Yoongi sighed as he sat on a chair waiting for his name to be called. Did he want to be here? He just certainly didn't.
Did he had to be there?
He supposed.
He started playing Fortnite on his phone while he waited. Just as he was about to make a kill a nurse called out his name. "Mother fucker." He cursed.
The patients all turned to look at Yoongi who gave them all a blank look. "What?" He shrugged confused.
He got up from the seat and put his phone in his pocket. When he saw the nurse his heart skipped a beat.
It was a tall, broad shoulder boy with brown hair and pink plumped lips. Maybe this clinic wasn't as bad.
"Whats up?" He asked casually.
"Hey. How are you?" He asked nervously blinking. He did just hear him scream mother fucker in the waiting room.
"Ehh. I'm here. Sorry about the mother fucker. I wasn't calling you that. It's a game I was playing on my phone."
"It's fine. I'm going to get your height and weight real quick okay? Step right here." He commanded.
Yoongi did as he was told and he reached over to measure his height. Afterwards, he was instructed to step on the scale.
When he wrote everything he needed. He walked to a room where Yoongi followed him behind.
"Okay. So what brings you here?" The male nurse closed the door and looked down at his chart.
"I need to see someone I guess? I have bad anxiety and OCD and shit. You know the usual and well I got kicked out of my last clinic and—wait, shit, you weren't suppose to know that." He mumbled banging his hand against his forehead.
"Oh, uh, okay, what medication were you on?"
"Never mind. I can always look it up in your medical records." He smiled.
Yoongi smiled himself feeling a bit uneasy. This guy was beautiful. He couldn't help but to look at his name tag once he leaned over to wrap the blood pressure cuff around his arm.
"Okay 118/79 pulse is 110. Are you scared or nervous? Your pulse is a bit high."
"Excuse my pulse. It's probably your shoulders. I mean seriously choke me with them. Shit, did I say that out loud? I have this thing where I don't think of what I say and I speak it out loud." He said quietly.
"It's-its okay. Alright, umm, I will go put this in and the doctor will be in shortly." Jin replied a bit flustered.
He walked out and quickly rushed to his office. Yoongi sighed loudly. "Well, it was a nice office." He said out loud.
"Hey!" Jin said running to his coworkers desk.
"Hey! No need to scream we're in the same office."
"You have to check out this patient."
"Check out? Excuse me? That's against our patient privacy rule." He snickered.
Jin rolled his eyes, "Fuck, you know what I mean." He added handing him Yoongi's ticket.
"Why do you want me to check him out? He must be hard if you can't handle him."
"Remember that every time that female patient comes in I get her because she's all over you? You need to take this one."
"Was he hitting on you?"
"You never mind Namjoon hitting on you."
"Shut up. He's a nice patient okay? He doesn't hit on me he's just nice. This guy is scary."
"Oh, okay, so you're like 'fuck Jimin and let him take this one.'"
"You have to take one for me. As your best friend and as the older more experienced nurse I command—"
"Sure, okay."
"That's what I thought."
"No. I just wanted you to stop talking."
Jin frowned, "The disrespect. You're lucky I have to put this patient in otherwise..."
"Otherwise what?" Jimin teased with a smile.
Jin remained quiet pointing his finger at him. "I have nothing." He finally replied walking over to his desk.
"So, you said he was scary? What makes you think I can handle him? Have you seen me compared to you?"
"He's not that scary. Just a little."
"Is he like 182 cm tall and 190 pounds of muscle scary or something?"
"No, more like 175 cm and 130 pounds."
"That doesn't sound scary."
"I don't know how to handle him and that's terrifying."
"Fair enough." Jimin replied casually.
"He needs blood work and a 2 week follow up."
"Okay. I will get that for you." Jimin beamed enthusiastically.
Jin breathed relieved and gave him a thumbs up as he walked out. He walked to the patients room and knocked.
