.
"I...I see..." Toshinori spoke out, a bead of sweat running down his sharp chin. "And this means... what, exactly?" He asked, understanding absolutely nothing.
"I means he's fit for U.A. And you can keep him in sight while you're searching for your little protege. Think about it, he's got the wits to get in, and with a quirk like that..." Naomasa explained, All Might's eyes slightly widening at the thought.
Of course.
"With a quirk that dangerous, would it be wise to keep him there? I've seen it kill a hardened criminal without the child batting an eye, heaven knows what it would do if it had more surrounding it." The Blond spoke out, the detective nodded in response.
"All the more reason for putting him in U.A, we have people there that can help him with that problem. You've seen what he can do Toshinori, why not give it a chance?"
The blonde rubbed his chin and hummed in thought. "But we know that it isn't our decision where to put him, right?"
Right, the child's consent. And possibly his mother's consent as well. Naomasa's fear right now is that, due to emotion, his mother might make an irrational decision about Izuku.
"We'll just have to ask them, when he's feeling better then." The detective spoke while Toshinori crossed his arms and nodded.
"Sounds like a plan"
His Mother cut no expenses in medical scans for the boy. CAT scans, Fibrous scans, and even MRI's were dished out unto the boy. It took a whole week and more just for the results to come in.
She was worried, any mother would be, really. Just seeing her son with no emotion other than pure emptiness and sorrow was something that wrenched her gut.
She felt horrible.
She was sitting down, Izuku was on a hospital bed, sleeping. There were six buckets by his bedside. Full of blood that followed him around wherever he was. The nursing staff were a bit intimidated in mopping it up and putting it in buckets, but Inko didn't want to bother them more than she already had.
The door creaked open, the teal haired woman gazed upon the doctor.
"Ah, Midoriya. Could you come to my office for a moment, there's something I need to discuss with you..." oh no, something clicked in her head. This wasn't sounding good. Inko swallowed a good amount of saliva before sheepishly nodding and slowly following the doctor.
The doctor noticed Inko's reluctance to leave the boy, so he spoke out. "I'll have a couple of nurses watch over him while we're gone. Don't worry, I'll try and make it quick.
Inko nodded and followed suit. The doctor lead her several halls away from the room where Izuku resided in. It took them a couple of minutes before the doctor lead her into a small office, she took a seat in front of his desk while he fished out a couple of documents from his file cabinet.
"Before anything Midoriya-san, I'd like to say that your son, at the moment, is stable. Like I read in his last checkup, He's pretty malnourished. But look here." The doctor motioned Inko to take a closer look at the pictures he had showed her, it was of a brain highlighted in hues of blue, yellow, and even red.
"If you look here, this part of the brain is highlighted in mostly red. Which can show high levels of stress or possibly mental disorders. Now, due to his situation..." The doctor emphasized the word, noticing how tightly Inko was gripping the chair arm rests and how she was shivering. "Due to that, Izuku might have some complications. Now, I can't tell exactly what it would be. But the most probable thing would be PTSD. Of course, there have been cases where patients managed to overcome their traumas."
"I can't really say that Izuku here would be the same, there's always something different with each patient. I would suggest monitoring the child in case. So far, the kid is looking well aside from a few things here and there. Which can be easily fixed by a few meds. My only concern is his mental state." He added, Inko took mental note and had a small sigh of relief.
"But..." The doctor spoke again, Inko's attention was back on the doctor. "There's something that we that we found, which is concerning... Look here." The man pulled out several large sheets. X-rays.
"There was something with your son that caught our eyes..." The doctor pointed to an abdomen shot of her son, it was an X-ray. But she didn't really see what was wrong except from the break from the neck and head. "His quirk, which you've registered named: "Mugen" or the nicknamed "Dullahan" is one of the strangest quirks we've ever seen. Mostly because it serves no functional purpose to dismember his head. But we've found something else. Specifically in his bones and blood."
"Nowadays, it doesn't seem that far off for a quirk to have a mind of it's own. Or even a quirk being a separate entity from its user. There are numerous cases throughout where a quirk was self-consious. I even have a patient that has a shadow creature within them. Sounds crazy, I know. But it exists, and I have an inkling that your boy is the same." He spoke out.
"S-So you're saying there's something in Izuku? S-something alive?" Inko asked worryingly.
"Well, yes. You see here..." The doctor pointed to Izuku's ribs on the X-ray. "See all those lines within his skeleton? That isn't his nerves or anything it looks like the bone have a separate nervous system form it's host its astonishing."
