"So, why are we doing this again?" Hoseok groaned in the back seat.
"Because of love!" Yoongi responded.
"I saw the student nurse at the grocery store. I tried to fake an asthma attack to get his attention." Taehyung mumbled. He had a box of raspberries on his lap and he had one stuck to each of his fingers.
"Taehyung! That's dangerous! You're not suppose to fake that." Yoongi scolded.
"But I didn't! All I could do was smile like an idiot. Then I ended up tripping and knocking over a basket of mangos. So according to the dumbass manager, people won't buy fruit that's bruised. I had to pay for that shit. Now, I have seven bags of bruised squishy mangos."
"Fuck sakes. You're a mess, child." Hoseok said.
"I'm not a child!" He mumbled sucking the raspberries off his fingers.
"Clearly not." Yoongi chuckled.
"How much longer do we have to wait? I need to take a shit." Hoseok said aggravated.
"Well, go shit."
"I can't do it in public bathrooms! Too many cooties. What if there's cameras watching my asshole? I'm not risking it."
"And I'm the one with anxiety." Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Anyways, I am going to poop unlike you."
"What if we see your lover?" Taehyung screamed out the window.
"Text me or call me." Yoongi replied wiggling his phone. He went inside and walked to the bathroom.
As he waited for a stall, he looked at himself in the mirror fixing his hair. He made sure to smell his breath because what if for some odd magical reason, Jimin got out the car and approached him to receive him with a big kiss?
Of course, this was very irrational and nearly impossible but it didn't hurt to dream now did it?
After a stall was available he went in. Just as he bent over with his pants down his waistline he received a text from, Hoseok.
Yoongi had never pulled his pants up as fast as he did that day. He sprinted to the car feeling his throat burn.
"Whe-where?" He gasped taking his inhaler from his pocket and shaking it viciously before he sprayed three times in his mouth.
Taehyung looked at Hoseok who awkwardly smiled. "False alarm." He grinned. Yoongi wanted to beat the living shit out of them both.
Before he did that he needed to regain his breath. "Fuck! I have asthma! You can't say that shit to me and not expect me to run here! You scared my shit back inside my body you monster." He scolded pouting his finger at him.
"I'm sorry! I thought it was the car!"
"Which one huh?" He asked still a bit breathless. Hoseok indecisively pointed to a bright blue boxy car.
"That's not even the same fucking color or the model!"
"I confused it, okay? Can't a human make mistakes?"
"What about you, Taehyung? Didn't you know this wasn't the car?"
"Uhh..." Taehyung continued to eat the raspberries.
"Never mind." He responded leaning back in his seat.
"I have a question." Hoseok started.
"Nope." Yoongi responded.
"I don't give two shits, I'm asking either way."
"Of course you are."
"Since you two have asthma, how do you fuck? Like, do you stop midway and be like 'give me a sec gotta spray my lungs' and then get to it again?"
"First of all, were not spraying our lungs. Second of all, asthma doesn't stop us from our sexual needs you assface." Taehyung responded offended.
"Okay, okay, Mr. I-know-every-fucking-thing-because-I-like-a-nursing-student, headass."
Taehyung made a fist with his hands and Yoongi shoved him back causing a few raspberries to fall on his seat.
"He started it!"
"Come on, hit me little headass. I dare you."
"Can we stop fighting for a second? We're suppose to be attentive so when the blue fucking car shows up, okay?"
Taehyung rolled his eyes and sunk in his seat. He felt something cold on his butt and he lifted his body up a second.
His hand went to his behind were he found a smushed raspberry. "Fucking shit! I got a red stain on my ass!"
"My car!" Yoongi screeched.
Hoseok snorted earning a look from Taehyung. "This is the last fucking time I'm bringing you two."
"What did you expect? We've been here for two hours."
"Jimin usually doesn't take this long."
"Do you have wipes or paper towels? I don't want this on my ass."
"It looks like you just lost your virginity." Hoseok commented with a grin.
"Here. Try to not make another mess. Shut that box before it spills."
Yoongi kept staring at the parking lot waiting for him to arrive. What if he didn't come? What if he was with that girl? Just what if?
"I need to make him a note."
"A note for what?" Taehyung asked.
"With my phone number. So, he can text me."
"Won't he see your phone number in your chart? They have your information don't they?"
"Well, technically yes, but I gave them my work phone number not my cellphone."
"Okay, then I don't see why not." Hoseok shrugged.
"I bought this fancy black ink pen and these packs of sticky notes. Look how bright they are!" He said showing them the pack of yellow stickies.
