"Any leads?" Toshinori asked while he glanced out the rushing car of Naomasa. The rusty blond peered out the window and clutched his chest. He could feel it. He could feel his gut wrenching in worry and distraught. Especially so when he learned that "Sensei" was involved.
"Nothing as of late." Naomasa replied as he focused on driving, he too could feel the pressure of the situation. Immortality was something not to be trifled with. And if it were to go to a man like him, then nothing would be able to stop him. "Mostly noise complaints and what not. But I have a hunch on a certain area." The detective added.
"How so?" the pro hero asked while shifting a bit in his seat s he felt his wound graze against the seatbelt.
"There's been an uprise in criminal activity around the Eastern district of Hosu City. Not only that, but several shady characters have been spotted around the outskirts." Naomasa said, he took a quick glance back at his Partner to see him clenching his fists.
"Several reports have stated that a bar around the outskirts of the East Side of Hosu has been changed into a Criminal haven." He added.
"Then what are we waiting for!? Let's go!" The blonde yelled in desperation.
"They're only reports Toshi, We still have to scout around for the child. Even if I have this hunch, we need to check every nook and cranny. Just in case."
"Fine" With crossed arms, All Might looked out the window. He could feel that something bad was happening.
"Conteret..." an ominous voice from a screen in the corner of the bar echoed.
"Uhh... Y-Yes? Sensei?" The scarred man hesitantly replied.
"Where is the child? It has already been 3 weeks, and I haven't even been given any reports or updates on the matter." The voice said.
"Oh... Uh..." Conteret could feel the nervous sweat that trailed down his neck. "About that..." the moment he would see his partner, Conteret was going to strangle him.
"Go on..." Sensei responded in his commanding voice.
"Uhmm... Q-Quaerite still has the child, uh... He's still having one of his episodes. It's strange, it's probably his longest one yet." Conteret sheepishly responded.
"I see.." Sensei said through the screen. "Kurogiri, accompany young Conteret and bring the child. You have already exhausted my patience." The voice commanded as the two men silently gulped.
"Yes Sensei" Kurogiri replied as he laid down the glass he was cleaning on the counter. The mist man walked past the bar counter as the screen cut back to static, then turned off. He brushed his suit from dirt before looking towards the blonde before him.
"Come Conteret, before both of us gets killed" he stated calmly as he opened up a swirly dark purple vortex next to him.
The blonde nodded swiftly as he accompanied the polite villain into the portal as it shut as they exited.
Inko was sweating in worry, the several bins of tissue paper from wiping her tears was thrown since it almost consumed the entire living room. Mitsuki was there as well, consoling her childhood friend. She honestly felt so bad seeing her friend in the state that she was in. But she had little to offer her in terms of help.
She could see it. The ash-blonde could see how broken Inko was just by looking at her eyes. It showed a woman who was dead inside. It didn't help that her own son became a bit nippy in terms of his attitude.
Katsuki has become more irritable, especially when mentioning his own childhood friend. She had a sneaking suspicion that her son was hiding something, but brushed that thought off to the side at the moment. Since she already had a problem with Inko and Izuku, she didn't want to add her own family to the shitlist of problems that she currently had. She would have to confront him about that later.
"There there Inko, You already hired a private investigator. I'm sure he'll be able to find Izuku. If not, I'm gonna beat him down myself." Mitsuki said with a reassuring grin while she rubbed her friend's back in comfort while the other woman sobbed into her handkerchief.
"I-I'm just worried about my child, Mitsuki" Inko spoke in between sobs. Her eyes were puffy from all the tears, her skin lacked the usual healthy glow that she had. She was getting pale, almost going thin on how little she ate everyday from the stress she was feeling.
"I know you are... I'm worried about him too, Masaru and Katsuki are as well. Here... we're just worried about you as well, look at you. You look like you crawled out of a grave. You seriously need to start looking after yourself more." Mitsuki pointed out to the teal-haired woman.
