The Offer
His green eyes slowly open, blinking as his vision clears up.
After a moment, he recalls last night, and looks over to see the man is gone.
John: "Fuck-"
He curses, and starts looking around to see if anything was missing. Nothing had been touched..nothing.
He feels a bit guilty, having thought the man would rob him. He just didn't know him.
He sighs, and rubs his forehead, pacing back and forth. Finally, he calms down, and gets ready for the day.
A week goes by, and he's made decent money working as a bartender. The smell of alcohol still made his head spin, but he's positive that he'll get used to it eventually.
It's Saturday night, and Johns almost done with his shift. Only about an hour left, and most everyone has gone. The remaining few were at tables, eating with their drinks, so he relaxes a bit, watching calmly.
Suddenly, he's snapped back to his post as a scrawny man skulks over, sitting down and crossing his arms on the bar.
Their eyes meet, and it takes John a moment to compose himself again.
John: "Good evening. Ian, right?"
The man raises one brow.
Ian: "How'd you know that?"
John: "Well..I did let you crash on my couch.."
Ian nods slightly.
Ian: "Oh yeah. I guess I chatted my drunk ass off huh?"
John: "Not really. You kept passing out."
Ian: "Yeah..listen..thanks for that, but you coulda left me there. I'm used to sleeping wherever I can. Especially when I'm drunk."
John frowns.
John: "You shouldn't be used to that..."
Ian: "Yeah, well, nobody wants to hire an alcoholic. So it's not like I have much of a choice."
There's silence again.
John: "Are you here to drink?"
Ian: "Oh no, I'm broke as fuck. I just come here sometimes to chill."
John smiles at that. He really was a decent person, when he's not drunk as hell.
John: "I see."
Ian's eyes scan John, taking in his look. He was so focused on getting drunk last time, he didn't really pay attention to the bartender.
Ian averts his eyes, and John wonders what that was all about.
John: "Do you..really live in your car?"
Ian's eyes widen a bit.
Ian: "Fuuuck I really did run my mouth.."
He looks a bit embarrassed.
Ian: "Car don't run, and probably never will. Stays parked in an abandoned grocery stores parking lot. It's not like I have much shit to store in there, just clothes I got from thrift shops."
John: "How can you stand that?"
Ian: "Hey, I get by.."
There's the embarrassed look again.
John stays quiet after that, until his shift is over. Ian walks out and John quickly follows behind him.
John: "Wait up Ian!"
Ian stops, turning around and seeing John coming closer.
Ian: "Huh?"
John smiles, and holds out his hand.
John: "My name is John. I figured, since I know your name, it's only fair you know mine, right?"
Ian reached out, shaking his hand before letting go.
John: "If..if you want, you can crash at my place anytime. I don't mind."
Ian: "Wha-are you sure?"
John: "Hey if you were going to rob me, you would've done it that morning."
Ian smiles slightly.
Ian: "Anytime?"
John: "Anytime. Hell if you want to come tonight, I can drive us both once I finish cleaning."
Ian thinks for a moment. Johns couch was so much softer than that damn car..
Ian: "Okay..I'll wait around."
John smiles and goes back to finish up the cleaning.
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