【 05 】
Springfield was a rather peaceful, small town, you could say. It was rather rare for anyone in there to break the laws and get in trouble with police officers, since it was mostly elder, innocent people living there, not seeking any harm.
Therefore, it was quite an intriguing sight seeing something what resembled a crime scene in the middle of the night, being investigated by officers around a house, with maybe two to three cars waiting around it, a yellow tape securing the area from curious strangers passing by.
It has been already raining lightly from the dark clouds for quite a while. It seemed as if the two officers, that were standing right next to the secured area, were looking around in search of a someone. But when their eyes landed on a Bentley that has been making its way towards them, they knew they found what they have been looking for.
As the car parked, a young man, most-probably in his twenties, exited the car, locking it with his keys. With his brown long coat, roundy black glasses and red hair parted in the middle, he made his way to the officers, in an almost elegant way.
"There you are, Detective Park. We've been waiting for you." One spoke out, having his arms crossed all the time.
"My apologies, officers," the man retorted politely with a small bow, alongside a small smile on his lips. "Something urgent came up. But now I'm here."
"Guess you are" the other policeman shrugged it off.
"So, what do we have here? A homicide?" Detective Park asked as his eyes wandered to the house next to them, examining it thoroughly.
"No, just a kid that ran away from his parents. Been missing for three to four days now." One of the law-protectors explained as both looked to the house too. "So far we know that he wasn't kidnapped. He left his home by himself through the window, and some further ahead, we lost the DNA trail. We are still patrolling around to find him."
"I see. Any family members in there?"
"Just the mother and the father. They're highly worried, as we can't find him anywhere, at all. Seems like the kid just vanished in air. You're their last hope, Park."
"I've had worse cases than these," the man spoke confidently as he adjusted his glasses, being done with the examination of the house from the outside. Now it was time to meet the parents. "I should be able to find him. See you later, gentlemen."
With that, he bid the officers goodbye and crouched down a little to pass the yellow tapes, then walked over to the house, taking tiny steps up before knocking on the door thrice.
Soon after, a middle-aged woman opened the door. She had brown, tired, kind of fearful eyes and her black hair was tied up in a messy bun. A confused look was plastered on her face, which immediately softened after the red-haired man introduced himself.
He took out his detective badget out of his inside-pockets from the coat and showed it to her. "Detective Park Jimin, M'am. I'm here to help you find your son."
"Oh! Of course, of course! Please come in-" she hurried as politely as she could, stepping aside and letting the attractive male in. He thanked shortly as he bowed, and then let himself enter the house.
"Darling! Detective Park is here!" The mother called out, and then closed the door as she looked at Jimin, who turned around to her. "Ah- excuse my manners, please. I'm Jeon Ji-eun! Can I offer you some coffee?" She asked, leading her guest to the living room.
"Thank you, I'd prefer some water." he answered as he followed her. Soon after, the father joined in too, having already introduced himself. Then, they have seated themselves in the living room on two couches- detective park on one, and across of him and the small coffee table in between, the couple on the other side.
Smalltalk and drinks aside, the detective started his investigation. He leaned in and folded his hands. "So. I heard your son has been missing for about three to four days. Is that correct?" He wanted to make sure, to which the father, named Minseok, quickly retorted. "Four. Four days."
Jimin hummed. He asked some more questions to find about Jeongguk's persona himself, and for example about where his favorite spots in the town were, yet was quickly disappointed discovering that they couldn't tell him anything about any places. It did made Jimin think a little about that.
"Do you have any idea on why he could have ran away?" He concluded.
"Absolutely not. We're a perfect family! It's so out of the blue." the mother stated flabbergasted, but giving by the look Minseok was giving her, a stare he couldn't read, Jimin knew something was off about that.
"A perfect family? No problems at all?" the detective frowned at that statement. The mother nodded eagerly, to which the father looked away. Seeing that, Mr. Park sighed.
"Look. If you want me to find your son, I need you to cooperate with me. Every detail is a clue somewhere. So if you're lying to me right now, it will just makes things harder, and the clock is ticking." he chose his words carefully, making sure to give the parents a rather pressured thought or two about if it's really worth it to deny the truth. To his luck, Minseok opened up.
"Me and Ji-eun were planning on getting divorced." he mumbled, looking down. However his wife jumped right in on that. "P-partly! We- we're kinda complicated. First thing we love each other, and the next thing we know is how we hate each other and talk about divorce."
"... I... see... so one day you're up for marriage, the other not?" he dug in more to make sure, and both nodded, a faint blush on their cheeks signalising they were indeed ashamed of how that came off, and by that, really stupid. Now, it was making sense to Park Jimin.
"I'm no psychologist. But judging by what I've heard, your son is probably sick and tired of that and doesn't want you guys to get divorced. He's showing that he's not okay with that by running away," the red-haired spoke, pushing his glasses more onto his nose. "But of course, that is only my speculation judging on your statements. Knowing this, It'll be easier to reach out for him once I find him."
