Chapter Three
Dreampaw yawned. They stood in a beautiful mossy clearing where they often practised battle skills. Last night, she hadn't gotten any sleep. She had been wondering who she would kill, when she would kill them and why. Would I kill Red? Maybe I would kill one of the bad cats. Or maybe I try and save someone. Maybe from falling down a cliff, but I accidentally let them fall... Oh, StarClan. Killing a cat, on purpose or on accident, would be terrible!
She had been so wrapped up in her thoughts she hadn't listened to a word Driftwood had said. "Dreampaw. Have you got that?" Her mentor broke into her thoughts.
"Erm... Sorry?" She mewed, trying to look attentive. "I said I want you to rear up to fight Shadepaw, but tuck your tail in so she can't grab it."
How on earth am I going to balance? She wondered. She padded forwards, her paws making no sound on the soft surface. She flattened her ears, let her fur bristle on her back and her claws glint in the sunlight.
She padded forwards, showing her teeth. Shadepaw puffed her fur out, made herself look taller and snarled down at her.
As Shadepaw leapt, she unsheathed her claws, reared up and smacked her away. She tucked her tail close in. And as Shadepaw went to leap again, she lurched forwards. Her muzzle smacked into the ground. "Ouch!" She squeaked.
She heard Driftwood sigh. "I can't balance without a tail!" She turned around and snapped. "Well you have to learn to! Otherwise you let your enemy win in battle."
Dreampaw huffed. "Well I'm moons away from being allowed in battle! I wish I was actually allowed to fight!"
"You are only five moons old, don't forget." Driftwood reminded her sharply. Dreampaw huffed. She had a long apprenticeship ahead of her.
* * *
She made her way back into camp, battered and bruised, her muzzle sore. Driftwood had given up and had taught her twist-and-belly rake move instead, which she had mastered. She had also learnt the most effective ways to use a front paw blow, and how to kick someone from behind without falling over.
Tomorrow she was meant to learn how to sweep a cat's legs from under them, and how to strike the throat with a force that could make them cough and splutter, but not killing them. She was slightly worried about that. What if she killed her mentor?
Her ears twitched as the sound of a rustle made its way to her. Her head snapped round. "I'll catch up in a moment, I think I can hear some prey!" She called to the others. Dreampaw opened her jaws and let the scents flood into her mouth. All she could smell was damp leaves and toadstools... With something else. Cat.
She glanced behind her. Should she warn the others? No, she was going to be a warrior, even if she was pretty much still a kit!
"Show yourself!" She growled, and shrank back, embarrassed. Her growl was still the high-pitched almost squeaky like kit growl.
"Relax, it's only me." A young, familiar face popped out the bushes. "Red! I haven't seen you for a couple of days." Dreampaw mewed.
"You look too young to be out battle training. Did you get apprenticed early?" The red tom asked, his voice still smooth and accented. "Yep... It seems alot harder. Wavepaw makes it look so easy! And Darkpaw is a natural fighter. Shadepaw... She can track even the faintest prey-scents.. And I can't do either of those things! I haven't caught a thing since my first catch, and..." She trailed off. She was whining like a kit.
"I can teach you." Red offered, his voice soft and sympathetic. "Oi! Dreampaw! Any day now would be great." Driftwood's voice came echoing through the forest towards her. "Meet me at moonhigh tonight. Oh and, take this, I caught it on the way as a snack, but you need it more than I do." Red passed her a mouse.
"Thanks." Dreampaw scooped up the mouse in her jaws and pelted through the forest.
"You alright?" Driftwood was waiting at the entrance for her. "Yeah." Dreampaw panted through the mouse. "Put that on the pile then choose something to eat, then rest. You've had a long day."
* * *
Writhing in her sleep, she twisted and turned.
She stood in the open. But she was not alone. The agonized screeches of battle rose from all around her. The sun was setting, but the blackness was choking. All she could see was the black outline of the cat she fought. The thick, salty tang of blood made it impossible to smell who anyone was.
She couldn't even control herself. She leapt forwards in a strong bound and crashed into the cat in front of her. Rolling over, her jaws closed on soft flesh, and a hot rush of blood burst in her mouth, nearly choking her. Twisting her head she sent the body skidding along the floor.
As her opponent tried standing up, she pelted forward. Dreampaw closed her eyes as she felt her claws tear through flesh. Once more, Featherwing's words rang in her head.
Dreampaw will kill.
Dreampaw jerked awake with a gasp that made her splutter. She felt a strange presence, and could scent something very familiar... Her nostrils flared and her jaws opened as she analyzed the smell.
Peering her small head around the entrance, she saw two, sharp, amber eyes glaring straight into her. The light reflected sharply off of them, so she had to blink away dark spots beginning to pop up in her vision.
Dreampaw yawned, stretched before creeping out. Her dark pelt made it easier to hide, which was lucky. She carefully slunk around the elder's den, and squeezed through the hole. Thorns and branches raked her pelt.