"I guess" inko said with a dry chuckle as she wiped the tears off her cheeks. "It's just that I'm so scared for my own child, I rarely gave him the chance to live his own life without me. I was going to cherish every moment I would have with him. An-and, he's suddenly gone. Ripped away f-from my hands. It hurts... It really hurts and I feel so... So useless. I-I'm such a terrible mother. I can't even take care of my own chi-" before she could even finish her statement, her cheek suddenly hurt. Inko found this strange as she heard flesh hitting flesh so loudly in her own home. After a second of caressing her hurt cheek, Inko could see Mitsuki with a frustrated look on her face. Adorned with small tears threatening to spill from her own eyes.
"Stop saying that!" Mitsuku clenched her fists tightly.
"Stop blaming yourself! It wasn't your fault! I was never your fault! You're not a bad mother! You didn't cause Izuku's kidnapping, you never neglected him Inko! He was forcibly taken, stop taking the blame and putting yourself down so much!I hate seeing you like this! So pathetic! So Miserable!" The ash-blonde yelled while the tears began to leak from her eyes as well.
"If you really want to help you shouldn't keep doing this to yourself! What would your son say if he saw you like this!? What would happen when he finds you in this state!?" Mitsuki pleaded with her scarlet pupils showing her anger and sadness held by her friend. She couldn't stand it anymore, she needed to end this circle of self-harm.
Izuku heard this strange voice in his head as he brought his arms up to somewhat defend his face from collision with a bullet.
'When did my arms get free?' a thought that popped through his head. But that wasn't the most surprising thing he noticed. The pain of a gunshot through the head never came.
'What...?' he thought to himself as he slowly but surely opened his eyes. He cringed as he felt the long-term crusts from the corner of his eyes crumble down as he peered into the the spaces in between his arms blocking him from the bullet.
His nonexistent heart rose up to his throat as he saw the scene before him unwind. If it wasn't for the situation that he was currently in, he would've fainted. His breathing became hitched and panicked while he panickingly watched.
He saw that his hands down to his wrists were showing his skeleton. He could even confirm that his arms were bones as well, judging by the way his sleeves were drooping way lower than usual. But that wasn't the most bizarre part of this situation.
He looked over his skeletal hands, and his eyes widened as he gazed upon a curtain of blood stopping the bullet mere inches away from his face. The traumatized boy could see the deformation from the curtain of blood that showed that the bullet was indeed embedded into the possible liquid.
"What the fuck kid?" Izuku turned his attention to the shocked Quaerite dropping his gun with trembling lips and a shocked expression on his face. The man grit his teeth as frustration seethed through his usually joyful face. He quickly picked up the gun and fired several more rounds onto the curtain of blood.
The horned man cackled even more as he emptied his pistol into the curtain of blood. "Wonderful! Wonderful! Izuku you really know how to make a man feel alive!" he screamed as he clutched his own face and squirmed in excitement.
In a mere blink of an eye, the curtain of blood began squirming and splashing around. The bullets embedded fell down to the ground with a soft clink of noise. It sloshed as the curtain became a solid tentacle of pure crimson liquid. The appendage swerved around and cut the restrains holding Izuku's ankles. It used all its strength to throttle Izuku as far away from Quaerite as the large warehouse as possible. It flipped the teenager across the warehouse.
The man continued to cackle as Izuku began to pant from all the stress of fearing for his life. He could hear whispers around him. He could hear a single voice repeating and repeating the same line in his head. Was he going insane? Has the trauma finally gone to him?
"Re...remove threats"
"Remove threats"
"Remove threats"
Izuku could hear the whispers as he tried as hard as he can to ignore the voices in hi head. He instead tried focusing towards the mentally unstable from across the building. He could feel it, he could feel the tentacle attached to his left skeletal arm writhe in agitation while he stared at the cackling psychopathic sadist. Izuku wiped a bit of sweat that slid down the side of his face as he continued to stare down the man, he was currently thinking of a plan on how the hell he would escape this situation.
Izuku could feel the blood-lust escaping the man's pores as the horned man took out a switchblade from his pocket and began shouting out obscenities tied in with moans of ecstasy in between. The boy shuddered as he remembered those moments while Quaerite cut through his skin while reciting a love poem. He shot himself out of his thoughts as he watched the man run towards him.
