Yoongi sat on the pavement while waiting for Jimin. He glanced at his clock impatiently and started to get nervous.
Being anxious and insecure always got the best of him. He overthought everything. Literally, everything.
When he saw Jimin walking towards him in the distance, he got up grabbed his Pepsi and ran to him. He almost tripped and Jimin panicked.
"Slow down! Your arm!"
"Oh, yeah, this," he laughed panting.
Jimin smiled, "Have you been waiting here long?"
"No, I just got here." He lied. He'd been waiting forty five minutes already. It's not like Jimin was late or anything, he just didn't want to be the one that was late.
"Really?" He asked touching his hot cheeks. His face was red and he was slightly sweating. "Maybe I've been here for a few minutes." He finally responded.
"Still drinking Pepsi huh? Have you had anything to eat?"
"I stopped at Anga for Kimichi."
Jimin beamed, "Nice choice. Let's get under that tree. Why were you waiting out here in the sun?"
"Because from that tree I couldn't see if you were approaching. I didn't want to miss you or see you panic and run away.
"What makes you think I was going to run away?" He asked with an embarrassed smile. Yoongi rolled his eyes playfully, "You know what I mean."
"Okay, okay, let's go." He said walking ahead. Yoongi blushed whenever he saw him a few steps away. .
Jimin looked so perfect in those red scrubs that fit his body so effortlessly beautiful. "Are you coming?"
Yoongi blinked paranoid. "What? Coming?"
"Yeah, like are you following me?"
"Oh, oh, yeah, you go ahead. I just uhh...walk slower because of my arm." He grinned. Jimin turned back around and kept walking while Yoongi quickly stuck his left hand in his pants to fix his boner.
Think of something gross, Yoongi. Think of something gross—
"Hey, are you sure you're okay?"
"Yeah! I'm-I'm okay." He quickly gushed following him.
"Isn't the shade better?" Jimin grinned once he took a seat under the tree.
"Much better."
Jimin smiled and looked down at his lap timidly. He didn't know why it made him so nervous to talk to Yoongi.
Maybe, it was because when Yoongi looked him straight in the eyes he felt his knees go weak and his heart beat a little too fast.
"I'm sorry to be so impatient. What-what did you decide?" Yoongi wondered biting the inside of his lip.
Jimin took a deep breath and took out the folded yellow paper from his front pocket. "I'm willing to move in with you."
Yoongi laughed throwing his head back like a little kid who just got a brand new toy. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck," he grinned.
Jimin laughed himself covering his mouth. It always warmed his heart to see how excited Yoongi got with any news regarding him.
"But, there is some rules." He interrupted.
"Of course, I knew you would have some. Give them to me."
"Okay, I'm planning on packing this weekend. I don't have a lot of stuff believe it or not. My wardrobe literally consist of scrubs and lab coats nothing interesting. I'm leaving my utensils at the apartment for now since I don't know how this will work out."
Yoongi nodded attentively hearing every word that came out of his mouth. It was a pleasure in all honesty. Jimin could literally be talking about shit and vomit and he wouldn't mind. He only wanted to hear his voice and that was more than enough.
"I will only help you on your daily activities which include cooking, helping you dress if needed, drive you around if I'm not at work, and anything else you need help with. But, I will not help you ummm...." he cleared his throat turning red.
"Masturbate." he whispered.
Yoongi smirked, "No worries. I've been practicing with my left hand and I'm getting better at it."
"Oh gosh," he replied with wide eyes.
"I'm kidding. Maybe. Okay, continue. Is there any other rules?"
"We will sleep in separate rooms. We can't sleep in the same bed. Okay?"
"Okay, sure. That's fine with me."
Jimin nodded staring at his paper. "Okay. I think that's it."
"Really? Wow, I can follow all your rules. Anything just for you."
"I've already signed our contract," he snorted. "Now you have to sign. Don't worry I keep my pens clean." He told putting down the paper on his thigh and handing him a pen.
"Well, my signature is going to suck ass because I can't write for shit with my left hand. Here goes nothing."
He leaned over and attempted to write his name. The signature ended up looking like a pre-k student writing his name for the first time.
"Ehh, it's not that shitty. Still better than Taehyung's writing."
"Taehyung is your friend right?"
"Yep. The really handsome one with the boxy smile. He's the more stable out of the three of us."
"Oh, okay, okay."
"Why? Do you like him?" He asked paranoid.
"What? N—"
"Because if that's it then I have to warn you he snorts like a pig whenever he laughs too much, he likes to play video games like a geek, he sings obnoxiously loud in the shower...even more than me! And-and-fuck he sounds adorable...he is adorable."
Jimin laughed at his cuteness. Yoongi pouted, "I'm glad you find it amusing." He said sadly. "I'm not laughing at you, I promise. It's just cute when you ramble like that."
"I literally can't shut up. You think I do it to be cute, but I actually think I have a problem. My mouth just goes on and on and then I say shit that I don't want to say and..." he stopped blabbing when he felt Jimin staring at him
"See what I mean?" He asked.
"Yeah, it's okay though. I don't mind it at all. Also, I don't like your friend Taehyung although he is handsome. I was just curious that's all."
"Good. I can't compete with Taehyung. Holy shit, he's like a walking beautiful human and I just can't."
"So are you." He blurted.
Yoongi's mouth slightly parted surprised at the compliment. "You...you mean that?"
"Yeah." The other replied sheepishly.
Yoongi smiled looking down. "What?" Jimin wondered with a small smirk.
"You just don't know how bad I want to hug you and give you the biggest kiss right about now."
Jimin looked away nervously afraid that Yoongi would see how intimidated he was by his comment.
"I can still say lovey dovey stuff to try to win your heart, right? You didn't put that as one of your rules."
"I guess I didn't." He whispered his face a deep shade of red.
"Cool. I'm glad you didn't. Because I'm hoping that one day you'll give in and like me as much as I like you."
Jimin finally looked at him and couldn't help to smile because how could he not? Yoongi was lovable in the every single way and that was a fact.
Yoongi returned the smile admiring his beauty. "Do you think it's possible to look at the sun directly?"
Jimin raised both eyebrows confused at the question, "No. It can really damage your eyes. Why?"
"Because I see it every time you smile."
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