Continuing from 'Lily - Part V'
LILY WAS TAKEN BACK when the Doctor grabbed her hand, but she was able to take Rose's in her other hand before he took off sprinting for the eye. "Think of it," He spoke after they stopped- letting go of each other's hands. He started his search for an opening somewhere underneath them. "Plastic all over the world, every artificial thing waiting to come alive. The shop window dummies, the phones, the wires, the cables.."
"The breast implants." Rose slid in- making Lily giggle.
"Still . ." The Doctor didn't notice her sly joke. "We've found the transmitter. The Consciousness must be somewhere underneath."
Lily noticed something in the distance and left their side to investigate. She put her hands on the railing and leaned over, spotting a staircase down below near the water that led to what was possibly the basement. "What about down here?"
After opening the vault, the trio started their descent down a short ladder and found themselves in a brick-built area with a ton of hanging chains surrounding them. From there, the Doctor led the sisters through a nearby door. The entire way Lily was sure to have Rose within arms reach of her- even as they walked down more flights of stairs. She reached behind her to take Rose's hand when the Doctor stopped them on a landing in a multi-level chamber. He pointed down at an orange, boiling goop. "The Nestene Consciousness." He told them and Lily was shocked that that 'thing' was living. It was unlike anything she'd seen in her dreams. "That's it, inside the vat. A living, plastic creature."
"Well, then." Rose's hand tightened in Lily's grip, and gazed down at it from her side. "Tip in your anti-plastic and let's go.".
"I'm not here to kill it." He told her. "I've got to give it a chance." The sisters watched on as he approached it cautiously. "I seek audience with the Nestene Consciousness under peaceful contract according to convention 15 of the Shadow Proclamation." The plastic started to bubble as a response. "Thank you." The Doctor nodded. "If I might have permission to approach?"
Lily watched as the Doctor walked away from them- taking the opportunity to lean to the side and whisper in Rose's ear. "I knew he could speak many languages but never would I imagine melted plastic would be one of them."
"Oh god, Mickey!" Was Rose's response when she saw Mickey a level below them. Lily let Rose pull her away and down the three steps to him, both getting down on his knees to his level. "Its us, okay? It's alright." They both at the same time hugged Mickey who was hunched up into a ball- sweat soaking his shaking body.
"That thing." His voice stuttered as he struggled to speak through his fear. "That thing down there- it can talk!"
Lily left them to stand up, calling down to the Doctor from over the metal railing. "Hey Doc!" She nicknamed him. "They kept him alive."
"Yeah, that was always a possibility." He replied, keeping his attention onto the alien goop. "Keep him alive to maintain a copy."
"So you decided to not give us that information?" Lily asked, a bit annoyed. "Could have been helpful, yah know."
The Doctor had ignored her comment- like he knew the cardinal rule about gingers. Never argue with them as you will be wasting your time. "Am I addressing the consciousness?" The plastic gurgled as a reply to the Doctor. "Thank you. If I might observe, you infiltrated this civilization by means of warp shunt technology. So, may I suggest, with the greatest respect, that you shunt off?" The plastic roared angrily, and the Doctor snorted. "Oh, don't give me that! It's an invasion, plain and simple. Don't talk about constitutional rights!"
The plastic started swirling about in a violent way- its liquid splashing over the vat. "I am talking!" The Doctor's voice boomed, echoing throughout the room. All three of the spectators' hearts quickened its pace as they feared what was to come. "This planet is just starting. These stupid little people have only just learnt how to walk, but they're capable of so much more. I'm asking you on their behalf- please, just go."
Lily's eye caught the mannequin men, the same from last night, marching up behind him. "Doctor!" Lily cried out, trying to warn him. "Doctor, look behind you!"
She couldn't get there in time before the two mannequins grabbed the Doctor, handing back his arms. The one of his left side reached into the Doctor's pocket and took out his vial, holding it up to their leader. "That was just insurance!" He protested. "I wasn't going to use it!" The plastic roared louder- making Lily's ears ring. "I was not attacking you!" He shouted. "I'm here to help. I'm not your enemy. I swear, I'm no-'' He was cut off when the plastic screeched. His face fell. "What do you mean?"
