First Glimpse
Sorry it's been a while. It's been partly because of a little thing I like to call "Back to School." Yay. (Notice the sarcasm) Please enjoy!
Chapter 4
On the way through the halls, Hagrid began explaining things to me. "Dumbledore set up a Portkey jus' outside Hogwart's gates. He told me yeh had a key with yeh." He looked at me in a question. "Yeh do have yer key, don' ya?" I thought of the key in my pocket and decided to go with it being a Gringott's vault key.
"Yeah, I think so. It's right here," I said, patting my front pocket where I'd slipped my key. Hagrid nodded with his huge bearded head and kept walking. "But," I started, "I didn't think I had a Gringott's vault." After all, how could my key go to a non-existent vault? I was hoping everything would magically work out with my vault. I mean, I was in a world of magic now.
"Strangest think 'bout tha'," Hagrid said as we turned around one of countless corners. I was completely turned around. "Vault popped up in Gringott's. No one seems ter know where it came from and no one has the key. Thing is, righ' above it is the same symbol around yer neck there neck. Dumbledore guessed that must be yer vault then, an' Dumbledore's guesses usually turn out righ'."
"Okay, I suppose he must be right," I said suddenly feeling very self-conscious about the pendant around my neck. My hand seemed to travel to my neck and grabbed my necklace. I grabbed it squeezed it. I felt a rush of comfort. Even in this magical, new world, I still had some comfort from home. We continued on for a few minutes in a comfortable silence 'till we reached the doors. Hagrid let us out through the gates and closed them with a clang behind us. At our feet, was a dirty beer bottle. Hagrid picked it up and looked over at me
"Do yeh know how Portkeys work?"
I hesitated. I did know how Portkeys worked, of course, but I was going under the alias as a clueless muggleborn with no books to do reading on. After my moments hesitation, I shook my head.
"Ain't a problem. This here bottle is a Portkey. It'll transpor' us to the location tha' Dumbledore put in. All yeh have ter do is place a finger on it."
"Okay," I said hesitantly. I knew I was going to feel a jerk behind my navel, but I still wasn't prepared for the sensation that overcame me as soon as my pointer finger touched the bottom of the bottle. I could feel myself spinning around and around. It reminded me of many amusement park rides I'd been on. The sensation exactly matched what Harry had explained in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
My feet very suddenly slammed into the ground. I stumbled and fell into a crouch with my hand's steadying me. My long hair had fallen into my face, so I had to jerk my head to get it out of my face. I looked up from my position on the ground to see Hagrid still standing. I couldn't see is expression very well under his thick mane, but once he started speaking I could guess it was impressed.
"Good job stayin' on yer feet. Most firs' timers fall righ' over."
"Well I wouldn't be too impressed. I might as well have fallen over with the way I fell to the ground, but thanks for the compliment anyway." I looked around and decided we must be in the back courtyard of the Leaky Cauldron. I slowly stood up, knowing I could be a klutz sometimes and not wanting to fall over.
"So, where is this Diagon Alley?" I asked.
"Jus' over this way," Hagrid said as he walked over to a brick wall with a trash can.
Realization came flooding over me. I'm going to be seeing the Diagon Alley. My stomach filled with butterflies. Hagrid tapped his pink umbrella on the bricks and stood back as the archway to Diagon Alley was revealed. I could barely make out Hagrid's smile under his beard as he saw my huge smile.
"Welcome," Hagrid said, "to Diagon Alley."
I had to restrain myself from squealing. I took a few steps in and looked around. I saw the cauldron shop in which Harry had first seen. Hagrid stepped up next to me.
"Off ter Gringott's then."
As we walked, my head swiveled in every which direction. I saw the Apothecary, Eeylops Owl Emporium, the broomstick store where Harry saw the Nimbus 2000. I saw witches and wizards of all sorts and felt very out of place. Even so, I still could wipe the smile off of my face. I was still having trouble taking in the whole "World of Hogwarts" idea. Everything I had read was coming to life and I was loving it. Finally we reached Gringott's, the snowy white building that towered over the rest. I saw a goblin standing next to the doorway and went on my tiptoes so that Hagrid could hear me better and whispered, "Is that a goblin?"
I knew full well it was, in fact, a goblin, but I had to keep up my clueless act.
"Yeah, that is," Hagrid whispered back.
As we walked through the doors, I smiled at the goblin. He didn't return the smile, but that didn't get my mood down in the slightest. We were left facing the silver doors that I'd read about so many times before with the famous poem written on the front.
Enter, stranger, but take heed
Of what awaits the sin of greed,
For those who take, but do not earn,
Must pay most dearly in their turn.
So if you seek beneath our floors
A treasure that was never yours,
Thief, you have been warned, beware
Of finding more than treasure there.
