Chapter 45
I truly am sorry about the year and a half wait for this chapter. I did not forget about this story, but life happens and things happen. I just needed time to heal from certain things and get back to myself. It's been a long and ongoing process to say the least.
I just want to thank everyone for your continued support. I truly do appreciate it all.
I also want to take this time to thank animechick247 for all the wonderful art she has posted on Deviant Art for this story, as well as being such a good supportive friend. I am truly blessed to have become friends with her. Also, it's her birthday today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY animechick247!
I also want to thank my brother for pushing and nagging me for the next chapter. He truly did light a fire under my ass to continue with this story.
So here is the next chapter. I hope you enjoy it :)
The wind howled and buffered with gale force strength, the torrential downpour of rain instantly soaking through their layers of clothing as they scrambled from the train station of Hogsmeade into a vacant carriage. The ride to Hogwarts was perilous to say the least, Lauren clutching tightly at the door handle when the carriage came dangerously close a few times to toppling over when a gust of wind pummelled against it.
"This is a really bad storm," Tracey declared, shouting to be heard over the raging storm.
"Yes, thank you for that astute observation," Lauren snapped back, her words drowned out by the loud crash of thunder overhead.
By some miracle their carriage arrived at the castle and pulled up to the entrance. The three friends braced themselves before sprinting up to the great oak front doors while the rain pelted at them, and stepped into the main entrance, which was lit with flickering torches that valiantly tried not to be snuffed out by the wind blasting in through the open doors.
A stern and haggard looking Professor McGonagall absently ushered them and the other students that had made it inside towards the Great Hall, where equally drenched students sat at their respective House tables, shivering uncontrollably and looking quite miserable.
"You know of any spells to dry us off?" Lauren asked Tracey as they headed towards the Slytherin table where emerald green banners proudly blazoned with a serpent were floating lazily above it. The enchanted ceiling swirled with dark and angry looking storm clouds, a real time reflection of the current weather conditions outside.
"Um, I think I might know one, but I've never tried it out before. I might accidentally set you on fire. Or evaporate your insides..."
Lauren gestured towards Draco, who was walking on the other side of Tracey. "That's why we keep him around. To use as a Guinea Pig."
"What's a Guinea Pig?" Draco asked, a frown furrowing his brows as they settled onto the hard wooden benches, Lauren trying hard to ignore the squelching sound her clothes made. She also tried to ignore the damp cold that was seeping into the very marrow of her bones, threatening to make her teeth chatter.
She shot him a decidedly wicked grin. "You're about to find out." Turning to Tracey she urged, "Go ahead. Try it out on him."
Tracey rolled her eyes. "No, Lauren. I have no desire to incinerate our friend, neither accidentally nor intentionally."
"You're no fun," Lauren muttered as she started to wring the excess water from her long hair. She stilled as she glanced up at the staff table, her eyes locking with Severus Snape, who was watching her with those fathomless black eyes of his. Her heart started to pound in her chest as he held her gaze. She didn't dare blink, this very moment imprinting to her core memory. For she knew that their interactions were going to be very limited for here on out, especially with Barty Crouch Jr. skulking around Hogwarts watching their every move. They could not risk blowing Snape's cover should their friendship be uncovered by him. His very life hung in the balance and they needed to lay low. And that meant showing absolutely no familiarity other than Professor and student.
Her heart twisted painful in her chest at the thought. She briefly wondered if he felt the same.
At least I'll get to see him during the Christmas holidays, she reminded herself. Where he will gleefully enjoy watching me splinch myself trying to Apparate during our lessons. That last thought was like a douse of icy water over her already soaked head.
Snape broke eye contact first, and it felt as though something was ripping painfully from her chest. It was as though her heart was already mourning him.
"Well, here come the first years. I'm sure we could try out the drying spell on one of those unsuspecting little twerps," Draco stated.
Lauren tore herself away from her internal heartache, and watched as a pathetically drenched and bedraggled line of little kids made their way to the front of the Great Hall.
"Not a bad idea, Malfoy," she agreed, forcing herself to act normal.
"We'll do no such thing," Tracey said aghast. Lauren and Draco grinned widely at their all too morally good friend.
"They're so tiny," Tracey whispered. "Were we really that small?"
"We were. Once. Ward here hasn't grown since," Draco replied.
Lauren flipped him a rude gesture that was accompanied by a scowl, which only had Draco grinning broadly back at her.
McGonagall called for silence and the whole room instantly hushed, none daring to disobey the strict Scottish teacher whose formidable reputation was well known to all. She cleared her throat and began to read out the names on the list. One by one the first years were sorted into their houses by the Sorting Hat, Lauren growing more and more irritable and uncomfortable as she sat in her wet clothes, her insides gnawing painfully from hunger.
Finally the sorting was complete and Dumbledore rose from his seat to address the students. After a few words of introduction and pleasantries, a delectable feast of mouthwatering food appeared on the tables. Golden roasted chicken, pork chops drizzled with garlic butter, honey glazed ham, creamy mashed potatoes, sauteed vegetables, and fresh buns smothered in butter, were some of the dishes that greeted their senses.
Soon the ravenous students were tucking in with gusto, their cold and wet clothes forgotten for the time being.
"Oh no," Draco suddenly moaned, causing Lauren to glance over at him.
"Pansy," he stated, a hint of venom to that single word.
Lauren's gaze travelled further down the table to the pug-faced girl in question, who was currently trying catch Draco's attention with unabashed arm waving. Draco, on the other hand, had angled his body in such a way so that his back was now turned to her.
Lauren turned her attention back to Draco. "Want me to hex her?"
"Lauren!" Tracey hissed. "You'll get in trouble." Lauren was about to make a scathing remark in return when Tracey continued in a lower tone, "At least make sure no one sees you."
The look Draco was currently giving Tracey was bordering dangerously close to adoration.
"Why, Miss Davis, you're full of surprises," Lauren chuckled.
Lauren waited until Pansy's attention was diverted to her custard pudding and then she concentrated, channelling her magic to the forefront. It thrummed through her veins with eager anticipation, and with controlled measures she waved her hand and sent the pudding flying into the other girl's face with a loud splat.
A roar of laughter erupted all around Pansy and she let out an indignant cry as she desperately tried to mop the thick yellow goop from her face.
Lauren, satisfied, smirked to herself and turned her attention back to Draco. "How was that?"
"That was brilliant! I owe you, Ward."
"Yeah, I know. I'm keeping score."
"I didn't know you could do wandless magic," Tracey stated.
Lauren stared at her friend, sensing her brilliant mind whirring at this newest revelation.
"I've, uh, been practising."
"Oh, you know. Here and there," Lauren said evasively, suddenly finding renewed interest in her food.
Tracey watched her shrewdly for a moment, but decided to drop it. But Lauren knew she wouldn't forget this piece of information, filing it away with the other tidbits of information she had accumulated over the years that just didn't add up.
One day she's going to put all the pieces together and figure it all out.
"It was so cool, though. The look on Pansy's face!" Draco exclaimed, those ice blue eyes glinting with mirth.
A smile of her own bloomed on Tracey's face. "Yeah, it was." She caught Lauren's eye and although she didn't say as much, Lauren could tell that she had earned some brownie points with her friend with that stunt.
Decidedly full from the feast, Lauren let her gaze wander around the Hall. She stilled when she suddenly realized Harry, Ron, and Hermione were watching her. They quickly glanced away at being caught at looking at her.
Great. That whole fiasco with Sirius and the Hippogriff has definitely placed me on their radar. Thankfully the upcoming Triwizard Tournament will keep them occupied and get their attention off of me.