With caution, aware of her surroundings, Lily stood and waved a hand to Rose. "Stay with Mickey." She ordered before she inched closer and closer to the Time Lord.
"No, Lily." Rose hissed, obeying her but also trying to grab her wrist to pull her back. She was unable to so she resorted to begging. "Lily, what are you doing? Come back, please."
She was keeping her eyes on the Doctor but that was interrupted by the sound of a door above starting to open. Lily looked up and was in horror when she saw the TARDIS. "No," She had muttered, understanding its plans as if she spoke its language. "Oh god, please no."
She was sure the Doctor's face had matched her own- his masked with terror as well when he saw his box. "Oh, oh no . . . honestly, no!" The Doctor thrashed against his captures more, trying desperately to escape. "Yes, that's my ship." The Nestene Consciousness began roaring once more. "That's not true!" His eyes widened and filled with grief- the emotion reflected in his voice as well. Horror mixed with sadness and desperation. "I fought in the war! It wasn't my fault! I couldn't save your world! I couldn't save any of them!"
All those times Lily witnessed past Doctors in a predicament he always had someone with him, a companion in a sense, who was there to help him escape. When it came to this Doctor he didn't seem to have anyone. No companion to save him from things such as this- save him from himself. It was at that moment Lily vowed to herself that she'd be that person for him- for as long as time would allow her to be. "Doc!" She called to him. "What's it doing?"
"It's the TARDIS!" The Doctor answered her, barely able to twist around to face her. "The Nestene has identified its superior technology, it's terrified! It's going into the final phase. It's starting the invasion. Get out, the both of you! Just leg it, NOW!"
She had no more time to waste. She had to act fast if she wanted to get not just the Doctor, but Rose and Mickey to safety as well. Rose shouted something to Lily, however she was too focused to listen. She thanked whatever god existed when she found a collection of chains hanging from the ceiling, swaying side to side due to the tremors the Nestene 'temper tantrum' was creating.
She had to at least try and prayed that her sister wouldn't watch her die. Lily took a firm hold of a chain, both her hands gripping it tight enough to hurt. "Please don't make me regret this." She told herself before taking a running start, swinging out along teh side of the catwalk, down to the Doctor's side and kicking the two Autons into the vat. One was apparently still holding the blue vial- taking it with it as it fell. Once the Doctor caught Lily, stopping her from swinging to her doom, the Nestene vat started to scream as it turned blue. The Doctor gave Lily a grin- hands still gripping her waist. "That was brilliant!" he complimented her, then frowned when the Nestene began to screech. "Now we're in trouble." Thankfully, they all managed to get to the TARDIS and into safety, escaping before the Nestene exploded.
After the TARDIS materialized in an alleyway, Mickey was the first to exit in a full on sprint, falling to the ground when his legs tripped over themselves. He was still scrambling to get on his feet when the trio exited- the Doctor stayed in the open doorway, leaning a shoulder against it with arms crossed. When Rose met up with Mickey, bringing her phone up to her ear to get a hold of their mum, Lily looked to the Doctor who was already watching her. "Fat lot of good you were." She laughed.
"What's that supposed to mean?" She could tell he was joking, and she was so ready to play his game- needing the distraction from what they all faced.
Lily matched his stance, her folded arms mimicking his own, and sauntered closer to him. "You were useless in there. You'd be dead if I wasn't there to save you." She giggled. "Damsel in distress much?"
He didn't joke with her and instead said in the most serious of tones she's heard him use. "Thank you."
She felt something surge between them but it was interrupted by Rose, walking up behind Lily. "I just got off the phone with Mum. She's okay but shaken up." She tucked her phone back in her jean pocket. "We should start heading back?"
"Right." Lily was brought back to her reality, dropping her arms to her sides. "Yeah, we really should."
