Janus felt nervous sweat drip down his forehead as he tried to rack his brain for a solution, he would have to think quickly, and while usually, that was easy for him, this time he has something more valuable than his life on the line, he has his pride.
"Aren't you going to open it?" Remus asks with a snort.
Janus glanced over at him, hiding his anxiety. "Right, sorry, spaced out. Um, Logan's sister brought her son over so there are few things scattered about," He lied, though, it was convincing to most, though, Janus didn't notice the raised eyebrow he received from his friend of 25 years. He pushed open the door and kicked off his shoes. "I'll go get you some clothes," He adds quickly, heading off to the guest room, locking it with a skeleton key that was given to them when they first bought the home.
He headed into Logan's and his "big" bedroom, Logan calls it, grabbing Remus a pair of boxers, sweats, and a t-shirt. Luckily he and Logan are about the same size, Logan is taller but lanky, so Janus had faith. Janus is annoyingly shorter than Logan, but he is muscular, well, he lost his preferred figure once he began drinking, but he's been working out again so he's started to lose the drinking weight.
He headed out into the living room, where Remus was looking around curiously, his eyes falling on a picture of him and Janus at a mere five years old. Remus has his arm hooked around Janus' neck, forcing him into a headlock as he rubbed his knuckles against his head. Janus didn't whine, he was just glaring up at Remus. Unfortunately, he has always been shorter than Remus, which he never lets him forget.
"I got your clothes," Janus states, offering them go, Remus, who jumped at the sound of Janus' voice, laughing it off. Janus didn't smile along, frowning at Remus, who took the clothes.
"Remus," He says, sighing. "I think you need to talk to someone, professionally."
Remus scowled at the very suggestion. "I'm not crazy."
Janus almost snorted. Almost.
"It's not about being crazy, you need help, professional help. I know damn well all those scars aren't from Arnet." Janus says seriously, not even attempting to sugar-coat such a matter.
Remus forced his eyes away and walked past Janus, who could feel the ghost of his shoulder bumping against his. "I'll be fine Jan," He mumbles, heading off, probably to find the bathroom. Janus sighed, letting it go, for now, allowing him to shower. He glanced around, blushing at the reminder of his childish items laying around. Grumbling, he began picking them up, carrying them to the forbidden room, unlocking it briefly to toss the items inside, repeating this until all proof of the babyish treatment had disappeared from view.
The thought of Logan's reaction to the situation dawned on him, but he ignored that for now, one step at a time.
Heading into the kitchen, he tied an apron around his waist, deciding to cook Remus a meal, as he appeared malnourished. He didn't remember the last time he cooked, but mac and cheese with chicken couldn't be too difficult right? He has an amazing recipe as well, so he had faith in himself.
He gathered his ingredients and got to work, humming a little tune as he cooked. Remus was in the shower for awhile, but when he walked out, Janus smirked. "Finally, I won't have to hold back gags."
Remus rolled his eyes. "I'll stab you in your sleep."
"Knowing you that's probably a weird fetish of yours." Janus comments, snorting.
Remus laughs in response, leaning himself on the counter. "How'd you know? You've been going through my search history?"
"I'd puke if I did that."
The pair laughed again, a wonderful, nostalgic feeling washing over the scene.
"Ah, I missed you, Dee," Remus admits, shaking out his still dripping hair.
"Missed you too Ree, I bet Logan has too." Janus jokes, let's just say Remus didn't make a great first impression with Logan. Or a second one. Or a third. Or any really.
Remus laughed. "Oh God, I can't wait to see his face-"
The front door suddenly opened, and Janus could hear shuffling. Janus watched as Remus hid behind the door frame and Janus rolled his eyes in amusement.
Logan walked into the kitchen, raising an eyebrow at Janus. "You're cooking?" He asks, taken back. Janus hasn't cooked in months, it was odd seeing him do it again.
"I am," Janus says, giving Logan a small kiss on the cheek. Logan wrapped his arms around his waist, raising an eyebrow as something felt off. He peeked into his pants, which caused Janus to flush and wiggle.
"Janus," Logan starts, his tone going stern.
"Lo I can ex-"
Logan shrieked loudly, jumping three feet in the air, causing the two troublemakers to laugh. Logan, now flushed in embarrassment, glared at Remus who grinned in response.
"Man, you should have seen your face!"
Logan fixed his glasses and stared at Janus with a firm look. "Why is Remus here?"
"Cause, he needs a place to stay for a bit," Janus says with a cheeky smile, kissing Logan lightly. "And he's my friend so you can't say no."