Bellies now full of food, Dumbledore rose from his seat once more. There was the usual ramble of and rules and whatnot. And then he casually mentioned that Quidditch matches were cancelled for the year. This announcement was followed by outright shock, not to mention a few outbursts from some not very happy students. Dumbledore was about to continue when suddenly the doors of the Great Door banged open, startling everyone in the room.
All heads swivelled in the direction of the newcomer, who was heavily cloaked and leaning on a long staff. The man lowered his hood and shook out his scraggly grey mane of hair, sending droplets of water flying everywhere. He then started to make his way to the staff table, each alternating step enunciated by a heavy clunk, which echoed jarringly in the now silent Hall. All the students stared at him with rapt attention, entranced by his grotesquely scarred face and roving magical blue eye that whirred and swivelled in every direction.
Mad-Eyed Moody reached Dumbledore and shook his hand, muttering a few words to the Headmaster. He then made his way to his seat at the staff table and sat down with a hefty thunk before reaching over for a plate of sausages. His table manners were as rough as his appearance, and he paid no attention to everyone watching him as he speared a sausage with a knife and began to eat it, tearing at it like an animal.
"What...Who...?" Tracey was so stunned she couldn't even formulate a coherent sentence.
Lauren remained silent while she watched Barty Crouch Jr. His magical eye continued moving about while he ate, but she knew he was watching, observing them all. She was not surprised when it halted momentarily on Harry Potter. She did not anticipate, however, its attention focusing right on her in that very moment. She hastily schooled her features, drawing on her Occlumency to ensure she did not give any of her true thoughts away.
The eye lingered on her for a few moments and then continued roving all around the room. Lauren snuck a look over at Professor Snape and could tell that he, too, was shielding himself, his features a mask of cool impassiveness and indifference. If he sensed her eyes on him he did not show it. He knew the game and the role he needed to play now.
So the game begins, she thought to herself. May the odds be ever in your favour...
"May I introduce our new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher?" Dumbledore exclaimed cheerily in an attempt to get back on track. "Professor Moody."
If this was a movie moment, the chorus of crickets chirping would follow this announcement.
Dumbledore, in an effort to diffuse the awkward situation, then announced the upcoming Triwizard Tournament, and the arrival of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang in the following month. This was met with a chorus of exclamation and excitement. There was a cacophony of warring conversation as everyone debated who was going to enter. This excitement quickly turned to outrage by the announcement of the age limit.
Dumbledore ended the night with a command for them all to head to bed so that they would be refreshed and ready for the start of school in the morning.
"It's a pity about the age limit," Draco mused as the trio made their way down to the dungeons.
"Would you really have entered?" Tracey asked in surprise as she walked beside him. Lauren was flanking his other side.
"No," Draco snorted. "I'm a Slytherin. I'm all about self preservation. But I'm sure Potter would have entered his name. It would have been fun watch him get eaten by a dragon."
"The poor dragon would have suffered some seriously bad indigestion," Lauren interjected, causing the three friends to laugh out loud.
Just then Tracey was pushed roughly aside, her shoulder hitting against the hard stone wall and causing her to cry out. Before Lauren or Draco could react, Pansy looped her arm through Draco's and practically tried to drag him away from his companions.
"Come, Draco. You don't need to hang out with these losers. I'm much better company," she purred, her voice like nails scraping along a chalk board.
Draco, snapping back to his senses, glanced over at Tracey. Noting that she had been hurt, he dug his heels in and violently shoved Pansy away. "Don't you dare put your hands on me or my friends again," he warned, his eyes narrowed into dangerous slits as he glared daggers at Pansy.
Pansy placed her hands on her hips, a dark scowl shadowing her features. "I don't think your father would like hearing that you're hanging out with these two," she sneered, jerking her thumb in the general direction of Tracey and Lauren.
"I really don't care what my father thinks."
"Really? So if he happens to lose my father's support..." Pansy let her threat hang heavy in the air. "I don't think he'll be very happy with you if that happens."
Draco visibly paled, the implications of what she was saying hitting him like a slap in the face.
Lauren had had enough and decided to step in. "Really? You're resorting to blackmail, Pansy? That's low, even for you."
Pansy shrugged as she turned her attention to Lauren. "Our fathers want us to get better acquainted with each, considering that they are forming quite a partnership. That's exactly what I'm doing, and I'm sure Draco's father told him the same."
Lauren narrowed her eyes, no doubt in her mind that the vile girl had somehow convinced her father to play matchmaker and try and organize some sort union between her and Draco. "Well, it's a good thing I'm not obligated to play nice with you. I'm warning you, Pug-face, if you lay another hand on either my friends -."
"What are you going to do?" Pansy sneered in challenge, closing the distance between her and Lauren, her taller stature meant to be intimidating.
"Let's just say I'll put my exceptional potion skills to the test and slip you something that will have a very nasty and permanent affect."
Pansy scoffed, causing Millicent and Daphne to snicker from behind her. "I'm not scared of you, Lauren."
A slow sadistic smile crept on Lauren's lips as she stared back at the other girl. "It would be quite unfortunate if you were, perhaps, accidentally given some Polyjuice Potion with the hair of a dog. I'm thinking a Pug. It would be quite an improvement."
"That can be reversed. Professor Snape cured Hermione Granger when that happened to her."
Nothing is secret in this place...
"I know exactly how to make it permanent."
Pansy narrowed her eyes, the look in Lauren's eye hinting that she was dead serious and was telling the absolute truth. "You'd be expelled."
"You'd first have to prove it was me. And right now expulsion would totally be worth it just to see you live out the rest of your days as an itty bitty doggy."
The two girls glared at each other.
"Do you really want to risk it?" Lauren asked, arching her brow in challenge.
Pansy whirled around and stormed off, her two minions following closely behind her.
Lauren turned around to find Draco was already by Tracey's side, his hand placed reassuringly on her upper arm.
"Are you okay," he asked, concern shimmering in his ice blue eyes as he stared down at her.
Tracey gave a nod of head. "Yeah, but she might tell her dad, Draco, and then her dad will tell your're going to get in so much trouble." Tracey's doe eyes were large and round as she stared up imploringly at Draco.
Draco pressed his lips together in a thin line and thrust his hands in his pant pockets. "Let me worry about that if and when the time comes."
Tracey placed her hand on his upper arm, and in that moment the poor boy seemed to lose all coherent thought as he stared helplessly into her eyes, becoming lost in the ocean of her soul.
"How much trouble are you going to be in if he does find out?"
Draco blinked and swallowed a few times before he managed to reply, his voice distinctly hoarse. "Nothing I won't be able to wriggle my way out of."
Tracey stared up at him for a moment and then she suddenly wrapped her arms around his middle, leaning her head against his chest. "I don't think I can lose you as a friend again, Draco. Not again"
Draco opened and closed his mouth like a fish out of water. Usually he was so composed and sure of himself. Confidence was something Draco did not lack. But right now a simple hug from the girl his heart belonged to had reduced him to a puddle.
Then by some miracle he managed to regain some of his senses and he slowly enveloped his arms around Tracey, holding her close against him. "You won't lose me, Tracey. I promise you this."
"But your father..."
"Leave him to me."
Tracey lifted her head and they stared into each other's eyes, a very private and poignant moment developing between them in this exact moment.
Lauren inched back as quietly as she could, intent on giving them some privacy when Tracey suddenly blinked, the moment between them now broken like the shards of a mirror. She blushed, her cheeks burnishing bright pink, and glanced down, suddenly realizing she was in Draco's arms. The blush turned into a crimson shade of red and she extracted herself from his arms. Draco let her go but stood rooted to the spot, looking as though he had lost his only lifeline.
