【 10 】
With his several wounds bandaged up properly, the young boy was sitting on a stool as he watched his own self in the mirror in front of him. Below, there was a little commode with a lot of make-up and hair products on it.
V was humming a calm sound behind him, his raspy voice ringing in Jeongguk's ears as his new hair was being combed thoroughly, yet gently. The serial killer's eyes were fixated onto the long, beautiful black strands of the other. The way his new hair was falling off the comb so effortlessly after it has reached the end was simplified, stunning to the other.
"Do you like the wig?" he made a little pause of his deep humming with a soft smile, to ensure Jeongguk is sharing as much hidden enthusiasm about the medium-long, straight wig, as he does.
"W-Why do you have these, even...?" Jeongguk mumbled shyly instead, staring at his reflection. He did not look bad- in fact, he thought he looked quite pretty in that wig and with his lips tinted a bit more red, along with his cheeks.
V's light smile dropped upon his curious nature, stopping his movement with his hand. His gaze fell down, right at him. "Is there any problem with possessing these?" he asked, more like warned him to not give him a dissatisfying answer. Jeongguk gulped.
"O-of course not," he stuttered assuringly, forcing a little smile on his lips to appear as he looked over his shoulder. Jeongguk didn't know how he did it, yet due to the soft look in his Bambi eyes, the other also seemed to relax. Once again, V gave him a warm smile as he leaned his hand forward to pat his hair.
"Good, because I also like it quite much. You look like a pretty doll." V commented, continuing to groom the hair. Upon hearing the praise, the boy with the pretty, long hair turned forward again, blushing a little. He doesn't remember the last time he was praised well by anyone.
"Thanks," the shy kidnapped one whispered, daring to touch a tiny strand of hair hanging next to his ear. Tilting his head, he wondered. "Is there like, a wig shop around here? They do seem like they're high quality..."
"Oh no, they come from all around to world to me. Sometimes, I don't even know from where they come from." V revealed nonchalantly. The statement astonished the younger so much he turned with his body to the other, jaw wide. "From all around the world? Wow- how come? Are you some worldwide-renowned wig sel-" he was shushed down by a finger being pressed at his soft lips, a signal for him to quiet down.
A few blinks later, Jeongguk realises what V demanded, and instantly obeyed. That caused a little grin appear on V's face, his hand stroking his cheek and then grabbing his jaw lightly. "You can be such a good boy. Did you know that? You're very pleasant like that." he praised, his hypnotising eyes unknowingly doing things to Jeongguk.
Maybe if he was not in that hypnotized state and maybe if he realised where the new hair on his head exactly came from - he would have possibly experienced another, terrifying series of disturbance while tearing down the wig.
But Jeongguk stayed obedient, loyal to V's demands, and let out a shy 'thank you' at the praise he received. V grinned, and simply continued his deep, vibrating humming of a soft melody again, the comb in his hand brushing the beautiful wig of the other.
"Isn't that nice, Jeongguk?", he hummed. The boy sitting on the stool just stared at his own reflection, tilting his head slightly. "What exactly do you mean...?" he wondered, always being careful and wary of the choice of his words.
"Us being like that. Caring, loving. No violence. Isn't it nice?" V explained what he meant as he slowly sinked down his head, to place his chin onto his shoulder. It caused Jeongguk to flinch lightly - he could feel their close proximity as V wrapped his arms around him, in an act of a hug.
"I-it is.. nice..." the younger one admitted, now watching V in the reflection of the mirror. The other was staring right at him through the object, a soft, cozy smile adorning his lips.
Jeongguk was rewarded with a sweet kiss on the cheek. Again - that ticklish feeling in his stomach erupted, his mind felt dizzy. Yet he did not react negatively - instead, he felt the kissed cheek heat up, a tint of a blush forming on each sides, including the ears.
Ever since they made the deal in the basement yesterday, V was behaving much more caring, loving, and kind. It felt like Jeongguk has met a completely different person - although his aura of dominance always remained the same.
It wasn't that Jeongguk didn't like it - he was just confused. And as much as he hated to admit it, oddly, he was feeling fine with it. In fact, at the current standpoint, V was treating him better than his parents ever did before. And this was a good as well as sad thing at the same time.
Jeongguk felt as if he could get used to the new lifestyle. Slowly, It seemed like the thoughts and dreams of escaping V's house was turning into a forgotten thing, lost in a thick cloud of dizziness, somewhere deep in his mind. And all of that was due to a handsome serial-killer being loving to him.
