Lucy ~ PatrckStatic
"Patrck, I'm home!" you yell as you kick off your shoes and set your work bag down on one of the chairs.
When you don't get a response, you realize how quiet the house is and raise an eyebrow. If Patrck was pranking you again, you weren't in the mood, work had stressed you out. You sigh as you look over to Ophelia, who was asleep on the couch.
Suddenly, you hear Pat yell, "Damnit!" from his recording office. You walk down to the door and push it open slightly, finding him laid on the floor.
"Patrck, why are you - "
You stop mid-sentence when you fully open the door and find him petting a kitten.
"The fuck is that?!" you exclaim.
He looks up at you. "A cat, duh."
"I know that, but what even?!"
He blushes and sits up. "I may have impulsively bought a kitten."
"Patrck, I thought we had talked about this! We already have Ophelia, we don't need another!"
"Well, we kinda have another now..."
You sigh. "What's its name?"
"I'll let you keep Lucy, I guess."
He throws his arms up. "Yay!"
You roll your eyes as you leave the room, leaving Pat with Lucy. Opening Twitter, your finger immediately hits the tweet button.
So my boyfriend just bought a new cat...well, welcome Lucy to the Static family ig lol
Notifications come in immediately, but the one that catches your eye is a reply from Pat, with a picture of him and the kitten.
"I guess"? [Y/N], look at her adorable face and try to say that again <pic>
You roll your eyes and reply with "okay ig" before closing the app and walking into the bedroom, flopping on the bed and falling asleep.
//Time Skip//
"[Y/N], I made - "
I stop myself when I see Lucy curled up under her arm and Ophelia laying by her head. I mutter a quiet "aw" before taking out my phone and snapping a picture. I shove my phone back in my pocket and wake her up gently.
"Hmm?" she tiredly says.
"I made dinner for us," I said softly.
"I'll be out in a few minutes."
I walk out and dash around the corner, whipping out my phone and posting the pic on Instagram with the caption, "My adorable girlfriend asleep with our adorable kitty daughters 💜"
Not even minute later, I hear, "PATRICK DICKSON, I'M GOING TO FUCKING MURDER YOU!"
Worth it!
Short but I needed to write something happy for senpaidrawart after she yelled at me
~ Kat
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