"You what?" Hoseok laughed.
Yoongi huffed while rolling his eyes. "Real funny asshole. This is a serious matter. I could've died before having sex with Jimin! That would be the worst."
Hoseok kept laughing holding his stomach.
"Stop it. His asthma exacerbations aren't funny. As an asthmatic myself, I don't find it funny." Taehyung butted it.
"I'm sorry! I just never thought I'd hear Yoongi say that he ruined his sex time by wheezing."
"I didn't tell my lungs to give up on me! I wanted to continue, but it got heart pumping so fast that it trigger an attack."
"Wow, that's rough. I hope that doesn't happen when I'm with, Jungkook." Taehyung said shaking his head. The thought of it terrified him.
"You aren't even with, Jungkook. Leave him alone he's a baby." Hoseok told.
"He's a legal baby." Taehyung corrected with a smirk.
"Hey! Hey! We can talk about babies later. I need to talk about this."
Taehyung got up from the couch and walked to the kitchen. "Alright, ignore me then." Yoongi sighed.
"Did you two tried to have sex after?"
"No. We haven't really talked about it. I'm so embarrassed. We ate dinner and pretended that it didn't happen. On top of that a sex song was playing in the background. So, you can imagine me wheezing and coughing my larynx out while the song played."
"Holy shit. That is like wow. That's awful. Are you too embarrassed to not try again?"
"Hell no. I want to try again."
"Alright, so what did he say after?" Taehyung asked walking back in. He had a container at hand with a fork.
"That's the food that Jimin cooked for me!"
"Oh, okay." He said continuing to eat it.
"Whatever. I need you two to go."
"Well fuck, alright, kick us out then."
"Jimin is about to get here and I need to get ready."
"Ready? You wear sweat pants and t-shirts everyday now." Hoseok snickered.
"Shut up. Thanks for the visit and for making me feel worse." He told walking towards the front door to open it.
"That's what we're here for. Have fun. Make sure you use a lot of lube and condoms." Hoseok said.
"Bye, Yoongs. I hope you know I'm taking your container and your fork."
"Yeah, yeah, I know. Bye guys."
"Hey. Lot of patients today? Traffic? Did a unicorn run into your car?" Yoongi wondered when he saw Jimin set his keys down.
"No actually. I got off a little early today. There weren't many patients."
"Oh, so why..." Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows confused staring at the clock.
"I went to eat with a friend." He said avoiding eye contact.
"Ahhh." He said biting his cheek. How to ask without sounding so jealous or possessive? They weren't a couple. Did he even have the right to ask?
"With Jin?" He added hoping he would agree.
"Uhh..." Jimin cleared his throat and turned his back on his to avoid looking at him.
Yoongi patiently waited for his response and got nothing Yoongi patiently sat there hoping to hear a esponse and got nothing. His mind started racing and he suddenly wished that he had taken his anxiety medication before talking to him.
Yoongi raised his eyebrows. "Oh?" He responded in shock. Had he heard right? Of course he had, otherwise his heart wouldn't he beating so fast.
"You know how I said she was out of town? Well, she actually called me after I got off work. She's in town visiting her family and we had dinner together."
"Hmm. What are the odds." He stated. He was externally calm, but internally he was going crazy.
"So what?"
"You know I like you. What does this mean? Has she moved emotions within you or what? Are you into her now because she has tits and a vagina and I don't?"
He didn't mean for the comment to come out so bluntly and mean. Yoongi was simply tired of having to compete with the world to get his attention.
"Woah. We just had dinner." He responded confused at his anger.
"Yeah, but that clearly left you wondering if you like me back didn't it? Because all of your past relationships have only been with females."
"I don't appreciate your attitude." He replied crossing his arms over his chest.
"I don't appreciate you playing with my emotions like that."
"Who's playing with your emotions? You asked a question and I answered it."
"Forget it." Yoongi commented getting up to leave.
"Why're you're getting mad? We're just friends."
"You're right. We're just friends."
"I wasn't referring to us. I meant Rose and I."
"Then what are we?" Yoongi asked.
Jimin remained quiet. There wasn't a clear answer to that question. Were they even something? He looked away suddenly feeling embarrassed and put on the spot.
"We're...we're something else."
Yoongi chuckled in sarcasm. "Funny."
"Why're you're so upset?" He asked knowing the answer. Maybe if he heard it from him it would make him stop being such a coward.
"You either have to stay and fight for this or just leave. I like you so fucking much. I know I'm a mess, okay? I know my life is a mess. I don't want you to feel forced to be here because of my issues. I will be fine if you don't want this, but I just need you to be honest with yourself and with me too. I don't want you to stay and have me feeling like you're always gone or that you're doubting this."
"Exactly. Think about it. You have a couple of weeks before your month is up. If you want to go back to your apartment I'll understand."
He walked out towards his room. Jimin was left behind a confused mess. Why was he so selfish when it came to, Yoongi? He didn't want to lose him, but also was scared to commit.
"Wait! I haven't even cooked dinner!" He screamed not wanting him to leave.
He heard Yoongi shut the door behind and he deflated on the stool. "I was planning to cook some grilled chicken and potato salad! Or whatever salad you want! Yoongi?"
And typically Jimin would let it go and let it be. He was a firm believer that things happened for a reason and that if it was meant to be it would be.
But, Yoongi was the exception.
He was the exception that stripped down all his rules.
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