"V...?" his voice asked softly, receiving a curious hum as an answer. "What will we do today...?"
"Today is a special day - someone will visit us today. A friend of mine.", V explained calmly, taking his hand and guiding him to stand up gently - so Jeongguk did. The latter tilted his head with his long-adjusted eyelashes. V's eyes shined at the sight of how the applied make-up was making Jeongguk even prettier than he already was.
Before Jeongguk was able to ask more about the visiting stranger, he flinched lightly at the touch of a gentle hand at his cheek. "You should totally wear make-up more often. It makes you look like a greek beauty."
"O-oh-", Jeongguk let out softly, slightly flustered at his almost constant praises. "Thank you," he muttered again, smiling to himself shyly. Overall, Jeongguk seemed so fragile in everything he did. The way he watched anything with his Bambi eyes, the way he moved, the way his voice wavered in a sensitive way.
It was utter perfection to V's taste. Jeongguk was everything he has ever imagined. Fragile perfection. He felt like he could do anything to him - but then, he remembered that something important was required.
"Do you give me consent?" his deep voice asked as his face inched closely to Jeongguk's blushy one - with a shocked expression plastered on it. When did V ever ask for consent, to be able to do anything to him? Why did it matter now? Was he truly changing? Nevertheless, it made butterflies sting his stomach in an extremely satisfying way.
"Consent- t-to what?" he wanted to make sure, as both the elder's hands were gently cupping his face. "To do things to you," his voice hushed in a raspy way, making Jeongguk's bodyheat level increase rapidly, causing shivers run down his spine.
The dark, impatient look in his eyes was mesmerising, yet demanding at the same time. V almost seemed a little hungry, as if he craved for something which was so close in range to grasp.
While waiting for his answer as the tension arose, V was leaning in more and more to the point where he was giving him an eskimo-kiss, eyes fixated onto the sweet bambi ones of the younger. His warm breath hit the latters skin, and their proximity made both of them slowly go crazy.
"Y-yeah," Jeongguk whispered out, after acknowledging that V was truthfully waiting for an answer, respecting his choice back. "O-of course you-" can, he wanted to say, yet the simple yeah was enough for V to dive in and give his lips a passionate, long kiss. Both eyes shut close at the friction, electric sparks being sent through Jeongguk's entire body as V moved them into a certain direction, making Jeongguk's back hit the wall.
A light mewl escaped his soft lips through the kiss, causing the elder to growl a little in a satisfying tone. His hands wandered below his bum, raising him up as the younger one squeaked. Automatically, the latter wrapped his legs and arms around the dominant one. With that, V was able to return to focus on devouring his plum bottom lip.
Jeongguk was feeling hot as he started panting heavily when V detached their lips from one another, only to focus on giving him pretty marks on his neck. Softly did he grab the back of his dark-blonde hair, throwing his own head back in nothing but pleasure.
"You're so beautiful," he growled against his neck, causing a vibration which Jeongguk craved to feel again, whining out in need. "I wanna do so much more to you," he vibrated again, placing him down now just to start stripping off the buttons of his shirt one by one, in a clear hurry.
Jeongguk was getting a bit overwhelmed as his ears were decently reddened, breath visibly quickening as seen on his chest, which was slowly getting exposed. Yet he didn't want the other to stop- it felt too good, too intriguing to just tell him not to.
However, he was curious about one thing. Would V truly stop if he told him to? Did the consent truly matter?
"S-stop," his voice wavered, shakily. Jeongguk expected him to ignore that, to continue devouring him and let his experiment fail - but momentarily, V stopped at the last button and instead, stared at him. It was only then when Jeongguk noticed how out of breath V was, too. Only their panting was to be heard.
"You don't want to? That's fine," he breathed, patting his head softly as he assured: "Don't feel pressured."
The shock of Jeongguk was visible through his jaw falling open, eyes shining in a surprise. So the consent does matter, he smiled to himself. He ignored how out-of-character this move was, instead- he enjoyed the visible changes of V. After all, he was unaware of how long his soft, caring persona would last, before his usual one would return.
"We can do that some other time, pretty doll. Although I must say you're extremely irresistible." V whispered, slowly buttoning up his shirt again, one by one. Both were still catching their breaths, and even though the tension was still there - now, it was being filled with love and care.
Jeongguk gently smiled at V, watching him treat him so nicely. It caused a spreading of warmth inside of his heart, caused him to forget everything else. Now, the only thing that mattered to Jeongguk, was the new-born happiness he lived in, in which he was never mistreated. Not by his parents, not by the old V.