"Yeh'd be mad ter try an' rob Gringott's," Hagrid said.
"So it seems," I replied, still gazing at the silver doors.
Two goblins bowed as we passed through these doors and we were in the marble hall. On the inside, I was fangirling like a maniac. On the outside, I had a smile that probably looked like it belonged on the face of a maniac. Hundreds of goblins were sitting behind counters throughout the hall. Hagrid began speaking to a free one.
"We've come ter take some money outta Ms. Kendra Blake's vault," Hagrid told the goblin.
The goblin looked us over and then said, "Which vault would that be?"
"Oh, sorry. 'Course I forgot ter mention it. Kendra here owns the vault that appeared last night. Dumbledore shoud have sent ya a letter. Even have the key, don' ya?" He said looking over at me.
"Oh, yeah. Um, here it is," I stammered as I pulled my key out of my pocket. I handed it to the goblin. He studied it, looked at us, and then said "That seems to be the correct key. I will be right back." He scurried out of one of the many doors leaving us in the Great Hall waiting.
"Probably jus' tellin' his boss someone finally claimed the vault," Hagrid assured me.
Only about a minute later, the same goblin returned.
"Very well, we have received the letter from Mr. Dumbledore. I shall have a goblin take you down. Griphook!"
I squealed super loud on the inside, but limited myself to widening my smile even more. I even would get to meet Griphook! As soon as I was alone, I was going to let all my fangirling out.
Griphook made his way towards us. We then followed him through one of the many doors to a dark and narrow pathway with a railroad track. He whistled and a small cart came hurtling down the tracks, stopping next to us. We all clambered in and then the cart took off. My eyes stung with cold as we hurtled through the darkness, but just like Harry I left them wide open. As we twisted and turned through the maze of tunnels, I could have sworn I saw a dragon and I know I saw a lake.
When at last the cart stopped, Hagrid had to lean against a wall while looking quite green. I looked up to get a glimpse of the sign that seemed to show this vault was mine. I was amazed to see the symbol really did exactly like the sign on my pendant.
Griphook unlocked the door, which let tons of billowing green smoke out. I coughed a few times and then gasped. There were heaps of gold, silver, and bronze. I was surprised, to say the least. Even Hagrid looked surprised at my "small" fortune, then he smiled and said, "All yours."
Hagrid provided a bag for me to pile some Galleons, Sickles, and Knuts in. "The gold ones are Galleons, the silver ones are Sickles, and the bronze ones are Knuts," Hagrid explained as we put the money in the bag. Seventeen Sickles to a Galleon and twenty-nine Knuts to a Sickle, it's easy enough." Hagrid then closed the bag and stood up. "This'll be enough to last you a couple o' terms. Come on, now. Back onto that infernal cart."
We all piled back in and started our winding path back up to above ground. I closed my eyes on the way up this time. I still couldn't fully believe where I was and what I was doing. Even though I was seeing all this amazing stuff, I was still having trouble believing this all wasn't a dream and that I wasn't going to wake up. I have had plenty of vivid dreams like this, but none had lasted this long. "Well, even if it is a dream," I thought to myself, "I might as well as enjoy it while it lasts."
I felt the cart lurch to a stop and I opened my eyes. We then left Gringott's and were once again in the light of day. I sighed in relief. I prefer to be above ground if I can help it. Hagrid held out my key, and I took it. I then slipped it into my front pocket again.
"So, what do we do now?" I asked Hagrid.
"Oh, o' course. I forgot to giver yeh yer acceptance letter. Dumbledore jus' wrote it las' night," Hagrid told me handing me an envelope.
I handled it carefully as if it might break. I had dreamed about getting this letter ever since I first read Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone, and now I was holding it in my hands. On the front, it was addressed to Miss. K. Pugmire, Sixth Bed Over, Gryffindor Girl's Dormitory. I slowly flipped it over and opened it. Delicately, I took the first piece of paper out and unfolded it out. It read:
(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)
Dear Mrs. Pugmire,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31. Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall,
Deputy Headmistress
Fireworks were exploding in my head. I was flailing on the inside, but on the inside I just kept the smile I have had plastered on my face ever since we entered Diagon Alley. I calmly put the letter back in the envelope and took out the second piece of paper. This one read:
First-year students will require:
1. Three sets of plain work robes (black)
2. One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear
3. One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)
4. One winter cloak (black, silver fastenings)
Please note that all pupils' clothes should carry name tags
All students should have a copy of each of the following:
The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1) by Miranda Goshawk
A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot
Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling
A Beginners' Guide to Transfiguration by Emetic Switch
One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore
Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander
The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection by Quentin Trimble
Wand cauldron (pewter, standard size 2) set
Glass or crystal phials
Telescope set
Brass scales
Students may also bring an owl OR a cat OR a toad.
