(A.N. so first off, we reached over 200 reads in less than a day the last time I checked this morning we were at a little over 90 and I check at lunch today which for me is around noon and we were over 200 so THANK YOU all so much I've seen your comments and I love writing all my books just as much as I hope you guys like reading it so thank y'all)
Shigaraki [POV]
"you-" Dabi trailed off sitting back up slowly, even in the dark I could see his eyes wide with surprise. I felt my heart pounding in my chest, I shouldn't have said that I should have just left him be. I was just waiting for him to explode
"I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that" I apologized
"No...., no don't be sorry" he was about to reach out to me but stopped. He seemed at a loss for words. He took a deep breath grabbing my wrist pulling me close to him again. He filled those few inches of space by pressing his lips to mine. I was shocked beyond comprehension. His lips were rough and dry but I doubt mine were any different. After a few beats he pulled away
"Out of all the things I never thought I'd be gay definitely wasn't even close to being on the list" he muttered a smirk growing on his face. I felt my face burning good thing it was dark and Dabi couldn't see anyways
"So now...., you've kissed me...., I've conveyed my feelings....., can you really see?" I asked the curiosity killing me
"Yes you moron I'm nearsighted you do know what that means right?" He snapped slightly embarrassed
"You can't see things far away" I raised one eyebrow
"So you're not as dumb as you appear" he laughed
"So do you want to make it official?" I asked nervously
"I guess so it's not like I can keep bottling up my emotions because you're persistent" he shrugged
"Correct" I responded
"Mhm" he hummed in response grabbing me by the wrist pulling me down with him as he laid back down.
"What are you doing?" I exclaimed he didn't respond. This felt awkward but I didn't protest anymore. I guess we both fell asleep because the next thing I remember was waking up in the morning to Dabi clinging to me like a koala. It was probably pretty early for me to be up but how he usually was he slept all day till noon so he was still asleep. I shuffled trying to escape his grasp but he just held onto me tighter.
"Dabi" I started
"Shhhh not at this ungodly hour" He whined I sighed not bothering to protest anymore. I managed to fall back asleep in his arms, he was unsurprisingly warm. When I woke up again he had rolled over to his other side his back to me. I sat up stretching my arms above my head yawning. I looked at the time it was almost noon, ugh. I stood up stretching again my bangs falling in front of my face. I padded softly down the hallway into the bar. Kurogiri was standing behind the bar, Twice was sitting on the couch playing a game of cards with Magne and Compress was sitting down on a bar stool drinking a beer. I sat down with a sigh,
"Someone was sleeping for quite a while this morning" Twice giggled from the couch
"What is that supposed to mean?" I snapped
"I bet it was nice and warm" Magne added
"I don't understand, what are you talking about?" I asked looking at Kurogiri for help he laughed quietly to himself
"See, I told you he was essential"
(A.N. I hope everyone enjoyed reading this story because I had a lot of fun writing it because surprisingly there isn't that many Shigadabi fan fiction but I personally love the ship and again hope you enjoyed)
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