Chapter 1: Powerpuffs To The Rescue
It's quite the sunny day in New Townsville and in a lab a brilliant scientist named Drake Utonium and his son Ken Kitazawa are hard at work
Professor Utonium: "We have to keep working, we need to find out as much as we can about Z-Rays"
Ken: "I don't know, dad, I don't think the team's too worried..."
Ken looked over at his father
Ken: "Cause after all; It was the Z-Rays that gave each of them their superpowers"
Utonium dismissed his son's comments
Professor Utonium: "Here we go..."
Ken: "Right"
Ken pushed a button resulting in a small explosion leaving the two standing in shock
???: "Mmm... Professor Utonium, Come in! Are you there?!"
The Professor looked at 3 screen, showing Mayor Mayer... wait really? That's his name?? What the f-
Professor Utonium: "Ghh- Oh! Uh- Mr. Mayor!! Yes, we're here!!"
Mayor: "It's terrible professor, look!"
Ahem, anyways... The screen changed to display footage of a tall green monkey setting down a cage as kindergarteners ran to their teacher dragging her away and huddling up all in a group
The screen changed back to the mayor
Mayor: "This sounds like a job for the Powerpuffs!"
Ken turned around to look at a robotic dog holding a vial in it's mouth
Ken: "Poochie!"
Poochie: "Huh?"
Poochie dropped the vial on the ground and processed what he needed to do...
He howled as at a nearby high-school the Powerpuffs' belts reacted to the call while the teacher yapped about... ugh... math...
The first Powerpuff: Momoko Akatsutsumi AKA Blossom
She's the leader of the team, a kooky, boy-crazy, otaku with an obsession with superheroes and a major sweet tooth... her weapon's a yo-yo
Second Powerpuff: Miyako Gotokuji AKA Bubbles
She's the mature yet ditzy and air-headed one, she's also quite the fashionista... her weapon's a bubble stick
Third Powerpuff: Kaoru Matsubara AKA Buttercup
She's the hotheaded tomboy of the group who loves sports... her weapon's a giant mallet
And finally... you!: (Y/N) (L/N) AKA Silver
The optimistic boy from a future in ruins... but we'll get to that some other time!! And rather than a weapon, you have telekinesis
As your belts flashed you all looked at each other and nodded, quickly raising your hands
Momoko & Miyako: "Uh, teacher!"
Kaoru: "Yo, teach!"
(Y/N): "Excuse me, Mr!"
The teacher looked over at the four of you, which made all of you get up
All: "We have a stomach ache, we're going to the nurse's office, be back as soon as we can!!"
Without waiting for permission you all ran out of the classroom snickering
Luckily, the teacher didn't really care as he just continued teaching...
You all ran up a few stairs to get to the roof, the rest of your teammates began their transformations as you tapped a small button on your belt, your superhero suit formed around your actual clothing
Momoko took out the device on her belt and opened it, revealing a small computer like thing
Momoko: "So, what do you think it is, today?"
(Y/N): "Bet you 5 it's Mojo"
Kaoru: "Heh, you're on!!"
The screen came to life as it displayed Mojo now grabbed the little kids and putting them in the cage
All: "Mojo!!"
Kaoru rolled her eyes as she pulled out a 5 dollar bill and gave it to you
(Y/N): "Score!"
Momoko: "He's at a KINDERGARTEN!!"
(Y/N): "And look!! He's trapping those poor kids!! That monster!!"
Miyako: "But why?"
Kaoru: "Who cares, let's go!!"
You all flew up quickly traversing the city... as you passed by a pond a fish jumped up
Fish: "Go get 'em, Powerpuffs!!"
(Y/N): "Thanks Mr. fish!!"
You yelled back... only after passing the pond did you realize what happened
(Y/N): "Wait, what-"
Momoko: "Look alive, Silver!!"
(Y/N): "Right! Sorry!!"
You quickly made your way to the kindergarten, where Mojo laughed evilly as he was face to face with the teacher on the kindergarten roof, the cage of terrified kids next to him crying, and police were waiting below
Mojo: "STOP BLABBERING LITTLE HUMANS, You kept me in a cage all my life, now it's PAYBACK TIME!!! Give me all your candy!"
The kids grabbed all of their candy, handing it to Mojo
Mojo: "Yes! It is like taking candy from a baby, which is fine by me, now you see little children I have a new robot that uses candy for fuel! And I will use it... TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!"
Powerpuffs: "That's enough, Mojo!"
You four descended down and struck a cool pose together
Powerpuffs: "You mess with those kids, you mess with us!! The Powerpuffs!!"
The kids erupted in cheer as they held out small notebooks
Kids: "Can we have your autograph?!"
Momoko took a handful of the notebooks
Miyako: "Do you think we should?"
Momoko: "We don't wanna disappoint our fans"
Kaoru: "Ugh, fiiinnneee!"
(Y/N): "Let's do it!!"
You all started taking the notebooks and began writing your aliases in them as Mojo looked a bit sad
Mojo: "What about me?"
Suddenly he swiped one of the notebooks from one of the children who immediately started to cry and held it out to you all
Momoko: "Mojo... you're the villain... you don't get an autograph"
Mojo looked so dejected which made you feel bad... so you walked up to him
(Y/N): "I'll sign it for you, Mojo"
You gently took the notebook from him, and began writing your name, giving it to Mojo afterwards
Mojo: "Thank you, smelly human"
(Y/N): "You're welcome! Wait, heeeyy... that's not nice-"
Mojo: "Anyways..."