Little did Jeongguk know, his unconscious happiness was still far out of reach, while his inner, trapped good sense was screaming out loudly , banging against the bars of his yet unbreakable cell.
Jeongguk was nothing more, but hypnotised.
"Doll, I need you to do a little favor for me," V whispered as he buttoned up his shirt again, patting his hair(wig). Then, he wrapped an arm around Jeongguk, and turned to the window. Momentarily, the latter's heart has shrunken down in shock.
A pair of icy eyes were staring right back at them, with a familiar smile being accompanied with a low wave. Bob was watching them all the time.
"Can you spend some time with Bob? I didn't pay much attention to him the recent days. He must be so lonely." V asked, thumb caressing his cheek.
"O-oh, sure.." Jeongguk trailed, wondering. Then, he turned with his head to look at V's close face. "Can I ask you ... some personal things? A-about Bob... and you?"
"Oh," Jeongguk let out again, a hint of disappointment in his voice. However, he seemed more hopeful when V continued. "Not now, some other time. It's too soon for that."
"Is V your real name?"
"Doll," V warned with a small growl. Instantly, Jeongguk looked down in defeat, and submission. He didn't need to say more for the younger one to understand. He was asking too much at once. He was supposed to listen, he remembered.
"But why does Bob never enter the—"
Immediately, Jeongguk got silenced with a rough kiss on his lips which made his knees feel weak. V predicted how he was barely able stand, so he wrapped his arms around his waist, holding him tightly and closely to himself.
Slowly did he lean away by no more than an inch, hand always glued to his cheek. He was fond of it, since he found his skin to be so invitingly soft. It made him want to hold Jeongguk for much longer than this.
"No more questions, I said." he hummed, watching Jeongguk strictly. The latter stared back with glossy, dazing eyes, nodding quietly. As a reward, he received another soft kiss onto his temple, with a small comment of how good he is.
"Go now, Bob's waiting." he repeated, and softly pushed him into the direction of the door. Jeongguk walked to there as told, turned around one last time to check on V - but the killer was already walking upstairs, back turned to him.
"Hey Bob," Jeongguk muttered, sitting on a wooden, small chair on which Bob could fit in perfectly.
"Yesh, Hooman?" Bob asked softly and turned to him, axe raised as he was currently chopping down wood for the fireplace in V's home. Jeongguk gulped at the potentially disturbing view.
"I'm... sorry once again for running away back then," Jeongguk whispered, as his inner, clouded mind was trying to scream at him not to apologise for trying to free himself.
"Ish ok! Bob used to it. Also, nice wig!" he smiled sweetly, and continued doing the, what he calls, 'choppie choppie'. Jeongguk was about to smile and thank him, yet he frowned shortly.
"Used to it..? Do people often run away from you?" Jeongguk continued, and noticed the change of speed of his chopping. His shoulders slumped down a little. "Not many like Bob because how Bob look..." he said sadly, yet he quickly cheered up and gave Jeongguk the brightest smile. "But Bob has TaeTae and Koo!"
That's when both froze.
"TaeTae?" Jeongguk tilted his head, and Bob put the axe down shortly, blinking. He grabbed his head, realising he made a mistake. "Is that V's real name?.... Tae..?" the younger one muttered, finding the name ever so pretty. Bob was far from amazed.
"Pleathe forget Bob word. Ish secret!" he begged, looking sadly at Jeongguk as he folded his own hands together. "Pleathe keep secret... for Koo and Bob!"
It was only then when Jeongguk realised he was referred to as 'Koo'. Somewhere, it made him soft, hence, he smiled.
"Okay, I'll keep it a secret!" Jeongguk promised, feeling a little bit more closer to V - or more like Tae, now. For some reason, his mind turned fuzzy and all funny thinking about his closeness with him. He was imagining their future, and falling dangerously deep into a mindset of which he might be unable to save himself from, someday.
"Thank you! Bob trust, because Koo special. Koo wear special wig!"
"Special wig..? Is there anything else special about it?" Jeongguk asked, tilting his head. Bob nodded aggressively, several times.
"None before you wore this one! ish special. Special meaning!"
Jeongguk blinked. "None before me? What do you mean? Did- did others also get to wear a wig?" Did others also get kissed and cared for as I did, was the thing Jeongguk meant to ask, instead. The worrying part was how Jeongguk didn't realise he was asking about previous, already dead victims, as if them wearing wigs mattered more.
