Janus never thought that alcohol was that bad. He loves the carefree feeling, all his inhibitions demolished, and his moral obligations to society destroyed. It's thrilling, but God, the aftermath. The headaches, the nausea, everything about a hangover felt terrible.
And yet, here he goes, downing another shot.
Remus had been gone for a few days, leaving Janus alone at home again while Logan slipped off to drown himself in work. Janus couldn't take the withdrawal anymore. The shaking, the nausea, the anxiety, everything. He couldn't take it. A fresh wave of tears pricked his eyes.
That's all he is, pathetic, he couldn't even handle a few shakes and sweating? He pressed his forehead to his palm, to him, it's a miracle Logan has stuck around this long.
He rubbed at his eyes lightly, tipping back his fourth drink of the night, checking his phone.
Hey, have you eaten? I was thinking about picking up Chinese on the way home.
Janus felt his heart melt, his bottom lip trembling. He covered his mouth as a sob began to escape him. He dropped his head into his arms, his shoulders trembling. He slid his hands into his hair, tugging harshly at the blonde locks.
The alcohol isn't working this time.
"Hey babe, you good?"
Peeking up from his misery, his eyes met amber ones.
Janus blinked, he thought Remy was on his honeymoon.
"What are you doing here?" He chokes out, wiping at his face with his sleeve, his brain foggy and contaminated.
"Just got off work, I thought I grab myself a little taste before I got home. Emile went out with some friends of his. What are you doing here?" Remy asks, taking a seat next to him.
Janus sniffles, his head resting against his knuckles as he stared down at the bar. "Drinking," He mumbles shamefully.
Remy raises an eyebrow and hums. "Trouble in paradise?"
Janus frowns at that and shakes his head. "No, just," He stutters, swallowing harshly. "Just trouble in my mind."
Remy seemed to follow, he gave a smile and stood. "Why don't I drive you home?"
Janus shook his head painfully, going home meant facing Logan and his guilt. His phone went off, and Remy swiped it before he could check.
He pushed down his sunglasses to the tip of his nose, reading over the last few texts briefly.
"Remy!" Janus hisses, quickly attempting to reach for it, but he only receives a hand pushing at his face.
"Quiet babe."
Remy said nothing as he quickly typed away at his phone before pulling his hand away, almost making Janus tumble to the floor in the process.
"You bastard!"
"Can it snake face, I did you a favor." He insists, shoving the phone back into his hand.
Janus quickly opened his messages, scanning over the one Remy had sent, replying to his lover.
Chinese sounds great, don't forget the fortune cookies!
Janus furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, glancing up wearily. "That's...it?"
"Yep, cause you're going to tell Logan yourself. In-person. But before that, we're going to get you some coffee."
Janus grimaced, coffee tastes like shit.
"I get it," Remy interrupts. "It's hard, nothing comes easy though babe, and I promise you, poisoning yourself with alcohol that makes you feel better for only a few hours is not going to help." He says bluntly. "Just, tell Logan okay? He'll help a lot more than I can, the only thing I can do is get you into Starbucks and drive you home after my friend." He explains before snorting. "And give you that love and support shit I guess."
Janus cracked a smile at that last part, how did he get so lucky? He doesn't deserve these people.
"You sure Emile won't mind that I'm stealing you?"
Remy snorts. "Oh please, I think after our honeymoon he'll be fine."
Janus raises an eyebrow. "Went well?"
Remy grins, giddy and light. Janus swears he caught a bit of pink on his cheeks as well. "Yes Sir, very well."
Janus laughs softly, shaking his head. "You must be tired." He teases.
Remy chuckles in response. "Oh no, no. Emile is tired."
"Oh? Then I guess I should ask him huh?"
Panic flicks in Remy's eyes, and Janus lets out a louder laugh. "Oh, my G-" Janus chokes on his laughter nearly falling off his seat again while Remy goes bright red, glaring at Janus threateningly.
"Shut it you whóre."
"Awe, is someone embarrassed?"
"Careful, I'll smite you."
Janus sat in his living room, leg anxiously bouncing as he sipped at his cup of iced coffee, which he admits is tastier than hot coffee. He glanced from his phone to the front door every few seconds, Logan would be home any minute. He has rehearsed his confession over and over in his head, but he knew speaking it aloud to his disappointed face would be much more difficult than to himself, in his head.
As time went by, Janus felt his eyelids dropping, even with the coffee it's growing late. He swore he would only rest his eyes for a moment.
Just one moment...
Just one-
Janus jumped up in alarm, his half-filled plastic cup of now lukewarm coffee flying up with him. He must have been clenching the cup too hard because coffee spilled out of it. He groaned and stood, setting the leaking cup down, wiping the coffee on his now ruined clothing.
"I'm sorry I'm late," Logan says, sighing a bit, carrying a large bag of Chinese as promised. He held it up. "I hope this makes up for it."
Janus offers a small smile, a yawn sneaking by, but his stomach overpowered his tired feeling as it growled. He blushed and Logan chuckled.
