Chapter 17
Sid- Avu look at your health how can we continue this trip. We should go back home as soon as possible.
Avu- Sid I just need some rest then I will be fine. So we will continue our journey. That's it.
Sid- I don't want to risk your life avu. So no further trip. That's my final decision.
Avu- Sid we are continuing our trip😣😣 (irritated)
Sid- Avu why can't you understand. I risked your life once, again I can't risk your life. So no way we aren't continuing this trip. (business tone)
Avu- Sid try to understand this trip is a dream for abhi and vaishu. You want to spoil it?
Avu- See sid it's dream of abhi and vaishu. For them we have to continue it. We can't spoil their dream.
(Sid held avu's hand)
Sid- But avu I don't want to take risk with your life. I can't even think of that sight.😢😢
(Avu held Sid's hand more grip)
Avu- Sid we will be more careful nah.
Sid- What about your health?
Avu- I just need some rest then I will be fine.
Sid- Okay. (Still not satisfied with her decision)
(Everyone came in tent. They all settled themselves in tent. Vaish sat beside Avu, Abhi sat beside sid)
Avu- When we are continuing.....
Abhi- Sid you have high fever (cuts avu, checking Sid's forehead)
Avu- Sid did you took medicine?
Jan- Avu didn't you checked it before?
Vaish- She is also having fever. How can she sense his?
(Jan nodded)
Avu- Sid you should have taken care of yourself also nah.
Abhi- He didn't even had food properly, no proper rest nothing.
Vaish- Guys I am giving medicine to both of you then you both take rest.
Reem- What about our trip?
(Abhinavi looked at each other. As they were thinking sid isn't gonna agree for trip)
Avu- After some rest we will start our journey.
Sid- Hmm.
(Abhinavi were shocked😦😦. They were looking at sid with wide eyes)
Abhi- Are you serious sid? (Shocked)
Sid- Yes.
Vaish- Okay we are proud of your both decision to continue on this journey. Now sid, avu take medicine and do rest.
(She gave Medicine to both. All went out of tent and zip it from outside. Went in their tents)
Meanwhile with sidneet,
Sidneet laid down. Avu facing opposite direction of sid.
Sid- Avu what happened to you?
Sid- Avu (pulled her towards him by arm)
(Avu landed on top of sid. Sid held her through waist)
Avu- Let me sleep. 😤(angrily)
Sid- What happened? (Grip more on her waist)
Avu- Sid I am sleepy.
(Sid leave her and she laid beside him. He quickly came on top. Caged her between his muscular arms)
Sid- Why you are angry with me?
Avu- I am not.
Sid- Don't lie to your best friend avu.
Avu- From yesterday you didn't took care of yourself.
Sid- Now I will take care of my self properly and you needed more proper care than me, i just have a slight fever.
Avu- But still......
Sid- Avu see i am alright don't take tension. Now take proper rest to continue on the trip)
(Avu nodded. Sid kissed on her forehead and laid beside her. Avu Hug him. Both slept cuddling)
How will their health problems affect on their trip as they have agreed to continue on their trips? Are sidneet coming closer to each other day by day?
To be continued.......
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