He began throwing punches at you and you jumped out of the way
???: "HOOLD IT!!"
You all looked back and saw the teacher wearing a white sash over their forehead, with a katana-like weapon in hand, running in-between the two of you
Teacher: "Get away from my students you wicked-wicked thing!"
Mojo growled and yelled at the teacher causing her to faint, which made the kids cry harder
Momoko: "That was quick..."
She turned to the children
Momoko: "She's ok! She just fainted, that's all"
The reassurance of their teacher's safety quickly calmed them down
Miyako: "Maybe we should get her a pillow or something..."
(Y/N): "First, we have to take care of that monkey!"
Kaoru: "Right, c'mon! Let's get 'im!"
You all got ready for a fight, rushing toward Mojo who flew up into the sky to dodge, and started flying away, you all flew up too, chasing him as the teacher woke up and immediately tried to release the kids
Mojo charged up a fucking kamehameha to shoot at you
Mojo: "Eat... this!!"
Suddenly the kamehameha ball shot out... sunflower seeds?? I don't remember that in Dragon Ball...
Mojo: "Let me show you my new trick"
Purple waves surrounded Mojo as he started spinning around like a beyblade
Mojo: "ROTO JOJO!!"
Miyako started shooting bubbles at him, which bounced off of him due to how fast he was going
Miyako: "My bubbles aren't working!"
Mojo suddenly stopped from how dizzy he was getting
Mojo: "Euuugghhh... head... full of... jellybeeeaaannnsss"
You all continued your fighting leaving parts of the city destroyed as the mayor watched in absolute horror
Mayor: "When are they gonna learn how to defend the city without wrecking it?!"
Suddenly, Sara Bellum, the mayor assistant spoke up
{{Insert picture of Ms. Bellum}}
Bellum: "I don't think you should complain, sir, cause you called them in..."
Mayor: "Well, I don't wanna be mayor of a junkyard!"
The four of you were getting exhausted as the professor and son also watched the fight, Ken noticed his father extremely worried
Ken: "What's the matter, dad, what's wrong?"
Professor Utonium: "The team are running out of power!!"
Despite your tiredness you all kept trying to fight Mojo, who didn't seem to be slowing down
Mojo: 'Hm... it seems like the Powerpuffs are running out of power, I'm gonna win!! Mommy always told me I was a winner!'
Mojo tried to punch you all but... you were nowhere to be seen... Mojo looked around before seeing you all eating ice cream...
Professor Utonium: "Hey, I know that place, that's the new ice cream shop!"
Ken began running out of the lab
Professor Utonium: "Ken, could you drop by and grab us some?"
Ken: "On my way!!"
It seemed like the battle was forgotten as everyone was enjoying some cold ice cream... yeah, even Mojo, even the mayor, who was complaining stopped when Bellum offered him caramel ice cream
However... the small break from life's hardships were interrupted when the preschool teacher approached on a bike
Teacher: "Hey you awful monkey, my kids are still trapped in that cage, so you better give me the key or they'll be trouble!"
Powerpuffs: "Oh yeah! The kids!!"
Mojo: "So... She wants to take my key, she will change her mind once she sees my new invention..."
(Y/N): "Hey! What new invention?!"
Mojo's eyes widened as he realized he spoke aloud
Mojo: "Oh uhm! Nothing! Uhm... ROBO JOJO!!!"
Suddenly some sort of machine jumped over to you all, landing right beside it's creator who climbed in, grabbed the teacher and flew away... but you and the rest of your team just stood there holding your ice creams... until the professor spoke through an intercom
Professor Utonium: "Please don't just stand there eating ice cream"
You all quickly finished your sweet treats in sync and with haste afterwards you all worked together to bring down Mojo's new robot, with Kaoru finishing it off with a good whack from her hammer
Mojo: "Ooouu... I won't forget this!! I'LL BE BACK!!!"
He yelled as he blasted away, dropping the teacher
Quick on your feet, you outstretched your hand as a cyan aura surrounded you, and soon the teacher was surrounded by the same aura... her fall quickly coming to a halt
Teacher: "Thank you, young man!"
(Y/N): "You're welcome!!"
Ken: "They did it!!"
The Professor and his kin celebrated
Bellum: "Well... looks like the day is saved, thanks to the Powerpuffs"
She informed the mayor... who was more interested in his ice cream at the moment
Mayor: "That's good! Where can we get more of this ice cream?!"
You used your telekinesis to pick the lock on the cage, freeing all of the children who cheered happily as they embraced their teacher
Momoko: "Well, professor, looks like we did it again!"
Miyako: "We're good at saving the day...!"
Kaoru: "And it's not even bedtime!!"
(Y/N): "Yeah! We're...- uhm... I don't have cool one-liner"
Momoko: "Oh, (Y/N)..."
Momoko playfully rolled her eyes, Miyako giggled and Kaoru put her arm around your neck, pulled you closer, and gave you a rough noogie...
However unbeknownst to any of you... a mysterious figure watched you and your friends...
???: "Laugh and play while you can... because soon... my plans will come into fruition... and I will be whole again... so enjoy your time together... you won't have any left when I'm done..."
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