Logan glowered and crossed his arms, clearly not happy. Janus only turned, the hairs on his arms standing up. He felt like a rebellious child who just spoke back to their parent. It felt good, but terrifying at the same time.
"We need to talk about this," Logan says, though, he caught the disappointed look on Remus' face and he couldn't help but sigh. "No, I'm not kicking you out. While I don't favor you, I wouldn't just kick you to the curve," He assures Remus, besides, a friend of Janus' is a friend of his, even if he was reluctant to call the man that.
"Okay," Janus mumbled, he knew exactly what he wanted to talk about. He worked in his mac and cheese for a bit before he was finally able to get it in the oven. Logan gently grabbed his hand, leaving Remus alone as they ventured off to their shared bedroom.
"Janus, while I don't particularly mind that Remus is staying here, and he is always welcomed, but, your accidents. Your treatment. How do we continue?"
Janus bit his lip, he hadn't gotten that far.
"I don't want Remus to know." Janus mumbles.
"I figured," Logan admits, sighing. "You will need protection at night still, I'm afraid that's non-negotiable. But, during the same training underwear can be worn. If you have an accident though the rules still apply, it's diapers for you."
Janus swallowed thickly, anxiety welling up, but he knew Logan would take care of him. He trusts Logan.
"Okay," He agrees, cheeks pink. "But the room-"
"I'll put everything in here for now," Logan explains, ruffling Janus' hair. "And I'm putting the mattress cover in my bed, I don't want you ruining my mattress."
Janus flushed in embarrassment, giving a mock glare. Logan only walked away, heading off to the bedroom, that Janus forgot to lock, and grabbed an empty box from the closet, as the room counts as a storage area as well, and began packing everything childish. Logan was just glad they weren't in the baby stage, that would complicate matters.
Janus headed back to the kitchen, but Remus had headed into the living room, turning on Netflix, his feet hesitantly on the couch, though, he looked ready to pounce at any time. "Feet are allowed on the couch," He informs him, frowning as Remus jumped at his voice. He relaxed almost immediately, but Janus could tell he was on edge.
"You in trouble with Daddy?" Remus jokes, attempting to get the spotlight off himself, and it worked as Janus went bright red at the name, he has never called Logan that, as he's never fully regressed before, it's mostly been Logan embarrassing him and Janus not minding it for the last few weeks. However, he researched age regression, and many littles call their caregiver "daddy" or "mommy". Janus didn't think it was weird, but God did it make him blush.
"Ohhh so you guys are into that huh?" Remus teases. The undertone was sexual, which made Janus' stomach turn, age regression was in no way sexually appealing.
"Get your head out of the gutter idiot," He grumbles.
"Virgin," Remus shoots at him.
Janus snorts. "Slut."
"Careful, I'll tell on, I bet daddy wouldn't want you saying such naughty language." Remus mocks playfully, laughing after. While Remus didn't know of his age regression, Janus still felt embarrassed by the fact that Logan does scold him for using curse words and such.
"Fuck off."
"Ooo," Remus sings childishly. "You said a bad woooord!"
Janus huffed and rolled his eyes, turning back towards his mac and cheese. Believing it was finished cooking, he carefully pulled it from the oven and left it to cool, checking on Logan, who exited their shared bedroom.
"All done," Logan says, wiping a few beads of sweat from his forehead.
"Thanks for letting him stay." Janus can't help but be thankful, Logan is so understanding.
"Of course Janus, he's your friend, I can't dictate who you hang out with. I apologize if I came off that way earlier, he had startled me."
Janus chuckled. "Nah, you know Remus, as tough as nails." He says with a grin, but Logan hummed.
"Even Nails can bend."
Janus' grin fell, but Logan softened, kissing his head. "But yes, nails are strong." He assures him before pulling away. "Let's try that mac and cheese you made."
Janus nods, but before they leave, Logan tugs him back. "And I heard your foul language little one, you're getting a timeout for that. Next time I'll make you my special popsicles again, we both remember how that went."
Janus nearly gagged at the memory. It was disgusting. These "special" popsicles are special alright, especially disgusting. Logan usually blends as many different kinds of veggies as possible, more specifically, the ones Janus dislikes, and freezes it into a popsicle, making him sit and suck on it. Janus hates the punishment, which is why he keeps his lips zipped when it comes to potty words.
"Okay," He grumbles.
"Hm?" Logan hums, raising an eyebrow.
"Sorry for saying bad words," Janus mumbles.
"Good boy, don't let it happen again."
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