Jimin knocked on Jin's door dramatically. When he didn't get an answer immediately, he knocked even faster.
"Seokjin! Open up!" He screamed.
Jin opened the door with a sigh, "You too?"
"I don't know what you're talking about, but I'm panicking." He said walking in uninvited.
"Oh, sure, come on in. What if I was getting dicked down, huh?"
"But, you aren't. Now, please hurry." Jimin stated sitting down on the couch. He was holding his face like that would make a difference. Jin sighed and walked to the refrigerator to fix him a glass of almond milk.
He walked back to the living room and handed it to him who gracefully took it. He drunk half the glass and took a deep breath.
"Jungkook is here too?" He asked once he noticed the other glass of milk on top of the center table.
"I'm here bitch." He grinned walking out of the bathroom.
"Good! I need your opinion too." He told wiping his milk mustache.
"Is no one going to ask about me? It's eleven thirty on a Friday night. You two are ruining my chances of getting some."
"Irrationally, you are the only one that can calm us down during our mental breakdowns." Jungkook said.
"What do you mean irrationally?" He asked offended.
"Come on Jin, you wear Super Mario pjs and still watch Power Rangers and Scooby Doo."
"You still watch Spongebob!" He accused.
"You're never too old for Spongebob." Jungkook responded rolling his eyes.
"Hey, hey, is no one going to ask about my mental breakdown?" Jimin asked.
Jungkook and Jin looked at him and then turned back around to argue. "Exactly! So you're never too old for Mario, Power Rangers or—"
"And you were expecting to get laid while wearing that pajama? Who were you even going to see, huh?"
"I was planning on meeting up with Jisoo and I wasn't going to do it with my pajama assface."
"Were you honestly going to have sex with her?"
"Well, maybe. I don't know! My hormones are into a guy right now."
Jimin got up from the couch and threw a remote across the room. "What the shit? That's my remote!" Jin shrieked.
"I was just trying to calm everyone down. Let's have a seat and drink our almond milk like civilized people."
They each took a seat in front of each other. "Okay, so, Jin let's start with you since this is your house and you gave us free milk." Jimin said.
"I'm fine actually."
"Are you really?" Jungkook wondered.
"Psh, yeah. I'm cool." He laughed. They both have him a look and he huffed. "Fine. I think Namjoon is seeing someone. That makes me a bit sad because he's sort of cute. And, I might have a small crush on him. Actually, a huge crush."
"What are you going to do about it?" Jungkook asked.
"Umm, nothing?"
"You can't just quit without trying."
"He's a patient at the office and—"
"He's not always your patient. Let's look him up on social media." Jungkook told taking his phone away.
"Hey! Stop it!"
"Ahh, he's already on your recently searched. Needy much? I'm going to follow him."
"No! Stop!"
"That's inappropriate. He's our patient." Jimin added.
"Don't you like your patient too?"
Jin finally snatched his phone back and unfollowed Namjoon. "Now he's going to know I was stalking him!"
"You needed a little push. You're welcome."
"Whatever. Let's move on. I shouldn't even be part of this conversation. Go on Jungkook. Tell us about your mental breakdown."
"Okay, so I came crying to Jin because nursing school is so fucking hard. I have a million tests due and it's my last semester and I'm going to leave my clinical site and I won't see Taehyung and—"
"Slow down. Don't forget to breathe." Jimin interrupted.
Jungkook stopped talking and took a deep breath. "It's just so hard. I feel like I'm not smart enough."
"What? You've made of this far. It's your last semester. Don't give up."
"I know. It's just overwhelming. And I'm going to miss Taehyung."
"Yoongi's friend?"
"Yeah. He's pretty great. Whenever I see him I get butterflies. He tickles my soul." He gushed giggling.
"Let me see your phone. Let's follow him too." Jin said.
"I've already tried. He doesn't have an Instagram. Facebook is too old for me so I can't look him up since I don't have one."
"Facebook is not old. I have a Facebook! Are you calling me old?"
"You are older." Jimin responded.
Jin gasped offended. "You aren't much behind!"
"Alright, alright. What's your mental breakdown about?" Jungkook asked Jimin.
Jin grabbed his glass of milk and took a sip. "Well, Yoongi asked me to move in with him." He said quietly.
Jungkooks eyes widen and Jin spit his milk out. "What the fuck?" He exclaimed. Jimin nodded. "Mhmm, that's what I said.
"Holy shit. That was fast."
"Let me explain, he wants me to move in with him so I can help him with his broken arm. I feel so bad for him that I actually thought about doing it, but that's fucking crazy. Like, he offered to pay my apartment rent for a month and if I don't like it with him he said I can move out. He also said I can make my own rules and that he would pay me if I helped him. Of course, I told him that's insane. Right?"
"I mean yeah, but it's not that crazy." Jin said.
"Yeah, I've seen crazier shit at the clinic." Jungkook commented.
"You two are suppose to agree with me. This shit is crazy." He exclaimed paranoid. The last thing he needed was his friends encouraging this.
"If Taehyung asked me to move in with him and he will pay me I would do it in a heartbeat. Not for the money, that would just be a bonus. I'd do it for free."
"Hell yeah, same here. Didn't you say you hate your shitty apartment either way?"
Jimin groaned leaning back on the couch. "Yes, I do, my neighbor always brings someone to fuck and the walls are so thin I hear everything. Like fucking shit Shownu, I'm trying to get sleep and I can't while you're moaning and spanking the shit out of who knows who!" He ranted.
"So why not take the deal?"
"Because its a huge decision and there's no going back."
"Didn't you say he would pay for your rent for a month? You can always move back if you don't like it." Jungkook said.
Jin pointed his finger at him, "You're gay panicking aren't you?"
"What? No." He replied with a red face.
"Ahh, just accept it then. You've always been the responsible one. Take a risk for once in your life. See where it will take you." Jin added.
"Come on, you get to take care of a cute guy and get paid while doing it? Fuck, that's like everything." Jungkook said.
"Fine. Fuck it."
"Are you going to help him jack off too?" Jin asked.
"No! Of course not. We're going to be professional."
"He said that he was having trouble because he couldn't masturbate."
"He said that?" Jungkook chuckled.
"Oh yeah, some patients don't give a fuck and tell you everything. Min Yoongi happens to be one of them."
"Okay, okay, I'm done. I better get going." Jimin replied embarrassed.
"Why don't you spend the night here? I mean shit, it's about to be midnight might as well."
Jimin nodded, "Fine. I'm going to get some of your clothes then. No more talking about Yoongi's dick or masturbation."
He walked away and heard snickering. When he turned around he saw Jin and Jungkook mimicking a handjob.
He rolled his eyes and kept walking to Jin's room. He looked through his clothes until he found a pair of shorts and a T-shirt to wear.
After that, he removed his clothes. As he was pulling his pants down he felt the folded paper in his pocket.
He pulled it out and unfolded it. The paper was still blank and he knew he had to have it done by the following day.
So, he grabbed a pen sitting on Jin's nightstand to start writing the rules.
And maybe he would end up regretting it, maybe he wouldn't even show up to meet him, or maybe he would show up and just not set any rules at all.
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