"You should. Or-" The sisters looked to the Doctor who had shrugged nonchalantly. "You could come with me." His full attention was on the ginger- as his invitation was meant only for her. "You've seen it. This box isn't just a London hopper- it travels anywhere in the universe and across time free of charge." He then gave Rose a smile. "Rose is invited too," A glare was sent Mickey's way, who was now looming close behind Rose. "Not him."
"Don't go!" Mickey exclaimed to Lily. "He's an alien! He's one of those . . . things!"
The Doctor continued on as if Mickey didn't speak at all- eyes still trained onto Lily's, ever sense they exited the TARDIS. "Your call, Red. You could stay here and fill your life with work, food and sleep, or you can go anywhere."
"Is it always this dangerous?" Lily asked, considering the once in a lifetime offer.
"You've had the dreams." The Doctor shrugged. "You can answer that."
"I-" Lily considered all that could come by giving him the answer she was sure he wanted. She thought of Rose, knowing she would follow right behind Lily if she said yes- and they'd travel the universe. The three of them. The 'TARDIS trio.' But when she thought harder, of all that could happen, the doubt started to set in and she had her answer. "I can't." The Doctor blinked- clearly not expecting that response. "I'm nothing like those companions you've had in the past, Doctor. I'm far from it actually. Let's face it, I would bring you more harm than good."
"No, I disagree." He retorted with a shake of his head. "I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for what you did."
"That was pure adrenaline. It may never happen again." She was saddened to admit it. The next thing she said it hurt her to say but it was the truth. "I belong here."
Something passed over the Doctor's eyes, but it went away so fast Lily couldn't decipher it. Every past version of him was always the foremost at hiding what they were truly thinking and this Doctor was no different. "Okay." Was all he said but he said it with a frown.
"But .." Lily gnawed at her lip. She had to soften the blow she just sent his way- struggling to find the right words to tell him as it was possibly their last time seeing each other. "Thanking you doesn't suffice how much you've done for me. Just by being real. But that's all I have so," Her serious tone mirrored the one he had given her mere moments before. "Thank you."
He smiled back. It could have been forced but she wasn't quite sure of it. "Thank you, Lily Carter. It was really good to see you again." He nodded to Rose, who had not left her side. "Rose." And then he was turning around, closing the TARDIS doors behind him.
"Lily .."
Lily did not acknowledge her sister. She could only watch as the TARDIS dematerialised in front of her- the wind it produced as it went blew through her hair. That sound of it leaving had haunted her dreams and will now continue to do so but in a different way than before. Was she trying to convince herself that she made the right choice?
Once it completely vanished, and once she realized he wasn't going to return to beg her to join him, she looked to Rose and Mickey and plastered a smile on her face. "Let's go." She didn't wait for them as she started down the alleyway. But when Lily started to fall into her thoughts she reached up to mess with her locket, as she always had when her mind was in this state, but paused when she found it missing from around her neck. Lily pondered- the Doctor still had her locket.
- Author's Note -
Hey guys! I'll be making one of these after almost every episode ends and sometimes at the end of filler chapters ..
AND it'll end with a question of the day so make sure you answer it <3
(& sometimes the end will only have the qotd without an 'author's note' lol)
I'm so sorry it took forever to finish this episode .. I hope it won't take as long for 'The End of the World' to come out. With the new season premiering tonight I'm hoping that it'll keep me in this 'Doctor Who' mood that I've been for a while- which is why yall are getting these updates! XD
I hope you guys enjoy the filler chapter right after this. Much shorter than what I was planning on doing. However, I did what I needed to do and it just came out short. But they won't always be short- I promise!
Talk to you guys later! I love y'all and have a great day/night! <33
Question of the Day
QOTD ~ Who do you consider is YOUR Doctor?
Kayleigh's answer ~ Definitely Eleven- my baby 🫶🏻 You have absolutely no idea how ready I am for him and Lily 💕🥲
Please leave your wonderful comments below and don't forget to vote :)
- Kayleigh
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