"Go get changed, I'll clean up the coffee and we'll eat."
With no further discussion needed, Janus nods, obediently doing as Logan says, heading off to change. His chest felt heavy again as his foggy brain began to clear, realizing he still has a confession to make.
He was quick to change and head back into the living room where Logan had cleaned up, as promised. He tugged all the food out, setting up the table before lifting his takeout box, immediately digging in. Attempting to not seem suspicious or anxious, Janus sits across from him, grabbing his food as well. He says nothing as he slowly dives in. He gets a few big bites in before his anxiety overpowers his hunger. His eating slows and soon he's merely pushing his chicken around with his chopsticks.
"Everything okay?"
Janus glances up, his cheeks flushing in shame as he realized he was caught so easily. "Yeah," He stutters, shifting. "I'm fine."
Logan raises an eyebrow, not at all convinced. "Don't lie to me," He demands before softening. "Janus, what is it?"
Janus sighs, shrinking under him, setting down his takeout box. He bit his lip, trying to decide how to go about telling him when it just happened.
"I drank!"
He startled the both of them with the volume of his voice, Janus flushed deeper, he hadn't meant to say it so loudly, but he needed to say it.
Logan had an unreadable expression, then he cleared his throat. "I see."
"Are you mad?" Janus asks carefully, hugging himself. He rubbed at his arm, peeking up from his knees to meet Logan's eyes.
"Not mad," Logan says with a sigh. "Merely disappointed."
Janus winced. He didn't want Logan to be disappointed, he would rather him be angry.
"It's okay," Logan assures. "This isn't an issue that can be resolved in a day, after all, you're going to struggle. But this is good, I'm glad you're honest with me and not hiding it."
Janus nods weakly, his eyes trailing back on his knees. He hears him sigh.
"Janus," He begins, catching his eyes once more. "I don't like when you drink, but I'm never going to be upset with you if you do, it's an addiction," He explains before clearing his throat, sitting up tall. "However, toddlers aren't allowed alcohol."
Janus flushed, he didn't like the sound of this.
"Because someone broke the rules," Logan scolds lightly, causing Janus to shift uncomfortably, feeling like a naughty child who tried stealing a cookie before dinner. "I believe a punishment is appropriate."
Janus huffed, he didn't want punishment, but he urged the man to continue.
"I say bathroom privileges will be revived for three days."
Janus' jaw dropped to the floor, his head shooting up, his eyes wide in disbelief.
He had to use his diapers for three days?!
"L-Logan! That's a bit much!"
Logan raises an eyebrow, remaining firm. "Is it? For such a large offense? You're only a toddler Janus, toddlers aren't allowed alcohol. You know this." He scolds. "After dinner, you'll be changed into proper attire and off to bed."
Janus whines at that, he knows exactly what he means by proper attire.
"Logan please," He begs.
Something flickers in Logan's eyes, and suddenly he softens. "We haven't talked about a safe word yet, but if you're truly uncomfortable with anything I'm doing I want you to say Gum okay?"
"A safe word? Isn't that for Kinks or something..."
Logan nods. "Usually yes, but I believe even in this relationship it can be useful. We're both new to age regression, and sometimes we won't know if the other is okay with something. This is only a precaution. You say the word and the situation resolves itself. It has no sexual intent, I only want to tread lightly. I don't want to make you uncomfortable."
Janus swallows and nods, thinking it over. He didn't want to wear diapers or not use the bathroom for three days, but he knows Logan is doing what's best for him. Ducking his head, his cheeks burned as he fiddled with his shirt.
"It's okay," He grumbles.
Logan nods his head and begins eating again, reluctantly, Janus does as well.
As Dinner comes to a close, Janus is lead off to the bedroom and laid down. He is stripped of his pride, which is replaced with vulnerability as Logan tugs a box of adult diapers from his closet, stashed away for this exact moment. There are little stars scatters across the front.
Logan is quick to powder him and taped the noisy item on the man whose face rivals a sunburn in the middle of July. He slips his hands over his face, sucking in a breath to which he held as Logan adjusted the infantile item. Soon, he felt a small pat of approval but he didn't move, too embarrassed and overwhelmed with the feeling of helplessness.
"How are you feeling buddy?"
Janus swallows behind his hands, but Logan watched his adam's apple bob up and down. "...scared." He admits softly.
Logan smiles and pushes his bangs up briefly, placing a kiss on his burning skin. "Don't be, it's only me. I will never belittle you for such a thing." He assures him, moving to the second item he received from the closet. It's a snake onesie.
With effort, he wiggles a whining Janus into it, who glares at him after, the blush not subsiding anytime soon. He sits up, whining at the loud crinkle that filled his ears, pouting at the ground.
Logan chuckles in response, kneeling in front of him, taking his hands. Janus watches him with furrowed brows as he kisses his knuckles. "You're okay," He reassures. "Remember Gum now okay?"
Janus nods and Logan stands again. "Alright little snake, let's head to bed. Something tells me you're going to have an interesting three days."
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