Shigaraki [POV]
My heart pounded in my chest but I didn't really know what I was feeling or what I wanted to think. I couldn't even remember what I wanted to talk to Dabi about. My face flushed a dark red and I flopped back down on my bed. This was so infuriating, he was so infuriating
"Tomura do not mind him he just wants to get on your nerves" Kurogiri insisted appearing in my room
"I know" I responded bluntly "He's a pain"
"But he is essential" Kurogiri nodded his head slowly
"An essential pain" I corrected
"Then you do not see what I see?"
"He's a real pain, all he does is sleep all day and when he's up he either burns the crap out of everything he can get his hands on or he just drinks all day, how is that essential?" I exclaimed
"You take enough interest in him to observe those habits of his, that should be essential enough" he responded which really ticked me off
"Wheat is that supposed to mean of course I notice his habits when they annoy me, we can never get any meeting done because he doesn't show up to any because he's sleeping calling any hour before noon an 'ungodly' hour and just goes back to sleep" I balled my hand into a fist "I wanna kill him"
"He is essential" Kurogiri repeated before leaving my room. I slammed my hand against the nightstand, how the hall is he useful at all. If it weren't for his quirk he'd be a useless drunkard. Father fell off the nightstand onto the floor and for a second I stopped to think, I had seen him drink so much yet I'd never seen him get drunk. How much tolerance does he have? I'd seen him have around fifteen shots against Magne, and was completely fine while Magne on the other hand was a step away from a blackout. Just another thing that irritated me. I reached down adjusting father on my face before I got out of bed. I went into the bar sitting down at the counter
"So you've decided to get up?" Kurogiri asked as I sat down
"Oh don't give me that you knew I would" I snapped
"I did, eventually, but I didn't think you'd get up this soon is there something on your mind?" he asked
"I hate him" I exclaimed
"We know" Compress exclaimed from a stool a few seats away from me
"It's not like I need you either I could get rid of you just as fast as I could get rid of him" I threatened
"Tomura control yourself" Kurogiri scolded
Dabi [POV]
I woke up after who knows how many hours later but it wasn't morning anymore which I liked. I stood up stretching my arms high above my head yawning. I walked into the bar hoping for some peace but sitting at the counter was the pipsqueak himself his hand thing on the counter next to him. He had a bottle of beer and by the looks of it, it wasn't his first maybe his third or more considering the empty bottles on the counter that Kurogiri cleared away
"Dabi you're awake finally" Kurogiri asked as I sat down a couple seats away from Shigaraki
"Yup glad to see me?" I joked
"Dabi I challenge you to drink with me" Compress challenged a smirk growing on his face
"You still haven't learned your lesson?" I asked
"Nope but I will defeat the champion" he announced
"So I'm the champion now?" I asked "I don't know about that Kurogiri hasn't ever drank around us"
"Trust me with one drink I'm done" Kurogiri insisted "I'm just the bar tender here"
"Well let's go it or are you scared that I'll win" Compress insisted
"Nah lay 'em out Kurogiri" I accepted
"Can't you two not drink out the entire alcohol supply please, you two do this almost every night, Compress haven't you learned your lesson yet" Kurogiri protested as he laid the shot glasses out on the counter for each of us
"Normal rules?" he asked
"First one to pass out looses" I nodded agreeing
"You guys are going to get alcohol poisoning one of these days and die" Kurogiri scolded pouring out shots of vodka. Thirteen for me and thirteen for him to start with
"Go" I announced picking up the first shot the vodka burning as it slid down my throat but not as bad as the burns on my body. I continued unfazed until Kurogiri had to pour more for the both of us. Compress was holding strong but I could see a hint of pink dusted on his cheeks already. I licked my lips. As soon as Kurogiri poured out thirteen more we continued totaling to 26 each. Compress's face was starting to grow redder but I was still fine
