Birthday Present part 3 (Virgil's p.o.v)
TW: mention of panic attack, and mention of cuts
I wake up next to Roman.
'Phew it was just a dream I don't want to see that snake bitch anyway. '
I lean up and look at the floor to try and find a shirt or my jacket. But there's nothing.
I just suspect that Patton is doing laundry. So I go to my room and look through my closet and find a MCR shirt. I look at my wrists and touch them very lightly.
I wince.
I had cuts on my wrists and look for my old jacket I used to wear. I looked in my closet. I looked on my bed.
Ugh! Why today! I need my jacket so no one asks me if I'm ok. Because I used to cut but Thomas only thought about it. Most of the time it was because I deserved it or I just needed to relieve my stress.
Suddenly all of these thoughts srouunded my head. My eyes started tearing up and I fell to the ground. My breathing became ragged I tried my trick to put my breathing back to normal but I couldn't.
~Roman's p.o.v~
I woke up but didn't see Virgil. So I suspected that he was in his room. I got dressed and went to his room.
As soon as I got to his room he was on the center of his room crying and hugging him self.
I immediately ran up to him and wrapped my arms around him and hugged him.
"Follow my breathing, Verge. " I said, "Breath in for 4 seconds.... Hold for 7 seconds... And out for 8 seconds. "
I repeated the process and slowly, but surly, he calmed down and followed my breathing.
I let go of him and looked him gay (sorry had to 😂🤣) in the eyes and wiped his tears away.
"Are you ok, Virgil? " I said calmly.
He shook his head a little bit. But then in a flash he hid his arms behind his back.
I was confused right now.
"Is everything ok, Virgil? " I said.
He took his hands out from behind his back and showed me his wrists.
I gasped.
His wrists were covered in cuts, some of them small and not deep but some huge and deep. I wrapped my arms around him again and he did the same. I pet his hair to let him calm down a little. If he needed to.
{Patton's p.o.v}
I was down stairs making breakfast and waiting for the others to come down. And since I know Logan comes down last, because of all of the 'late nighters', he would come down last.
But he came down first. "Oh, hi Logie! " I say he yawns and waves.
I make him a plate and, he hugs me! So I hug him back. I walk to Roman's room to see if Virgil and Roman are still asleep.
But no ones there. So I go to Virgil's room and they're there in the center of the room hugging.
I walk to them and ask Roman what happened.
"Virgil started having a panic attack. " Roman whispers.
My eyes widen and I hug Virgil super tight. I feel Virgil flinch so I loosen my grasp on him and keep hugging him.
After a few minutes Logan came and sat there probably not wanting to touch anyone.
Virgil let go and looked at the floor.
~Roman's p.o.v~
Virgil let go and looked at the floor.
"Virgil?" I ask softly, "What happened? "
He took a few seconds. "I was trying to find my old jacket but couldn't find it so I started panicking and...thats all I can remember. "
I heard Patton gasp. "Oh kiddo, I was just washing your old and new jacket. Sorry I didn't tell you I just didn't know if you were awake. "
"Oh, dad- Patton it's ok I'm fine with my panic attacks I just got really stressed and scared. " Virgil said and hugged Patton.
Patton nodded.
Then Logan just intrupted all of us and said, "You guys need to get breakfast. I've been the only one who has eaten. " He said and fixed his glasses.
I rolled my eyes and picked Virgil up. "Fine. We'll get some food. "
Once I was half way down the stairs, we were summoned into Thomas' living room.
I still had Virgil in my arms and then I realized he was recording so, I dropped Virgil without thinking.
-Thomas p.o.v-
I summoned all of my sides and once I saw them I looked at Roman and he was holding Virgil.
I just stared at them not wanting to be rude.
I was going to talk to the sides about not going to a party but looks like I'm going to talk about something else... I guess.
"Why we're you holding Virgil, Roman? " I said
"I- um- nothing. " Roman said as he helped Virgil up.
I heard Logan clear his thoat but Virgil ran up to him and put a hand over his mouth. Logan removed Virgil's hand and said, " You don't even know what I was going to say. "
"I would guess what you were going to say. " Virgil said and backed awayaway to his normal spot.
"Um.... Is something going on in the Mind Palace that I should know about. " I asked.
Virgil and Roman shook their heads super fast. I was getting dizzy. Patton shrugged and Logan seemed...normal.
"RomanandVirgilaredatingbutidontthinkthatVirgilorRomanwantthefanderstoknowbecausesomeofthemwouldgetmad. " Patton said super fast.
"Um, What did you say Patton? " I asked him.
Logan cleared his throat to catch our attention. "What Patton said was, that, Virgil and Roman are dating but they don't want anyone to know. "
{}3rd person p.o.v{}
Roman and Virgil glraed at Logan. Virgil was growling very lowly but you could still hear it. Roman had his arms crossed and was glaring at Logan.
"Logan why did you have to say that? Now everyone knows! " Virgil said and hid his hands.
Roman gave him a look that said; 'Bruh..... Why?' And walked over to Virgil to give him a hug.
"Wait! So Roman and Virgil are dating. I didn't know. But, you guys kept arguing on screen so were you doing it just because you wanted to keep the audience thinking that you guys still fought. A lot. " Thomas questioned.
"Ok, Thomas, " Virgil said, " think about that one episode where we changed our clothes. Basically the Harry Potter episode. "
I wanted the chapter to be out on Christmas for u guys but looks like it cane out today. But yeah..... Hope u enjoyed! And if ur reading 'Feelings....? ' I put it on hold, sorry.
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