Izku could hear the whispers louden into screams, hurting his head as the shrieks became louder and louder as Quaerite rushed towards the boy. Izuku knelt down into one knee as he could feel the heavy migraine hitting his head with the force of a vertical locomotive. He had thought of dodging while the man was still preoccupied with trying to cut him down once more. The green-haired boy could see how uncoordinated and erratic the movements Quaerite was making.
Izuku narrowly dodged the blade by a hair, Quaerite was not an athletic man by a long-shot. Izuku's joints were still stiff and ore from the restraints, but Quaerite's movements were sluggish and Izuku could see him heaving his heavy from through the sluggish foot movement as he ran towards the boy. The boy backed into a corner as he saw Quaerite quickly correct his course. He saw the man slash his blade with more gusto than usual as he rushed to the boy.
But Izuku couldn't dodge this time, the migraine coursing through his head pulsed even harder than before, He was deafened by the shrieks of horror in his own head.
"REMOVE THREATS!!!" the voice screamed, and before he could notice. The tentacle shot out and pierced Quaerite right through the heart. Izuku hitched his breath once more. Time seemed to stop as he could feel this cold feeling all around him, even on his skeletal arms. He felt his nonexistent pulse stop. Everything seemed to blur for a moment as he saw the struggling body of Quaerite writhing with the tentacle still pierced through his chest.
The tendril hustled the body as it lifted the man into the air. Izuku's blood ran cold as he saw the still pulsing heart of Quaerite on the end of the spear-like tendril from his left skeletal arm.
"Ahh-Aha..." Quaerite mumbled with a pained, yet gleeful expression on his face as he stared at Izuku. His gray eyes focusing on Izuku's green eyes.
The boy squirmed and his breathing became erratic as he saw the manic gray eyes of Quaerite become glazed and die right before him. He felt the pulse of the white-haired man's heart stop through the tendril that was piercing through the man's flesh.
But this horror movie was not yet finished. Izuku soon felt the tendril doing something strange. A whole new fear emerged in his stomach as he saw the tendril growing in size as Quaerite started to pale and thin down into skin and bones while still impaled into the business end of his quirk.
"Stop! Please! Please stop!!!" Izuku fought back as the tentacle still sucked off Quaerite of all his blood. The newfound liquid coursing through Izuku's veins as the tendril threw the dried up and almost bony body of Quaerite across the room. Even the heart that it used to hold was nothing more than a bloodless organ.
"Threat...removed..." the whispers calmed down as Izuku sobbed at the sight he witnessed.
Izuku had killed.
The tentacle sploshed down into izuku's arm as it took shape of izuku's arms. But there was too much excess. There was still extra blood swirling around the boy's form while his crimson arms began to return to its usual flesh color. The blood was writhing around him, almost responsive to Izuku's current emotion.
The boy felt terrible, absolutely disgusted in himself. He felt like he actually deserved what the man was giving him for the past three weeks. His head slightly aching as he heard one final whisper before the voices died down.
"See you soon"
He still cried all the tears he was meaning to spill, not noticing the swirling portal in the corner of the warehouse.
Conteret gasped as he saw the scene in front of him, Quaerite dead. The child crying the the corner as crimson liquid swirled around him. But that wasn't the most shocking thing. It was the fact that Quaerite looked like he was attacked by a legion of mosquitoes. Conteret immediately knew that they had underestimated the boy.
"Oh my..." Kurogiri brought a misty hand up to his misty face to cover up a shocked gasp.
"Kurogiri! Put a portal underneath the kid! Transport him to the bar as soon as possible!" Conteret commanded as the mist man complied.
"PROTECT!!!" Izuku heard the whispers once more as the excess blood swirling around him took the form of tendrils once more as they attached themselves to the boy's back at tugged his body up through the steel beams supporting the integral structure of the warehouse. Four tentacles held onto dear life as Izuku stared at the two new assailants.
"Damnit" Conteret cursed under his breath as he took a trench knife hidden expertly underneath his suit. He began running up towards the boy, knife in hand with a reverse grip.
"Kuro, watch my back for me" he stated before rushing over to the boy. His teeth gritting as he dodged and parrying the tendrils trying to shank him.
Izuku wiped his tears, trying to get a better view on the situation he was currently in. He saw half of his tentacles attempting to stab the blonde man. But izuku's breath began to shake as he watched the man expertly dodge and block the appendages. And any blood-tentacle that would hit, was just transported elsewhere. Happily provided by Kurogiri.