", I think we, go to our dormitory," Tracey murmured, unable to look either Draco or Lauren in the eye.
Lauren wanted smack her palm hard against her forehead. Those two had come so damn close!
She tried to give Draco a reassuring tight-lipped smile but he studiously kept his head down. Her heart went out to him.
Her two friends walked on either side of her in complete silence, each lost in their own thoughts. She glanced from left to right, from Draco to Tracey.
I hope I wasn't this idiotic when I was their age.
Lauren inwardly shuddered when she thought back to her dubious choices of boyfriends. maybe I was worse...
Lauren inwardly sighed. She knew they would eventually find their way to each other, but she might have to give them a helping push during the Yule Ball.
They reached the Slytherin Common Room and Tracey and Draco awkwardly bid each other good night. Lauren wanted nothing more than to call Tracey an idiot but she sensed it was best to leave her alone to her thoughts and not press her on the subject of Draco as they made their way to their beds. Thankfully Pansy and her gang were already asleep. Lauren was pretty damn sure that her threat had scared Pansy off for a while, but she still made sure to place protective charms around their beds.
As she lay in bed her thoughts drifted to Mad-Eyed Moody aka Barty Crouch Jr. Lauren knew she could not let her guard down around him. She smirked as the term 'Constant Vigilance' sprang to mind. Yes, she would need to exercise constant vigilance around him. Lauren retrieved the Advanced Occlumency book Snape had bestowed to her and pored over its script, absorbing its teachings and practising everything she had learned just as she had been doing so every night since she had received it.
After a while her fingertip traced the printed words, wondering if Severus' own finger had once traced this particular passage just as she was now doing? In a lonely pathetic sort of way she felt that they were somehow connected in this very moment. She shook her head from such silly notions and concentrated, implementing the teachings from the book. A few hours later she fell into a deep sleep.
"Lauren! Wake up!"
Lauren, who was mid snore, awoke with a grunt. "Wha'?"
"It's time to get up," Tracey urged.
"Whatever for?"
"We don't want to be late the first day of school."
Lauren gazed bleary-eyed around and saw that she was indeed back at Hogwarts. Like it or not, she had to get up and go to class. Stretching her arms out in a mighty stretch, which was accompanied by a loud yawn, she then staggered out of bed, rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she prepared to get ready for school. She noted that Pansy, Millicent, and Daphne were nowhere in sight, and had to presume they had risen early and had already headed to breakfast. Which suited her just fine. She wasn't quite ready for a cat fight until she'd had her first cup of tea.
They met up with Draco, who was waiting patiently for them in the Common Room. The boy's pale cheeks tinged a sweet hue of pink at the sight of Tracey. Tracey, for her part, gave him a shy smile in greeting. They were both being so awkward around each other, it was damn near infuriating.
Lauren had no patience for their antics of tip toeing around each other right now, and headed straight to the door of the Common Room. "Tea first. Talk later," she flung over her shoulder, stifling another big yawn.
Her two friends followed behind her as she made her way to the Great Hall, both of them used to the fact that she was so not a morning person. Every so often she could discern them talking quietly to each other from behind her.
She plonked herself down heavily on the hard wooden bench of the Slytherin table and poured herself a steaming mug of tea, nursing the hot infusion as though it were the elixir of life. Draco and Tracey arrived shortly after and sat down, Draco in the middle of the two girls. They dished themselves up some breakfast while they chatted to each other, Lauren steadfastly ignoring them. They seemed to be making things right between them perfectly fine without her.
She was about half way through her tea when her senses tingled and she glanced up to see Snape making his way down the aisle, handing out their timetables. When he reached her he wordlessly handed Lauren hers. She accepted the proffered timetable and glanced up at him for but a brief moment. As soon as their eyes met he turned his attention away and continued with his task of handing out the timetables, not a shred of familiarity showing on his features at their split second interaction.
Her heart twisted painfully in her chest, though Lauren vigilantly kept her features neutral as she read over her timetable. Logically she knew this was how it was supposed to be between them from now on. She understood the risks. She knew the act they had to perform. But moments like these – the little moments, a shared look, a glimpse of a shared friendship - were difficult to hide. And, she admitted to herself, it hurt to act this way.
"History of Magic first, and then Care of Magical Creatures with the Gryffindors," Tracey announced as she primly folded her timetable and tucked into her robe pocket.
Draco groaned out loud. "I wonder what that oaf has got in store for us this year?"
"Knowing Hagrid, it could be anything," Lauren replied reaching for a slice of toast and slathering it with strawberry jam.
"Well, whatever he has in store I sure hope it's better than those Flobberworms," Tracey interjected. "Those were really boring."
"Careful what you wish for," Lauren warned, her mind instantly going to the Blast-Ended Skrewts.
"Yeah, I'm with you on that opinion, Ward. Boring for Hagrid is safe for us," Draco agreed.
Tracey glanced at her wristwatch. "We had better head off to History of Magic."
Lauren took one last bite of her toast and washed it down with the remnants of her tea before wiping her mouth with a napkin as she rose to her feet. "Good. I could do with a nap."
"Lauren, you're supposed to pay attention," Tracey scolded, though there was very little heat to her tone.
"I'll transfigure some pillows if you transfigure some blankets," Draco supplied.
Tracey merely shook her head, though she smiled when she said, "I'll give you two my notes later on tonight."
"Atta girl," Lauren said with a wide grin.
"You are the best, you know that, right?" Draco stated.
Tracey's cheeks turned a pleased shade of pink. Lauren noted, though, that there was a distinct spring in Tracey's steps as they made their way to their first lesson of the day.
Lauren felt distinctly refreshed from her power nap as she and the rest of the Slytherins headed down to Hagrid's hut.
Pansy, Daphne, and Millicent were walking ahead of them, and the trio kept shooting venomous glares over their shoulders at them. With a wide smile plastered on her face Lauren lifted her hand and wiggled her fingers in greeting. Pansy glared daggers at her before turning her attention away with a harrumph.
It would be all too easy to slip something into her drink...
As they neared Hagrid's hut, Lauren had to begrudgingly pull herself out of her daydream of Pansy now turned into a Pug and chasing after a bright red ball that Millicent and Daphne were throwing for her, her little yips floating in the air.
The stench of rotting fish hit her nose and Lauren gagged. "What is that smell?!" she choked, covering her nose with the sleeve of her robe.
"I think it's coming from those crates," Tracey murmured, trepidation evident in both her features and demeanour as she, too, covered her nose.
Hagrid was standing by some crates, from which the sound of periodic explosions could be heard from within.
Draco let out a drawn out groan. "Great. Just bloody great. Even Divination is better than this."
Lauren wasn't sure she would go that far, but she rather preferred all her extremities still attached to her body – something one was at huge risk of losing during Hagrid's lessons.
"On'y jus' hatched," Hagrid stated proudly, puffing out his chest proudly as he hooked his thumbs into his pant pockets. "So ye'll be able ter raise 'em yerselves! Thought we'd make a bit of a project of it."
"And why would we want to raise them?" Draco asked, his features set into that of someone who was trying to solve a very complex and difficult Arithmacy equation, and was failing miserably at coming to some plausible answer.
Lauren had to agreed with him. She couldn't for the life of her understand why they would want to raise these...things.
Hagrid looked stumped at the question posed to him.
"I mean," Draco elaborated, "what do they do? What is the point of them?"