"You're no first," Bob explained, continuing to assemble the finished work. "Other didn't like V. You do! You special. Wig special!" he exclaimed happily. "Maybe become first alive doll!"
"Alive... doll...?" the smaller one repeated, feeling his heartbeat accelerate. It seemed like his mind was slowly but surely, coming back to its senses. He stood up from the rather wide chair, hesitantly continuing the chain of new thoughts.
"Does he have more dolls?" Jeongguk gently asked, while Bob was giving him an entire, large stack of wood. "Bring to V, pleathe!" Bob smiled. "Don't worry- you only one! Now need break. Will rest with squirrels!"
Only one alive, or only one in general?
"What do you mea-"
V's breath hit the skin on his nape.
"Go Rest, Bob. Thank you for the work," a familiar voice from behind hushed, making Jeongguk flinch away and turn around. While Bob was already happily hopping away further into the forest, V stared right through his soul. the 18 year old watched him fearfully, with widened eyes.
He knew that feeling. He knew that feeling too well. It reminded him of how he was spotted almost walking to the basement on his first day here. Now, felt the exact same. As if his curiosity was dooming him to fall.
"I-I'm sorry," he said quickly as his breath quickened, regretting to ask, yet at the same time, slowly coming back to earth.
Silently, the man named Tae took his wrist into his hand gently after taking the stack from him, and led him back to the house at a rapid pace. Jeongguk felt tears arise in his eyes, not resisting. He was scared - scared he messed up once again in any way possible. Scared of beating.
As V dragged him inside the house, he locked the door and put the stack of wood aside for now. Jeongguk was a tensed, shaking ball of fear by now, watching every move of the way too calm V. Once his eyes met with the killer, he forgot how to breathe. "A-again, I'm so sor-"
"Are you jealous, baby?"
Jeongguk's breath hitched. What?
Solely with confusion did he watch the elder cross his arms with a stern expression. "I overheard your recent conversation with Bob a little. I was about to pick you up," he explained, walking towards Jeongguk, who was slowly backing away, backwards. How much did he hear? Does he know about me knowing his real name?
The young one did not need to say a word, V simply continued while walking at him calmly. "Yeah, I did have dolls before." Seems like he didn't hear the name part before, the monologue ended.
Jeongguk's lower back hit the couch, and he accidently fell onto it.
"But none of them were like you. You're special, darling. Very special," V slowly walked around the couch, watching Jeongguk obediently lay on it, hands tucked to himself, listening carefully with wide eyes.
He slowly climbed over him, pinning him down. Jeongguk had flashbacks of his first kiss there. "I never kissed them like I kiss you," he intertwined their hands together. "Never touched them like I touch you." A kiss was planted onto Jeongguk's collarbone, causing a gentle flinch. "I never treated them like I treat you."
"Yes, I murdered them, I tortured them, I hurt them - but I don't want to hurt you." he whispered.
To say that Jeongguk was feeling like on a hectic ride of a rollercoaster, was simplified, an understatement. His mind felt fuzzy- he did not know what to feel, or think anymore. On one side, he's aware of V's serial-killer identity, of his brutality he experienced himself. Of the lack of empathy - but then again, somewhere, it suddenly exists- and out of nowhere, V behaves soft, calm, caring, loving, endearing-
"That's why, there is no need to feel jealous. They were never as special as you." V hushed, gently biting the tip of his nose. He smiled upon seeing Jeongguk blush, unknowing of his inner irritation of how to feel or think.
"My real name by the way is Taehyung. I'd like you to-" an interruption of a knock has come in between his sentence, making Tae click his tongue. Silently did he watch the latter stand up, and walk towards the door. "Actually, it's a very good timing. I'd like to introduce you to someone," he said, as he was unlocking the door.
The boy who stayed quiet all the time slowly sat up, watching with unsure curiosity. As the wooden door was opened, Jeongguk's eyes saw a man who he had never met before. A quite tall figure with dimples was standing there.
"Meet my brother, Namjoon."
Hi guys! As promised, the update is there. Sorry if it's not really as spooky for Halloween, but I didn't want to rush the plot solely for this event.
Also, so sorry if I rarely respond to your comments, but let me tell you I read all of them!! And thank you so much for your understanding and Support when it comes to updating.
love you!<33
Also: What are your thoughts about the chapter? Thanks for sharing in advance!!
Stay healthy and happy Halloween!
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