"And his blood, it's like nothing we've seen." He started once more, tucking away the x-ray scans and taking a piece of paper from Izuku's medical files. "His blood has what normal humans have, but there seem to be iridophores and chromatophores mixed in."
"I...I see, b-but what does that mean? Exactly?" Inko hadn't the slightest clue on what the man was saying but this was important, especially since she now nows that there was something else in her son, something alive within his body.
"Well, it means a number of things. But the most notable one is that, in theory, he could possible change his skin texture and color. Either him or his quirk is responsible for that, who knows."
Inko was sweating, she didn't know what to make of this.
She didn't know what to make of Izuku's future now that he had this in him.
"And we haven't even begun digging into what he can do."
"Wake up" Izuku groaned, his mind muddy from all the narcotics he's ingested.
"WAKE UP" He gasped and sat up, he looked around to see no one was in his room. His hospital room. He felt a slight sting from the I.V injected into his arm, moving suddenly wasn't the best idea.
He rubbed his eyes free of sleepiness, he moved his body slowly, avoiding further messing up the I.V attached to him.
"...Mirror..." his feet dangled from the bed frame, he groggily moved from the bed and slowly traversed towards the bathroom. Thankfully, there was one relatively close by, and it was in his room too.
"Ugh..." the green haired boy groaned his eyes where still blurry from sleeping and his hair was a mess... well, a bigger mess than usual. He rubbed his neck, a phantom pain from... from a time he didn't want to remember. He coughed a bit and washed his face with the cold water from the hospital, he grabbed a towel and wiped himself off.
He took a glance at the mirror, Izuku moved his face a bit to the side, and glanced down his neck through the reflective surface. Red, Sore, and Stitched, he let his hand brush over it. He opened the wound a bit with two of his fingers. No pain.
Still unhealed. Would it ever heal? He huffed, scratching his head he started to walk back to his bed, he needed more rest.
"Wait..." Izuku stopped and looked around, he gripped the I.V stand a bit while looking around. The boy gave a tired sigh and rubbed his neck, great. He's hearing voices now.
"Mirror" There it was again, was he going insane? He knows he's been through a lot, and by god he tries not to remember but. Was he going mad?
He was convinced that something was off, way off is he was hearing stuff.
Izuku went back to the bathroom, reluctantly, he stared back at the mirror. All he saw was the pathetic green haired kid that got himself into trouble and made his mother spend more than a fortune staring back at him.
In an instant, a portion of his face seemed to melt off revealing his skeleton with a yellow irised eye. "Hello" Izuku's mouth moved without his volition.
He screamed, at least, he tried to. Izuku screamed. But his voice never came out. He stumbled and fell, the only thing that helped him from falling flat on his face was the I.V stand that he gripped. He heard the buckets by his bed move, and before he knew it, the boy was back up on his two feet.
"Shhh... Don't grab their attention" He was breathing heavily at this point and sweating as well, Izuku frantically looked back at the mirror to now see half his face gone. His left side was dug down, showing his skeleton and an eye with a yellow iris. It was surreal, Izuku opened his mouth, his tongue was still there, he brushed his face carefully; he was scared of whatever was, or was lacking on him. He moved his head a bit to see the separation between skin and bone, like only blood was what separated the two. He couldn't feel his own touch on his face, his skeleton. It felt real.
"Wh-What's going on!" he half-screamed, mostly for himself. But he didn't expect someone to respond.
"Shh..." Izuku's arm covered his mouth as it melted back into it's skeletal frame, blood spilling into the floor. The green haired teen struggled before his arm released his mouth. "Don't make too much noise, the staff will come if you're too noisy." His own skeleton spoke out, Izuku blinked... several times and touched his face, then his arms, then his face again.
"Oh my God... This is real?" Izuku stuttered out, looking at the mirror more closely and frantically moving his head to see if it was real or not.
"Yes it is, idiot. Now listen to me and stop screaming." Izuku's mouth shut without his own volition. "Now listen, for I'm only going to explain this once..."
Izuku's head moved towards the window within the bathroom, moving the curtains out of the way. He heard a grunt and his face flexed into a frown, he couldn't control his own body. "So it's true..." this thing controlling his body hummed for a moment. "Where are we?" it asked, walking back Izuku's body to the mirror where the boy stared back at the skeletal half of his face.
"I-I don't know... a hospital in Kyoto, Japan..." the boy stuttered out sweating while looking at his own skull.