Lauren hummed in agreement. Draco was bringing up some very valid question – questions she wanted answers to as well.
But the Golden Trio saw it as an attack on their favourite teacher, and were shooting Draco some hateful looks.
"Tha's next lesson, Malfoy," Hagrid finally declared. "Yer jus' feedin' 'em today." Hagrid proceeded to instruct them to try and feed them them an assortment of ant eggs, frog livers, and snake grass.
"How are we supposed to feed them?" Lauren whispered. "I don't see any mouths!"
"I don't know," Tracey whispered back as all three friends peered into the crate with their Blast-Ended Skrewts. Suddenly one of the Skrewts end exploded like a firecracker, sending off dangerous sparks. Draco, Tracey, and Lauren hastily backed away.
"Well, I don't know about you," Draco stated, sharing a knowing look with both girls, "but I think it would be best to just toss whatever in there and hope for the best."
And that is exactly what they did. Tracey ensured there was enough distance between her and the box before tossing in a handful, and Draco hastily slammed the lid back on the crate.
There were exclamations of disgust all around them, along with a few yowls of pain as some of the students were burnt.
"I agree with Draco," Pansy declared loudly so that the whole class could hear. "What is the point of these things? They smell disgusting and are constantly trying to blast our hands off. Who wouldn't want to keep them as pets?" The last part of her statement was dripping with sarcasm, causing her two friends to snicker on either side of her.
Pansy looked over at Draco and winked. She was obviously trying to get back on his good side.
Draco scowled and looked away.
Hermione, Ron, and Harry, however, went on the defensive, and soon a war of words broke out between them and Pansy and her gang.
The rest of the day passed in relative normalcy, and soon it was time to head back to their dormitories. As Lauren, Draco and Tracey were about to pass the entrance of the Great Hall, they noted a large crowd had gathered in the courtyard.
"What's going on?" Tracey asked, trying to stand on tiptoe to see over the heads of the students that had gathered.
"Let's find out." Draco grabbed her hand and started to lead her to a spot where they could see what was happening, Lauren following close behind as they pushed through the crowd.
They found a vantage viewpoint and it took a moment for Lauren's mind to comprehend what she was seeing.
Moody was standing in the courtyard with Ron, Hermione, and Harry standing behind him. He had his wand pointed and was flicking it up and down. Something round and fawn coloured with bits of black was bouncing up and down, emitting a sound like a chew toy each time it hit against the stone floor.
" that?" Lauren asked, cocking her head to the side in puzzlement.
"I...I think it's a pug," Tracey responded.
"You mean like the dog?"
Tracey gave a nod of her head. "Yes, Lauren. Just like the dog."
"How did a dog get in the school?"
"I don't think it's actually a dog, Ward," Draco drawled, his ice blue eyes narrowed as he observed what was going on. Lauren vaguely noted that Draco and Tracey were still holding hands as they observed the drama playing out.
"Of course it's a dog, Draco! Can't you see?"
"Look at who's standing behind the dog."
Lauren did as she was told and her eyes widened like saucers when she spied Millicent and Daphne. "Oh," she drew out, comprehension hitting her.
"That's Pansy!" Tracey whipped her head around to look at Draco, her features aghast.
Draco shot her the famous Malfoy grin. "Don't tell me you're feeling sorry for her. Because I'm not."
Tracey opened her mouth and then closed it. She looked back at Pansy and then back at Draco. Tracey looked very conflicted. She was saved from answering by the arrival of McGonagall, who quickly transfigured Pansy back to human form. There was an exchange of very heated words between the two adults before Moody marched the bedraggled girl down to the dungeons to have a talk with Snape.
I wish I could see Severus' expression when he learns what happened to Pansy. It's going to take all his acting skills to keep a straight face. Lauren sobered as another thought came to her. Though I dare say his interaction with Moody aka Barty Crouch Jr. is not going to be pleasant. I wish I could visit him tonight to make sure he's alright...It saddened her knowing that it wasn't a possibility.
The entertainment now over, the crowd dispersed and the students decided to head to the Great Hall for dinner.
"That wasn't right what he did to Pansy," Tracey murmured.
"She deserved it," Draco stated matter-of-factly, his eyes glinting as they followed the crowd. Lauren noted that he was still holding Tracey's hand.
"Maybe, but it doesn't make it right."
"Why not?" Draco asked. They reached the Slytherin table, the Great Hall bustling with animated conversation about what had just happened in the courtyard. Draco and Tracey finally let go of each other's hands as they sat down to eat, though it did not escape Lauren's attention that they were sitting quite close to each other.
But they still won't bloody well admit their feelings for each other, Lauren mentally grumbled to herself.
Tracey sighed as she tried to find the right words to express her discomfiture at the whole situation.
"It wasn't right because he's in a position of power and she is not, and he used his greater power to hurt her. There are right ways and wrong ways of doing things," Lauren explained as she casually dished up a healthy helping of Shepard pie. "It's what separates the good from the evil."
Tracey gawped at her.
"That...was actually quite a good explanation."
"I still agree with Draco, though. She deserved it."
Tracey pursed her lips but begrudgingly agreed. "Yes, she did. But it still doesn't make it right."
Draco's brows furrowed together as he mulled over Lauren's words. "You wanted to give Pansy some tainted Polyjuice Potion. Doesn't that make you as bad as Moody?"
"I've thought about it and I've talked about it, but I haven't actually done it," Lauren pointed out.
"Why not?"
"For one, she won't let me," Lauren stated, pointing her fork at Tracey.
Tracey gave a nod of agreement. "True."
"So if Tracey wasn't around you would do it?"
"In a heartbeat," Lauren stated, flashing a toothy grin.
"What? You're the good one. I'm the bad one. Everyone knows that."
"And what does that make me?" Draco asked.
"I told you, you're our Guinea Pig," Lauren replied before shovelling another forkful of food into her mouth.
Draco shook his head but he was smiling at their lighthearted banter. Tracey must have filled him on what a Guinea Pig was. The rest of dinner progressed with easy conversation between the three friends, though Lauren could sense that Draco was evaluating her words, which oddly enough seemed to somehow have an impact on the boy.
The next day dawned far too early for Lauren's liking, and during breakfast she let out a heartfelt curse when she noted that the Slytherins first lesson of the day was with Moody.
I'm going to need two cups of tea for this.
Lauren sat in unnatural silence at her desk as she fortified her Occlumency Shields, ignoring the chattering buzz of the excitable students surrounding her. She would be lying if she said she didn't feel a sense of trepidation, for Barty Crouch Jr. was a seasoned wizard and a Death Eater on top of that. He was not someone she wanted to personally mess with. Even she possessed sense enough to know that.
Breathe in...control you breathing...imagine a deep lake where your thoughts and emotions reside...there is nothing but you and the lake, its surface impenetrable and guarded, hiding everything in its deep fathomless depths...
Lauren could feel the cool calm haze descend upon her as her Occlumency shields slid into place. She was in absolute control of her emotions and thoughts. She could not afford for her famous temper to rear its ugly head, especially now.
She needed to do this for Severus Snape.
Moody entered the classroom, his wooden leg clunking against the stone floor with every alternate step. He paused at his desk and eyed the Slytherins seated in his class, his magical glass eye roving from one face to another. She was surprised when the eye barely lingered on her, instead swiftly turning its attention to the next student.
It seems that Barty Crouch Jr. has learned from Quirrell's past mistakes and is trying not to rouse my suspicions, Lauren mentally mused.
"Put your books away," Moody ordered in his rough gravelly voice. "You won't be needing them for today's lessons."
