"Please." Sadie said for the fourth time. "Please, please, please, please, please-."
"If you promise to stop saying please, I will go." Bellamy butted in, rolling his eyes at the triumphant smile that spread across Sadie's face.
"You will not regret this one tiny bit!" She replied, squeezing his arm encouragingly.
Why he had agreed to go to a community room for the first time in his life was beyond him. There was far too much going on in his life, in his dreams, for him to start going to something that filled him with dread. Perhaps that was why he agreed to go though, something different that he may be able to be distracted for a while.
Work today had flashed by in a monotonous repetition of tasks. There had been no calls to his father's office, or phone calls from his mother. It was as though the world had forgotten he existed. Though he knew that most definitely wasn't the case as he glanced around the room, his skin prickling at the sensation of being watched. Because he was always being watched.
"Well, come on then! Before you change your mind!" Sadie said, calling them both a car.
"I can't believe you talked me into doing this." He grumbled in reply, stepping into the car, folding his arms like a petulant child.
"You may surprise yourself by actually enjoying it. If you really don't enjoy yourself though, I don't want you to stay just because. Have fun, Bellamy!" Sadie replied, patting him awkwardly on his shoulder as they sat together speeding towards the building that held the community room of Sadie's choice.
"Which one are we going to then?" He asked as they slowed, meeting the traffic of cars that were also dropping people off into the community rooms.
"The Pad." She replied, tapping her foot impatiently as they glided slowly forward.
"Is it new?" He asked, not sure he had heard of it before.
"Yep! Though they change every season anyway so I'm not surprised you haven't heard of it." She replied, sighing in relief as they pulled up to the door. "Are you ready?" She teased, looking back at him before she opened the door.
"As I will ever be." He grumbled in reply.
Sadie laughed as the door to the car swung open and they were met with the thud of base music shaking the floor. The walls were painted black, neon green strips lit up the top of the wall giving the large room an eerie feeling. The ceiling was high, freestanding walls weaving their way through the room, creating, what Bellamy could tell anyway, a maze of corridors and rooms.
"Isn't this place great!" Sadie gushed, scanning her eye into the glass door scanner, walking in as it slid open. Bellamy nodded, following suit.
The base pulsed, shaking the floor as he walked across the black floor. He kept his head up even though he was tempted to look down and try and hide. People glanced his way, their eyes lingering on him as they turned and whispered to their friends.
Sadie pulled him along corridors and through random rooms, though Sadie obviously knew where she was headed. They stopped at the entrance to what first appeared to be a crowded room. Though after Sadie pushed her way through the large group of people at the entrance they walked into what at first Bellamy thought was a completely different room.
The ceiling was a little taller, casting out the green light from the rest of the large room that lay beyond it, making it darker. Small white lights lit up the bottom of the only furniture he had seen in the community room so far. Seven Plush chairs surrounded a small round coffee table, though only two of them were occupied.
He recognized one of the people sat on the chairs, even with her head thrown back in laughter, hand covering half her face, he would know his only true friend in this city anywhere.
"Melody?" He asked a loud, surprised to see someone else he knew.
"Bellamy! I'm so glad to see you finally came out to a room!" She exclaimed, jumping up, running over to give him a quick hug and kiss on the cheek. "Sit down, please!"
"Umm... you know Sadie?" He said awkwardly as he sat down. Nodding hello to the stranger who was already sat around the table.
"We have met once or twice before here at Pad. How are you Sadie?" Melody said, embracing his assistant in a hug.
"I'm doing great, tough day at work though so I'm glad of a break tonight! I have this super tough boss you see." Sadie joked, sitting down beside him.
Bellamy looked around awkwardly... what were the odds that Sadie had brought him to the one place in the room where there was someone else he knew.
Melody patted him sympathetically on the shoulder as she too sat down. "Don't worry, we won't force you to stay here too long." Everyone around the table chuckled.
"Bellamy, I would like you to meet Justin Barnes, assistant to the infamous Carlos and husband of John Barnes." Melody said, pushing Justin forward a little.
"That was quite the introduction!" Justin laughed, "Hi Bellamy, it's great to finally meet you, I've heard a lot about you."
"Likewise," Bellamy replied, happy to finally put a face to the name he had been told about.
The evening dragged along, and though Bellamy smiled in the right places, provided the odd anecdote and laughed at the jokes, going out with Sadie hadn't been the distraction he had hoped for.
He couldn't help but let his mind wander. If Pippa really did disappear from his dreams, they would become nightmares. Wandering around that place without her just wasn't an option. Living his life without her wasn't an option. He leaned back in his chair, conscious that there were no clocks on the walls around him. The steady thump of music lulling him to sleep.
Thanks for reading! 2 more chapters to go until the end of Part One! Let me know what you think is going to happen....
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