I looked up from my list. I slipped the envelope into my back pocket, but left the list in my right hand. I looked up at Hagrid and said, "Where should we go first?"
"Why don' yeh head of ter get yer uniform?" Hagrid told me while looking in the direction of Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions. "An' yeh wouldn' mind if I wen' ter the Leak Cauldron ter get myself a pick-me-up, would ya? I hate those Gringotts carts."
"'Course I don't mind. I'll be fine," I assured Hagrid as I started towards Madam Malkin's. I was a little nervous, but I kept my smile on my face. This was the first time I had been alone out in the wizarding world, but I was sure I would be fine. I entered through the door and waited fidgeting while Madam Malkin finished what she was doing. It was only a moment before Madam Malkin came over to me.
"And what might you need, dear?" she asked me kindly.
"Well, I've got a bit of a late start at Hogwarts and I still need my robes," I said trying to sound confident and probably failing.
"No problem at all," she smiled. "Just come back here and we'll get you fitted up."
She led me to a stool at the back of the store. She slipped a black robe over my head and started to pin the right length. It was only a minute or so when Hagrid showed up in the front window with two ice cream's and waving at me. I was happy to see him again and made a small wave back, not wanting to mess up Madam Malkin's measurements.
It was only about another minute when Madam Malkin said, "There you go dear. All done." I hopped off the stool and went out to eat the ice cream with Hagrid. Hagrid handed me my ice cream, chocolate with chopped nuts, and I eagerly took it with a short, "Thanks." I hadn't had much of an appetite this morning and was now really hungry. I took a few bites and then told Hagrid, "This is all so amazing. I love it!" Hagrid smiled at me as I gulped down the rest of my ice cream in only a few more bites.
"I see yeh were hungry," he said. Hagrid had already finished his ice cream, but I suppose that was because his mouth was bigger. Wait that sounded kind of rude. Ugh, you know what I mean.
"I guess I was a little hungry," I shrugged. "I wasn't hungry this morning so I didn't eat much this morning. Anyway, where should we go next?"
We began walking through Diagon Alley. We stopped and bought parchment and quills. There were lots of different kinds of ink, but I stuck to good old original black. We then went to Flourish and Blotts where my smile, if even possible, grew even bigger. Books are my life. I had loved reading ever since Kindergarten. I was the fastest reader I knew and had read more books then I could name. We got all my required books but then when we were about to pay I asked Hagrid if I could get a few more books.
"Well I suppose if yeh want ter," Hagrid told me. I immediately went and found Quidditch Through the Ages. Yes, I'd already read it but I didn't memorize it. I also got a few other books that would give some more background on the magical world. I did know more than the average muggle born, but I wanted to know as much as I could. I gathered the additional books I decided to buy and brought them to Hagrid.
"Like books much?" Hagrid asked me eyeing my stack of books.
I shrugged. "Maybe a little," I smiled.
I paid for my books and we went to get the tools mentioned on the list. I got a pewter cauldron, a good set of scales, and a collapsible brass telescope. We then stopped at the Apothecary. It smelled awful. I had been to Yellowstone Park a few times and passed the hot springs. It smelled like that. I immediately felt slightly nauseous. To distract myself, I looked at a unicorn horn. I was fascinated by it. It was very beautiful, and made me excited to get a look at the animal it had been harvested from.
Hagrid finished getting the basic potion ingredients I'd need, and I gladly left the shop and it's disgusting smell behind. Hagrid looked down at my list and said, "Yeh only got yer wand left to get. We'll get tha' from Ollivanders."
I was going to get my wand. I just knew my smile was as wide as it's been all day. We walked into Ollivanders. There was a single spindly chair in which Hagrid sat on to wait. Harry was right. There was a sort of feel of a secret magic in the air. I could feel a tingly feeling on the back of neck. I prepared myself to hear Ollivander's voice so I wouldn't be surprised. Unfortunately, I was still startled when Ollivander said, "Welcome."
Unfortunately, when I jumped I wasn't very graceful. I stumbled right into a wall with a thump. It seemed Hagrid jumped to because there was a crunching noise as Hagrid quickly stood up from the chair. My shoulder was a little sore from my meeting with the wall, but I was kind of used to running into walls. Let's just say whenever I turn a corner, my shoulder usually has a collision.
I looked into his large silvery eyes and couldn't help agree with Harry. They were a little creepy. "Who might you be?" he asked.
"My name is Kendra Pugmire," I told him.
"Ah, muggleborn I would think as I don't seem to remember your parents."
