Janus' head snapped up at his name and his eyes went wide. Remus stared at him with equally large eyes, he held no judgment in his eyes, only pure confusion.
"W...Why..." Remus trails off as he looks over Janus' onesie and pacifier. Janus felt mortified, he couldn't move, he knew he should just say something, anything, but he just sat there, his brain unable to create a possible solution.
"Is this..." Remus mumbles, furrowing his eyebrows together, attempting to understand the situation. He scratched at his head, shifting uncomfortably. "A kink or something?"
"No!" Janus blurts out, startling both of them.
Oh God, this is terrible...I should have just gone to bed.
"I..." Janus begins, swallowing harshly, afraid to sit up in case Remus would hear his diaper crinkling. He felt his heartbeat increasing, sweat pooled on his palms, and carefully sat up, his cheeks burning in mortification as he stared at Remus cautiously. Remus stared back like a confused puppy, his head tilted curiously. "It's not a kink."
"Well, then what is it?" Remus asks, not moving from his spot, and Janus wasn't sure he wanted him to.
"It's a coping mecha-" Janus flushed further as he stumbled on the word, still in between headspaces. Forcing himself out of little space isn't exactly easy. "Mechanism," He finishes shakily, hiding his pacifier in his lap, trying not to move much.
"A coping mechanism?" Remus echoes, puzzled.
"Yeah," Janus mumbles if only he could disappear, he wants to hide under a rock and never see the light of day again. How humiliating.
"Why are you dressed like a kid?" Remus asks, wanting him to elaborate. He took a hesitant step forward and sat on the ground. He figured being on the same level as him would make him feel better.
It didn't, but Janus appreciates the effort.
"It's a part of the coping mechanism, it's called age regression. I regress to a younger mindset to relieve stress," Janus explains, refusing to meet his eyes as his skin burned in embarrassment.
"Oh," Remus says, and Janus peeks up at his expression. He seems to be processing the new information, Janus isn't surprised, with his small brain it takes him a while to understand. "So you act like a kid and feel better?"
"Yeah, I know it's-"
"That's kinda cool!"
"Yeah it's weird- wait," Janus pauses, staring at Remus whose expression has brightened, his eyes shining. "Did you just say that it's...cool?"
"Yeah! I mean what better way to relieve stress? Most kids just have to worry about whether they wanna wear a pink or blue shirt," Remus starts, fiddling with his air, his attention only lasts so long. "Is that why you're wearing a Scooby-Doo onesie?"
Janus flushes at the reminder of his outfit and attempts to cover himself. "Yes, that's why I'm wearing a Scooby-Doo onesie," He grumbles.
"What else do you do?" Remus asks, leaning forward a bit. "Do you play kid games too?"
"Yeah Rem, I act like a little kid," Janus says, huffing a little, his exhausted brain could barely process this conversation.
"Does Logan know?" Remus asks, causing Janus to flush a deeper shade of red. Remus suddenly bursts out laughing.
"Oh, I get it! Logan is your daddy!"
"Remus!" Janus hisses, crossing his arms, glaring at him. "Don't say it like that!"
"Aw don't tell me little Janus is embarrassed now?" Remus teases, causing Janus to squirm, his shoulders slumping. He was slipping again, and fast.
"Remus stop," Janus demands, glaring at him, attempting to sound intimidating, though, his voice wavered.
Remus laughed again, but Janus felt comforted by the fact that he knows Remus isn't making fun of him, is the teasing and embarrassing the shit out of him? Yes, yes he is, but Janus knows there isn't any malicious intent behind it.
"Why didn't tell me? This is fun," Remus says, poking Janus in the tummy, causing him to squirm and wiggle away, using his arms as shields against his tickle attacker.
"Because," Janus says, fiddling with his sleeves. "Didn't want you to think I'm weird."
"You are weird," Remus says with a snort, earning a crayon to the chest. Remus cackled and leaned back. "But you're my weirdo."
"And you're my disgusting rat."
"Aw," Remus says, placing a hand over his heart. "That was probably the sweetest thing you have ever said to me."
Janus snorts and smiles, he felt as if a heavyweight has been lifted off his shoulders, he doesn't like hiding things from Remus. "Idiot, go to bed," He says, beginning to pick up his coloring book and crayons.
"No you, you're a kid, and it's way past your bedtime!" Remus insists before gasping. "Does this mean I'm in charge?!"
Janus scowls at him. "Over my dead body, I'd pick a fly to watch me before you."
Remus stuck out his tongue and Janus rolls his eyes before carefully standing, flushing as his diaper crinkled loudly as he stood. He tried to pretend as if he hadn't heard it, but Remus has never been one to hold back, no matter how personal the question may be.
"Are you wearing a diaper?" Remus asks, raising an eyebrow, pure amusement in his eyes, especially as Janus blushed brighter.
"No," He says a bit too quickly. Remus erupted in laughter and a pillow was swung at his face. His laughter didn't slow and he nearly face-planted.
"Oh, man! You're wearing a diaper!" He says, cackling, taking deep breathes in between every few laughs. Janus scowls at him as he plops his padded bottom on the bed, crossing his arms.
"Okay fine! Yes, I'm wearing a diaper! S'op laughing at me!" Janus hisses, biting his lip as he realized his little slip-up.
Remus covered his mouth to try and hide his laughter, his eyes had filled with tears of amusement and his face is flushed red from the lack of oxygen. Janus hopes he chokes on his laughter.
"It's not funny!"
"It's a little funny," Remus teases. "Do you, ya know, use it?"
"Ya know, you're asking an awful lot of questions. Do you want one?"
Remus snorts and doesn't answer. "Go to bed big baby," he says, tossing Janus his pacifier from off the floor. "Don't forget your binky!"
"Fuck off Remus," Janus groans, though, eagerly holds the pacifier close.
"Ah, ah, don't make me call your daddy and tell him you're using naughty language," Remus cooed out with a large grin. Janus groans in embarrassment, covering his burning face with his hands.
"I'm gonna strangle you!"
"Oh wow, I guess I'm adding violence to that list, wanna keep going?" Remus was enjoying this, now he has something else to tease him for!
"Remus I swear I'll-"
"Smack me with your rattle?"
Remus laughs and heads towards the door before glancing back at Janus, who is pouting at his bed, arms crossed and flustered.
Janus glances up, giving Remus a playful glare. "What?" He grumbles.
"Does it help you?"
Janus blinks, before slowly nodding, sitting straighter. "It does, it's relaxing."
Remus seems to be thinking for a moment before he nods. "Kay, that's good, I really do think it's cool, even if you wear a diaper," He teases at the end with a smirk.
Janus rolls his eyes, rubbing at his neck before huffing. "Get out you dumb gremlin."
"Good thinking, diaper baby needs his rest," He teases playfully. "Night Janny!"
"Night Remus," Janus says as Remus shuts the door.
Janus sighs, rubbing at his red cheeks, though, a soft smile pulls at his lips.
That could have gone way worst. God, what would I do without that clueless Goblin?
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