CHAPTER-3 knowing the ways
??? P.O.V
I was scrolling through my SNS when suddenly I heard some giggles and when I look up from my phone I saw two girls who were busy in Thier stuff I actually don't care about what is going on in my class and who is in here but I just know that the nerd and her bestie who are famous for their friendship in whole school are in our class I just got transferred so it's my first time seeing them I just stare a while but then our class teacher came in she started to teach us but I can't get my eyes off her i was just staring at her the whole time but then I realised that she was thinking someone is staring at her so I just looked away I think she didn't noticed me
(End of ??? P.o.v)
At home
I was just doing my homework when suddenly I thought that I was sure there was someone staring at me but then I thought it's just my illusions
Y/n : y/n come to your senses (I face-palmed myself knowing that I still have that essay work left)
Ahhhh why it has to be me I am just tired of participating in such contests
Author's p.o.v
the essay contest is not just an easy one it involves different foreigner students so the school have chosen y/n along with other brilliant students
(End of author p.o.v)
Y/n mom: (knocks on the door) honey come downstairs I have prepared the dinner
Y/n : okay mom coming
Just one subject left
Y/n mom: okay dear be fast
time skip~
At Dining table
Y/n dad: hey honey have you told her that we are going on business trip
Y/n mom: my bad I haven't told her yet
Y/n: omma Appa is Thier something wrong are you going somewhere
Y/n dad: yes honey we are going on a business trip but don't worry we'll be back in a month
Y/n mom: dear it's nothing to be worried but we were told to be there so I have also spoke up with hafeusa's mother she had agreed that hafeusa can stay with you for that while
Y/n: Omo whattttttt she is cominggg ( I was just very surprised and here I go I should be worried that why they are going but then itsss koks so I can't resist )
Y/n mom: yes she is
Y/n dad: honey we'll be going tomorrow or day after that
Y/n: okay be safe and come back early
(They both smiled because they know I can be like this sometimes and they just don't want me to change )
After dinner I bid night to my parents and then came to my room
I texted her
Me: hey koks
Hafeusa: hey helllloooo
Me: do you know you are going to be here for a while
Hafeusa: yeahhhh I am very excited and I got the permission very easily I m so excited
Me: yea now we can work together on the essay contest
Hafeusa: yikeeees 😫 you nerdy by staying at your house means we can enjoy the timeee but here you go everytime study ughhh
Me: okay as you wish but you know I will be busy with the essay writing
Hafeusa: yeah I know so whatever you want but I'll invite arjin and nawol so we can have some fun
Me: yeahhh you don't dare to
(Arjin and nawol are like our best friends we have a squad of like four these two and we two)
Hafeusa: you just shut up u nerdyyy I'll do whatever I wanted to do cuz aunt gave me the permission
Me: whatever
Hafeusa: okii bii
Me: bye see you tomorrow
You then went to bathroom and did your night routine wore your pajamas and then drifted to sleep
??? P.o.v
???: Hey hyung
Yoongi: yes Tae
Tae: hyung today I was in my class when I saw two girls
Yoongi : so
Tae: they were not just some ordinary girls like who just wanted the attention of others but they were just being themselves
Yoongi: so what should I do with that anyways I have to prepare for the essay contest I think our school has competition with yours so flick off
Tae: nah hyung just listen me
Yoongi: what now
Tae: i have never noticed someone like this ever in my life cuz I just not wanted to go school
Yoongi : yes I know so correct me if I am wrong have you fallen for one of them
(Yoongi is just always straight at point and he don't want to make words he just says what he wanted to know as I have told you guys)
Tae: hyung ....
{So for who you thought Tae have fallen or is it just his feelings and will yoongi be able to participate in the contest; well stay tuned for the things}
So guys how is it let me know in the comment section and as always you are free to leave any suggestions 😊 let me know what do you think of my work and I think this story Is a bit long do you want to read long chapters or shorter ones
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