Continuing from 'Father's Day - Part IV'
LILY AND ROSE SAT SIDE BY SIDE ON THE FRONT PEW. The key was in Lily's hand, which she was currently flipping around, trying to come up with a plan. "What do we do?" Rose asked her. Lily couldn't answer her. She hadn't felt this lost in so long. The creature's roars got even louder.
"The Doctor really cared about you." Pete now stood in front of them, hands in pockets. "He didn't want you to go through it again, not if there was another way. Now there isn't."
"What are you talking about?" Lily frowned.
"The car that should have killed me, love. It's here. The Doctor worked it out way back, but he, er, he tried to protect me. Still, he's not in charge anymore. I am."
"But-" Rose stood up and choked back a sob. "You can't."
"Who am I, love?" Pete asked quietly, cupping her chin in his hand.
"My daddy." Rose whimpered.
Lily rose and Pete turned on her, doing the same with his other hand. Lily nearly fell at the familiar feeling of his rough skin. "Jackie, look at them." Pete insisted as the woman slowly walked up. "They're ours."
Jackie looked at them both, really looked at them, and softened, "Oh, of course." She whispered and finally pulled them into a group huh.
"I'm meant to be dead, Jackie," Pete said bluntly. "You're going to get rid of me at last."
"Don't say that!" Jackie shouted, a hand still around each of her daughter's waists/
"For once in your life, trust me." Pete cradled her face. "It's got to be done. You've got to survive because you've got to bring up our daughters." He turned to Rose. "I never read you those bedtime stories. I never took you on those picnics." His face drooped. "I was never there for you."
"You would have been."
He ignored her and looked at Lily. "And I never protected you. Not in the sense you needed to be as a Dad should. But I can do this for you." He took her face and his lips met her forehead, muttering. "I can be a proper dad to you now."
"It's not fair." Rose sobbed- Jackie pulling her closer to her side.
"I've had all these extra hours." He smiled as he addressed them both. "No one else in the world has ever had that. And on top of that, I got to see both of you. And you're both beautiful. How lucky am I, eh?" He chuckled. "So, come on, do as your dad says. You going to be there for me, love?" Rose nodded intensely, and Pete hugged her tightly. "Thanks for saving me," he told her, kissed her head, and let her go.
He then hugged Lily, whispering in her ear. "I'm sure you've seen me die once," Lily clutched the back of his shirt as the memories of being on the other side of that church window came back. "Don't watch again. I am so proud of the woman you've become." He kissed her cheek and let her go.
Pete gave Jackie one last kiss, took his vase, and walked out of the church. Rose ran after him first and Lily followed.
The latter watched her dad run into the road; the beige car coming towards him at a high speed. She closed her eyes, heard the impact, and then the vase break. A moment passed of silence. She didn't know if Rose got to him in time or not. She wasn't brave enough to look.
A pair of arms turned her around and wrapped around her. The person put a hand on the back of her head and pushed her face into their chest. "Shh," The Doctor softly spoke and she immediately relaxed- his fingers running down her locks. "Rose got there in time. You just breathe, okay?"
Peter Alan Tyler, the dad to Lily and Rose, was the most wonderful man in the world- and he died on the seventh of November, nineteen eighty-seven
Lily reentered the living room, a mug in each hand, and sat beside her mum on the couch. Jackie thanked her and took the steaming mug, sipping on the tea. Rose kindly agreed to stay back in the TARDIS for a bit after hearing what Lily wanted to tell their mum.
For herself, an entire day had passed on the TARDIS. The day after that day in eighty-seven Lily suggested that she and Rose had one of their beloved 'sister days' to help them both grieve. At one point, the Doctor even joined them, just in time to help them make a hoard of snacks out of anything they could find in the TARDIS kitchen.
Lily told them what she wanted to do that next morning, so they let her get changed and parked outside the Powell Estate, waiting for her to finish. The Doctor insisted on taking as much time as she needed. Lily was grateful for that.
"So, my love." Jackie settled into her seat. "What was so important you said you wanted us to be alone?" When Lily came home without Rose, her whereabouts were the first thing Jackie asked of her.
"Well, I'm adopted," Lily stated what they already knew. "And I never wanted to find my real parents because you and Rose were always enough for me. But," She ran a fingertip around the rim of her mug, tucking her legs underneath her. "I had recently learned my first hint of who they could be on one of my trips with the Doctor. I told Rose and I feel like it's about time I've told you."
"You're worrying me, Lils." Jackie put a hand on Lily's knee and the ginger instantly felt comforted. "Tell me."
A lump formed in Lily's throat. And though the hand on her knee helped she had to focus on it to keep the fear-filled tears at bay. "I can't age. I'm stuck at twenty-three after one trip through the time vortex. It was always in me- that just helped it click into place." Her mug remained untouched in her hands. "I don't know what I am. If I'm an alien or-" She forced a swallow. "But I know I'm not human." She tightened her hands around her mug as they started to tremble. "And I know that scares you-"
"Baby," Jackie put her mug and Lily's onto the coffee table. Using her now freed hands she pulled Lily towards her, wrapping her arms around her. Lily cuddled close to her side and continued to shake as her mum ran her fingers through the hair. "How about, when you've calmed down we go and get some ice cream?" Jackie offered. "And we can talk more, okay?"
Lily closed her eyes when Jackie started to repeatedly kiss the top of her head. "Okay," she sighed.
- Author's Note -
Gosh, this episode was so hard to write. It really hits you hard when you get into your characters head and start feeling what she feels. It's truly devastating and I'm so glad it's over, lol
We'll see Pete again, as you all know
Love you guys <3
Question of the Day
QOTD ~ What would you rather be doing in this exact moment?
Kayleigh's answer ~ I rather be packing and moving out of this hell hole I live in .. but don't wanna open up that can of worms 🥰
Please leave your wonderful comments below and don't forget to vote :)
- Kayleigh
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