Chapter 5
As soon as the Portkey arrived back at Hogwarts, I said goodbye to Hagrid and hurried back to my room. Right before I left, Hagrid informed me that Professor Dumbledore was going to talk to me tonight. Great. I got to my room and lugged all my stuff onto my bed. Everyone was at classes, but even so I closed the curtains around my bed. I sorted through my stuff. I didn't have anything to do until dinner, (Yes, I'm counting ice cream as lunch) so I decided to organize my things and then read my books. I always dreamed of being able to read more about the Harry Potter world, and here was my chance. It's not like it seemed as if anyone was going to talk to me any time soon anyway.
I organized my books by subject, and then decided that The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1) would be a good place to start. I settled down for a good reading session. I was soon completely absorbed in the book.
I finished the book with a great deal of satisfaction. I had officially finished the first wizarding book in this new wizarding world. I glanced over at the alarm clock. I realized that no one told me when dinner was, and I don't think it ever mentioned an exact time in the books. It was 3:30 P.M. right now. Well, I'll just head down to the Great Hall at five o'clock and hope it's close to that time. Just in case, I'll bring a book.
I picked up A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration. I'd always though that Transfiguration would be a class I would enjoy. To be honest, I was still having trouble completely accepting this whole "I'm a witch" thing. I had always dreamed of this and now it was happening. Sure, it wasn't exactly like I had hoped it would go down. I was looking on the bright side, though. At least it had happened. I opened up A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration and started reading again.
I was really fascinated with everything. It made me excited to go to class tomorrow. I really hoped I wouldn't make a fool of myself in front of everyone. It wouldn't help, seeing as I'm already a bit of an outcast. Of course, I had always been the one back in my room reading a book at family gatherings. It didn't feel like long when I glanced up, but it was already 4:50 P.M. Time really flew when I was reading. I quickly put my new school uniform on. The robes fit me comfortably and flowed around me.
I kept a firm hold of my book as I started out of the dormitory. I realized that I hadn't the slightest on how to get to the Great Hall. I remembered the general direction that I had gone through this morning, but that's it. I started in that direction and hoped for the best. As I started to feel hopeless, I heard dozens of doors open. Suddenly, the halls were filled with students. Great, how was I supposed to find my way to the Great Hall now? I just kept going in the direction I had been going in before. Eventually, I found a spot of empty hall with a few portraits. I turned to one of a chubby, balding man and asked, "Do you happen to know the way to the Great Hall?"
He looked me over and then laughed merrily. "Of course, of course, m'dear. Now, you walk down this corridor until you reach the end. Then turn left and go down the stairs. Make sure they're facing left and not right. When you reach the bottom, you go forwards past a few corridors. On your right, you should then see the doors to the Great Hall."
I tried to record all that in my mind. I smiled at the man and thanked him. He only smiled and laughed some more, saying there was no need to thank him.
I started walking down the corridor until I reached the turn he had talked about. I turned left and saw the stairs. They were facing right, so I stood at the top of the stairs and waited for them to turn to the left. I didn't have to wait long. It slowly started turning to the right. When they jerked to a stop, I made my way down the rest of the stairs. I then started walking.
These corridors were bustling full of students. I noticed that no student came too near me. Everyone seemed to give me a berth of two feet. I shrugged this off. I would make some friends soon enough. Everyone started to funnel into two doors. I knew this was the Great Hall and funneled in with the rest of the students. I sat down at an empty section of the table. Nobody seemed to want to sit right next to me. I was fine with that. I pulled my book out and started to read.
Books had always been my escape. When I was sad, angry, or frustrated, I could just pull out a book and forget all my sorrows. When I was reading, I couldn't hear anything that was going on around me. My parents always complained how they had to come in and yell in my ear if I was reading. Harry Potter books were always one of my main books to escape into, but they weren't' the only ones.
I felt the presence of someone sit down next to me. This surprised me and I glanced up to see who it was. I suppressed a smile. It could only be one of the famous Weasley twins. I didn't know which one was sitting next to me, but the other one sat down right next to the first twin. I quickly went back to my reading. I hoped they didn't notice I glanced up. I was happy they were the first ones to sit next to me, because I knew that they wouldn't bully me. They might tease, but only in good fun.
Dinner began and food appeared on the table. I dished myself up and began eating. The twins were talking and making jokes with their friends. I listened in to their conversation. It was an old habit. I usually didn't talk to anyone when I was new, so I had gained the habit of listening to everyone around me's conversation. I finished rather quickly and grabbed some dessert. I ate this slowly, savoring every bite. I was quite enjoying this dinner. Even though I personally hadn't talked to anyone, I was content with listening to the twin's jokes.