"D-do you think he's safe?" the father stuttered out. Jimin looked at him unsurely. "He should be. He shouldn't be too far away." He said carefully. "How old is he again?"
"Jeongguk just turned 18 this September." the mother muttered. Jimin nodded silently.
Afterwards, he gained permission from the married couple to check Jeongguk's room for more clues. However, nothing in particular was found. Everything hinted to a sudden escape from home. Sighing, Detective Park left the room and went downstairs, back to the parents.
"I think I've gathered enough information to start the search. I will do the best I can to bring your son back, alright?" he smiled a little. "I will be now going to search for him. I'll call you if I get more clues."
"Thank you so so much, Mr. Park.." Ji-eun said softly, a sad look on her face. "I- I only want my- o-our- son back. Please."
"Me too," the father spoke, tears rushing to his eyes, yet he was quick to wipe them away. He sniffled. "I want him to come home healthily. I don't know what I'll do otherwise." he breathed out.
"Just stay calm for now, alright? oh and- don't even think of a divorce right now. If Jeongguk is indeed only hiding because of that and the news reach him, I doubt he will come back by his own." he lectured, and both nodded. He said that, even though his sense was already telling him that something must have happened.
"O-of course." Minseok spoke for them two, and Ji-eun nodded. "P-please do contact us if you find anything. The police isn't really helpful right now.. you're our only hope."
Upon that, Jimin smiled warmly as he was slowly headed to the exit. "As I said, I will do what I can to bring your son back. Promised." His words made the parents ultimatively smile a little, before the detective waved at them, and then left the house.
He passed through the tapes from the police by crouching down shortly, bid some police officers that were nearby goodbye, and went to his dark blue Bentley.
When he closed the door of his car, he sighed deeply and closed his eyes.
A boy fled from his parents house, probably as a reaction through frustration for them to divorce. Four days in total have passed, and there are no signs of him. The police searches for his DNA around, but there's nothing to be found. Perhaps he just got lost? or he's stuck somewhere and wants to go back.
For that, Jimin picked something from the empty seat next to him, and rolled the item, a map, open, staring at it to determine all of the most closest towns nearby. He squinted his eyes to read. Fisher's town, Greenville, Red Hills.
Now, he only had to debate on where to go first. And if he went by the direction of Jeongguk's window, straight ahead of himself, it would be....
"...Red Hills...." he mumbled quietly as his finger trailed into the speculated direction, hitting a small village's name. Jimin hummed. "It's not that far away, either." A moment or two passed for him to rethink his decision.
"Alright," Jimin spoke innocently, putting the map aside and starting his car, staring ahead.
"We're going to Red Hills."
Jeongguk was getting sick.
Sick of everything around him.
Sick of the rotten smell in this dirty basement as if corpses were laying around here before, sick of being tied up for days and not being able to at least stretch some of his muscles and body parts, sick of being hungry, but more importantly,
He was sick of having that constant fear of what would happen to him. It was making him crazy.
Every once in a while, V would enter the basement, offer him some water and food, which he never properly accepted. After all, he was expecting poison in those, but it always ended up with V shoving the food at least a bit into his mouth and forcing him to eat and drink. It was quite an inhuman way to feed someone. The only good thing about it was that Jeongguk was still alive.
Afterwards, Jeongguk would always be left alone. Since the day he got punished for opening his mouth too rudely, V never spoke much since then. And it terrified Jeongguk more and more. What was he up to? Why is he having this much patience? What exactly is he planning to do to him?
Heck, Jeongguk didn't even know what time it was, but he could tell multiple days must have passed already. It's just been too long. Not to mention him having constant panic attacks while being left with no light, made him sweat a lot. He was dirty, hungry, and scared.
Already anticipating his return, the door to the basement opened, finally letting in some light into the dark room, which forced the tied up, sweaty boy to squint his eyes in a natural reaction after being left in total darkness for long, long hours.
As V was making his way down, he switched on the weak light in the basement, waiting for Jeongguk to adjust his sight.
Jeongguk was silent, and so was the other. He expected rough and wordless food-forcing into his mouth, but was surprised to see V sitting on another chair in front of him the next time he opened his eyes.
The chair was facing the opposite way, yet V still sat on it, facing Jeongguk while leaning onto it. He stared with an interested glimmer in his eyes, while Jeongguk just stared back bravely, yet a hint of fear hiding in his eyes.
"Are you used to our home yet?" The killer asked very softly, just like a mother soothing her child that just had a cry and was finally calming down in her arms.
"This is not my home." Jeongguk mumbled, looking away. The man cooed. "Aw. So you still aren't used to it? Too bad... wanted to take you upstairs and treat you more humanly. But if that's your wish...." he trailed, slowly wanting to stand up. Jeongguk widened his eyes.
