"Fuck this shit," Yoongi mumbled nearly about to throw his phone across the room. This Candy Crush shit was irritating the living hell out of him.
"Fuck! I had it!" He screamed. A patient in the waiting room glanced at him from across the room. "Excuse me, can you lower your voice?"
Yoongi looked up completely unbothered. "Can you mind your business?"
"Ah! I'm telling the front desk lady that you are being rude!"
"Go and tell Ms. Hyuna. She's my friend. By the way, you didn't button up your shirt correctly it's not straight!"
The patient got up from his seat and walked over to the front desk. Yoongi wrinkled his nose annoyed, "Fix your buttons! It's irking my nerves!"
"Min Yoongi?"
Yoongi instantly turned to the door and saw Jim standing there. He looked around, maybe there was another Min Yoongi?
"Me?" He wondered shocked.
Yoongi slowly made his way there confused. Why hadn't Jimin pulled him back? "I'm sorry. Is Jimin not working today?" He asked as he stepped on the scale.
Jin recorded his weight and looked up, "He's here. He's with another patient right now."
"Oh," he replied bummed out. He had waited two weeks to see him. Two. This wasn't fair. Fuck whatever patient he was with. Who did they think they were taking Jimin away from him?
"Sir? You can follow me this way." Jin commanded walking down the hall.
"Uh, umm," Yoongi started. He felt his heart race and the sweat under his arms. The thought of not seeing Jimin made him anxious.
As he was walking he stopped to fix the same painting he had fixed before. They really needed a new nail on it. It was crooked.
Jin observed him for ten seconds until Yoongi was finally satisfied with it. "I'm sorry. I-I have a tendency to fix things. I didn't mean to touch it. Well, I did but-but..."
"It's okay. No worries. This is your room." He pointed.
Yoongi sighed and walked in taking a seat on the chair. "This is just a check up, correct?"
"Is your medication helping with the anxiety?"
"Yes. It's working so far. I think."
"Are you having any other problems?"
"I'm love deprived."
"Excuse me?"
"I mean yes. I actually do. Its probably not important, but I have this sore throat."
"How long have you had it?"
"Four days maybe? It hurts to swallow. It's okay though. It's not that important."
Jin chuckled a little, "Swallowing is crucial to live. How will you eat?"
"I guess you are right."
"Let me take a look at your throat."
Jin grabbed a medical instrument and applied a protector over it as he turned it on. "Can you open your mouth and stick your tongue out?"
Yoongi did as he was told. "Oh yeah, your tonsils are swollen and filled with pus blisters." He said.
"Shit. I'm dying aren't I? It's the love deprivation!" He said panicked.
"Calm down. I'll swab you for strep just to make sure. You aren't dying."
"Are you sure? Is Jimin almost done?"
"Umm, I'm not sure." He responded, wrapping a blood pressure cuff around his arm.
"I need to see him one more time!"
"Okay, okay, remain calm please. Your blood pressure might be high if you're this panicky."
"Okay, alright," he breathed. He closed his eyes feeling the pressure of his arm. Five seconds later the machine beeped.
"132/78 and pulse is 101."
"101? Isn't that elevated?"
Jin unwrapped the cuff from him and shook his head. "It's just up by one. It's nothing to worry about. You're all jumpy at the moment that's why."
"Okay." He responded touching his forehead.
"Alright. Let me swab you for strep real quick." He instructed pulling out a swab. Yoongi stuck his tongue out again as he put on gloves.
"You might gag a little." He said as he stuck the swab in.
Yoongi remained still without gagging. His eyes watered a bit, but that was it. Jin removed it and tried to hold in his laughter. His dirty mind was playing tricks on him.
"You have a good gag reflex." He said.
"I mean, yeah..." Yoongi mumbled a bit shy.
"Okay. I will put this in and the doctor will be in shortly!"
He walked out and immediately made his was to the lab. He put in five drops of the solution and then the swab.
After washing his hands and setting the time he ran to their office. "So? What did he say? Did you look at his lock screen?" Jimin asked.
"He's a patient! I can't just ask him for his phone. He did ask me about you."
"Oh, he's probably looking for some love advise to get with her." He pouted.
"I don't know. All I know is that he asked for you multiple times. Is he always so jumpy?"
"The times I've triaged him he seems a bit jumpy. Then he calms down."
"He acts so weird. I asked him if he had problems and he said he was love deprived." Jin snorted.
"He says things like that. It's not like he's actually love deprived."
"Well, excuse me for not knowing. I tested him for strep."
"Is he actually sick?"
"Yes. I saw his tonsils."
"Oh. Okay. I'm going to call the next patient back real quick." He said walking out.
"Holy shit. He needs a shot of Rochepin." Jin said walking in the office. Jimin looked up from his computer.
"It's a joke, right?"
"He needs a shot of Rocephin! Just received a written order from the doc." He replied wiggling the paper in the air.
"You're a fucking witch." Jimin gasped.
"I'll rather be called a wizard."
"Same thing."
"It's not, but you have to give it to him!"
"I'm not going in that room. The whole point of this was for me to avoid him."