The Slytherins hesitantly did as they were told.
Moody ambled around his desk and reached into a drawer, producing a jar of spiders. He held up the jar for the whole class to see as the nimble-legged black creatures within scurried about, trying futilely to find an escape. "It is painfully clear that you are all very ill unprepared and uneducated when it comes to the Dark Arts. As your teacher I'm only supposed the be teaching you counter curses and leave it at that. But that doesn't really teach you how to defend yourselves, does it? It doesn't educate you on how to sense an attack and defend yourselves against it. So today I'm going to teach you all about Dark Curses."
Silence followed his statement.
"Now, can anyone explain to me what Unforgivable Curses are?"
Tracey, predictably, raised her hand in the air.
Moody glanced at her, his magical eye rolling back in his skull to look over the register laying on his desk. Lauren briefly wondered how much motion sickness medication he consumed so as not to become sick with that eye constantly moving about.
"Miss Davis, is it?"
"Yes, sir," she replied.
"Go on. Enlighten us."
"The Unforgivable Curses are the most powerful and sinister spells known to the wizarding world, and are the strongest Dark spells known in existence. They are tools of the Dark Arts and were first classified as 'Unforgivable' in 1717, with the strictest penalties attached to their use."
"Correct," Moody praised. "Now can anyone beside Miss Davis here name the three Unforgivable Curses?"
An uncomfortable silence descended upon the room as the Slytherins contemplated whether this was a trap of some sort.
Moody made a low grumbling sound. "Come now. I'm sure some of your parents have told you all about the Unforgivable Curses."
There was a certain hint of animosity to his words, and Lauren was puzzled as to why Barty Crouch Jr. would hold such contempt towards the children of some of his fellow Death eaters. Then the answer hit her.
He considers their parents traitorous scum who did not seek out and help his Master in his time of need. He's taking his anger and resentment out on their children in retaliation. It would also explain his hatred towards Snape and Karkaroff.
"How about you, Miss Parkinson? Care to tell us what one of those curses are?"
Lauren glanced over at Pansy and saw that the girl was glaring daggers at her desk, her humiliation at his hands still fresh in mind. She refused to look up at him.
The good thing about her now hating Moody is that she and her goons are leaving me and Tracey alone...
"You mean to tell me you can't even name one?" he goaded. "Surely your time as a little puppy dog didn't scramble your brains that much?"
Pansy's head snapped up, a scowl thundering her features, and she spat out, "The Imperious Curse."
Moody's heavily scarred face shifted into a funny expression and Lauren had the impression he was smirking at Pansy. "Yes, your father – though a complete idiot - was very talented with that curse."
A fine tremble coursed through Pansy's body as she glared back at him with venom reflecting in her eyes, her hands clenched into tight fists under her desk.
Moody seemed unperturbed as he unscrewed the lid of the jar and swiftly captured a spider. Placing the spider on his desk he pointed his wand at it and enlarged it so that the spider was now the size of the palm of his hand before muttering, "Imperio!"
Lauren watched with morbid fascination as Moody made the spider cartwheel and tap dance on his desk, putting on a show for everyone in the room against its will. It was completely under his spell. He explained to them in a clinical tone the total control this particular spell gave a caster over a person, forcing them to do their bidding, whether from doing a mundane task like brushing their teeth to something more sinister such as killing another person or ending their own life.
Like a puppet Master controlling a puppet...
"The Imperius Curse can be fought, and I'll teach you how later on. But it takes strength of character, and not everyone's got it." Moody straightened up. "What's the next curse? Anyone"
Moody's magical eye roved around the deadly silent room, searching for a victim, and then his sights landed on Draco. "What about you, Mr. Malfoy?"
Everyone seemed to hold their breath. Draco calmly met the Auror's gaze and drawled in a bored tone, "The Cruciatus Curse."
Moody grunted, both his normal and magical eye glued to the platinum-haired boy. "Something your father told you about? Or perhaps...showed you."
Draco merely shrugged, his famous Malfoy arrogance surfacing. "My father has told me many things."
"I'm sure he has," Moody replied gruffly. He stared at the boy for a moment longer before turning his attention back to the spider upon the desk and pointed his wand at it. Lauren's whole body tensed as he uttered the spell, causing the spider to spasm and jerk about. Lauren thought she detected a feint high-pitched whistle in the air and realized with sickening clarity that the sound was coming from the spider. Watching something so helpless being tortured soured her stomach and made her feel physically ill.
Finally after what seemed like an eternity, Moody raised his wand and the spider curled up into a tight ball, its body shaking and trembling all over. Lauren somehow knew that if the spider had a voice it would be sobbing uncontrollably right now, its voice hoarse from screaming over and over and over again.
This is sick.
Moody turned around to face them. There was nothing reflecting in his grotesque features to hint that he was disturbed by what he had just done to the poor spider. "Anyone care to tell me what the third curse is?"
Lauren glanced around and was relieved to find that for the most part most of the students appeared shocked and sickened by what they had just witnessed. A select few who consisted of Crabbe, Goyle, Pansy, Millicent, and Daphne seemed unaffected, though this came as no surprise to Lauren.
But no one raised their hand to supply the last answer. No one wanted to give away just how much they really knew about the Dark Arts and come under Moody's scrutiny.
Moody started pacing the room, his wood leg clunk clunking.
"What about you?"
Lauren startled and glanced up to find the Professor standing in front of her desk. His good eye was dark and beady, boring into her while his magical eye whirred around. Lauren's throat suddenly felt dry and she gave a shake of her head. There was no way in hell she was going to name the last curse and be the cause of that spider's death.
"You're Lauren Ward?"
Lauren did not like the fact that his attention was solely upon her. She was distinctly aware that everyone was staring at her. She gave a single nod of her head in reply.
Moody scratched at his chin. "You're a descendant of Bethany Ward, aren't you?"
She didn't break eye contact as she answered. "Yes."
A fact I'm sure you already know.
"Hmmm...she used to be part of Gellart Grindewald's army. Did you know that?"
Lauren, truthfully, hadn't pondered too much about her mother's role in the war when she had been involved with Grindewald. Mainly because she really didn't want to think about it. But if she was being honest with herself, there would have been times when Bethany may have used some questionable tactics during that time.
"I'm sure she knew a thing or two."
Lauren remained silent as she stared back at him, her features a mask of neutrality.
"You want to take a guess what the last curse is?"
Lauren kept her mouth shut and shook her head slowly from side to side, never taking her eyes off the man before her.
He eyed her, the moment stretching out between them. Finally he turned his back on her.
Unfortunately this meant that his attention was now focused on the spider, which was still curled up into a trembling ball upon his desk.
"Avada Kedavra!" Moody shouted out, and a dazzling bright green light shot out from his wand, hitting the spider and causing it to roll over into a dead husk.
At least the poor thing's out of its misery.
Lauren tore her gaze from the spider and stared at Moody, who was now limping back towards his desk.
"Avada Kedavra. The Killing Curse," he lectured. "There's no countercurse. There's no blocking it. There is no surviving it. There is only one known person who has lived to tell the tale, and he's right here in this school."
"Harry Potter," a boy supplied.
"Yes," Moody grunted in agreement. "Now Avada Kedavra needs a bit of powerful magic behind it. You have got to mean it when you say it. That's why it is considered Dark magic. Only a person whose soul is dark and damaged, a person who is truly willing to kill, is capable of performing this particular curse..."
Lauren's thoughts went straight to Snape and the image of him killing Dumbledore. His soul was already considered dark, torn, unwhole, when he had uttered those words. That's why he was able to do it. But what made it worse was that Dumbledore had basically condemned him to that path when he had asked him to kill him. That night his soul had been irreparably ripped apart, never to be whole again. There would be no atonement for the Potion Master.