"I see..." the blood from the floor creeped back up and covered his arms, reverting it back to flesh and muscle opposed to the white bones it was moments ago. "I have no idea where I am..." he didn't even notice that his arms had melted into bone in the first place.
"Who are you?" his mouth flexed out of his control, he was frightened; he didn't even know that he wasn't in control of his own body until his heard that voice. Fairly higher pitched but gravely, he heard aggression.
"I-Izuku Midoriya." He wanted to scream, but he couldn't. His body latched unto the sink and his face plunged into the mirror. Izuku wanted to close his eyes but he simply couldn't, it looked like his left side was inspecting his right side on the mirror, bone inspecting flesh.
"I never thought it would've happened so soon..." it huffed and shook it's head in thought. "Alright, listen up." It commanded. "It has come to my attention that my previous host has passed. And it seems that I have been reborn within you..." there was a certain sheen it's eye had when it spoke of Izuku, he didn't know if this was good or bad. His left arm melted back into bones held up by god knows what. "You..." it paused, pointing to the boy through the mirror. "Are pathetic. If my previous host ever saw you, you'd be nothing more than a drop within the sea of blood we've collected."
Izuku's throat tightened in guilt, it was true. Hell, even this thing inside of him knew of how much of a waste of space he was.
"But..." Izuku perked up, not physically though; but it did manage to grab his attention. "Due to the mere fact that I am within you means you have potential like no other. Together we shall drench the streets in blood and gore until we are no more. But first..." it paused, Izuku saw himself smirking on the mirror. That wasn't him.
His own skull started to speak once more. "A brief history of me and how I came to be." Izuku, no this thing looked down, the green hair teen did as well since they were connected. The blood pooled down on the bathroom floor raised up and slowly forged itself into a long golden staff with what appeared to be a scarab design and a crescent bottom. It nonchalantly moved and rested it's two arms and body on the staff, leaning forward into the mirror with almost smug finesse. Izuku wasn't in control. He doubted he could move his body on his own volition again.
"I am, in simple terms; a Parasite. How I ended up within you, I haven't the slightest clue. But how I was reborn, that I do know." Izuku was alert, his sweat dripped into the floor while his mouth moved. All he could do was listen.
His mouth moved again, despite his protest. "A long time ago, I had a host, she craved power; so, I gave it to her. But her thirst grew and grew. Decimating whole cities and draining every person that she could find, it rejuvenated her. Kept her young, she was centuries old. But she too, was scared of death. So she searched, and searched for a trump card. Something to make her truly immortal, I didn't object; I was but a tool for her wild ride she called life. But alas, some time during that life, she had found it. They have called it a life gem. We stole it from an old family, the Medicci family." Izuku was listening, both intrigued and frightened by its tale.
There was a pause, almost like the skeleton was trying to look for the word it would say next. "We took it, she absorbed it. Rumors said that it would protect the user from unnatural death." The teen's mouth moved in an unnatural fashion, almost like his jaw was going to fall off when this parasite gave a dry chuckle. "Only an unnatural death."
"But lo and behold, it gave her psudo-immortality. The only thing keeping us up was draining people of their blood, infinite blood, infinite life. But we've ran out." There was a certain bitterness to the parasite's voice that Izuku couldn't pinpoint, like it was regretful. It had emotions.
"We couldn't stray from the country, we didn't have any means of practical transportation that could take us outside the country. She was stubborn. Saying that there are still people that are still there, but we couldn't find any. I couldn't even feel it when we died, I didn't even know that I... We, were dead until I woke up in someone completely different, in a place where I know nothing about."
There was an almost suffocating silence, Izuku had felt like he could not speak, could not move, and most of all, he couldn't control himself. All this time the parasite was speaking, all he thought about was control of himself, and if he was ever going to get it back, it was scary. Izuku was scared.
"Wh-Who are you?" Izuku was surprised that he could move his mouth, but took back that thought when his body stopped leaning and slowly straighted up to look at himself in the mirror more properly. The staff melted back into blood, spilling all over the bathroom tiles.
"I go by many names..." the blood crept back up into his arms and formed back into flesh and blood. "Neferu, the crimson scourge, but most commonly..." there was another pause, Izuku's mouth twitched a bit, he didn't know if it was him or the parasite. "Sekhmet."
"Now I have a question for you..." Izuku's head turned suddenly, making a loud cracking sound before returning and facing himself in the mirror. "Why is my head severed? And what has happened to this world, I sense many of my brothers and sisters about..."