I finished my dessert. I was about to get up and leave when all the food disappeared from the table. Dumbledore stood up in front of everyone. I looked up surprised. I quickly straightened myself up and looked at him. "I don't remember Dumbledore making an announcement at the second dinner," I thought to myself.
Professor McGonagall brought a stool and the sorting hat out and placed it in front of everyone. Shoot. I'm getting sorted now.
Dumbledore began to speak. "Miss. Blake will be sorted now, because of her sudden coming yesterday." Professor Dumbledore turned to look at me. "Miss. Kendra, if you please."
I could feel my heart beating out of control. I knew my hands were going to start shaking if I didn't calm down. I took deep breaths as I stood up and walked up to the stool. I sat down, and instantly my vision went dark from the Sorting Hat.
"Hmm, I see," I heard the Sorting Hat say. "Very interesting."
Wait, if he could see my mind, could he see all the knowledge I had about the future.
"You have a very extensive knowledge, don't you?"
Well, that answered my question.
"Don't worry, though. All information I gain is confidential to each student. Let's see. You are very smart, aren't you? You'd do well in Ravenclaw. You thirst for knowledge. You also have a brave heart. Oh, you do have a temper. Aren't afraid to give people a piece of your mind. You would do well in Gryffindor as well. Do you have anything to say?"
I mind spoke to him. "I'd like to be in Gryffindor. I don't think I'm very brave though. I was scared stiff as I came up here."
"Yes, but it takes a brave heart to be able to admit when one is afraid. So, you'd be a great GRYFFINDOR!" it replied, shouting the last word.
There was silence at the Gryffindor table for one very long second. Professor McGonagall took the Sorting Hat off my head and I slowly stood. Suddenly, Fred and George stood up and started cheering. The rest of the Gryffindor table followed suit soon after, though some seemed to do so with reluctance. I let a smile climb onto my face as I quickly went back to my seat.
Dumbledore smiled and soon everyone had settled down and taken their seat.
"Now, you may return to your dessert," Dumbledore said. He then returned to his seat.
Dessert reappeared on the table. I was about to leave with my book, but before I stood up I turned to the twins.
"Thanks," I told them. "For cheering for me."
The both smiled and the one closest to me said, "It wasn't a problem, Miss. America." The other one then said, "Our pleasure."
I smiled and left with my book clutched in my hands. Maybe this wouldn't be as bad as I though.
I'd just gotten to my bed, when Hermione burst into our dormitory. I glanced at her. I hadn't spoken to her and I didn't really think she would talk to me, but to my surprise she walked over to me.
"Professor Dumbledore wants to see you at his office," she told me. "Oh, and I wanted to say welcome to Gryffindor."
"Thanks," I smiled.
I started my way to Dumbledore's office. I honestly couldn't remember the way to his office, either. Luckily, I bumped into Professor McGonagall as I wondered through the hallway.
"Professor McGonagall," I quickly asked. "Do you think you could help me find Professor Dumbledore's office? He asked to see me, but I can't remember the way to his office."
"Of course, of course," she said quickly escorting me to his office. I tried to remember all the twists and turns as we walked and I think I got the general idea.
We reached his office. Professor McGonagall quickly said the password and told me to go up the stairs just like before. She turned around and set off at a brisk pace.
I went up the stairs and knocked on Professor Dumbledore's door. He opened the door and welcomed me in.
"Sit down," he offered.
I sat down across from Dumbledore's desk. Dumbledore sat across from me and studied me with his blue eyes. I started worrying. Did I get the order wrong? Did I accidentally say one of the answers wrong? Great, now I was over thinking everything.
"You were right. Every single answer was correct."
I couldn't hold in a sigh of relief. I wasn't wrong. I had remembered everything correctly. Phew!
"Is there anything else you would like to tell me about this talent?"
Shoot. He suspects something. Oh, I really want to tell him. The things is, I don't think he would believe me. No, now I had this huge ball of guilt in my guts. This happens every time I keep something from someone or do something wrong. I would get this rock feeling in my gut that wouldn't go away until I did the right thing. Before I could stop myself, I spewed out everything.
I explained how I actually came from another world. I explained how in our world, this world was a story. In my world, we had a story that was accurate word for word to this world. That is, word to word accurate minus me. When I finished explaining, Dumbledore leaned back in his chair.
Great, he doesn't' believe me. He thinks I'm a nutter with prophetic powers. He thinks-
"I believe you," Dumbledore stated, interrupting my train of thought.
"You do?" I couldn't help ask. "Why would you believe me?"
"I have a talent for knowing when people are lying to me," Dumbledore assured me. "Now, my dear, you know you can't tell anyone anything you know."
"Yes, I do. I was wondering," I started tentatively. "Do you think that I could change any major events?"
"I don't know. This is a field in which I would think most are not the most knowledgeable in. We will be basing everything on guesses."