Lauren barely registered the rest of the lesson as her mind buzzed with these thoughts.
Finally the bell rang and the students filed out.
"That was..." Tracey fumbled for words. Draco was walking beside her, a slight frown etched on his face as they headed towards their dormitory. He seemed to be digesting what he had just witnessed during their lesson as well.
"Sickening," Lauren stated.
"Yeah. That poor spider," Tracey lamented. "I can't imagine the pain it went through. was awful."
"Torture and murder is always awful, Tracey," Lauren pointed out.
"I know that, Lauren. And I know it was all part of the lesson to teach us what the Dark Arts are really about. But there was something about that lesson...I don't know how to explain it."
"It was unsettling to see firsthand what types of cruelty people can create and inflict upon each other, and what people are really capable of doing to each other?"
Draco remained silent as he listened to the girls' conversation, the cogs turning in his brain at the realization that everything his father had taught him and what he been made to idolize from such a young age perhaps wasn't...right.
The next few weeks passed by and the yearning to visit Snape growing stronger with each passing day, but she managed to tamper down the temptation and resist. It was an alienating, almost depressing feeling at not even being able to glance in the general direction of the staff table during meal times, or search for hidden messages scrawled on her Potion essays. There were no knowing looks shared between them during Potion lessons, Severus Snape keeping those professional boundaries firmly in place. It was almost as though the last three years between them had never existed.
That thought alone was almost too excruciating to bear.
Thankfully distraction came in the form of homework, which the teachers seemed all too eager to pile onto them. Lauren would normally grumble, bitch, moan, and procrastinate about all of it, but it offered her a much needed distraction. For once she had all her homework completed with minimal nagging from Tracey.
If she was expecting an award from her friend for this accomplishment, she never got it.
One day Moody announced during a Defence Against the Dark Arts lessons that he was going to perform the Imperius Curse on each of them.
No one seemed particularly eager at that announcement.
"You need to know what it feels like to be under the Imperius Curse, and learn how to fight it," Moody growled as he shuffled the students into a line.
"I don't think I like the sound of this," Tracey murmured from behind Lauren.
Lauren couldn't have agreed more with her friend, and swallowed down the lump that had formed in her throat. She wasn't particularly fond of the fact that Barty Crouch Jr. was going to try and control her. She diligently fortified her Occlumency shields. Snape was relying her to play her part and not give anything away regarding his true allegiance. She breathed in deeply through her nose and then out through her mouth, reigning in her terror that she might fail. She clenched and unclenched her fists and closed her eyes, working on controlling her breathing and heart rate.
She opened her eyes, satisfied that she was prepared for what was to come. She watched as each of her classmates were placed under the spell, some performing silly stunts, others singing, while others danced. Lauren's gaze drifted towards Moody. There was a certain look, a certain glint in those eyes as he observed each student, and she realized that he was searching for those who showed an ability to fight off the Imperius Curse.
I'm going to need to pretend that I'm under his spell when he casts it...he can not find out that I am able to resist the Imperius Curse.
She turned her attention back to her classmates, noting their happy dazed expression, like high-as-kites hippies who had had one too many and were singing around a campfire.
Her cunning Slytherin mind observed all of this and took mental notes.
She did crack a smile, however, when it was Pansy's turn and Moody commanded her bark like a dog.
Finally it was her turn. Moody motioned for her to stand before him and she silently obeyed.
"Ready?" he asked.
"Yes, sir," she said with a nod of her head.
His good eye narrowed and then he aimed the wand at her. She had a brief moment of panic that the last thing she was going to see was a flash of bright green before Voldemort's puppet decided to put an end to her.
There was a slight pressure against her mental shields, almost as though someone was draping a damp blanket over her mind. She could sense it on the outskirts, though it was unable to penetrate her shields. She knew that she would be able to dissipate the spell if she really wanted to. Her Occlumency lessons with Snape were beginning to pay off.
It's showtime!
Lauren relaxed her body and managed to don a stoned expression as she stared back at Moody like he were her long lost friend. Or an adorable shaggy dog.
Moody watched her for a second with shrewdness and then he growled, "Sing a song."
Oh boy. You don't know what you're asking...
Lauren belted out the first song that came to her, which unfortunately was 'Baby Shark'. Another misfortune for everyone was that she couldn't hold a tune to save her life. Deacon had once remarked after a drunken night of karaoke that she sounded as though the Chipmunks were being stabbed to death repeatedly with blunt forks.
"Stop!" Moody shouted, clasping his gnarled hands over his ears. He hastily waved his wand at her and Lauren blinked, pretending to come to her senses as she felt that slight pressure against her mind lift. She glanced around, noting with devilish glee that everyone was visibly cringing and covering their ears with their hands.
"What happened?" she asked innocently, turning her attention back to the Professor.
Moody shook his head, causing his magical eye to whir around in its socket. "For the love of god, never sing again. Next!" he barked, gesturing for her to get out of his sight.
Lauren suppressed her grin as she went to join the rest of her classmates who had already undergone the Imperius Curse.
"Your singing is awful," Pansy jeered when she passed by.
Lauren turned to look at her, smiled sweetly, and said, "Woof!"
Pansy scowled at her and turned her back on Lauren.
Moody finally ended the lesson with the order of Constant vigilance!.
"You know, having grown up in the wizarding world, I've had the great displeasure of listening to bands made up of banshees, goblins, and vampires. But never have I ever heard such a horrendous sound in all my life as I did when you sang. I think I'm with Moody on this. Please never sing again, Ward," Draco pleaded. He wore the look of someone who had experienced a very near death experience.
"Oh, stop being dramatic," Lauren said flippantly.
"I'm not being dramatic. I think my ears even started bleeding. And what was that awful song you were singing."
Lauren grinned a toothy grin. "It's called Baby Shark. A very annoying song back in the Muggle World."
Draco shook his head, probably in a futile attempt to try and rid himself of that torturous memory that would surely haunt him for the rest of his days.
"It could have been worse," Tracey mused.
"What could be worse than that?" Draco asked incredulously.
"I dunno...maybe the Barney theme song."
Lauren pulled a face. Not even she would stoop that low.
Draco shook his head. "You nearly suffered near deafness. What's got you so happy, Tracey?"
Tracey gave him an impish grin and Lauren inwardly giggled at the sight of Draco's cheeks turning pink. He really was putty in her hands.
"Well, I was just thinking...I think we've found a deterrent."
"Next time Pansy tries to cause trouble, we'll just threaten her with Lauren's singing. That'll scare her off quickly."
"That...might actually work. I like the way you think, Tracey." Draco was smiling at her with that smile that he reserved solely for her, and her alone.
"I, on the other hand, am feeling distinctly used," Lauren huffed.
"All for the good," Tracey assured as she patted her shoulder. "Hey, what's going on here?"
They had arrived at the Entrance Hall where a large crowd had gathered. The trio managed to push their way close enough so that they could see the large sign that had been posted announcing the arrival of Durmstrang and Beauxbatons on the 30th October at six o'clock, where there would be a welcoming feast.
"That's next week," Tracey declared, turning to face her two friends with excitement lighting her features. "Isn't this exciting."
"For us, yes, because we won't be the ones risking our lives during the tournament," Lauren replied.
"I'm sure nothing bad will happen. Dumbledore wouldn't allow it."
Lauren gave a derisive snort.
"Did you forget the dragons?" Draco asked. "He's allowing that."
