Janus yawned as his eyes slipped open, his head felt foggy, and it's pitch black in the bedroom. He had curled up with Logan last night, so he was confused when he felt chilled to the bone. He shivered, wrapping his blues clues blanket around himself, and glanced at the blaring red lights of the alarm clock resting on their dark, wooden dresser.
2:00 AM
Janus furrowed his eyebrows together, feeling around for his caregiver, whining as he found nothing but blankets. His diaper felt heavy, cold, and wet which rubbed against his skin uncomfortably. He slipped off the bed, clinging to the soft blanket, rubbing the fabric against his cheek, carefully exited the darkroom, appreciative of the nightlight in the hallway. He began to wander around their home, searching for Logan.
He pouted as he found himself unable to find him, eventually heading into his office. Peeking in, he frowned as he saw him hunched over his desk, his pale fingers laced in his hair clenching at it in frustration. He seemed stressed, which made Janus' heart burn.
He toddled over, gently wrapping his arms around his shoulders. He felt him tense in surprise before relaxing, glancing over his shoulder. His glasses are set to the side, leaving his dark, mysteriously gorgeous blue eyes on display. Janus couldn't help but blush, he's handsome. His pale complexion stood out against the piercing light of his laptop and desk lamp, and his light pink lips are pulled into a deep scowl, however, such expression softened as their eyes met.
"Janus, what are you doing up?" He asks gently, turning his chair around, cupping his cheeks. "Did you have a nightmare?" He asks with furrowed brows while the other pouted angrily at him.
"You're not supposed to be workin', it's late," He says, huffing softly.
Logan sighed, relaxing slightly as the other wasn't in distress, and tugged him onto his lap, noticing his wet diaper. "Someone needs a change."
Janus blushed before poking at his side as he rested his head against his shoulder. "Don't change the subject."
Logan chuckled and stood, carrying the man bridal style towards the bedroom. Janus wiggled in his hold, allowing Logan to lay him on the bed. "It's late little snake, you should be sleeping."
"You too!"
"I'm working baby," Logan tells him, untaping the wet item, tossing it in the diaper pail he had bought. Janus flushed, wiggling as he was cleaned and powdered appropriately.
"It's too wate! Gotta sleep." He insists to Logan who chuckled at his demandingly cute tone, taping a fresh diaper on him.
"I'm too busy to sleep-"
"Pwease?" Janus asks with a pout, giving his best attempt at puppy dog eyes.
Logan stopped, melting at his expression, and sighed before nodding, buttoning up his onesie again. "Alright, alright," He agrees, sliding into bed. Janus turned over and crawled over to his caregiver, wiggling underneath the covers with him. Logan let out a soft, chuckle and wrapped his arms around the man, pressing his warm body against the other, to which Janus was grateful, he grows cold easily so the warmth had him melting into his grasp like ice cream on a hot summers day.
"Good night little snake,"
Logan is usually always up before him, so when Janus opened his eyes he was pleasantly surprised to find himself snuggled up to him. He smiled against his chest and tilted his head up. His smile faded as he noticed the bags underneath his eyes. He shifted up, pressing a kiss to his cheek before wiggling carefully out of his hold. He held his breath as the man murmured incoherently and shifted. However, when he turned over and went limp again, Janus breathed a breath of relief.
Sliding off the bed, he fisted at his eyes before grinning at the realization that since Logan's asleep, he could do whatever he wanted! He glanced down at himself and decided that big boy underwear was first on his agenda, after all, he is very mature! He doesn't need the stupid diaper!
Of course, it's part of his punishment, but it was supposed to be ending tomorrow anyway, there's no harm in leaving it off for an hour or two, Logan wouldn't even know, he's sleeping after all.
With that, he changed into normal underwear. He noticed they weren't as comfortable as diapers, but he ignored such fact and traded his onesie for sweatpants and a loose t-shirt. He then toddled off to the kitchen, preparing himself a bowl of toast, dumping cinnamon and sugar on it before he got himself a bowl of Cinnamon stars, spilling the cereal and milk all over the counter. He did a poor job of wiping it into the sink before heading off to the living room, plopping down on the ground, setting his meal on the coffee table. He switched on Kid Titans and enjoyed his sugary breakfast, spilling cereal on himself as he ate.
After his messy breakfast, he continued watching cartoons for an hour or so, though, found himself growing restless and bored. Standing, he tapped his chin for a moment as he thought over his options.
Rattle? Blocks?
"No, those are for babies..." he mumbles to himself before smiling. "I know!" He chirps, scampering off to his Little room to grab a bouncy ball from his closet. Logan specifically told him not to play with the ball in the house, but Logan's sleeping, which means he doesn't have to follow the rules!
