I wrote this one during AP bio AND physics 😍😍
goals 😌🖐
3rd Person P.O.V.
"C'mon, George, hurry up!" Dream called, his voice echoing in the mostly empty house. "I'm hungry! Let's go!"
"Shut up!" George responded, grumbling under his breath. Dream had been insisting they go out for brunch for practically the entire time George had been in Florida, and the Brit had finally agreed to go.
He was regretting it now.
"Hurry uuuuuuuuupppppppp!" Dream walked into George's room, grabbing his arm and dragging him out of bed.
"I'm so hungryyyyy, c'mon Georgie!" The brunette scoffed, rolling his eyes.
"Fine, just- shut up. I'm getting ready." Dream smiled smugly, nodding and leaving George to get dressed.
The Flordian sighed, glancing out the window at the sunny blue sky. It was around 10 am, which meant it was already getting warmer outside. By the time they were finished with brunch, it would probably be at least 75°F (24°C) out.
"I'm ready, we can go now." Dream turned around, eyes landing on a very interesting sight. George was wearing a blue t-shirt with a short black skirt, plus thigh-high black socks. The smaller boy raised an eyebrow at Dream's sudden silence, smirking.
"Like what you see?"
"Oh-! Um..." Dream turned away, surprised George had him all flustered like this. "Le-let's just go..."
The drive was mostly silent, Dream stealing glances at George every once in awhile. The brunette, of course, noticed this- Dream wasn't too slick- but didn't say anything. He didn't mind it, in fact this had been exactly what he was going for when he picked out the skirt that morning.
Luckily, they had missed the morning rush at the local diner, and the place was mostly empty. They were seated immediately, a small table in the back near a large window.
"Hi! My name is Pat, and I'll be your server today. Is there anything you'd like to get started? A drink, perhaps?" Pat was a young man with jet black hair and bright blue eyes. He spoke with a mild New York accent, voice low and mildly abrasive, yet kind. He smiled at George, revealing his perfectly straight white teeth. George smiled back, not catching the side eye from Dream.
"I'll have an orange soda," he butted in, frowning. Pat nodded, leaning on the table a bit.
"Alright. And for you, doll?" Pat asked, looking George up and down quickly.
"What do you recommend?"
"For you? You seem like a strawberry lemonade type." George grinned, nodding.
"How'd you know?" Pat shrugged, writing it down on his little notepad.
"A magician never gives away his secrets!" He exclaimed, winking at George. "I'll be right back with your drinks." Pat walked away, and George watched him with a light blush dusting his cheeks.
"George." He was firm with his words, and the smaller boy finally looked up at him.
"What was that?!" Dream asked, hands gesturing wildly. George blushed darker, glancing away.
"What do you mean?"
"No, no, don't play dumb with me. What was that?" Dream crossed his arms, frowning at George.
"What, I'm not allowed to have a little fun? You're not in charge of me." George crossed his arms, mirroring the blond. He raised one eyebrow sassily, both boys staring each other down.
"Alright, orange soda..." Pat returned, placing the drink down in the middle of the table. "And for this handsome gentleman, a strawberry lemonade." Pat smiled charmingly, which George gladly returned.
"Thank you!" He took a sip of his drink, nodding happily. "You were right, this is perfect, thank you."
"Glad to hear it. Oh, and in case you need any extra napkins..." Pat set some napkins down on the table, pushing one closer to George. "So, have you decided what you'd like to eat?"
"Not yet, could you come back in a few minutes?" Dream forced a smile, trying not to be angry. Pat looked hesitant, glancing at George for approval. The Brit sighed, nodding at the waiter to signal that it was ok.
"Of course, I'll be right back then to take your order." Pat left, glancing back at them a few times on his way to the kitchen.
"You need to chill out, Dream. I'm allowed to flirt with the waiter." George slipped the napkin from Pat into his pocket, glaring at the blond.
"No," Dream stated firmly. George crossed his arms defiantly.
"And why is that?"
"Because..." Dream lost his cold, stern appearance, faltering nervously.
"Fuck, I-" Dream shook his head. "George, I..."
"What?" Dream stared at the brunette for a moment before leaning over the table and pressing their lips together. George gasped, kissing back hesitantly. Dream brought his hand to the side of George's face, cradling his cheek gently. They pulled away after about 10 seconds, both wide eyed and breathing a bit heavier than before.
"George..." Dream let out a soft breath, smiling at the Brit. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that."
"You're such an idiot," George shook his head, grinning playfully. "You could've told me, y'know." The Floridian nodded, glancing to the side.
"I didn't know, actually. I guess seeing you flirt with the waiter just, I don't know, maybe awakened something in me? Like... you're mine, and I need to have you..." He paused for a minute, frowning. "That sounds kinda creepy, but y'know what I mean?"
"Wow Dream, possessive much?" George giggled, pulling the napkin out of his pocket. "Guess I won't be needing this then?" He pushed the napkin onto the table, looking at Dream for approval.
"Yeah, you won't." Dream smiled softly, seeing the numbers written on the napkin. George had turned Pat down, for him. "What- um, what were you planning on doing with-"
"Dream." George's tone was one of warning, yet still light enough to pose no real threat.
"I just want to know, like were you going to-"
"Nothing was going to happen, Dream, jeez," George rolled his eyes, shaking his head. "You can relax, it's fine." Dream nodded slowly, not saying anything. The brunette sighed dramatically. "Do you want to go home?"
"Yeah..." They got up, requesting the check for their drinks. Pat narrowed his eyes at Dream, handing him the check.
"You alright to go with him, doll?" Pat asked, looking at George. The Brit glanced up at Dream, who was paying for their drinks.
"Yeah, I am." He tugged at Dream's sleeve lightly, immediately connecting their lips when the taller man turned to look. Pat looked upset, but accepted the check. As they were on their way out, he stopped Dream, letting George walk ahead.
"What do you want?" The blond asked, annoyed.
"Just... treat him well, man. I don't know you or anything, but..." Pat trailed off, looking out at George. "He's a special one. Keep him close, and don't you ever hurt him, a'ight?" Dream's expression softened.
"Oh. Yeah, he is special..." he sighed, smiling fondly. "I'll keep him close. I just want him to be happy." Pat sighed, nodding.
"Good to hear. Hope to see you two back again soon." Dream nodded once, offering the waiter a faint smile before running off to catch up with George.
Pat isn't a bad person mkay 🖐
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