Tracey opened her mouth and then closed it. "Fair point," she finally agreed.
When Lauren had first read the Harry Potter books as a young teenager, she had found the whole concept of the Triwizard tournament enthralling and exciting. But now she had to wonder who in their right mind would allow kids who were barely adults to go through such dangerous and life threatening tasks. So many thing could have gone wrong with the dragons alone. And then other things had gone very wrong.
Lauren shook her head. It's not my problem. I just need to stay out of it and let things play out the way they're supposed to.
Nervous tension built up in the week that followed until finally the day arrived when their honoured guests would arrive.
The Slytherins dropped off their bags in their dormitories and then gathered in the Common Room, where a dour faced Severus Snape was waiting for them, his attire of black seeming more severe than usual. He stood ramrod straight as he waited for everyone to arrive, his very presence commanding everyone's attention. His dark fathomless eyes roved over his wards, and just for a split second his eyes landed on her and held her gaze. Lauren's heart gave a lurch and a fluttery feeling entered her stomach for in that moment - that split second moment – he had chosen to acknowledge her. A warmth flowed through her veins at the thought and a shadow of a smile twitched at her lips.
Snape, for his part, did not react and kept his mask of indifference firmly in place as he instructed everyone to follow him in an orderly line. Turning his back on them all he marched out of the Common Room, his black robes billowing with the movement. The first years practically had to sprint to keep up with his long strides.
The head of the Houses herded the excitable students to the front of the castle. It was a crisp cool fall evening, the sharp sting of cold clawing at any exposed skin. The Hogwarts students however were used to the Scottish Highlands temperatures, and were unfazed as they waited. The sky was starting to darken, almost as though some celestial being was pulling a diamond encrusted blanket right to the edge of the setting sun and was just waiting to flick it across the sky to turn it to night.
The constant murmuring, like a background hum, filtrated through the air as everyone craned their necks, hoping to be the first to glimpse the arrival of their guests.
"I hope they hurry up. I'm starving," Draco grumbled.
Tracey wordlessly reached into her robe pocket and produced a chocolate bar, offering it to him.
"You carry chocolate around with you everywhere you go?"
"I thought you might want one, seeing that it was so close to dinner time..." Tracey trailed off, her cheeks tinging pink with embarrassment.
Draco stared at her for what seemed like the longest while. " thought about me?"
Lauren watched the innocent interaction, wondering if this was such a foreign concept for the boy? Perhaps he was not used to someone giving him something simply because they cared about him. As a Malfoy, it was safe to assume that most 'friendships' he had formed over his lifetime were more about what he could gain from them, or what they could gain from him.
"Of course," Tracey murmured, her voice so soft that only Lauren and Draco could hear.
Draco finally accepted the chocolate bar. "Thank you." This was said a genuine sincerity. Draco pocketed it, and Lauren had a suspicion that he was planning to keep it as a keepsake instead of eating it.
There was a commotion, a rippling of excitement coursing through the waiting crowd like a wave, as something was spotted in the dusky night sky.
Nothing in the book or the movie could have prepare Lauren for the actual sight of a dozen winged horses soaring through the sky, an enormous powder blue carriage trailing behind it.
Cinderella has nothing on this...
The colossal horses, which were larger than even elephants, landed with such might that the earth trembled and shods of earth were kicked up into the air. The golden horses finally came to a halt in front of the congregated Hogwarts students and teachers, their gloriously sleek wings folding neatly to their sides and their virgin white manes flowing magnificently as their fiery red eyes glinting like rubies embedded in their heads stared back at them.
Everyone held their breath.
Then the largest woman Lauren had ever laid eyes upon exited the carriage, swathed in fine black satin and glinting jewels. Her sleek black hair was cut into a sharp bob, highlighting striking features that made her appear both exotic and handsome. She was far from ugly, though her sheer size was a lot to take in all at once.
The woman made her way over to Dumbledore, followed by a group of girls dressed in powder blue silk dresses, and conversed with the Headmaster for a few moments.
"She's just like Hagrid," Tracey exclaimed in a hushed tone.
"Yeah, she's half giant," Lauren agreed.
"There's an image I didn't need to think about...a witch or a wizard with a giant..." Draco shuddered. "Anatomically, it's just impossible."
"That's a big word, Draco," Lauren interjected.
"Hmmm, I must have picked it up from Tracey because it certainly wasn't from you," he shot back.
"You do have a point though, Draco. How is it even physically possible..." Tracey mused out loud, her ever intelligent mind whirring as she tried to come up with a reasonable explanation.
"Nope. Nope. I'm not even going to think about it," Lauren quipped. "Lets keep this conversation G rated please."
Suddenly another commotion broke out, the students excitedly pointing towards the Lake. Lauren watched in awe as a gleaming black ship with mighty black sails rose from the dark murky waters. It distinctly reminded Lauren of a pirate ship that had sunk long long ago and had been resurrected from its watery grave, the structure almost skeletal in appearance. Dim, misty light shimmered from its portholes as the ship neared the shore of the lake. A plank was lowered and soon dark bulky figures disembarked and made their way up to the castle. As they neared, Lauren could see that they were wearing thick shaggy fur coats that gave them their bulky appearance, paired with fur hats and bulky boots.
They must come from a very cold climate.
Karkaroff, unlike his students, wore a magnificent white fur coat trimmed with black, and his goatee was trimmed into a neat triangle. His features were severe looking, giving him the air of someone who was not particularly friendly or nice.
Karkaroff greeted with Dumbledore with a firm handshake and after pleasantries were exchanged, he beckoned his students to follow him into the castle. A loud murmur arose from the Hogwarts students when they recognized the famous Viktor Krum as being one of the Durmstrang students.
Lauren eyed the famous Quidditch player as he passed by, quite unable to discern what all the fuss was about.
He's not particularly handsome, and he walks funny.
She mentally shrugged. Fame, it would seem, would make anyone desirable.
The Hogwarts students filed inside the castle and made their way to the Great Hall for the feast. It was with great surprise that the Durmstrang students chose to sit at the Slytherin table, and Draco practically knocked Lauren out of the way as he leaned all the way across the table to shake hands with Krum.
When he sat back down his cheeks were flushed and he grinning like an idiot. Lauren leaned towards him and said, "If you start acting like Tracey did with Lockhart, I'll personally poison you."
Draco seemed unperturbed by her threat as he replied back, "Didn't you buy a figure of him at the Quidditch World Cup?"
Lauren gaped and then shot Tracey, who was sitting beside her, an accusatory look. "You traitor. You told him!"
Tracey smirked back at her friend. "Of course I did."
"Would you like me to introduce you two?" Draco offered.
Lauren glared at him. "I think I'd rather poison myself."
Dumbledore entered the Great Hall along with Professor Karkaroff and Madame Maxime, his quicksilver robes a tame option in comparison to his disposition for garish hues. He remained standing while they took their seats on either side of him and warmly welcomed the newcomers. Dumbledore then introduced Karkaroff and Madame Maxime before announcing that the tournament would officially be open once the feast was over.
Exquisite dishes of various cuisine appeared on each of the tables, the Great Hall filling with mouth watering aromas that wafted through the air. It didn't take long for everyone to ravenously tuck in, and soon the room filled with the sound of amiable conversation, laughter, and clanking of cutlery on plates. Most were too absorbed with eating the delectable food to notice the arrival of Ludo Bagman and Mr. Barty Crouch Sr.
But Lauren noticed, and she watched Mr. Crouch Sr. surreptitiously while she ate. She noted that his whole demeanour, though completely normal at first glance, Maybe it was because she knew he was under the Imperius spell, but she had to wonder why nobody else seemed to notice.