"Are they really going at it again?" I heard Twice mutter coming into the bar the bell on the door jingling
"Compress has already had a beer today" Magne responded but I ignored them. Kurogiri continued to pour out shots 39. Thirteen each, an unlucky number. My throat burned now but I loved the feeling. 52, Compress was a beat red and swayed in his seat but stayed strong. I was unfazed
"54 for Compress that's a new record" Twice exclaimed
"And Dabi is still going at it without a single care" Magne sighed 65, thirteen more each. As Compress took 68 he swayed even more
"I'm out" he announced as he collapsed passing out on the counter
"And our winner," Kurogiri sighed "Again, is Dabi"
"Dude where did you get your tolerance" Twice exclaimed "What is your liver made out of?" I downed the last of my shots totaling to 78. Probably impossible for a normal human
"It's made of hatred and anger" I responded flipping over the last shot glass
"You've out drank everyone here at least ten times" Twice pointed out "What are you planning"
"Well to be precise its 20-0 for you 13-0 for Magne 11-0 for Toga 17-0 for Spinner and I believe this is my 50th win against Compress" I stated proudly
"So you're just going for pride?" Magne asked
"Maybe, Maybe not"
That's insane but understandable when drinking is the only thing that your good at" Twice jeered
"Oh whatever" I rolled my eyes
"You haven't played Shigaraki or Kurogiri yet though" Magne pointed out
"I'm out after one drink" Kurogiri repeated collecting up the shot glasses
"A bar tender with no tolerance and Shigaraki is out with two beers that would just be child's play" I rolled my eyes again "At least Compress puts up a good fight"
"He's more of torturing himself for pride to beat the 'champion'" Twice shook his head disapprovingly "Performers jeez"
"Dabi since you obliterated him, again, take him to his room" Kurogiri scolded
"Yeah yeah whatever" I stood up grabbing Compress from the counter picking him up going to his room
"You never learn do you?" I shook my head disapprovingly putting him in his room. I shut the door as quietly as possible with these creaky doors and went back to the bar
"Anyone else wanna challenge me?" I asked sitting back down
"No you are done for the night that was 78 shots Dabi I don't know how nothing has affected you but one of these times you're going to die of liver failure" Kurogiri scolded
"Aw come on I've done much more than that and nothing has happened" I whined
"Dude are you even human" Twice exclaimed
"Maybe, maybe not" I shrugged
"Is he passed out still?" I asked gesturing to Shigaraki
"Probably" Kurogiri responded "like me he has no tolerance"
"That's still pretty weird a bar tender with no tolerance come on one round" I begged
"Dabi you've got to quit someday you're becoming an alcoholic" Kurogiri scolded
"I'm not becoming one I am one" I corrected
"Ugh Kurogiri one more" Shigaraki groaned
"No you need to go to bed you've had three already and you're wasted" He scolded coming around the bar and helping Shigaraki up
"Twice you wanna go?" I asked
"No thanks I don't feel like losing tonight" Twice retorted crossing his arms in front of his chest
"Ah whatever" I rolled my eyes as Kurogiri came back behind the bar
"Kurogiri can I have a beer?" I asked leaning over my arms
"What did I just say? About your alcoholism?" he asked
"Yeah and I choose to ignore your concern so again, can I get a beer?" I raised an eyebrow and Kurogiri sighed bending down grabbing me a beer from under the counter
"Thank you" I grabbing it taking a drink
"Can we all collectively agree that you're the main reason why we need to order so much alcohol every month?" Twice asked
"yeah that's safe to say" I put the beer back down on the counter
"And you should be ashamed of that" Kurogiri scolded
"Why it's not like I've got anything better to do" I shrugged "And it's not like I'm affected by it"
"There will be a day when someone is better at drinking than you and I will live to see the day when you've been out drank" Magne promised
"Compress is going to be sick as a dog tomorrow morning" I laughed
"And you don't get sick at all you don't feel the affects?" Twice asked
"Nope" I responded taking another drink of beer
"Game of darts to prove it?" Twice asked
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