"Can you stop fucking breathing so loud?" Yoongi asked looking at Taehyung who was sitting on the passengers seat.
"I have asthma!"
"Okay? So do I! Do you hear me breathing loud as shit?" Yoongi asked raising both eyebrows.
"I-I could be having an asthma attack you know!"
"You're not. You're clearly still breathing." Hoseok replied rolling his eyes.
"When you're having an asthma attack you breathe really hard, but you're not getting enough air in." Taehyung explained annoyed.
"Alright, calm your tits. You're not a medical professional." Hoseok said.
"Well, my nurse explained it to me you fucker." Taehyung declared.
"But you literally never go to the doctor." Yoongi said.
"I know. But listen to me!" He started all excited.
Yoongi and Hoseok looked at Taehyung waiting for him to continue. "So, remember I got a shitty cold a few weeks ago? It was making me cough and wheeze so bad that I ended up making a doctors appointment. Shocker, I know! And I got seen by a nurse student at the clinic! He's so gorgeous and he was so helpful and—"
"A nurse student? You little pervert! Leave the kid alone!" Hoseok replied shocked.
"He's not a kid! He's in college and he's grown! He's so gorgeous. Every time I think about him it makes me so..."
"Hard?" Yoongi snorted.
Taehyung's mouth dropped open and he smacked Yoongi who winced. "No. Okay, yes,
maybe, but what I was going to say that he makes my heart happy."
"What's his name?" Yoongi asked.
"Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook." He grinned.
"The important question is, how old is he?" Hoseok added leaning closer to them.
"I don't know that. I've only seen him once! He should be old enough though. He's in nursing school."
"Why're you always copying my life, Taehyung? Get yourself one, please." Yoongi teased.
"Me? You're the one copying my life! I was diagnosed with asthma first and then of course you had to have an asthma attack six months later. Copy cat."
"Am not."
"Are too."
"Where are you guys finding these cute nurses? Because shit, I need to find an educated good looking person." Hoseok groaned annoyed.
His friends didn't even hear his comment because they were childishly arguing. Hoseok hummed as he leaned on the back seat stretching.
He did that good stretch were you squeeze your ass cheeks together and then your legs start shaking like you're hitting an orgasm.
After the stretch, he looked around and spotted a dark blue car with the description Yoongi had given them earlier.
"Hey, what color is the car we're waiting for?"
"It's a dark blue Chevrolet Camaro with black rims and a white parking sticker on the back . Get with the program, Hoseok." Yoongi said, but then turned to argue back with Taehyung.
"I think..."
"Are you saying I got asthma because I wanted it?" Yoongi squealed.
"Well, I'm just saying that it's very suspicious that six months later you decided to get an asthma attack. Coincidence? I think not."
"Oh, okay, so you're implying I told my lungs to give up on me and not give me oxygen?"
"Hey, guys—"
"I'm not saying anything! You're the one putting words in my mouth!"
"You're the one that brought it up!"
"I have every color in the rainbow of inhalers. Beat that." Taehyung said sticking his tongue out.
"I got them too, bitch."
"I have two purples. Do you have two purples? Huh? Huh? Huh?"
"It's him!" Hoseok screamed.
They both turned to look at him, "What?" Yoongi asked confused. Hoseok exhaled loudly, "The blue car with the fucking sticker. He's about to pull up right now."
"Shit, shit, shit, why didn't you say something?" Yoongi asked paranoid. He turned on his car and immediately sped in front of, Jimin.
"I think this could've caused a crash." Taehyung commented sliding down on his seat. He didn't want to be seen.
"Shhh. It's okay."
"Clearly not, he's beeping at you." Hoseok mumbled.
Yoongi pulled his hat down more so Jimin couldn't see his face as he pulled down his window.
"Hey, I'd like to pay for that guys food. The one behind me."
The girl sighed and looked at the screen. "So, you're paying for the kimichi, large coke and-" Yoongi nodded his head excitedly.
"A salad with a large lemonade?"
Yoongi stopped nodding and frowned. "No, hell no, the order should be kimichi and a large coke. I think you have the wrong order."
"Umm, no, sir. This is the right order."
"Who the fuck...?" Yoongi turned to look at his friends who both shrugged.
