(two months time skip, so that means that chuck is already in the Glade)
Ria let's out a yell of surprise as she feels her hammock being flipped over. She hears familiar laughter and realizes who has pushed her out of her hammock and she growled. " Jeff!"
Jeff laughs as he points at her. " You should've seen you're face!"
Ria glares at him and starts to stand up. Newt walks over to them and leans over to Jeff. " You better start running if you wanna live, Jeff."
Jeff's eyes widened and stopped laughing as he saw the angry look in Ria's eyes as she stands up. " Hey, remember, you can't hurt me unless you wanna end up in the pit for one night!" he points out and Ria glares at him as she starts walking towards him." I think I can handle the pit for one night."
Newt looks at Jeff's scared face. " If I were you, I would run."
And with that Jeff takes off running with Ria hot on his tale. " I'm sorry! I didn't know you would be this upset!" he yells as she chases after him across the Glade. " You should know I'm not a morning person!"
Gally walks up to stand next to Newt, watching Ria chase Jeff around the Glade with a mixture of confusion and amusement on his face. " What is happening?"
" Let's just say your girlfriend isn't a morning person." Newt said and crossed his arms over his chest as they watch Jeff using Chuck as a shield. " And now she wants to kill Jeff."
Gally sent him a glare. " She's not my girlfriend." he said and Newt raised his hands up in defense.
Gally sighs. " That Shank should know better than to wake her up early unless she has to be up and she doesn't have to be up early most days." he grumbled and then starts walking over to where Ria, Jeff and Chuck were. " I'll go get her."
" Why are you using me as a shield?" Chuck screamed as Jeff moved him around to where Ria moves when she tries to get him. " Because I don't wanna die!"
Ria let's out a yelp as she was lifted off of the ground. " Gally!" she yells and hits his arms that were wrapped tightly around her stomach. " Let me down!"
" Sorry, R." Gally said with an amused smile. " Can't have you killing any Gladers."
Jeff grins. " Ha!" he sticks his tongue out at Ria who sends a death glare his way and he stays in his place hiding behind Chuck. Gally sets her down as they hear the familiar sound of the alarm which meant the Box was coming up.
" Talked about saved by the bell." Chuck mumbled as he and Jeff follows the other boys over to the Box.
Ria looks at Gally's hands that we're still around her. " Okay, you can let go now. I promise I won't kill anyone."
Gally chuckled and let's go of her although part of him still wanted to keep holding onto her. " Alright. Let's go see who the Greenie is."
The two walk over to the Box and walk past the boys to get to the front. Gally and Newt open up the Box to reveal their supplies and the Greenie for this month. It was a boy with dark hair and brown eyes. He covered his eyes from the brightness of the sun as he looked up at them with a scared face.
Gally jumps down in the Box. " Day one, Greenie. Rise and shine."
Once the boy is up and out of the Box he starts running. " We got a runner!" Zart yells as the boys laugh.
Ria thought this was amusing considering it was similar to what she did when she arrived. She winced as the boy tripped on his own feet and fell to the ground. He quickly got back up on his feet and turned around as he looked at the Glade.
The Greenie was put into the pit afterwards and everyone got back to work like normal. Alby decided that it was probably best for Ris to talk to the Greenie first since she was the best at calming people down.
Ria walls over to the pit and bends down. " Hey," she speaks softly, scaring the boy who scrambles backward. " Sorry that I scared you. My name is Ria. You're not going to run again, are you?" she asks softly and he slowly shakes his head. She smiles and unhooks the latch on the door. " Good. Can you tell me your name?"
The boy shakes his head and starts to panic. " No, uh, I can't remember anything. Why can't I remember anything?"
" It's alright to not remember anything. It happens to all of us. They only let keep our name" Ria tells him with a scoff.
The boy looks up at her. " What is this place?"
She smiles and reached her hand down to him. " Come on, I'll show you." he looks at her hand and then her and hesitantly takes her hand and she helps gets him out of the pit.
She then begins to show him around the Glade. " I don't normally give tours to Greenie's so just a warning, this might be awful." she tells him beforehand as they walk around the Glade eye points to each place and tells him what they are.
" We eat there, we sleep here. We grow our own food. We build our own shelter. Whatever we need, the Box provides." Ria explains as they stop in the middle of the Glade. " The rest is up to us."
The boy looks over to what he assumed was the Box. " The Box?"
She nods. " Yeah, it's sent up once a month fresh supplies and a new Greenie." Ria tells him and jabs a finger in his chest. " This month that's you."
The boy apparently had a lot of questions to ask and started to bombard her with them. " Sent up? By who, though? Who put us here?"
Ria sighs. " That we don't know. But sometimes, I wish we did." she admits.
" Hey, Ria! How's our Greenie doing?" a voice asks and she looks over, seeing Alby. She pats the Greenie's shoulder. " I believe he's doing pretty great. Don't you think, Greenie?"
The Greenie stutters as he looks at them both. " Uh, sure, I guess."
" Hey, are you all right, Alby? Ria?" a British voice asks and Ria smiles as Newt walks up to them. " Hi, Newt. Yes, we're fine."
Alby looks at the dark-haired boy. " Green Bean, meet Newt." Newt shakes the boy's hand as Alby continues to speak. " When I'm not around, he's in charge."
" Well, it's a good thing you're always around then." Newt says.
Ria nods in agreement. " The Glade would be chaos with Newt in charge." she teases and Newt sends a playful glare her way. " Ah, shut up ya Shank." he says and she giggles.
Newt looks back at the Greenie as they stop shaking hands. " That was some dash you made earlier. For a minute, I thought you had the chops to be a Runner...till you face-planted."
Ria chuckles. " That was kinda funny to be honest." she said as the Greenie looks at the three of them in confusion. " Wait, a ' Runner '?"
Alby looks at Newt. " Newt, do me a favor. Find Chuck." Newt nods and starts walking off. Alby turns to Ria. " You go make sure Gally is working."
Ria chuckles. " When is Gally not working?"
Alby nods." You have a good point."
Ria looks at the Greenie and smiles. " I'll see you tonight."
She then walks off towards the Builders area. " I thought there were only boys here." the dark-haired boy spoke up.
Alby shakes his head. " She's the only girl we have and we're pretty lucky to have her."
Ria walks over to the Builders area and knocks on the wood that was near her. Dan, one of the builders, looks over at her and chuckles. " Hey, Gally. It's your girlfriend!"
" Shut up, Shank!" she hears Gally say as he walks over to them. A small smile was on Gally's face while he walks over to Ria. " Hey, Ria. Whatcha need?"
Ria shrugs her shoulders. " Alby just wanted me to come find you. I think he just wanted me to leave."
He chuckles and glances over to where Alby was with the Greenie which was at the Watchtower. " We're getting ready for the bonfire tonight so you can help with that I guess."
Ria smiles. " Alright, sounds good to me."
A/N super happy I finally have this chapter up! I hope you guys enjoyed it & don't forget to check out some of my other books!
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