Kurogiri [POV]
The picture smoldered on the counter but as soon as Dabi dropped it the fire went out which was odd.
"Whoa what was that about?" Twice asked coming down the hallway
"I don't know I asked him again about the picture and he flipped out" I shrugged patting out the photo
"Did he tell you who was in the picture?" Twice asked
"He said it was himself he never has mentioned anything about his past but he seems to give off the assumption that something bad had happened to him to make him turn out like how he is"
"Interesting" Twice shrugged
"He said how he was going to kill someone but didn't say who and that he didn't want to be associated with someone or something" I explained "Maybe it would be best to leave him alone or maybe it would be best to look into it that I am not sure of yet"
"I think it would be best right now to leave him alone he seems pretty upset" Twice glanced down the hallway
"For now you are correct but I'll look into it later maybe when he's calmer I'll ask again" I nodded slowly as Dabi came back into the bar wearing his coat
"Where are you going now?" I asked
"I'm going out" he snapped as he walked out the front door
"I've got a bad feeling about this but there's nothing that I can do about it now" I sighed picking up the now mostly burned photo I wonder where Tomura did get this. I sighed putting it in my pocket for now. Maybe it's wrong to want to pry from such a seemingly unstable man.
Shigaraki [POV]
I walked down the hallway I was surprised I was able to get out of bed considering how last night went. I knocked on Dabi's door wanting to talk to him but when I opened it he wasn't there and on his bed was a large book. Curiosity got the better of me and I sat down on the bed picking up the book. When I opened it, it turned out to be a photo album. The first page seemed to be a family photo but all the faces were scribbled out except for a beautiful white haired woman. The top right hand portion of the photo was ripped out which seemed to be part of a large man. There were three kids in the photo and the woman was holding a small baby but it was impossible to tell who they were.
I flipped to the next page. On the left page there was a photo of the front of a large house but there wasn't anything that really stood out in the picture so I looked on the right page. There were four small people probably kids sitting down on the floor. There seemed to be a girl on the far left next to her looked like it was a boy with spiky red hair next to him seemed to be another boy with spiky white hair and right next to him was a small baby who I couldn't see anything of. Did Dabi scribble out all the faces of the photos?
I turned to the next page it seemed to be a portrait photo but that was all that I could make out of it. It was crossed out and scribbled with a permanent marker. Next to that photo was a picture of a young girl with long white hair with red streaks in it. The marker was faded here but I still could barely see anything about her but it seemed like she had glasses.
The next page had an empty place where a photo would have gone and on the opposite page there was a picture of the same spiky haired kid in the other photo sitting in what appeared to be an optometrists chair he had his tongue stuck out at whoever was holding the camera. He was squinting and the optometrist was sitting in a chair next to him holding up a pair of glasses and unlike the other photos this one had a caption under it that read 'Toya is blind!' I guess the boys name is Toya.
The next page the photo was completely scribbled out except for a caption underneath that read 'Toya lost his glasses and is blind for training' next to it was another completely scribbled out photo. I wondered why Dabi had this book.
I flipped to the next page it was a photo of the spiky haired boy digging around outside in the snow with the caption 'Toya lost his glasses, again' there was something about the kid and his glasses that was starting to show a pattern here which I found odd. On the other page it was a picture of the girl with white hair and red streaks she was wearing two pairs of glasses one on top of the other. The pair on the bottom were small black and rectangular but the ones on top were much larger but pretty similar non the less. This one had the caption 'Fuyumi is a dick and stole my glasses'
Instead of a photo on the next page it was a piece of notebook paper with a series of notes one wrote in red ink and the other wrote in purple
Stop pouting in your room because you lost your glasses again come out
I'm fine in here
Toya come on I'll help you find them
This is the fifth time in the last two days I've lost my glasses I don't even have a single clue how I keep losing them
Well stop pouting in your room and come out it's not that big a deal
If dad finds out I lost them again he'll kill me because then I won't be able to train because I can't see
I'm sure dad won't kill you and he doesn't HAVE to find out about it
You've got it good Fuyumi dad doesn't care whether you've got you glasses or not
You're lucky Toya at least you can somewhat see without them like you can read this note I can't see anything without mine
I can't see my wall clearly and I'm only sitting against the door
Well you can still see if I took mine off I wouldn't be able to see at all
Just go away I don't care anymore about my glasses they make me look like a nerd and I don't want the kids to make fun of me again
You don't look like a nerd you look cool with your glasses on
They say it makes me look like a nerd and I'm tired of all the teasing
Well if you didn't have all those piercings then maybe you wouldn't be called a nerd with your glasses
Toya there's way to many you've got like twelve in your ears it's way too much
Mom let me get them and I like them
I know I'm teasing they look good on you and so do your glasses
You're the nerd of the family not me
It's only the truth Fuyumi except it
Will you get out here and stop being a baby
I figured that the red ink was whoever was referred to as Fuyumi and the purple was Toya. When I flipped the page the curiosity to know why Dabi had this was killing me. The next picture was off the white haired boy and Toya they were sitting back to back on the floor their arms crossed over their chests with a caption below it that said 'these two idiots trashed up the yard and now are pouting'
The next page was a picture of a large broad shouldered man his entire head was scribbled out and scribbled in dark marker on the next page was 'I'll kill him' written over and over again.
The rest of the pages were empty except on the last page was another piece of notebook paper that read
Dear Fuyumi, Natsuo, Shoto and Mom,
I'm leaving and I'm never coming back I can't put up with Endeavor anymore and I can't stand to see how he treats Shoto so goodbye. I've changed for the better and maybe one day in the future we will meet again but I guess you're probably not even going to see this note because I'm not even going to leave it so I guess I'm writing to myself, to my old self. I'm taking the scrap book with because if I go to far or something happens to me I want to be able to look back on the fun times though I realize how little photo's I've kept in here. I've never really been into scrap booking and mainly Fuyumi made the book but I loved photography though now it's not very important. I'll take a few things with maybe the rest of my photos not just the ones in here but I want you all to see what our wretched father did what he forced me to do. This was my only option so with a heavy heart, Goodbye
Toya Todoroki
Clipped to the letter was a photo that seemed to be taken through a mirror. It showed the spiky red haired boy, Toya blood dripped down his face and his hair was matted to his face the tips going black. There was a burning anger in his turquoise eyes and burn marks all over his face. The camera was pressed to his chest his hands covered in blood. On the edge of the sink were his glasses the lenses were shattered and cracked. There was a collection of piercings next to it but the most concerning part was the industrial stapler on the side of the sink almost falling in.
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