3 Years later (Virgil's p.o.v)
Me and Roman are starting to get along as friends but still tend to fight. At the moment we are watchaing a Disney movie called, Zombies, for some reason.
I heard a fire alarm but, it wasn't a fire alarm, it was a Zombie alarm. I started to run to a room with anti-zombie...stuff.
'What is this place?'
I thought as I walked around the room.
I heard a door close behind me. "Who's there?" I asked.
It was qui-
My phone went off. Ugh. What does 'Tumbler' want?
I checked my phone, It was a blocked... number.
Blocked Number: Hi~
Me: Who is this?
Blocked Number: You don't know who I am?
Me: That's why I asked. Now, who are you?!
Blocked Number: Wouldn't you like to know.
Me: Yes, I would. Who are you?
Blocked Number: I'll give you some hints. I have a a black a gold Cape.
Me:... Decit! How did you get my number? I thought...I- Wait why do you want to text me?
Blocked Number: Because I would like you back.
Me: You can't get this ball of angst back.
"Are you... Okay?"
I heard someone next to me ask.
I looked to the side of me to see Roman.
"Oh it was nothing."
I looked at the floor then at the TV.
He didn't say anything for a while.
"Who were you texting?"
"N-no one..."
I looked ar him and he looked like he was going to say something, but didn't.
We watched the movie with out any talking which is unusual even for Roman and I. The movie came to an end and it was night so I went to my room.
"Hey, um, Virgil?"
I turned around and raised an eyebrow.
" I-Who were you texting?"
He said it like he was telling me something.
I pused.
"Just an old friend..."
"I'll tell you a secret if you tell me who you were texting."
I stood there for a second. Could I really trust him with a secret.
"I-I dont think you guys know him but, his name is Deciet."
His eyes widened, as if he knew him. He took a deep breath and said; "I have a brother. He's my other half. I haven't told the other's because I don't know how they would act. Plus, I know Deceit."
My eyes widened. How- What? "How do you know Deceit?"
"I was fighting a dragon-witch once and he went to a cave and said... Now I can't remember. Wait he said,"
'Deciet, lies
That's why I'm named that.'
A/N I didn't know what to put...
I nodded and walked to my room and shut the door and thought about the whole thing, hoping that Thomas wouldn't find out.
~~~Next Day~~~~
(Roman's p.o.v)
I woke up with a damp face. Weird, I dont remember crying- never mind, I watched a romantic movie. I've got to stop doing that.
I started to reflect on last night. Oh god, I told him I have a brother. My eyes widened.
"Ugh! Roman, you fiend!"
I said out loud. Probably shouldn't of said that. I looked at my Disney clock and it was only 5:00 am. Phew. None of them have woken up. Or, at least I hope none of them have woken up.
I heard a knock at my door and got up from my bed to see who was there.
"Um, Hi Roman."
It was.. Virgil?
"Hello, Virgil. What are you doing up so early?"
I asked because, I thought I was the only one up.
"I, uh heard you say something. Because I'm right across the hall." He pointed to his room right in front of mine. His has spiders panted on it and a moon with purple for the background.
"Oh, um, sorry if I woke you up."
He nodded and looked at the floor and bit his lip.
"Are you okay, Virgil?"
His head shot up to look at mine and he nodded.
"I was just thinking."
I nodded. My face started to heat up, Ugh! I should of told him! I heard a snap.
"Yes? Is something wrong?"
Virgil chuckled.
"No just you were staring off in to space."
I nodded. "Would you like to come in?"
I opened the door more so he could get in. And he walked in, witch I didn't think he would.
"Secnce were the only ones up, did you wanna watch a movie." I don't know how but my face started to heat up after I said that. He shook his head and I walked up to my bookshelf with movies in it. "Whitch movie?"
He just shrugged, so put in the 'Black Cauldron', because that's his favorite movie. I sat on my bed and got the movie running. We watched the movie without talking, until the end.
"Hey, Roman."
I looked at him.
"Yesterday you were going to say something but you changed the subject. What was that about?"
My face went red. I was going to tell him that I have a crush on him.
"Oh, um. That was nothing I just had to refrase what I was going to say."
I looked at my Disney clock and it said 6:00 am. So I opened my door to see Logan.
"How would you know what I was going to say, Calculator Watch?"
"You were going to-"
"Shhhhhhh! I don't want him to know."
He got up from the bed and said; "What were you going to say to me?"
I jumped back at the sudden voice.
I could already tell my face was getting redder. So I covered my face with my hands, so he couldn't see my face.
I gestured Logan to go away so we could settle this 'situation' out.
"Are you okay, Roman?"
I frantically shook my head and pushed him out of my room, while I mumbled, " I might have a crush on you."
(Virgil's p.o.v)
Roman pushed me out of his room and mumbled something. I think he said that he might- Oh. My. God!
I turned around to tell him something, but shut the door.
I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked over to see Patton, looking....worried? Which is unusual even for him.
"Are you okay, Patt?"
He took my hand and pulled me into his room. His room is filled with cat and dog posters. With light blue walls. He let me go and sat on his bed.
"Patt, are you okay?" I asked and put a hand on his shoulder.
His head shot up and nodded.
"I know Logan doesn't have feelings," He started, "But, I have a crush on him. Which I don't he'll except it."
"Dad- Patton, a few years ago, on Valentine's day, Roman said that he blushed in front of you once."
His head shot up. And his smile came back to his face.
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