The Best
Chapter 13
I woke up the next morning exhausted. I groaned as I rolled over to look at my clock. It was 11 o'clock, and breakfast was probably over right now. I buried my head in my pillow and shook my head. I thought about last night and was about ready to burst into tears all over again.
My family was probably gone forever and I'd had totally pushed George and Fred away. I wiped my tears away angrily. I wasn't going to go through last night again. I was going to get up and face my problems. I sat up and was about to swing my legs over the edge when I saw my book. It was sitting there on my bed side table, practically begging me to read it. I stared at it for what felt like an eternity, but was more likely just a few seconds.
I reached for it and picked it up. I ran my hand gently over the cover. Books were my escape. Well, I really felt like escaping right now. I looked up at my closed curtains. I looked down at my book. I sighed, and leaned back to get nice and comfy. Guess I was in for a reading session.
It was about two hours later when I finished my book. I closed it with a feeling of satisfaction, and then realized that I didn't have another book with me. I was going to get one yesterday after my nap, but I got a little distracted.
If I didn't have another book to start, that meant that I had to face my problems. Talking to people. Trying to explain my horribly complicated situation that I could be locked up in the loony bin for. Wonderful. Just fan-freaking-tastic.
I got up and got dressed in an incredibly lazy and slow fashion. I stuck my book in an extra book bag Hermione had let me have and started to head down to the Common Room. Our dorm was completely deserted as everyone was most likely off talking with their friends or something. You know, what normal people do instead of holing up and reading books to avoid problems.
I was walking down the dorm stairs, when I realized something peculiar. There wasn't anyone in the common room either. It was completely deserted. The Common Room was never empty on weekends. There was always at least a few students here on Sunday, either goofing off or doing last minute homework for Monday. I carefully made my way down the stairs, deciding something was definitely wrong.
When I reached the bottom of the stairs, I began walking carefully towards the porthole. A little cough from behind me made me screech in surprise and whip around to face who it was.
It was Fred and George. They were both standing side by side, hands behind their back, just behind the girl's stairs so I wouldn't be able to see them. I looked from one of their faces to another, quickly using my new skill to figure out which was who.
We stood there for a few seconds just looking at each other when, in perfect synchronization, they said, "We're sorry."
They then each brought out a box of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans and offered them to me. I looked at the boxes in surprise, being how this is not at all what I expected. I took them and looked at each of them.
"Have you been waiting there all morning?"
"Yeah," Fred started.
"We were beginning to think you were never going to wake up, "George chuckled lightly.
There was a moment of silence when a couple of tears began falling from my eyes again. Fred and George looked worried and slightly panicky.
"What's happened now?"
"Was it the beans?"
The both began speaking at the same time.
I shook my head and went and threw my arms around both of them.
"I'm only crying from happiness because I have the best friends in the world."
I pulled back to see them both with stupidly huge grins on their face. I glanced at the rest of the still deserted common room.
"So tell, how did you get everyone out of the Common Room?"
"Well," Fred began with a mischievous grin. "It wasn't really that hard. All we had to do was tell everyone that the common room was infested with wood shnackers."
"But those don't exist." I pointed out. "Hermione must have known that those don't actually exist."
"That's why we got her in on our plan. Once people heard that Hermione agreed that the Common Room was definitely infested with wood shnackers, they quickly practically scrambled over each other to get out," George finished triumphantly.
"And nobody else figured out that these things don't actually exist?"
"Apparently anybody who would have known better was already occupied somewhere else."
I smiled so widely I thought my face was going to split in half. "You guys are seriously the best."
"You don't have to worry about missing breakfast either," George added. "Hermione got you some breakfast. It's waiting up on her bed for you."
"And," Fred continued. "We got Hermione to help Ron with his essay, so he won't be bothering you about that."
"I don't know how more times I'm going to say it, but you guys are the best!" I hugged them tightly again and went upstairs to have my breakfast.
Once I'd finished eating, (Hermione had chosen all my favorite dishes), I went back downstairs to see the Common Room just as bustling as usual. Apparently the infestation of wood shnackers had been taken care of.
I decided that I was going to the library to get my new book. I was about halfway there when, who would have guessed, Crabbe and Goyle showed up at the other end of the hallway. I squared my shoulders and kept walking. I wasn't going to flinch away or show them any weakness. I was having too good of a day for that to happen.
Suddenly, I felt someone coming up behind me. I tensed, thinking that this time Crabbe and Goyle had gotten a couple friends to help. Instead, it was Fred and George. One of them stood on each side of me.
Crabbe and Goyle both looked at the older students who were now protecting me. They seemed to think better of their plan and quickly moved to either side of the hallway as we passed unscathed.
"Are you guys going to start follow me now?" I smirked, looking at each of them.
"Guess we were just here at the right time," George shrugged.
"Funny how things work out like that," Fred said.
I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, it was just a coincidence. Fine, I can deal with that."
"Anyways," I continued. "I'm going to be in the library if you guys need me." I slipped into the library as we passed it and they waved goodbye to me. I couldn't help smile as I waved back. I never had this good of friends back in, well, the "real world". I have a feeling this is going to be a life I enjoy ten times as much as my life back in reality.
Thank you guys for being so patient! I've had a really busy summer so far, and I probably won't be able to update for another week or two. I promise I will try harder. If you liked it, remember to vote. If you see any spelling or grammar mistakes, remember to point it out because I haven't edited these chapters. See ya later.
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