"You would be correct in thinking that," I said, then realizing it might have sounded rude and hoping he didn't take it in a rude sort of way. That seemed to happen sometimes. I'd say something and then realized it could have been perceived as mean.
"Now, which is you're wand arm?" He asked me. He still hadn't blinked and he was very much reminding me of an owl.
"My right arm," I said.
"Hold out your arm. That's it." He measured me from shoulder to finger, then wrist to elbow, shoulder to floor, knee to armpit and round his head. As he measured, he said, "Every Ollivander wand has a core of a powerful magical substance, Miss. Pugmire. We use unicorn hairs, phoenix tail feathers, and the heartstrings of dragons. No two Ollivander wands are the same, just as no two unicorns, dragons, or phoenixes are quite the same. And of course, you will never get such good results with another wizard's wand."
I realized that about half way through his short speech, he had walked away as the tape measure with the silver markings kept measuring me.
"That will be all," he said and the tape measure fell to the ground. I let my arm drop to my side. Ollivander took a wand out and held it out to me. "Walnut and dragon heartstring, 9 and 1/4 inches. Very springy. Just give it a wave."
I swung it in a little sideways S motion, but knew this wasn't the wand for me. Ollivander evidently agreed as he quickly took it out of my wand and handed me another one. "Ash with unicorn hair. 7 and 3/4 inches. Whippy. Give it another wave."
I only got half way through my S motion this time before Ollivander snatched it out of my hand. He carefully picked out another one and handed it to me.
"Sycamore with phoenix feather. 10 and 1/2 inches. Hard. Now, give it a wave."
As soon as it hit my hand, a warmth flooded through my whole right arm. I couldn't help but let a small gasp out. Luckily I didn't drop it. It would have been just my luck to get my wand and then break it. I did my little sideways S motion, and this time a golden trail followed the tip of my wand. I brought it back around after my S motion and created an infinity sign. I brought my wand up but the golden trail ended. The infinity sign just grew bigger until it exploded in red and blue sparks. Hagrid cheered and Ollivander said, "Oh, bravo. That's very good, very good."
I lowered my wand sheepishly and did a little bow. Mr. Ollivander then took my wand and put it back in its box. He wrapped it in brown paper and handed it to me. I gave him seven Galleons and Hagrid and I were on our way.
"I think tha's it. Now-" Hagrid started.
"Actually Hagrid," I interrupted rather nervously. I always felt nervous when I interrupted somebody who I liked. When it was someone I didn't like, I honestly didn't really care. Now, with someone I did like, I didn't want them to think I was rude. "I was wondering if I might get a pet."
"'Course yeh are. Well, if you wan' one, we'll get yeh one."
"Really? Thanks, Hagrid!" I exclaimed and then lowered my voice, realizing I'd yelled that, "So, um, I was wondering if I could get an owl?
"Sure, sure. Let's get off then. Ter Eeylops Owl Emporium we go."
As soon as we got in, I saw the owl I wanted. It was the most beautiful owl I had ever laid eyes on. It was mostly white with little stripes of brown here and there. I made my way over to it, careful not to disturb any of the other owls. I slowly walked up to it 'till we were facing each other. I could now see her beautiful gleaming black eyes. I glanced at her label to see that it was a she, and she was a Barred owl.
"Hello," I carefully whispered.
The owl blinked at me and made a soft hoot.
I carefully lifted my hand up and held it there for a moment, just above her head. I wanted to make sure she wouldn't be upset if I petted her. She didn't move, but simply blinked again, as if she was giving me permission. I softly petted her soft feathers.
"Aren't you a beauty?" I told her. She stayed still for me, but slowly closed her eyes. She seemed to be enjoying me petting her.
I looked over my shoulder, not pausing in my petting, to see where Hagrid was. I realized I hadn't even waited to see what he was doing. He was looking at me with a jolly smile on his face, waiting by the counter.
"I think she likes yeh," Hagrid said. He then turned and spoke to the owner for a moment. He came over with a cage. I stepped back from my owl and waited while he coaxed my new owl into the cage. He then brought the cage back up to the desk while I trailed behind. I quickly paid for it and we left.
We made our way through Diagon Alley and back the Leaky Cauldron. We stepped into the courtyard of the Leak Cauldron, and I had to admit I was the slightest bit sad to watch Diagon Alley disappear behind the brick wall. Hagrid must have seen my expression and patted my shoulder.
"Don' worry. You'll be back nex' year."
I smiled up at him and said, "Yeah, but for now, back to Hogwarts." Hagrid went to find the Portkey and I thought back to everything I'd just experienced. You know, I quite enjoyed my first glimpse of the wizarding world.
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed. Just so you know, I didn't give her a phoenix feather core wand because I wanted her to be special. I only did it because that's the wand I got on Pottermore and I'm basing her off of me.
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