Yoongi was currently sucking on a jawbreaker when he heard the knock. "Come in." He said waiting for the gorgeous Jin to cross the door.
As soon as he saw Jimin he almost chocked and had to spit out the candy. Jimin simply looked down at the red cinnamon candy and then at Yoongi. He didn't look scary at all.
"Hi. I'm Jimin a nurse here. I will be drawing blood from you. Did the doctor mention it?" He smiled.
Yoongi was compelled by his beauty so all he could do was nod his head. "Sorry about the candy. My tongue just kind of gave out after you walked in."
"Oh, it happens!" He giggled.
Yoongi grabbed his chest and breathed in and out slowly. "Are you okay? Are you having chest pain?" Jimin asked alarmed.
He shook his head no trying to regain his composure. "No, I'm good. Sometimes I forget to breathe. It happens."
Jimin grinned, "You're funny. Follow me to the lab room."
Yoongi did as he was told. On the way out he picked up the candy and dumped it in the nearest trash can.
"He wants to see you back in two weeks, alright? Our doctor likes to see our patients often until he gets a good routine. After he gets to know you and gives you the appropriate treatment, you will be coming here every three months, then every six months, and so on."
"I don't mind coming here often at all." Yoongi sighed with heart eyes.
Jimin was completely unaware of this as he gathered his stuff. "I'm going to need you to roll up your sleeve, okay? Then, I'm going to tie this tourniquet around your arm. It's going to feel tight."
"Okay." Yoongi responded with a smile.
He rolled up his sleeve and then waited for him to tie the tourniquet. "I'm going to feel for a vein now." He told putting on gloves.
Yoongi nodded and kept admiring him. "Found one! It's going to be a quick pinch and it'll be over before you know it."
Usually, Yoongi was an ass to the nurses unless they were cute. And although Jin was cute, Jimin was the cutest of them all.
He remembered him from the drivethru and he couldn't help to think it was destiny. This was defiantly a sign that they were meant to be.
"I lied. I'm sorry, this won't be quick. Your vein rolled."
"It rolled?" Yoongi asked looking at down at the needle in his arm. He didn't even feel it going in.
"Yes, meaning when I stuck you, the vein rolled out of place. I'm right beside it. In order for me to get it I will need to move the needle. I'm not going to lie, it's going to feel uncomfortable."
"No. It's okay. Go ahead."
Never in a million years would he have let a nurse or a doctor dig into his arm like that. Hell no. Especially not with a needle. But, he didn't mind Jimin doing it.
He could dig inside of him anytime he wanted. The meaning was double sided of course. "Okay. Got the blood! Sorry, for the discomfort although you didn't even flinch!"
"No. I'm the one that's sorry for my veins. They're stupid sometimes. I'm sorry they didn't cooperate the way they're suppose to."
Jimin laughed as he removed the needle, pressing a gauze over it. "Well, it's okay. We can't control our veins."
"You did really good. I didn't even feel it." Yoongi said. Jimin put a bandaid over the gauze and smiled.
"Thank you. That is the nicest thing I've heard all day."
"You're welcome."
"Hey, you look familiar." Jimin said. He felt like he had seen him before, but where? Yoongi shrugged with a smirk. "I don't know."
"Must be my mind playing games. Anyways, you can make your follow up appointment up front. See you in two weeks!"
"Okay. Thank you. Hey, do you like kimichi?"
"Yes. Why?" Jimin replied confused.
"Just wondering. Bye, Jimin. It was a pleasure meeting you. I'm Yoongi by the way."
"No, thank you for being patient. I'll see you around."
Yoongi smiled as he walked away. There might've been a small bruise on his arm, but that was okay.
At least he will remember Jimin now.
SORRY for the super late update! i will try to update more often since i have gotten so many requests to continue it :")
also, i think i will update interchangeably with Aeipathy. so like one day i will update this one and the next i will update that one. i have work everyday so that will be easier for me ;o
thanks for waiting <33 much love! :*
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