"Now, Kurogiri!" The blonde yelled as a purple vortex emerged right in front of him. Conteret ran right through.
The next thing Izuku knew, was that the blonde man was now next to him. His trench knife poised to behead the boy. Time seemed to slow down once more as he saw the enraged and cold eyes the blonde held.
With one fell swoop, Conteret got a clean shot towards Izuku's neck. Izuku's tentacles quickly reacted as the two hung onto the steel beams with a stalemate.
Izuku closed his eyes, waiting for the pain in his neck to emerge.
But alas, there was no pain.
As Toshinori and Naomasa were driving, scouting through the suburban area in kyoto. They suddenly heard several gunshots. Not even in short bursts. The thunderclaps were rushed and continuous before it suddenly stopped.
"Naomasa..." Toshinori said as he locked eyes with the black-haired man. The investigator didn't even need to say anything. Replying with an affirming nod and grunt, the detective drifted his car towards the thunderclap of gunpowder.
As the motor of the car throttled with almost deafening rumbles, Toshinori began to feel this indescribable bad sensation deep in his gut. Like something extremely horrible was about to happen. The man grit his teeth, unintentionally activating One For All as he dented the handle on the car.
"Toshi, I understand that you're worried for the boy. And you're worried that All For One might become unstoppable. But please, take it out on the villains. Not my car" Naomasa said with a weak chuckle, an attempt to lighten up the situation at hand.
All Might didn't take the situation as lightly as his detective partner did though. The gaunt man continued to clench his teeth as he focused on the battle that he felt was about to happen.
Naomasa gulped as he could feel the tense aura that Toshinori was spewing. Then he took a glance at a building, raising his eyebrow Naomasa took a stop in front of a suspiciously lit warehouse.
'Illegal activity is definitely happening here, warehouses usually close down around sunset. This doesn't look good' Naomasa thought to himself as he got out of his car. "Toshi, we're here"
The blonde got out as well, throwing the door behind him with a slam as he inflated himself to his muscular form. But instead of his bright and hope-filling smile.
All Might sported a scowl.
Naomasa could feel the thickness of the situation. He sweat profusely as he saw All Might slowing walking up to the entrance of the building.
The knife swiped, Izuku held his breath and closed his eyes as his tentacles reacted with blinding speed.
Blood spewed out.
Conteret's arm dropped onto the ground with a wet thud as his trench knife dropped with a loud clang that echoed through the warehouse. The man scowled as he let himself drop onto his feet below.
"Are you alright Conteret?" Kurogiri asked.
"I just lost an arm, nothing too worrisome. The blonde stated as he re-adjusted his tie around his neck as he felt the ground underneath his shoes.
"I'll be honest. I never imagined that a brat like you would be such a hassle to contain." Conteret stated as he took the trench knife from the ground as his left arm-stump continued to bleed. He picked it up while he scowled, he knew he had less of a chance now since he would be using his non-dominant hand.
Izuku could feel the thirst of the tentacles protecting him as the appendages let izuku slowly descend back onto the ground. He could visibly see the four tendrils attempting to going and suck off the blood that the blonde was bleeding out in the milliliters.
*BOOM* a large burst of sound, dust, and debris exploded from the entrance of the relatively empty warehouse.
"I AM HERE..." an ominously disgruntled voice that izuku could recognize from a mile a way boomed into the warehouse.
"Tsk, shit" Conteret mumbled under his breath as Kurogiri began to form a portal underneath himself and the less muscular blonde. The blood still dripping form his stump arm.
"We will get you one day, All Might" the mist-man stated as he sank through the portal.
Not wanting to risk injuring the hostage, All Might decided not to attack the villains. He grit his teeth even harder as he let them pass by scott-free. He knew that he wasn't in the right state of mind, he might even decimate the entire warehouse if he wasn't careful enough. He had too much rage to fight the two, especially since there was a child in the danger zone.
Izuku stared wide eyed at the muscular man in front of him. He ignored the tentacles inching their way to suck off the blood on the floor and the cut arm that was dropped.