"This is your chance!"
"Why are you encouraging this? You're suppose to stop me!"
"Hell no, gotta get him back."
"It's not his fault."
"Clearly it is for being so damn beautiful."
Jimin gasped, "You just called him beautiful?"
Jin blinked several times attempting to play it off. "I mean, yeah, so? He is. That's besides the point. You have to give him the shot. I'm doing a ABI on a patient. You don't know how to do those."
"You're taking advantage of me because you're more experienced!" Jimin groaned.
"Yep. I am. Good luck." He said sliding the paper to him and walking out.
He huffed for a few minutes and threw a tantrum. Finally, he got up and walked to the medication cabinet to get the powder and the needle.
He took longer than usual to get it done simply for dreading looking at Yoongi. When he went to pick the needle he glanced at the 25 gauge.
Jin's words echoed his mind. He quickly shook it off and grabbed the correct size. It wouldn't be fair to hurt him. Maybe it was his fault for being beautiful, but could he help that?
His palms were sweaty once he was outside his room. He was starting to hyperventilate when he brought his hand up to knock.
"Come in."
He bit his lip hearing his deep voice. The handle was hard to open due to his sweaty hands.
Jimin inhaled sharply out of astonishment to see Yoongi leaning over he table with his bare ass on the air.
"I decided to go ahead and be ready." He causally said staring at the wall. His back was towards Jimin so he hadn't seen him yet.
"Just let me know when you're about to stick." He added quietly hummed.
"Oh, okay."
Yoongi instantly got up and saw Jimin standing there with the needle at hand. "Holy fuck. Shit." He said trying to reach for his pants to pull them up.
"It's fine. I have to stick you either way." Jimin replied avoiding eye contact. He could feel his face turning bright red and didn't understand why.
He had seen lots of asses before. I mean, he stuck on the daily. Why was seeing Yoongi making him so jittery?
"Uh, o-okay." Yoongi said shyly turning around. Showing his ass to Jimin wasn't as easy as showing it to Jin.
He too was deeply blushing at this scenario. "Okay. I'm first going to wipe the area, alright?"
"Okay." Yoongi said biting the inside of his cheek.
The silence felt awkward and never did he think he'd be bending over for Jimin. Of course, this was different than what he envisioned.
He had thought of a much different scene. Which included Jimin bent over naked and Yoongi behind him.
"It's pretty hot outside huh? These temperatures are no joke." He laughed trying to make the environment less tense.
"Mhmm." Jimin replied taking the cap off the needle.
"Yeah. It just feels so...so...umm..."
"This medication is very thick. It'll hurt, but I need you to stay still and relax."
"Alright. Thanks for the warning."
"Okay. I'm fixing to stick."
"Do your thing."
Jimin pierced the needle through his skin. He started pushing the medication in making Yoongi squeeze his eyes shut.
"Alright. All done." He said putting a band aid over it."
"Mother fucker. This is fucking acid. My ass cheek is on fire. Holy shit." He cursed rubbing his ass.
"Walk it out."
"Oh, fuck. Oh, my poor ass. Ow." He pouted and finished buttoning up his jeans.
Jimin almost smiled. Not because it gave him pleasure that he was in pain, but because his pout was the cutest.
"The doctor wants to see you back in two weeks for your routine visit. He sent antibiotics for the strep to the pharmacy. You should be able to pick them up already. If you're not any better just call and make an appointment sooner. You're good to go." He said turning around to leave.
"Jimin, wait,"
He slowly faced him again. Yoongi had a bright gummy smile plastered on his face. "I'm glad I got to see you! The other nurse told me that you were with another patient and—"
"Yoongi, I don't think it's right that we're talking like this. It should be a patient and nurse relationship nothing else."
Yoongi's smile slowly dropped. He gulped as a pang of pain spread through his chest. "Oh-oh, I'm-I'm sorry. I thought-I thought we were..." friends.
"I'll see you around."
"Did I do something to annoy you? If it's my OCD-I-I can try to control it. I know sometimes I get too paranoid and-and...I'll try to not be that annoying. I promise."
Jimin suddenly felt bad. He was a nice guy. A really good guy, but how could he stay friends with him when he was dating the girl he liked?
"You're not annoying. It's not that, Yoongi." He finally responded. He should've left instead of staying. However, Yoongi's broken expression stopped him.
"Then what?"
"It's just...I don't know how to tell you."
"I'll understand if you explain it to me."
"It's not professional of me to talk about my personal life here."
"I've told you about my love problems. That wasn't very professional of me."
"It's about your love problems. That's the thing!"
"What...what do you mean?"
"I know about your lover." Jimin said.
Yoongi's facial expression changed dramatically. "You-you do?"
"Yes, I do. I wish it didn't bother me, but it kind of does." Jimin replied a bit hurt.
Yoongi took a deep breath, "Fuck, I'm-I'm sorry. I wasn't expecting you to feel that way. I can't help my feelings."
"I understand that and I clearly don't like it. Now do you see why we can't be friends?"
"I-I-didn't think you'd have a problem with it."
