The Alcoholic
John walks solemnly towards the building. He applied for many jobs, but this one was the only one to call back for an interview.
Naturally, the boss was more than happy to welcome him as an employee.
John always dressed sharp, and his black hair was always styled and combed over when out in public. He's more of a business man, you know, the guy who doesn't mind sitting at a desk all day.
However, due to having to quit his last job, he needed the money..any money. So today is his first day as a bartender.
He had training in the past, and of course had a little catch up session here with another bartender who works the day shift. Everything should go smoothly, and his appearance only helped. Everyone likes a sharp dressed bartender.
He gets inside, smiling at the girl who works the day shift. She was definitely ready to go home.
Aubrey: "Good luck!"
She says happily, giving him a playful punch on the shoulder.
John: "Thanks Aubrey."
He steps behind the bar, and after a few minutes, he's getting a few men some drinks. Everything seemed normal, and before he knows it, an hour has already passed.
He's focused on the drinks, until a scrawny man skulks to the bar, sitting down with his hand on his jaw. His blonde hair is thin, sticking up and curling on the top of his head. He's dressed in a Grey hoodie, and he's got on a red cap.
His eyes look exhausted, and there's stubble, not a full beard, but thin scruff.
Only when he gets a little closer does he realize this man has a black eye.
He remains professional, not saying a word, but the man does.
He holds up some cash, elbows on the bar as his head his slumped over slightly.
"Bartender, I have thirty dollars. Please get me as drunk as possible."
John raises his brows but, he doesn't object. He can't..if this guy becomes a problem, the bouncer can come get him out, right?
John: "Any preference?"
The mans one good eye peers up at him.
John nods and gets the drink, which the man downs rather quickly. He wasn't a sipper that's for sure.
John serves the man, until he's out of money, and then he leaves.
Finally, the end of the night arrives, and they're all shutting down.
One of the waitresses and the cook are chit chatting, and John decides to ask about the man who had came in.
John: "Hey, do you guys know anything about a guy coming in and wanting to get drunk?"
Cook: "That's nothing new really, folks do that.
John: "Yeah but this guy looked sick.."
Waitress: "Oh I bet you're talking about Ian!"
John: "Ian?"
The cook and waitress share a small laugh.
Cook: "Blonde hair, blue eyes, rough looking, boney?"
John: "Yeah! That's him!"
Cook: "Ian's a good guy, really. Nobody really knows why he does it, but dude gets fucked up every chance he gets. He's never been a problem though."
He really can't be drinking like that just because. He's got to be sick or severely depressed..
John smiles politely.
John: "Good. I was just curious. I'll be sure to greet him properly next time I see him at the bar."
With that, he finishes up his cleaning, and then leaves. As he's walking to his car, he spots something in the distance. Some large object, in the middle of the parking's getting dark so he couldn't really tell what it could be.
He pauses at his car door, and decides to go check it out. He gets closer to the dark object, and finally turns on his phones flashlight.
He jumps a bit when he sees what the object is.
It is that man, Ian, with his bottom in the air, knees on the ground, and the side of his face also against the ground.
John: "Oh my god-ohhhh my god-"
He quickly rushes over, putting two fingers on the mans neck. The man is still alive. Must be alcohol poisoning, he thinks to himself.
He stays kneeled, wondering if he should try and find more staff to help.
John peers back to his car, then back to the man.
He can't just leave him here..look at him..
John: "You poor, drunk son-of-a-bitch.."
He rolls his eyes and groans, but immediately springs into action.
He tugs and pulls until he has the man sitting upright. Then he shakes him, giving him gentle smacks on the cheek as a final attempt to wake him up.
It works.
The mans one good blue eye opens, and he starts mumbling incoherent words.
John: "I'm going to help you, okay?"
The man slumps backwards, which John quickly stops, and tries to lift him up.
He struggles, pulling at the mans body until he's got one of the mans arms around his shoulder and neck.
He basically has to drag him to the car, but once he's put the man inside he's able to catch his breath.
John: "Dear god."
He exhaled, leaning on his car for a few minutes before getting in.
He turns the key and the car cranks, which startles the man awake again.
Ian: "Wha-where am I?"
His words are slurring so bad.
John: "You're in my car."
Ian: "M' I goin' to jail?"
John: "No, you're not going to jail."
The man slumps over again, dozing off.
John starts driving, and once they're out of the parking lot, he reaches over and shakes the man again, waking him up.
John: "I'm taking you home. Where's your house at?"
The man leans back, and then over, then grabs his head.
Ian: "Nah, I ain't go no house.."
John: "What the-what do you mean you don't have a house? Where do you live?"
Ian: "My car-don't tell the cops.."
The man slumps forward, passing out again.
John: "Oh my god-"
What now? He's got this man in his car, and he's drunk as hell...he can't just leave him in a fucking car!
He sighs, and instead of trying to wake him up again, takes the man to his apartment.
It's another long ass struggle, but once he gets him in the elevator and to his door he feels a bit of relief. Thank god nobody saw them.
He fumbles to unlock the door, then drags the man over to the sofa, letting him plop down on the side of his face and stomach. His legs hang upwards slightly on the arm of the couch least he can breath right? He'll be fine..
John sighs, and returns to the door. Just before he's about to close it, a woman steps out of the elevator.
It's his girlfriend Jessica.
Johns green eyes widen.
Oh shit-oh my god-he's completely forgotten about her coming to eat tonight.
Jessica: "You're just now getting home?" She asks, lips pursed at him.
John: "U-uhh yeah-listen Jesse, something came up, so uhhh-why don't you just come back tomorrow evening?"
The girl quickly narrows her eyes. She's not having any of it..
Jessica: "Do you know how long of a drive it is from my house? I am not going home just because you're fucking tired."
She gets closer and John struggles to keep the door as closed as he could while sticking his head out.
John: "N-no-I mean-look, I have..a friend over, and he's very drunk."
Her eyes shift.
Jessica: "You've never told me about any friends."
John: "I uh, met him at work.."
Jessica huffs.
Jessica: "Look if you've got another girl in there just say it."
Johns expression is one of shock while he's smiling nervously.
John: "It's not a girl!"
Jessica: "Prove it then!"
John finally opens the door, and she walks in and takes in the sight of the man on her boyfriends couch.
Jessica: "Ew, he looks like a gross hobo.."
John: "Jesse, come on, don't say that."
Jessica: "If you love me, you'll make him leave. Because we had plans, and this guy wasn't apart of it."
John: "I can't just throw him out, look at him! Besides he has nowhere else to go!"
Jessica: "Well that's not our problem!"
John finally changes his tone to one of certainty.
John: "No. I can't do that."
Jessica huffs again, stomping towards the door and slamming it shut.
John turns back, seeing their argument and the door slamming had no effect on the man. He was snoring so loudly...
John sits at the table, and eventually falls asleep there.
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