My One Disappointment in [Ruff Transition] (RTTE)
Hello, everyone. Sorry for not posting anything in about... a month or more. Been really busy. But here's one for you, now. And I'll be posting another one here soon to make up for my absence. I hope that you enjoy this.
Today, I want to talk about the one HUGE thing that made "Ruff Transition" (Season 6/Episode 7) such a disappointment for me — something that I'm sure many of you might've noticed as well.
Minden and Nadia aren't in this episode.
You have NO idea how disappointed I was to notice that they were absent from the episode. I mean, Nadia, I didn't really care about. It was really Minden that I wanted to see.
Why? Well... I wanted to see more Minlout interactions, you know? They really hit it off in "Chain of Command" and I wanted more of that — like the greedy glutton that I am. lol XD
I realize that they weren't in the episode because their voice actresses weren't there, probably, but still. I wanted more Minlout interactions! Is that so bad?
Okay, so let's just ignore that particular tidbit and wonder what Minden and Nadia could be doing if Atali is here. I mean, they're usually joined with her at the hip, being her subordinates and all.
But then I realized something.
It's the Grand Transition — a time when the older hatchlings return to the nest, while new ones come to "vill the void". And Atali mentions this as being one of the busiest times for them. Which causes me to think of a few reasons as to why Minden and Nadia aren't there:
1. They, like Atali, are also training the new recruits in caring for their Razorwhip hatchlings. Or they're leading the other groups (not newbies) in caring for the hatchlings.
2. They're busy taking care of the day-to-day tasks of the Tribe while Atali is busy training the new recruits. Which is a great possibility. After all, this would be a time that would make both the Razorwhips and the Wingmaidens highly vulnerable (as we see later on in the episode when Krogan and the Hunters attack Wingmaiden Island), so it would make sense for them to make sure everything's running smoothly and organizing the patrols and defenses (per Atali's orders via Hiccup's suggestion).
3. They're off doing a census of the Razorwhip population on the north side of the island (where the nests are located). I'm not sure if they'd do it at THIS time of year, but what do I know about Wingmaiden culture? It's all speculation at this point.
4. All of the above.
These reasons could easily explain why they weren't around when the Hunters attacked Atali and the others if they were busy doing other tasks on other parts of the island. Nothing else makes sense (that I could see, anyway).
However, I'm holding out on the hope — and am fact making it my headcanon/canon — that Snotlout and Minden were able to spend some time together one night and playing catch-up. I mean, the Gang WERE there for a couple of days and nights. So I wouldn't be surprised if they met in-between scenes in the episode.
In fact, it's probable that Minden and Nadia WERE with the others during the feast before Atali led the Gang to the chamber where the ceremony began. I mean, feasts are usually customary in a celebration, right?
I'm shipping it as canon. Minden and Snotlout DID meet behind the scenes in the episode, but just wasn't shown. I need to believe that, or else I'm going to go crazy. lol XD
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my random article on the sketchy likelihood that Snotlout and Minden reunited in the episode without us knowing about it. This just shows how much I love Minlout. lol XD
Long Live the Night!
— Noctus Fury
Word Count: 650 words
Date Published: 09/10/20
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