"Are you kidding me? I do have a problem with it. A huge problem."
Yoongi felt his heart sink. He leaned back on the bed and sighed sadly. "I get it. It's okay. If you want your friend can be my nurse now. I don't want you to feel weird because I'm gay."
Jimin's eyes popped wide open. "Wait. What?"
"It's alright. You don't have to worry. I won't talk to you anymore. Not everyone is okay with gay people." He pursed his lips trying to keep his shit together. He could feel an anxiety attack approaching him.
"You're...you're gay?"
"Yeah. Isn't this what this whole thing is about?" Yoongi wondered confused.
Jimin scratched his head as equally confused. "N-no. I thought you liked Shin Jimin." He mumbled.
"Who's Shin Jimin? I only know one Jimin and that's you."
"But..but...I saw your picture on her..."
"What? I'm confused."
"Are you lying to me?"
"You're questioning my gayness?" He asked amazed.
"I saw your picture on her phone. That doesn't make any sense."
"I have gay porn on my phone. I will show you! I promise I'm gay!" Yoongi said pulling out his phone.
"No! No. It's okay you don't have to show me your porn." Jimin quickly replied.
"I want you to believe. I seriously don't know...oh."
Yoongi sighed suddenly realizing who Shin Jimin was. "What is it?" He repeated. "I know who she is. She's a girl that follows me on Instagram."
"I'm so confused right now."
"I remember I started noticing her comments after I started coming here. When I saw one of her comments I thought it was you. After lurking on her page I saw that she's actually a girl. No offense she's very pretty. I'm just not into...you know." He told cupping his chest.
"You're not...lying to me?" Jimin asked.
"No. Of course not. Look I'll show you." He logged into his Instagram and handed him the phone.
"You can check my messages and my pictures. She comments in most of them and I never reply. I don't even know who she is."
Jimin started scrolling through his page. In fact she did like his pictures. All of them to be exact.
"Okay. You're telling the truth." He whispered handing him the phone back.
"I like her, she likes you, and you like..."
"Guy. Let's call him guy." Yoongi finished. The last thing he needed was to make this more awkward than it already was.
"Holy fuck." He said covering his mouth. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to be an asshole while ago. I just-I thought that you and her and-and I didn't know that you were gay and-I'm so sorry!"
"It's fine. You don't have to worry about me stealing your girl. I like dick. I mean...umm." He coughed hoping he hadn't heard that.
"Oh, bold of you to say." Jimim laughed timidly.
"Can you still be my nurse? Not that I don't like your pretty friend he's great! I would just rather for you to be it. If that's not a problem with you."
"It's no problem. I guess we can keep talking now. The situation is still a little awkward."
"I can tell her I'm gay and then you can try again."
"I see no point. In a way, I'm glad she said no. We've been friends since we were little that it would just make things weird if we dated and then broke up."
"True. I'm just sad that she likes me because I'm not into boobs and vagina."
Jimin laughed and Yoongi swore that the whole world stopped. It made him smile so big and bright he never wanted to leave his side.
Jimin gave him the feeling of peacefulness that he had never felt. And if he could make him laugh forever he would without a doubt.
"What?" He wondered becoming flustered at his staring. Yoongi smiled. The butterflies in his tummy were fluttering all over.
"Nothing. Sorry. I'll get going don't want to hold you up anymore."
"Alright. I'll see you in two weeks then!" Jimin beamed opening the door.
Yoongi followed him out the room. He kept smiling and honestly couldn't help himself. Jimin just made him so fucking happy it was impossible to not smile.
"Okay. Bye! I'll—I'll see you later—" Yoongi stooped talking and turned around to see if he was going to bump into the trash can.
"I moved it so you wouldn't trip."
"You did? Even after you hated me for a few days?"
Jimin snorted covering him mouth. He nodded his head. "Yes. It's weird I know, but I didn't like you tripping over the trash. I didn't want you to get hurt."
Jimin was the sweetest fucking human in the entire universe. He was so perfect humanity didn't deserve him.
"You're so fucking sweet. Holy shit."
"Oh stop it." Jimin nervously replied with a smile.
"You are! Okay-I'm-I'm for real leaving this time. I'm sorry for holding you up. Have a good day! And-and I—" fucking love you.
"I-I-uh, alright I'm leaving. Bye!" He quickly said and ran out the door before he confessed his feelings to him. He was going to eventually. Today just didn't seem like the correct day to do something like that.
Jimin kept smiling all the way back to his office. "That smile mean you got him good, huh?"
"What? Oh no. We're cool again."
"Turns out he's gay and he doesn't even know her. She follows him on Instagram and that's it."
Jin gasped and then laughed. "That explains the great gag reflex!"
"When I tested for him for strep he didn't gag at all. You know what that means." Jin smirked mimicking a blow job.
"Ew. You're so gross." Jimin replied taking a seat on the chair. He made sure to avoid eye contact with him because he was blushing so much for some odd reason.
"It's the truth." He snickered.
Jimin kept his eyes on the screen. Yoongi's medical chart happened to be up so he was focused on his picture.
And for a strange reason it gave him butterflies.
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