"Why did you buy three packs? You only need one." Taehyung said.
"I'm going to give them to him. I heard that in the medical field they use a lot of stickies. Now who can write my number and a little message?"
"Why cant you do it?" Hoseok wondered.
"Ugh, Hoseok, get with the fucking program. If I write this he will recognize my handwriting. I've signed and filled out a lot of shit."
"You honestly think he will remember your handwriting?"
"Uh, yeah, that dudes a fucking genius. He's so smart and shit."
"Well, I say let Taehyung do it."
"Why me? Why not you?"
"Because you write like chicken shit."
"I don't write like chicken shit!" Taehyung responded defensively.
"You kind of do." Hoseok said patting his shoulder sympathetically.
"What if he doesn't understand?" Yoongi asked.
"Oh, he will. Nurses are trained to read shitty writing. Have you ever seen a doctors signature or message? They write like in their own weird language and nurses are able to interpret that."
"Fair enough. Okay, Taehyung, write text me or call me hot stuff and then write my phone number."
"Ew, what the hell? Sounds like a fifty year old trying to get some." He said wrinkling his nose but wrote the message either way.
"Does that honestly sound bad?"
"Yeah. Sounds stupid."
"Gee, thanks Hoseok and Taehyung. Thanks for saying I'm a stupid fifty year old guy trying to get some."
"We're your best friends. Someone has to tell you." Taehyung shrugged.
"Okay! Fine! Rip that shit apart and write something else."
"That won't be possible." Hoseok said.
"Why not?"
"Because he's pulling up right there."
"Shit, shit, shit!"
"Why're we screaming?" Taehyung yelled.
"Because he's here!" He yelled back.
Yoongi turned on his car and sped to the drivethru line. Before Jimin was able to advance be cut him.
The other cars in line beeped at him and it's not like he gave two fucks anyways. Jimin simply sighed and rested his head on his steering wheel.
Sure, it was great to get free food, but it was also annoying. Was this dude stalking him? Was he waiting for him to arrive? What if one day he followed him home too? What will he do then?
"Hey, I need to pay for the guy behind me. I'm not paying for the grass and lemon drink only the kimichi and large coke. Got it?"
Taehyung had finished doodling a sunflower on the note and he looked at it proud. "Okay? The only thing he order was a kimichi and large coke." The guy replied.
"That's great! Oh! And I also need you to give him this." He said handing him the three packs of stickies. "There's a note on the first stack!" He said with a grin.
"Uh, alright. So, the total is—"
"Yes. Take my money. Here it is. Can you also tell him one more thing?"
"I mean sure." He replied waiting for his credit card to be approve. The machine made a little noise indicating it had been approved and he removed it and handed it back to him.
"Tell him I'm paying for his food because he's hot." He grinned and moved on up.
"That wasn't terrible." Hoseok said.
"Yeah! I think he will like my sunflower." Taehyung grinned.
"What? What sunflower?"
"I drew a sunflower on the stickie! For decoration!"
"Why did you do that?" He panicked.
"Uh, because, I like sunflowers?"
"He's going to know it's me!"
"Why?" Hoseok asked.
"Because-because I was-"
"Your love is behind us now." Taehyung mumbled.
Yoongi glanced at his mirror and started to panic. "Fuck, fuck," he cursed looking both ways before he crossed the road.
Jimin followed him behind determined to know who his admirer was. "He's following us!"
"I know! I can see that Taehyung!"
"No! I don't want to go to jail! I'm so young!"
"Taehyung, you're not going to jail. He's a nurse not a cop." Hoseok said.
"But he can accuse us of stalking him!"
"We weren't stalking. We were simply waiting for him to arrive that's different." Hoseok justified.
Taehyung nodded taking a deep breath. "Okay. Okay. You're right."
Yoongi made a rough turn on a random alley where he parked in front of a bigger truck. He turned his car off and looked at the mirror.
"Shh, I think we lost him."
"Then what's he doing in front of us?" Hoseok asked.
Yoongi and Taehyung both gasped and looked in front and saw nothing. "Don't do that shit!" Yoongi groaned.
"I'm kidding. Can we go to my house now? I still gotta poop."
"Fine. Let's go."
Yoongi started driving again only this time all he could think of was his phone. Would he text him? Call him? If he did, what would he do then?
Either way, he would wait.
For the rest of the afternoon he would look at his clock at every second, every minute, every hour waiting for him.
And if Jimin didn't text him today, or tomorrow, or the next day he didn't mind it at all.
Yoongi didn't mind waiting for him.
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