"Of course. Yeah." Okay, I admit it. When I asked that question, I had Fred's death in mind. To tell the truth, if there was one death in the whole Harry Potter series it would be Fred Weasley's death. I was fully planning on changing that, even if it ripped a hole in the universe. Isn't that a bit dramatic, you're probably thinking. It might be, but see if I care.
"You have no need to worry. I will to my best to look into this. For now, we will keep quiet. Tomorrow at breakfast, Professor McGonagall will give you your time table. Until then, I suggest you get some sleep." He then gestured towards the door.
I stood up and right before I turned around I told Professor Dumbledore, "Thank you believing me."
"Not at all, Kendra. Not at all."
I made my down the staircase and started walking down the hallway. I did my best to find my way back to the common room. I went in a circle a few times, but I somehow made it back to the common room. I walked through, but didn't talk to anyone. No one made a move to talk to me either. I was fine with that. I was tired anyway. I walked up the stairs to the girl's dormitory.
I went to my bed and changed into my pajamas. I climbed in between my covers and set my book down on my bedside table. I then clutched my stuffed bear, Cinny, to my chest. I slowly fell asleep with thoughts of ginger twins in my mind.
I woke up slowly. I yawned hugely and stretched in my bed. I let my head fall back into my pillow. I turned my head and glanced at the alarm clock next to my bed. It was 7:00 A.M. Great, that means that I have to get up. I slowly sat up and rubbed some sleep out of my eyes. I slowly got dressed in my robes. I got ready sleepily and then followed a few other Gryffindors to the Great Hall.
I sat down and grabbed a few pieces of bacon. I know, I'm so healthy. I started nibbling on my first piece of bacon as more people started trickling in. Again nobody sat next to me. I finished my piece first of bacon and started on my second. By the time I finished that, there was beginning to be a steady flow of students coming in to eat breakfast. I dished some scrambled eggs onto my plate and started on those.
I was about half way done with my eggs when the two people I had been waiting for entered. Fred and George were joking and goofing off with their friends, as always. I kept eating, trying not to get my hopes up. I mean, they sat by me one night. They probably wouldn't want to sit with me today. I kept eating my eggs, shutting everything out.
I felt a presence on either side of me. I quickly glanced out the corner of my right eye, and then my left eye. I got identical results from each side. I hid a smile. They sat by me again today.
"Hello, Ms. USA. I don't think we've introduced ourselves," said the one on my right. "I'm Fred Weasley."
"I'm George Weasley," the one on the left pitched in.
"We're twins," They said in unison. I couldn't help smiling.
"I've noticed," I commented.
"You hear that Fred, she's noticed us."
I brushed my hair out of my face and then said, ignoring this little comment, "My name's Kendra and I'm twin-less."
"That a shame," Fred said. "Twins are useful. They give you someone to blame."
"You don't have to have a twin to blame what you did on someone else," I said. "I have plenty of experience with that."
"Oh you do, do you?" George said, a mischievous glint in his eye.
Fred and George shared a look.
"We'll be getting back to you on that matter," George informed me.
"I'll be looking forward to it," I smiled.
I started eating my eggs. The twins started joking and talking with their other friends again. I couldn't help feeling. My first actual conversation with some students. That is a huge achievement for me. Professor McGonagall made her way down the aisle and stopped by me. She handed me a piece of paper.
"Here is your time table, Miss, Blake," she said.
"Thank you, Professor McGonagall," I said, taking my table. I glanced over it, already knowing what it would be. All I needed to know was times. Ok, so class starts at 9 A.M. Wait, what time is it? I had no idea. Okay, so when it seems like a majority of people are leaving, I'll go get my stuff. Good deal.
I finished my eggs and gulped down my third piece of bacon. What? Bacon is really good. I watched everyone around me. The twins were still goofing off with their friends. The tables were beginning to empty steadily. I got up.
"See ya later, Blake."
I turned my head around. "I'll see you around, Weasleys," I called over my shoulder.
I quickly walked to the girl's dormitory. I got lost a couple times, but I figured it out. I glanced at my alarm clock as I gathered up my books for my classes. Darn, it's already 8:30. I am so going to get lost. I glanced over and saw Hermione gathering her books and then leaving. I made a plan in my head. I was going to follow her from a distance. Perfect.
She left and I followed after her. She walked briskly, so I had to keep a brisk pace as well. I followed her through some twists and turns. I tried my best to remember all of it. Right, left, left, another right. I really hoped I would be able to find my way to this class tomorrow. She finally stopped at a door and walked in. I reached the door a few seconds after her. I walked in. I saw that she wasn't sitting next to anyone and thought, "Why not?" I went and sat down next to her. At the front of the class, the teacher stood up. Great, here goes my first ever magic class. Let's see how I do.
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