She chanced a quick look over at Snape. Somehow sensing that she was watching him, he fractionally lifted his gaze, catching her eye, and surreptitiously gave a small, almost imperceptible shake of his head, the movement barely discernible that she would not have noticed it if she hadn't been looking for it.
'Don't give anything away. Continue to play the game,' he seemed to be silently conveying to her.
Both broke eye contact and glanced away, resuming their meal.
The feast now drawing to a close, Dumbledore rose from his chair and introduced Ludo Bagman and Mr Crouch Sr., who along with Karkaroff and Madame Maxine, would make up the panel of judges.
Then the moment everyone had been waiting for finally arrived and the goblet of fire was unveiled, bright blue flames flickering and dancing within its confines as it was placed carefully upon a grand pedestal.
Dumbledore grew serious as he addressed everyone once more, warning all participants to carefully consider their choice, for the contract was binding and there was no backing out once their name was drawn.
How convenient.
The students headed back to their dormitories, chattering exuberantly among themselves as they speculated who was going to enter and what was in store for the upcoming tournament. It was a wonder anyone managed to get any sleep at all.
The following day was a Saturday and most students chose to sleep in a bit before heading to the Great Hall for breakfast. This included Lauren. However she was rudely awoken by Tracey, who was only too eager to get the day started.
She stared bleary-eyed at the clock on her bedside table. "It's nine o'clock! Why have you gotten me up at this ungodly hour?"
"The names are being drawn today."
"So, it's time to get up."
"You know you risk your life by waking me up early, especially on a Saturday," Lauren grumbled darkly.
"You need at least two cups of tea to be functional," Tracey pointed out. "I think I'm safe."
Lauren huffed, knowing her friend had a valid point. It was with a lot of grumbling and muttering she got out of bed and got dressed and ready for the day. They met up with Draco, who had been waiting for them in the Common Room, and the three friends headed to the Great Hall for breakfast.
"I can't wait to see who's name gets drawn tonight," Tracey exclaimed.
Lauren just couldn't muster up an ounce of her friend's enthusiasm, for she knew that tonight Cedric Diggory's name was going to be called.
This will be the beginning of the end for him...
"Who do you think is going to be chosen?" Tracey asked, interrupting Lauren's morose thoughts.
"Krum for sure," Draco replied without hesitation as they entered the Great Hall. "He's a legend!"
In the middle of the Great Hall stood the Goblet of Fire, the blue white flames flickering calmly and a golden Age Line drawn around the base of the pedestal.
"What happens if someone underage tries to cross that line?" Lauren asked.
"Probably get forcibly pushed out," Tracey guessed. "Or maybe it acts as a barrier, like a wall where only someone of age can pass through."
Lauren glanced over at Draco. "Go and try and see what happens."
"Why me?"
"I told you, you're the Guinea Pig."
Just then the Weasley twins and Jordan arrived, their chests puffed out proudly as they announced they had each taken a drop of Aging Potion.
"I don't think that is going to work," Tracey murmured to both Lauren and Draco.
"Probably not, but it sure will be amusing to watch," Lauren replied.
The three friends, along with the crowd that had gathered, watched as the twins hopped over the line. There was a dramatic pause and then there was a sizzling sound just before they were hurtled out of the circle with force, both landing in a crumpled heap on the floor and now sporting magnificent grey beards.
Well, that answers my question...
Laughter erupted throughout the hall, especially when the two bearded boys started wrestling on the ground.
Through all the jostling and cheering, Lauren was pushed in the chaos, which caused her to stumble to the side. She righted herself and realized she had stepped inside the circle.
The Age Line recognizes me as an adult...
Lauren hastily stepped back out and glanced around, relieved that everyone was watching the squabbling twins and hadn't noticed.
Except Hermione Granger.
The bushy haired girl was staring at her with eyes that were wide with astonishment at what she had just seen. Lauren flushed and glanced away and went to stand by Tracey, her heart pounding in her chest.
Fuck. Of all the people to see that, it had to be busy-brained Granger!
Lee Jordan escorted the twins to the Hospital Wing and everyone settled down after that.
"What should we do today?" Tracey asked as they sat down at the Slytherin table for breakfast.
"I'm surprised you're not suggesting we do homework," Lauren pointed out.
"I don't think I'd be able to concentrate on homework right now. I'm too excited for that."
"We can try and get Krum's autograph for Ward here," Draco suggested.
"Shut it, Blondie!" Lauren snarled, pointing her fork threateningly at him. The infuriating boy merely laughed at her. She then turned to Tracey. "Honestly, why do we keep him around?"
"Because he's our friend and we like him."
"Yeah, like an annoying pet that we just can't get rid of," Lauren grumbled.
Draco ruffled her hair and she swatted him away. "Aww, you just admitted that you like me, Ward."
Just then the Durmstrang students arrived and everyone watched as they each placed their names in the goblet before seating themselves at the Slytherin table. Krum glanced over and smiled at Lauren, who unfortunately was still peeved at Draco and scowled at him before looking away.
"Lauren, he smiled at you. I think he might like you," Tracey whispered.
"That's because he doesn't know me yet," Lauren snapped.
"True," Draco agreed. "So what shall we do to kill time?"
He and Tracey fired off a few suggestions, before they finally settled on heading back to the Common Room and whiling away the hours with a few games. After lunch they took a stroll around the castle grounds.
Finally it was time for everyone to head to the Great Hall for the Halloween feast.
There was a restless, antsy energy that permeated the Hall, and it was obvious that not very many were interested in eating.
At long last the plates magically cleared from the tables and Dumbledore rose from his seat. "The goblet is almost ready," he declared, making his way over to it, his garish pumpkin orange robes with matching pointed hat standing out like a bright blaring beacon on a gloomy night. "When the champion's names are called, I would ask them to please make their way through the door to the left of the staff table. There they'll receive their first instructions."
Everyone held their collective breaths, all eyes glued to the dancing blue flames licking at the rim of the goblet.
Suddenly the flames flared crimson red and a sizzling sound could be heard throughout the Hall before a tongue of a flame shot up and a piece of parchment fluttered through the air. The flames died down to the calm blue hue again.
Dumbledore snatched the parchment from the air and peered down at it through his half moon glasses. "The champion for Durmstrang is Viktor Krum!" he declared.
Loud applause erupted at this announcement. Viktor Krum stood and entered the room, cheering following his wake.
"Look at that, Ward. Your boyfriend got chosen," Draco said while he clapped his hands, which earned him a swift smack upside the head from Lauren, mussing up his sleeked back blonde hair.
The cheering died down and all waited again with bated breaths for the next champion. Once more the flames turned red and another piece of parchment shot out.
"The champion for Beauxbatons is Fleur Delacour!"
Fleur rose gracefully from her seat at the Ravenclaw table and waltzed to the door, soon disappearing into the room.
Now it'll be Cedric Diggory and Harry Potter.
The seconds ticked by and then the name for the Hogwarts champion was expelled from the flames.
Dumbledore caught the parchment and peered down at it, the tension mounting as the moment seemed to drag on for all eternity. He finally looked up, his expression bordering on stunned shock.
"Harry Potter..."
What! That's different...
"...and Lauren Ward."
Lauren felt as though the very air had been expelled from her lungs.
Her head seemed to be buzzing like a nest of angry wasps. What was going on? She suddenly came to her senses and shot up out of her seat, her voice ringing out loud and clear in the now dead silent Hall.
"What. The. Fuck!"
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