Izuku decided not to answer the first question, his throat gripping on itself and his words not coming out quite right. He didn't want to remember, "B-Brothers and sisters? H-How do you sense them?" he asked nervously.
There was a pause before Sekhmet replied aggravatingly. "I just do. I can sense them everywhere, in almost everyone here. What has happened to this world..." Izuku's mouth was still... he didn't know how to reply.
"Tell me, have you noticed anyone with peculiar abilities? Disfigured bodies? Possibly alterations to their bodies?"
Izuku blinked, twice. Abilities? Disfigured bodies? W-Was Sekhmet talking about quirks?
"People have quirks, things that give them power... L-Like their born with them, there are like three types? Mutant, emitter, and uhh... transformation quirks that are like... passed down from their parents... and that's what dictates what their quirk is- I'm s-sorry, I don't know all that much about it..." he stuttered, spluttered, and drove on about quirks. He had knowledge of them, sure. But Sekhmet noticed how much he opposed to him have any knowledge of anything. A timid and shy soul, annoying was a word the parasite would use to describe him.
"I see..." without his control, his body moved towards the window while his hand was rubbing his chin. "So they did manage to spread their influence... but to what extent?" sekhmet hummed in thought.
Both Izuku's and Sekhmet's thoughts were inturrupted by the sound of someone opening the door, Izuku's arms melted and in an instant; tentacles pulled him back towards the bed while carrying the I.V stand alongside him. His face reconstructed itself and both his eyes matched back into their usual Verdant color.
He was pissed, not for the reasons you might imagine.
But Katsuki was PISSED.
For the longest time, for the longest fucking time; He, his mother, and his father was fucking helping Deku's mom in looking for the snot-nosed nerd.
But. Despite all of this, his parents had the gal of sending him over with fuck-all flowers of all things to check if he was alright.
"He's your classmate they said, You were bestfriends back in the day..." he spoke to himself in a low disgruntled whisper while almost strangling the flowers that he carried. He asked the person behind the desk where Izuku's room was, 112, whatever. He rode the elevator and stopped by the 3rd floor.
Fucking hell, you'd think that they'd put someone who just went missing into a closer room towards the exit.
After a long, monotonous walk, he finally arrived. He knocked...
No response...
"Tsk..." he clicked his tongue in annoyance, the blond didn't have time for this. He didn't want to see Izuku.
Especially... with what he's done to him.
He knocked once more... harsher.
"Oi!" Katsuki yelled, getting some looks from other people passing by.
He tried turning the door knob several times before he heard shuffling within the room.
"C-Coming!" the blond heard behind the door, soon enough the door creaked open and Bakugo let himself in with the door slamming behind him.
"K-Ka-!!... Izuku shut his mouth when his saw the pure anger of the other boy's face. "B-Bakugo-san..." Izuku interjected, there was a slight twitch on the blonds eyebrows before he almost begrudgingly placed the bunch of flowers and letter on the desk beside Izuku's bed.
There was a silence. A long and awkward silence roaming through the hospital room, the air was dense too. So dense and heavy that someone could bust right in and cut it with a butter knife.
Katsuki tightened his fists, begrudgingly looking back at Izuku. It was like a spear piercing his heart whenever he saw those horrendous scars around the green haired teens neck. It even worsened when he saw those dark bags underneath his eyes, the disheveled and glazed look he had with his eyes, the fact that he could almost see the bone on his arms and torso terrified him.
It angered him.
"Why...?" Izuku rose his head a bit and perked up. Looking back at Bakugo shaking, why was he shaking?
The blond grit his teeth and rubbed his nose his eyes were teary, his voice shaky and primal. "Why'd you fucking do this to yourself, Huh!?"
Izuku rolled back a bit, seeing the utter anger in the boys face, and the wretched pain in his tears. He opened his mouth for a bit, not being able to find the words that he had wanted to say.
"Do you know how many fucking people are going out of their way just to keep you in check? Huh, nerd!? They always try and fucking keep you in sight, they fucking work night and day to keep your bitch-ass in line. And what do you do, huh!? You step on them and disrespect them, you hurt yourself fucking not thinking of all the people caring for you!" he almost screamed out.
Something broke... Izuku's eye twitched, and his mouth moved slightly.
Something snapped.