In fact, after he grabbed the red ball, he grabbed himself a soda can as well, Logan would never let him have soda so early in the morning!
He went and sat on the big, grey couch, and began tossing the ball at the wall, watching as it bounced back. He caught it with ease and continued the process. He giggled to himself, kicking his feet in pure happiness, sipping at his Soda. Having no rules is so fun!
However, rules are there for a reason.
He tossed the ball a bit too hard and at the wrong angle, leaving it to fly away from him as it hit the wall, crashing right into a vase they have on display for decoration. The vase, with beautiful designs wrapping around it, fell to the ground in what seemed to be slow motion, shattering as the delicate items smashed into the floor.
Janus gasped, shooting up, realizing he was in big trouble.
Rough, thumping footsteps scampered down the hollow floor, and soon, a distressed and concerned Logan rushed in. His glasses had been thrown on quickly. His hair is sticking up in every which way, and he looks out of it. All he knows is that he heard a loud crash.
"What happened? Are you hurt?!" It was clear he was trying to hold back the panic that laced his tone. He rushed over to Janus, having not noticed the shattered art piece on the ground. Janus whimpered at his concern, a wave of overwhelming guilt washing over him. He lowered his head, deciding that he should have followed the rules.
Logan blinked, his eyebrows furrowed. His mind began to clear and he glanced around, his eyes catching the accidental destruction of the vase, along with the culprit responsible for shattering it. He brought his hand up to his temples before taking another look around the room, his temper beginning to rise as he saw the can of soda and the mess from his breakfast. His irritated eyes fell on Janus and he sighed heavily as he saw his messy clothing. He had a feeling he wasn't wearing a diaper either.
"Janus," He says, pursing his lips. His body felt hot in anger, he couldn't speak to him like this, he needed to take a breather. "Go stand in the corner until I tell you to come out," He says sharply, crossing his arms.
Janus felt his bottom lip quiver, but this time Logan didn't falter. "B-But-"
Janus rushed off to the corner at his tone, fidgeting with his stained shirt anxiously. He didn't want to be in trouble. He sniffled and felt his eyes water. Did Logan hate him now?
Logan pinched the bridge of his nose, taking in a few deep breaths before carefully walking past the mess of glass to grab the broom and dustpan. He carefully swept the ground, deciding to do the entire living room for good measure, after all, pieces could have flown across the room.
After he was sure he didn't leave any pieces behind, he tossed the broken pieces in the garbage and tossed the ball back into Janus' room. Seeing the state of the kitchen he groaned and cleaned up the spilled milk, he noticed his attempt to clean it, and while he appreciated it, he still had to scrub at the crusty, dried milk.
He made sure to check around for any other signs of a mess before checking the living room, pleased to find Janus has not moved. He could hear him sniffling, and now, having calmed down, he felt his heart clench.
"Janus," He says, his tone far more calm and gentle than before, however, he made sure to keep it firm and demanding, making it known that he is still not happy. "Come here."
Janus whines softly and shakes his head, squeezing himself further into the corner. He rubbed at his dark cheeks, his lips quivering as he choked back a sob. He shifted, subtly pressing his thighs together as well, he had a feeling not having a diaper on was going to come back and bite him in the ass.
"Janus," Logan repeats, tapping his foot impatiently. "Come here, I'm not going to yell but you are going to be punished."
Janus sniffles and shuffles out of the corner, dragging his feet across the ground to stall, but eventually, he stood in front of Logan who gripped his chin lightly, tilting his head up, forcing him to stare into his intimidating eyes.
"What rules did you break?"
Janus wiggled, swallowing down a sob. "Um," He stutters, fisting at his eyes as his bladder sputtered. "I...took off my diaper," He admits, blushing at the confession. "I had soda without askin, I-I broke the vase..."
"That's right," Logan says, keeping his tone calm. "You played ball in the house, I'm not angry about breaking the vase, that was an accident. I'm upset because you played with the ball in the house," He corrects. He didn't care that he broke the vase or made a mess, that's not it at all.
"Sorry," He whines softly, squirming around, he didn't want a punishment, he was only having fun.
"I accept your apology, but you're being punished." He explains. "No Soda for a few days, and you'll also have the diaper punishment bumped up."
Janus whines again.
"Also," Logan begins. "You will write lines in silence. I say about thirty for each offense will do."
Janus' mouth fell wide open, his eyes widening in shock.
"T-That's...that's not fair! That's a lot!" He complains. Besides, his bladder couldn't last much longer.
"It is," Logan agrees with a nod, already beginning to leave the room to grab him paper and a pencil.
"Get Comfortable then."
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