"What- no! I mean- yeah I'm- yeah I'm used to it. You have- w-we have- a nice home." Jeongguk stuttered, realising this might be the only first step to ever get out of this shitty place. V was, somehow satisfied with his reaction. As if he was ready to play his game.
He still stood up, and walked over to his victim, gently grabbing his chin to make him look up properly. "What a good boy you are. You get it, right?" He asked knowingly, stroking his cheek with his free hand way too softly.
The sentence made the younger frown. What did he mean by that? His game? Was he trying to give Jeongguk a chance to escape, simply for his own amusement? Nevertheless, there was no time to do or say mistakes. It was now or never.
"Yeah-" he mumbled out, still confused, but obediently staring back which, after long seconds of silence and insecureness, made V chuckle in an amusing way.
"Alright, let's go upstairs and eat. I'm sure you wanna tell me a lot about yourself, don't you?" he whispered, leaning down to give him a feathery kiss on his cheek. Jeongguk's insides turned in disgust, but he knew- now, he absolutely had to endure. No way he's gonna stay in this basement any longer.
"Yeah" he lied again, forcing out a realistic smile. "I-I actually wanna get to know you, too" the sentence left his mouth faster then he could think, but did not regret it when V smiled back. "That's perfect~" he chuckled, finally untying Jeongguk from the ropes. In that moment, he was thanking the lords in heaven multiple times in his head.
Only with wobbling legs and hurting wrists did he stand up, quickly getting caught by the other. "You stink. You'll need some nice bath again." V confirmed after sniffing his hair.
I'm not surprised I stink when I stay in a disgustingly rotten place for days, Jeongguk thought to himself, but kept that comment in. In fact, he only nodded.
"Let's have a bath together then." he more like stated than asked, smiling at the younger with a creepily calm look, guiding the freed boy upstairs with a hand on his lower back. Jeongguk's jaw dropped a little.
"Together?" he retorted, hiding his disgust and uneasy feeling as much as he could.
"Yeah. Any problems with that?" he asked in a rather warning tone, as if advising him to not have anything against it.
"No- of course not- I just thought- isn't it a little too soon?" he chuckled nervously with a fake smile. V looked at him.
"No. It's the perfect time." V stated while shrugging, causing shivers run down Jeongguk's spine, but he ignored it, and looked up to the light from the opened door.
Finally, he thought. Finally I am getting out of h—
The boy squeaked in pain when his body suddenly got slammed onto the wall, still on the stairs, getting pinned against it out of nowhere. He opened his eyes widely, and shivered harder when he saw deadly-staring orbs in front of him, kind of glaring at him.
"I hope you know, that......" the husky voice trailed, holding so much sudden anger in his voice. It forced Jeongguk to quiet down and listen to him with big eyes, no matter what he had to say.
"If you misbehave, you're landing back in here. And the next time?" he hushed, coming even closer with his face. Jeongguk was trembling at this point, all of his confidence leaving his soul.
"I won't be nice anymore." he finished, now grabbing his hair way too roughly, causing his victim to mewl out in pain, squinting his eyes close.
He moved his head towards his mouth rougher, even closer. "Do. You. Understand?" He hissed sharply, as if he was ready to scratch Jeongguk's eyes out, to cut him into multiple pieces, to throw him around like a rag doll and-
"Yes- y-y-yes yes yes I-I-I unders-s-stand-" a whiny tone left his shaky lips, half-crying filling their basement as they were still in front of the door, on the stairs. Being absolutely terrified, tears reached his eyes, silently begging V to not hurt him. It was a sight V has never seen before, such an extremely fragile, tender sight. That's when his psycho widened eyes, suddenly softened.
"Aw, baby," he whispered, letting go of his hair, now pulling his trembling body into a gentle hug. "Don't be afraid. I'll only hurt you when you're bad. Isn't that a nice deal? Don't cry~" he soothed, caressing his back, laying his chin onto the boy's shoulder.
Jeongguk hiccuped. "I-it's a nice deal," he agreed with a very soft voice, slowly opening his eyes, staring to the side at V's head. His eyes glimmered deceitfully, a total contrast to his current sobbing-behaviour.
V hummed, hugging him for some more to calm him down. After a while, he leaned back to smile reassuringly at the younger, who nodded back. Then, satisfied, they finally left the basement together.
So it works.
Jeongguk thought to himself, holding a focused stare in front of him as V guided him to the bathroom.
Perhaps I found a trail to get out of here.
Sorry for the long wait guys ;-;
I'm stressed because of school (as always-) but I managed to update today. I hope y'all enjoyed it!!
Aye Jimin's in the game now! What do you think will happen? Any theories? What could jeongguk possibly mean?? Please tell me in the comments!
Thanks for reading and see you next time! Stay tuned xx
~Mira 🐰
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