All Might stared at the boy with pitying, yet shocked eyes. The blue glowing pupils shone through the black sockets, intrigued as crimson tendrils cleaned the area of blood as it even sucked a dismembered arm off of blood. But that wasn't the most revolting thing All Might saw.
He scanned the room as he stepped towards the child. He saw a dead body which, judging by appearance, was also sucked dry off of blood.
All Might's heart sank deeper than the Titanic as he saw the child's eyes.
He had the eyes of someone who had just killed.
As he approached, the tendrils acted. Taking on a defensive stance as All Might flinched upon seeing this. He raised his two arms up, a sign of peace.
"I-It's o-okay... he means n-no harm" Izuku mumbled, trying to communicate to the demons in his head. The appendages relaxed a bit after he told them.
"I-Izuku Midoriya!!" another voice called out as Izuku raised his head towards a black-haired man rushing towards the scene. The tendrils around him raising up in a defensive position once more.
"Tsukauchi Naomasa, at your service. Your mother has hired me on your case. I just didn't know that it was this bad." Naomasa said with a dry chuckle as he tried to make the situation less tense. Izuku froze for a moment. A surge of relief course through his body as the tentacles began to swirl and before back into floating liquids the boy broke down and began to sob into All Might's large arms.
The blonde held the boy protectively, he scowled as he took note on how the boy's innocence was taken from him at such a young age. He swore that he would bring those that wronged the boy to justice. Especially since All for One was involved with the case at hand.
"It's all right young one, you're safe. For I am here." The muscular man said as he patted the boy in the back as he felt the boy tears wet his shoulders.
"We should contact Mrs. Midoriya and the police. I think this boy has seen enough for one night." Naomasa stated as All Might nodded in response.
Kurogiri and Conteret dropped into the floor of the bar as the two brushed off the dirt from their descent.
Conteret scowled as he let the child pass right through his fingers. And he took his arm with him.
"Where is the boy?" the screen across the bar filled up with the ominous static accompanied with the equally ominous voice.
Conteret stiffened. Kurogiri tensed as he heard the voice. Conteret tensed evenmore as he registered the blood dripping onto the floorboards.
"Uhh... H-hello Sensei!" Conteret replied shakingly. His shaky voice betraying his calm visage.
"What happened to your left arm Conteret?" Sensei said with his threateningly deep voice. The sweat from Conteret began to seep through his suit.
"Uhh... the Child was more trouble than I had thought, he had even managed to kill Quaerite with his quirk. Sensei, there was more to it than simple immortality." Conteret retorted, clearly nervous.
"I would guess that the boy had something to do with blood, yes?" Sensei asked, his voice becoming intrigued.
"Oh-Oh! Y-Yes Sensei!" Conteret responded. "His blood swirls around him like a shield. His blood could even turn into tentacles while it could effortlessly block steel and pick the boy up effortlessly."
"I see" Sensei's voice seemed cheerful for a moment. "Get yourself patched up Conteret. There are plans that still need your service."
Not missing the underlying threat, Conteret responded with an affirming "yes"
But the meat of the matter was that his life was spared, at least for now.
Inko's phone rang, after the whole scene with Mitsuki the teal haired woman honestly felt drained of all life. She sighed as she wiped her face off of tears. Even though Mitsuki had scolded her of her self-destructive ways, habits die hard.
So Inko begrudgingly walked up to the small coffee table in the living room as picked up the phone. Her heart immediately began to race as she saw the caller ID.
"Naomasa Tsukauchi"
Her heart got caught into her throat as she picked the phone up and accepted the call.
"Mrs. Midoriya?" the oh-so-calm voice of Naomasa spoke through the phone.
"Y-Yes?" she asked, worryingly.
"We've found him"
(AN) Hope I haven't made you guys run off with my hiatus, sorry with those who really follow this book with a passion. my upload schedule is gonna get tighter real soon, oh. AND THANKS FOR VOTING AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SUPPORTING ME EVEN THOUGH MY UPLOAD SCHEDULE IS ABHORRENT. I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU GUYS, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! WITHOUT YOU, I PROBABLY WOULDN'T HAVE WON THE BNHA WATTYS. So, thanks again guys <3
PS. Follow me
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