As quiet as she tried to be, the noise sounded awfully loud to her own ears. She popped out on the other side, and hurried to meet Red.
The young tom was waiting for her, whiskers twitching. He was atleast 9 moons old. "Ready?" Red asked her.
She nodded. "Ready."
* * *
"No, no no. swing your muzzle low and dart forwards, before allowing your back to curve under." Red stopped her. He demonstrated, "then arch your back up with a force that will wind your opponent."
I will get it right this time, she thought determinedly. Allowing her energy to build up, she darted at Red. Red instinctively lifted his paw, allowing Dreampaw to slide under him.
She swung her muzzle low like a snake before allowing her body to follow. She arched her back, and felt Red huff. Darting out from under him she slammed her body into his and locked her jaws around his throat, one paw on his flank and one pressing his muzzle into the ground.
With a hot rush of anxiety, she stepped away. The slender tom gasped for breath, and he dragged himself up, his eyes wide and shining.
"Well do-" Red broke off, his eyes widening. His pricked ears lowered, and Dreampaw could see a visible shudder run through his red-tinted dappled pelt.
"Well done, young apprentice." A voice snarled, dangerously, quietly... And right in her ear. A hot rush of blood made her feel as if she wanted to faint. But she forced herself to stand her ground. "Leave her alone, Asteroid." Red stepped forwards, his eyes sharp with warning.
The grey and white tom looked outraged. "How dare you?! I am Fang, and I am a rogue! I own no kittypet name!"
"Oh yeah? Tell that to the collar you buried under that bush then." Red sniffed. Fang snorted. "That's beside the point, Blood. You were teaching this... It's not even an apprentice! A literal KIT, our fighting moves. She'll go yelling and teaching it to the rest of her Clan!"
"I'll take full punishment for it." Red gritted his teeth. "But you won't hurt her. Didn't Freckle already tell you not to hurt the Clan cats yet? It'll draw too much attention."
Fang glanced down at his paws awkwardly. Dreampaw watched, her heart beating fast. "Okay." The grey and white tom conceded. Red hung his head, his eyes dark. "I'd be surprised if Freckle didn't murder you. And as for you, kit, run home, and tell nobody of this." Fang hissed.
Dreampaw stared after them as they vanished. Oh StarClan.. What have I done? She thought in dismay.
* * *
"You. Did. WHAT?" Freckle turned her amber gaze on her. She paced, her skinny flanks heaving as she stressed out, and her plumed tail lashing. "It's true... I'll take full punishment too." Red mumbled.
They stood in a clearing, with coarse, dull grass and half-dead trees around. Wrinkle bushes and tangled brambles surrounded them, apart from a gap that had been ripped away by some of their 'warriors'.
"Damn right you will. Stone, Skull, take him to the river." Teeth grabbed his scruff and shoulders. His rump grazed against the dirt and his paws hit into many rocks. He shook them off and walked alongside them, anything to stop them from dragging him.
Still, they pushed him. Stone, who was a black tom with a grey paw, gave him a menacing look from deep blue eyes. Skull's slender, white form ran ahead. "Yup. River just here. Looks deep enough."
It was a steep, large drop. Survivable, but only just.
Red tried to back away but Stone gave him a big shove with his muscular body. The long-furred tom nudged him, and began to purr, obviously enjoying himself.
"Go on, enjoy your little dive." Skull smirked, amber eyes flashing. "I-I don't want to." Red stammered. "Oh sure you can, child. Cause all you need is a little bit of a push."
Skull's forceful weight slammed into Red's flank, winding him and causing him to tumble over. Red swung out a wild paw and latched onto Skull.
The tall, skinny tom came slithering forwards over the edge. Red tumbled down the rocky slope of the bank. Red caught a grip momentarily, but lost it when Skull crashed into him.
Then they hit the water.
Red looked around in the murky, rushing water, unsure of which way was up. Then a body brushed past him, allowing him some sense of which was where. He kicked his paws against the rushing current, and came face to face with Skull.
"Survival of the fittest." The white tom spluttered, and then grinned. "And I'm going to live." He snarled. Before Skull could realize what he was about to do, Red aimed a hefty blow at his head, shoving him under. Red dived down.
Pain almost made him gasp as claws raked his shoulders in defense. As Skull aimed another blow, he thanked the water for it's thickness, as it slowed the white tom down. With a desperate kick, Red powered himself forwards, and sank his teeth into Skull's throat. The blood that would have usually sprayed his face was carried away by the water, dying it red.
Pushing off of his body, he resurfaced, spluttering, gasping. He tried to lunge for the banks but his legs felt like sodden leaves. He had used too much energy in killing Skull. "I'm sorry, Dreampaw..." He rasped.
He gave up fighting. Sinking, he let the dark water consume him.
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