"Maybe his friend?" Taehyung suggested.
Yoongi turned to the lady again, "Okay, do you know who ordered? I mean, was it a boy or a girl?"
The girl gave him a confused look and he quickly spoke up again, "I know it's confusing, but I need to know. Please. And I'll stop bothering."
"A guy ordered first and then a girl did."
Yoongi winced grabbing his chest, "Fuck. An asthma and an anxiety attack are coming."
"Okay, breathe, it's okay. Calm down." Taehyung said patting his shoulder.
"Shit, who will drive then? I don't know how to drive standard!" Hoseok exclaimed worried. Taehyung gave him a look and Hoseok shrugged, "What?"
"Sir, if you're not going to-"
"I'm paying for the kimichi and large coke. Not the fucking grass and lemon drink."
"I can't-"
"Split the check." Yoongi said annoyed.
"Please." Taehyung said in the background with a boxy smile.
"Fine." She faced to her computer and a few seconds later the check was split. Jimin had started to beep in the back again.
"Here." Yoongi said handing her his credit card.
"Okay. It's all done. Now, if you can please move up. You're holding up the line."
"Yeah, yeah. Tell the guy that I paid for his food because he's hot. Tell the girl I said she can go fu—"
"Alright! See you later!" Hoseok laughed lightly shoving Yoongi.
"Why didn't you let me finish?" He asked angrily as he pulled out the parking lot.
"Did you want to get us arrested?" Hoseok asked astonished.
"We weren't going to get arrested." Yoongi scoffed.
"I'm pretty sure the girl was about to call the cops on us."
"You're not helping, Taehyung!"
"Do you think that was his girlfriend?"
Yoongi inhaled sharply at the word. "Uh-oh. You triggered him." Taehyung mumbled.
"Fuck! I knew he couldn't be gay! He's too perfect!"
"Okay, calm down buddy. You're driving. Don't crash now." Hoseok cooed.
"We are meant to be. I know this shit. Like, the fucking world wants us together. I can feel it. I can hear the wind telling me this—"
"You're hearing voices?"
"No, Taehyung. I'm trying to be poetic. Fuck."
"You're not very good at that."
Yoongi groaned again slamming his right hand on the cup holder. Taehyung had his fork facing up and it impaled through his porcelain skin.
"Ouch!" He screamed.
"I'm so sorry, Yoongi!"
"Why'd you put your fork facing up?"
"Why'd you slam your hand here?"
"Why are you two still arguing?" Hoseok asked grabbing a napkin from his fast food bag. He then leaned over and dried the small blood drops that were forming.
"Can you hurry? I need to change the shift or the car will cut off."
"Alright, there it's done. Taehyung, please hand me your fork before someone gets stabbed again."
"Fine." He pouted handing him the utensil.
"You're awfully quiet now. You would usually be cursing by now." Hoseok said noticing how awfully quiet he was.
"This fork stabbing my skin made me realize something."
"That you bleed?" Taehyung wondered.
"That you're mortal?" Hoseok questioned.
"Well, yes, that too, but, it made me realize that I'm hurting. Although, the fork hurt like shit, it hurt more to know that Jimin could have a potential girlfriend."
"Ahh, so you're thinking of forgetting him? I think it's best. You don't need to be chasing after a straight guy."
"Taehyung is right."
"No, fuck that. It made me realize that I need to fight for what's mine."
Taehyung and Hoseok both raised their eyebrows. "Since when was he yours?"
"Since the day I landed eyes on him at the drivethru. He will be mine." Yoongi smiled.
"Oh fuck. Is this your OCD again? We've told you humans should not be part of your obsessions."
"No, Hoseok. It's not that. I just have to think of a way to get to his heart."
"I suggest buying him roses. I have seen it on every romance movie." Taehyung suggested.
"Why roses? Why not fucking tulips? Stop discriminating." Hoseok said.
While his friends argued about flowers, Yoongi remained silent thinking of every possible way to win Jimin's heart.
He instantly thought of hundreds of ideas. He would make a list when he got home for sure. Maybe, he'd get a bandaid first and cry a little because he's heartbroken. After that though, he would make a list.
A list to Park Jimin's heart.
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