"What's this?" Jimin asked as he walked in and saw food on the table.
"It's a fake candle." Yoongi responded picking it up from the center of the table.
"No, no, I mean the food. Did you cook?"
Yoongi laughed putting the candle down, "You crack me up love. You already saw me burn a pre-made Mac and cheese. I ordered this food from restaurants. I didn't know what you liked so I ordered from three different places."
Now Jimin was the one to laugh, "Holy fuck. What are we going to do with all this food?"
"Eat it, fuck with it, or just eat it."
"It's going to take a long time for us to eat it all." He giggled.
Yoongi stepped up and took his soft smaller hand into his own. "Then why don't you stay with me for a long time. Maybe, forever."
Jimin held his breath nervously and his heart started racing uncontrollably. "You want me to stay with you forever? That's...that's a long time." He laughed with sweat building up under his arms.
"So? I wouldn't mind spending it with you."
Jimin smiled sheepishly as he felt his face turn red. Sometimes-actually all the time-Yoongi would say things that made him feel whole.
It was strange to explain, but every time he was inches away or even in a room with him, he felt like all his problems could be simply be put to the side.
And that was something he hadn't felt in so long.
"Your month is almost up," Yoongi said quietly.
"Oh, that's right." He responded in relaxation. Had a month already gone by so fast and effortlessly?
"And I want you to stay, but I won't ask you too. Because that would make you feel forced to do it. I want it to be from you. I want you to want to stay if that makes sense. If you don't desire to, I understand that too."
"Okay." He responded a bit breathless.
"Okay?" He asked.
Jimin nodded with a small shrug. Yoongi tilted his head even more confused. "You have to use other words besides okay, love." He sighed.
Jimin was about to say something when a paper fell from Yoongi's back pocket. He leaned over to grab it for him when Yoongi pushed him back.
"Woah! You just asked me to stay and now you're pushing me? I was simply going to pick it up."
"No, no, no. I told you that I want you to want to stay. I'll pick it up."
"No, I want to pick it up. Let me do something nice for you." He said leaning over again. Yoongi did the same and tried to grab the paper himself.
"I got it."
"You have a broken arm! Let me just get the fucking paper."
"I can get the fucking the paper. If I can masturbate with my non dominant hand I can do this." He groaned.
Jimin became annoyed pushing him back a little too harshly. Yoongi lost his balance and fell back on the chair hitting his head.
The table slightly stumbled and they both froze. "Is the food okay?" Yoongi asked panicked.
"Are you okay?" Jimin asked.
Yoongi then noticed that Jimin was sitting centimeters away and that they were on the kitchen floor after foolishly fighting over a piece of paper.
"I'm perfect." He grinned.
"None of this would've happened if you would've just let me help you. You could've gotten a concussion and that can lead to something dangerous and—"
Yoongi cut him off by crashing his lips onto his. The kiss itself melted Jimin into a puddle of love.
"Oh," he replied once Yoongi pulled away.
"I didn't want you to read it. I'm suppose to read it to you after you make your decision if you want to stay or leave."
"Can you read it to me now?"
"It's not how I planned it."
"Did you plan us sitting on the kitchen floor fighting over it?"
"Well, no. Fuck, way to ruin the moment, Jimin."
"Me?" He exclaimed.
Yoongi grinned playfully, "I'm kidding. Okay. I guess I can read it then. Hopefully, I understand my own handwriting."
"You wrote it with your left hand?"
"Yeah, my right is kind of broken."
"Why didn't you just type it?"
"Did you forget that I broke my laptop from pushing it on the floor after you caught me watching porn?"
"Ahhh. That's right." Jimin smiled a bit blushed.
"Anyways, here it goes." He said unfolding the paper.
He looked at the bad handwriting and after starting at it for a ten seconds he bawled it up and threw it to the side.
"What happened?" Jimin asked confused.
"I'll just tell you face to face. I memorized it by memory. I just thought it would be romantic to read of the paper, but my fucked up handwriting is really hard to read. So, here goes nothing." He said taking a deep breath.
Jimin waited patiently. His heart was starting to beat rapidly again. He tried to control his breathing so he didn't seem so anxious.
"I'm not the type to believe in love at first sight or destiny. I've struggled with anxiety and OCD for as long as I can remember. I know it's hard to be with me, because sometimes it's hard to be with myself. I have a feeling that's why my past relationships haven't worked. It's not that they're bad people. I was just in a bad place in my life. But, listen, if having anxiety and being OCD is what it took to have you in my life I don't mind it one bit. What I'm trying to say is that ever since I met you you've been like ticking my heart and basically made me into a caring human again. You have so much peace in your eyes that it drowns all my demons away. You fill me up in ways that I don't have space for anyone else. I want you to be my boyfriend and to spend all my time with you."
Jimin smiled with a hint of tears in his eyes. "That wasn't suppose to make you cry. Unless you don't want..." Yoongi said.
Jimin pulled him in for a hug then kissed his cheek. Sometimes words weren't enough to say everything you wanted to. So he kissed his lips softly as Yoongi wrapped his arms around his waist.
When words failed, kisses spoke.
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