"Why do you care..." Izuku replied. "A-As far as I know, you're not one of those people. You've never cared, you're not fooling anyone into th-thinking that you're someone that cares for m-me whatsoever. You're the entire reason why I even got into this mess in the first place." The green haired teen replied back, he was calm. His voice didn't crack, he stuttered, but that was a part of his speech pattern. "We've a-already talked about this, it's done. I've done it, it's because you and your posse couldn't leave me alone for two seconds without messing with my stuff, without insulting me, o-or without talking behind my back like I can't hear your loud voices."
Bakugo was taken aback and blinked before rubbing his eyes and nose, this nerd had grown some balls the last time he had seen him.
Unknown to both Izuku and Katsuki, someone else was listening. Sekhmet was listening. it knew of Izuku's supposed "Death" and his kidnapping, but this was the first time it had any actual context to his decapitation and kidnapping.
Izuku's blood pressure was rising, Sekhmet didn't do anything about it. He felt that the boy needed this, if he was going to be a good host. The parasite decided to watch a bit before intervention was needed.
"I know that it's not my fucking job to tell you this shit. But I wanted to, because I have to sit around and listen to all the god awful things that happened to you, it's like a fucking broken radio. Not only do I have to hear it from my old man and hag at home, but I hear it from your mom too! Don't you think about what she would feel if she knew about that scar of yours? Huh!? You're just a selfish kid who think the world wronged him, well guess what cunt! The world doesn't owe you jack-diddly shit! And you always think that I'm the source of all your problems huh? I lose a lot of hours of fucking sleep just thinking about the shit I've done and yet you go about and give it all up because "someone said mean things about me..." Grow up!" Katsuki ranted, pure venom, pure primal emotion oozing through his speach.
Izuku flexed his mouth, even getting up form his bed. But even before he could say a word, he heard Sekhmet.
Bakugo stepped back a bit, mostly in shock and fright on what he saw. Katsuki saw Izuku's face split down the middle, leaving his skull with yellow irised eyeballs within the sockets. Worse part is seeing two halves of his face by the side. It was like a zipper, a serial killer's mask.
"We've heard your part sonny-boy, that would be all thank you. Now if you would please exit the room..." even the teens empty eyes and mis-attached mouth moved as the skull spoke out, soon enough the buckets underneath the bed moved and morphed into tentacles as the shoved Katsuki away from Izuku, opening the door, and literally throwing the boy out, the tentacles then proceeded to lock the door.
There were several bangs on the door before it stopped, Izuku heard stomping and then... silence once more.
A half of his face merged back into his skull, a gasp of air that he'd been missing during the whole scene with his parasite. "W-Why'd you h-have to do that!? I-I still had something to say..." Izuku spoke out, coughing a bit and rubbing his neck.
A side of his face opened with the same blood separating skull and flesh with the yellow eye. "Because, any more words from that boy and I'd feel a heart attack from you. Even though we don't have one. Your blood pressure rose alarmingly fast and high. You were starting to become irrational with your speech, I could feel it. You shouldn't be driven so much by emotion like you are." The parasite lectured Izuku.
"I-I could've told him off, I-I don't need-need your help in this." The teen added, his left skull rolled its eye.
"Right, I do have to say though; you definitely have dynamic people in your life. I wonder how they react when they see the MONSTER inside you."
Izuku shivered, there was a distinct line that made his skin crawl. He felt his jaw move up and down as he heard the parasite let out a howl of laughter.
Sekmet started speaking again after a fit of laughter. "This is going to be fun, seeing a brand new world we can destroy!"
"But we need to make you stronger, you are but a weakling amongst weaklings. Like a paper surrounded by cardboard. We need to fix that."
Izuku's eye twitched for a moment as he rubbed his neck, feeling the phantom pain. He didn't know what was ahead for him.
"Won't you join me in this path?"
(Authors Notes)
Hey y'all, sorry for the HUGE hiatus in between the chapters like 1 whole year (holy shit) but yeah, sorry if this chapter seemed like an info dump, the more important stuff is coming real soon and It'd be kind of out of place if I put the information there. So this book will be updated with my other book (Non-Believer) in a slow pace. Maybe a chapter in like 2-3 weeks I guess, alternating.
BTW: I've heavily retooled the skullgirls lore and some stuff from the game. Since I didn't really think that it would fit with this kind of story. So please consider this if you're a diehard skull girls fan, big thank.
Also, if you're wondering why I've been gone for such a long time; it's mostly because I've been burnt out at writing Tbh, I've been writing my other book almost every chance I got and I kinda got tired of it. But now I'm back, and hopefully I can make up for all the lost time I've wasted.
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