Hurt and Broken ~ Garuku
~~~suicide and self-harm mention warning~~~
Getting back from shopping with Marie, you slam the door shut with your foot and drop your bags from shopping. Dante comes running up to you, borking as he did so. You smile and rub his head as you yell, "Gar, I'm home!" You raise an eyebrow at the strange quietness of the house. "Gar?"
With still no response, you stop petting Dante to look for Gar. Coming to the bathroom door, you notice the light poking out from under the closed door. Knocking, you ask, "Gar, are you in there?" Hearing muffled crying, you try to open the door, only to find it locked. "Gar, let me in!"
You become desperate. "Gar, please! I don't want you hurting yourself again!"
While he stood firm in his position, you run to yours and Gar's room to grab a bobby pin you never use but had for some unknown reason. Using it, you unlock the door to find him about to commit suicide. You knock the knife away and yell among your sudden tears, "Garuku Bluemoon, what are you doing?!"
"I can't take not having my friends anymore!" he yells back among his tears, referring to the big argument and fallout he had with the salty bois over a minor issue. "It's been hell without them!"
"But, Gar, you still have me!"
"They were my best friends! I tried contacting them, but they wouldn't respond! Jp hasn't even shown signs of activity anywhere!"
Your heart shatters, remembering the news Marie told you while you two were hanging out, but you keep that to yourself for now. "Gar, I just hung out with Marie for the first time in a while, and they miss you too!"
"Bullshit! If they did, they would've reached out and responded to me! I can't go on, damnit!"
You couldn't hold it in anymore. "I can't have you going like Jp did!"
Your sentence stops Gar immediately. His expression softens as he asks, "What happened to Jp?"
You try to explain, but you become a sobbing mess. Gar pulls you into his arms, saying, "Call Marie, have her explain to me. I didn't mean to upset you."
You wipe your tears away. "N-no, it's f-fine." You take a deep breath. "Marie told me that after you left, Jp slipped into depression. Not long after, W-Wade received a suicide note from h-him and a panicked c-call from his mom."
Gar gasps as tears stream down his face. "N-no, not J-Jp. He was-s still y-young and-d 'innocent.'"
"I know."
You two sat there for a while, both crying while Gar held you in his arms. Eventually, he wipes his face and says, "Man, we're so hurt and broken."
"But we can recover." You smile with an idea. "Come on, let's go call Wade, Molly, Patrck, and Marie. I miss them just as much as you do."
He smiles back. "Yeah, let's do it."
Getting up, you watch Gar disappear into his recording office as you go to put the knife away safely, joining him right after. He opens Discord as you text Marie about it. Soon, you're in a call with them. Smiling, Gar says, "Hey guys!"
"GAR!" Pat yells a little too loudly. "OH MY GOD, WE'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!"
You giggle. "I'm here too!"
"Jesus Christ, Pat, stop yelling so loudly," Wade says.
Gar chuckles. "I've missed your salt, Wade."
"What's that supposed to mean?!"
You hear Molly's loud laugh and Pat's giggle as you give Gar a smile at what he said. Adding to it, you say, "I think you know, Mr. Mime."
Molly laughs again. "I've missed this."
You push your hair out of your face. "Anyways, it's been a while, hasn't it?"
"Yeah," Pat agrees. "You haven't missed a lot, honestly, but you've missed something really big."
Gar gives a sad sigh. "I heard, and now I feel really bad about it. It was practically all my fault."
Pat sighs. "It's not your fault, Gar."
You sigh as you steer the conversation away from that to more positive topics, eventually getting into Dead By Daylight.
I'M (not) SORRY
~ Kat
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